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who were followers of it; but we it, and, especially if trampled upon, now hear nothing of this sect in any gives a sudden and dangerous bite, part of Europe. This account of the Pethen, Psal. Iviii. 4. and xci. 13. Adamites, which was first propagated and cxl. 3. signifies an ASP. Tziby Epiphanius, is very much doubted phoni, Prov. xxiii, 32. signifies that by Lardner in his history of heretics. dreadful serpent called the Bazilisk. See page 168 of that work. ADDI, my witness, ornaments, the ADAR, excellent, the 12th month son of Cosam, and father of Melchi, of the Jewish ecclesiastic year, and one of Christ's ancestors according the 6th of their civil. It had 29 days, to the flesh, Luke iii. 28. and answered to our February and

To ADDICT, to devote, dedicate,

To ADJURE. (1.) To bind one

part of March. On the third day of 1 Cor. xvi. 15. it, the second temple was finished and dedicated, Ezra. vi. 15. On the by oath, under the penalty of a fearseventh, the Jews fast for the death ful curse, Josh. vi. 26. Thus Joshua of MOSES: on the 13th they com- bound the people under his commemorate the fast of ESTHER and mand, and also all their descendants, Mordecai; on the 14th they observe not to rebuild Jericho; and predicted, the feast of Purim, Esth. iv. and ix. that if any person should ever violate 17. On the 25th, they commemo- that engagement, his sin should be rate the release of JEHOIACHIN, Jer. punished with the loss of children. lii. 31. Every third YEAR there was This was exactly accomplished, eight a second Adar added, consisting of hundred years after it was threatened,. thirty days. 1 Kings xvi. 34. Hiel, the BethelADBEEL, a cloud, or vexer of God, ite, laid the foundation of it in the the third son of Ishmael, and head of death of Abiram, his first-born; others a tribe, Gen. xxv. 13. were probably taken successively in the course of the work, and Segub, the youngest, when the gates were set up. (2.) To charge solemnly, as by the authority, and under pain, of the displeasure of God, Acts xix. 13. Matt. xxvi. 63.

To ADD, (1.) To join or put to, Deut. iv. 2. (2.) To increase, Prov. xvi. 23. (3.) To bestow, Gen. xxx. 24. (4.) To proceed, to utter, Deut. F. 22. They added nothing to me they gave me no new information or authority which I had not before, Gal. ii. 6. To add sin to sin, is to become more open and active in the 29. practice of it, Isa. xxx. 1. To add ADMAH. See ADAMAH. to faith virtue, and to virtue know- ADMATHA, a cloud of death, one ledge, &c. is more and more to abound of Ahasuerus's principal officers, Esth. in all the graces of the divine Spirit, i. 14.

ADLAI, my complaint, a principal herdsman to David, 1 Chron. xxvii.

and the virtues of an holy conversa- To ADMINISTER, to manage tion in their proper connexion, 2 and give out as stewards, 2 Cor. viii. Pet. i. 5-7, 19. ADMINISTRATION, a public office, and the execution of it, 1 Cor. xii. 5.

ADDER, a venomous animal, brought forth, not by eggs, but alive. It is considerably smaller and shorter than the snake, and has black spots on its back: its belly is quite black-novelty, 2 Thess. i. 10. ish: it is often called a viper. We

To ADMIRE, to wonder at any thing for its greatness, excellency, or

ADMIRATION, wonder, high es

find the word ADDER five times in teem, Jude 16. Rev. xvii. 6. our translation, but I suppose always To ADMONISH, to warn, rewithout warrant from the original, prove gently, 1 Thess. v. 14. The Shepiphon, Gen. xlix. 17. is probably admonition of the Lord, is warning the blood-snake, a serpent of the co- and reproof, given in the Lord's lour of sand, and which lies among name from his word, in a way becom

ing his perfections, and intended for vid, born at Hebron. When his two his honour, Eph. vi. 4. Heretics are eldest brothers, Amnon and Absalom to be rejected, or cast out of the were dead, and Chileab probably church, after a first and second admo- weak and inactive, and his father nition, i e. solemn warning and reproof, Tit. iii. 10.

languished under the infirmities of old age, Adonijah attempted to seize ADNA, a Levite who forsook his the kingdom of Israel for himself. wife, whom he had married eontrary He prepared a magnificent equipage to the law, on the return of the Jews of horses and horsemen, and fifty from captivity, Ezra x. 30. men to run before him. His interest ADNAH, rest or testimony, cternal, at court waxed powerful. Joab the (1.) A warrior of the tribe of Manas-general of the forces, Abiathar the seh, who joined David's party, 1 high priest, and others, were of his Chron. xii. 20. (2) One of king Je-party; though Benaiah, Zadok, and hoshaphat's generals, 2 Chron. xvii. Nathan the prophet, and the most of 15. the mighty men, were not. To inADO, trouble, difficulty, bustle, troduce himself to the throne, he preMark v. 39. pared a splendid entertainment at ADONAI, is one of the names of ENROGEL: to this he invited all his God. This word signifies properly brethren except Solomon, whom he my lords, in the plural number, as knew his father had designed for his Adoni signifies my lord, in the sin- successor on the throne; and all the gular number. The Jews, who ei-great men of Judah, except such as ther out of respect or superstition, do were in Solomon's interest. not pronounce the name of Jehovah, While they indulged themselves, read Adonai in the room of it, as of- and wished Adonijah a happy reign, ten as they meet with Jehovah in the Nathan the prophet got intelligence Hebrew text. But the ancient Jews of their designs. He and Bathsheba were not so scrupulous; nor is there immediately informed king David, any law which forbids them to pro- and applied in favour of Solomon. nounce the name of God. Adonijah's opposers were ordered ADONIBEZEK, the lord of Bezek, directly to anoint Solomon with the the king of BEZEK. Just before Jo- utmost solemnity. Adonijah's party shua entered the land of Canaan, were alarmed at the shouts of apAdonibezek had waged a furious war plause; and being fully informed by with his neighbouring kings; seventy Jonathan the son of Abiathar, they of them he had taken captives; and dispersed in great terror and amazecutting off their thumbs and great toes, ment. Deserted by his friends, and had caused them, like dogs, to feed sensible of his crime, Adonijah fled on the crumbs that fell from his table. for protection to the horns of the alAfter Joshua's death, the tribes of Ju- tar, probably that in the threshingdah and Simeon, finding themselves floor of Araunah. Solomon sent him pent up by the Canaanites, resolved word that his life should be safe, proto clear their cantons of these nations; vided he behaved himself circumthey fell upon Adonibezek, took his spectly for the future. He came and capital, and made him a prisoner, presented himself on his knees before and cut off his thumbs and great toes; Solomon; and then, at his orders, rein which he acknowledged the just vengeance of Heaven upon him, for his cruelty towards his fellow princes. They brought him with them to Jerusalem, where he died, about A. M. 2570, Judg. i. 4—7.

turned to his own house. Soon after his father's death he made Bathsheba his agent to request, for his wife, Abishag the Shunammite, who had been his father's concubine. Solomon suspected this was a project to obtain ADONIJAH, my master is the the kingdom; and being, perhaps, Lord, was the fourth son of king Da-informed otherwise of his treacherous

designs, ordered Benaiah his gene- by a man takes a person into his faral to put him to death. This hap- mily in order to make him a part of pened about a year after his attempt it, acknowledges him for his son, to usurp the kingdom, 1 Kings i. 5 and receives him into the number, -53. and ii. 13-25. and gives him a right to the priviADONIKAM, my lord hath rais-leges of his children. Thus Pharaoh's ed; this person returned from Baby- daughter adopted young Moses, and, łon with 666 of his family, Ezra ii. some say, Mordecai in like manner 13. adopted Esther, Exod. ii. 10. Esth. ADONIRAM, my lord is high, the ii. 7, 15. God doth adopt his chilprincipal receiver of Solomon's tri-dren when he graciously admits bute, and director of the 30,000 men strangers and enemies (as all the fallsent to cut timber in Lebanon, for en race of Adam are by nature) into building the temple, and other mag- the state and relation of children nificent structures, 1 Kings v. 14. through Jesus Christ, he becoming ADONIS, see TAMMUZ. their Father in him according to the

ADONIZEDEK, lord of Zedek, great promise of the new covenant, king of Jerusalem, A. M. 2554. Eph. ii. 11-13. 1 John iii. 1. Gal. Being informed that Joshua had taken iv. 5. 2 Cor. vi. 17, 18. The adoptJericho and Ai, and that the Gibeon- ed are true believers in Christ; they ites had submitted to Israel, he en- are, through the Spirit's operation, tered into an alliance with Hoham regenerated, and brought to an obeking of Hebron, Piram king of Jar-diential frame of spirit towards God muth, Japhia king of Lachish, and as their reconciled Father, John i. Debir king of Eglon, to attack and 12, 13. Tit. iii. 5. 6. Many and punish the Gibeonites; and to deter great are the privileges of God's others from submitting to the Hebrew adopted children, some of which are invaders. The Gibeonites begged his fatherly protection from evil, his the protection of Israel, and quickly provision of all needful things, both obtained it. Joshua encountered the for soul and body, his fatherly corallied troops of the five Canaanitish rection of them, audience and return kings, and easily routed them; hail- to their prayers, and a sure title to stones of a prodigious weight killed the heavenly inheritance; for if chilvast numbers of the flying remains, dren, then heirs, heirs of God, and even more than were slain by the joint-heirs with Christ, Rom. viii. 17. sword. The sun stood still a whole Psa. xxxiv. 10. and exxi. 7. Heb. day, till Joshua entirely cut off these xii. 6. 1 John v. 14, 15. desperate opposers of heaven. The The Greeks and Romans had several five kings hid themselves in a cave regulations concerning adoption. The near Makkedah. Its mouth was stop- Lacedemonian law required, that ped with large stones till the He-adoptions should be performed, or at brews had leisure to execute them. least ratified, in the presence of their In the afternoon, Joshua returning kings. At Athens, neither slaves, from the pursuit, caused them to be madmen, nor persons under age, brought out, and after making his could adopt. And at Rome, when principal officers trample on their a man had a mind to adopt any pernecks, he slew and hanged them on son, he was to draw up his reasons, five trees at the setting of the sun, and exhibit them to the college of be ordered their bodies to be thrown Pontifices for their approbation; this into the cave where they had lain being obtained, the pontifices, conhid. Quickly after, the cities be- sul, or some other prime magistrate, longing to them, Jerusalem except- brought in a bill at the comitia curied, were taken, and the inhabitants slain, Josh. x.

ADOPTION, is an action where

ata, to make the adoption valid. The private ceremony which preceded the public adoption amongst

the Romans, consisted in buying the hand, or to kiss something, but with person to be adopted, of his parents, a sense of veneration and worship. for a certain sum, formally given and " If I beheld the sun when it shined, taken. or the moon walking in brightness, Young men were not allowed to and my mouth hath kissed my hand, adopt their elders; and the adopter this also were iniquity;" that is to was required to be at least eighteen say, if I have adored them by kissing years older than the adopted son; my hand at the sight of them. And that there might be an appearance of in the book of Kings, " Yet I have probability in the new relation of fa- left me seven thousand in Israel, all ther and son. the knees of which have not bowed Children being by adoption provi-unto Baal, and every mouth which ded for in another family, had no claim hath not kissed him." Minutius of inheritance or kindred in the family Felix says, that as Cæcilius passed they had left, unless they renounced before the statue of Serapis, he kisstheir adoption, which, by the laws of ed his hand, as is the custom of suSolon, they were prohibited from perstitious people. They who adore doing, till they had children to bear are used to kiss their hands, says St. the name of their adopted father. Jerome, and to bow down their heads, And the person who had once adopt-and the Hebrews, according to the ed children, could not marry after- propriety of their language, put kisswards, without leave from the magis-ing for adoration; for this reason it trate, which leave could not be ob- is said, "Kiss the son, lest he be antained unless the adopted children gry, and ye perish from the right had been guilty of ingratitude. If way;" that is to say, adore the Son, the adopted children died without and submit to his empire. The word issue, the inheritance returned to the adore, in scripture, is taken not only relations of the adopter. The adop-for that worship and adoration which tion of a person who had the right is due to God only, but likewise for of disposing of himself, was called adrogation.

those marks of outward respect which are paid to kings, great men, and ADORAM, their beauty, power, or superior persons. In adoration of praise. (1.) Son of Tou, king of Ha- both kinds, men bowed their bodies math, sent to congratulate David on very low, and often threw themselves his victory over Hadarezer, king of prostrate on the earth, to demonstrate Syria, l'Chron. xviii. 10. (2.) King their respect. Thus bowed AbraDavid's general receiver of the tri- ham before the three angels who apbute, 2 Sam. xx. 24. Whether he peared to him in a human form at was the same with ADONIRAM, we Mamre. Lot adored them in the know not. (3.) ADORAM or HA-same manner upon their arrival at SoDORAM, king REHOBOAM's chief dom. It is very probable that neitreasurer and overseer of his works. ther of them at first sight took them for His master sent him to deal with the any other than men. Thus also Abraten revolting tribes, in order to re- ham adored the people of Hebron, duce them to their allegiance. Sus- entreating them to sell him a buryingpecting him to have been the en-place for Sarah. The Israelites uncourager of their oppressive taxes, derstanding that Moses was sent by or from fury at his master, they stoned God to deliver them from their servihim to death on the spot, 1 Kings tude in Egypt, bowed their heads and xii. 18. 2 Chron. x. 18. worshipped the Lord.

ADORE. This word, taken in the literal and etymological meaning of it, borrowed from the Latin, ad, to, and os, the mouth, signifies properly to carry to one's mouth, to kiss one's

It is needless to multiply examples of this way of speaking; they are to be met with in almost every page of scripture.

To ADORN, to deck; make beau

tiful, 1 Tim. ii. 9. Holiness of nature ADRIA: at present the Adria, or and practice are an adorning. Much Adriatic sea, `comprehends only that care, pains, and attention, to the glass sea on the east of Italy, and which is of God's word, are necessary in at- otherwise called the Gulf of Venice; taining it; and it renders our temper and seems to have taken its name and character truly amiable, 1 Pet. from Adria, an ancient city which iii. 4, 5. 1 Tim. ii. 9, 10. By an stood somewhere in the territory of holy conversation we adorn the doc- Venice, on the north-east of Italy. trine of God; practically show to the But from Ptolemy and Strabo it apworld the purity, power, glory, and pears, that the whole sea adjacent to usefulness, of his truth, Tit. ii. 10. the isle of Sicily, and even the Ionian The church is adorned when her or- or Tuscan sea on the south-west of dinances are pure and efficacious, her Italy, was anciently called Adria. officers faithful and zealous, and her In this sea, the ship that transported members are circumspect in their Paul to Rome was terribly tossed, conversation, Isa. Ixi. 10. Rev. Acts xxvii. 27.

xxi. 2.

ADRIEL, God's flock, son of BarADRAMMELECH and ANAM-zillai; he married Merab, Saul's MELECH, were two idols of the men daughter, and had by her five sons, of Sepharvaim. In the Hebrew lan- who were put to death before the guage, and probably in the Assyrian, Lord by the Gibeonites, in revenge the first signifies magnificent king, and of Saul's cruelty, 1 Sam. xviii, 19. the last gentle king. In the Persian, and 2 Sam. xxi. 6.

ADVANTAGE, (1.) Profit, gain, Job xxxv. 3. (2.) A fair opportunity to prevail over one; or actual prevalence over him, 2 Cor. ii. 11.

the first signifies king of flocks; and To ADVANCE, to raise to a highthe last in the Arabic, signifies nearly er station or rank, 1 Sam. xii. 6. the same. Possibly both were worshipped as the preservers of cattle. The Jewish Rabbins tell us, that the first was represented as a mule or peacock and the second as a pheasant, quail, or horse. It is more probable the first represented the sun, and the other the moon, which many of the heathens took to be the great rulers of the world, 2 Kings xvii. 13.


ADVENTURE, to do a thing by exposing one's self to danger, Judg. ix. 25.

ADVERSARY, one who justly or unjustly sets himself in opposition to another; so Peninnah is called the adversary of Hannah, 1 Sam. i. 6. ADRAMMELECH and SHARE- The adversary to be agreed with in the were sons of SENNACHERIB. way, is any brother who has been inIt is possible the former had been jured, as expressed in the preceding named after the above-mentioned verse, to whom we ought quickly to idol. Dreading their father's inten- be reconciled, Matt. v. 25. Luke xii. tion to sacrifice them, or conceiving 58, 59. Satan is emphatically called some furious prejudice against him, the adversary: because with the most they murdered him as he wor-obstinate and implacable malice, he shipped Nisroch his idol, and then sets himself to defame and dishonour fled to the country of Armenia, Isa. xxxvii. 38. 2 Kings xix. 37.

ADRAMYTTIUM, the court of death, (1.) A city on the north coast of Africa, westward of Egypt. (2.) A city on the west coast of Mysia in Lesser Asia, over against the isle of Lesbos. It was in a ship belonging to this place that Paul sailed from Cesarea to Myra, Acts xxvii. 2.

God; to reproach, accuse, and harrass, the saints; and to ruin the souls and bodies of men, 1 Pet. v. 8.

ADVERSITY, distress and trouble, spiritual or temporal, which withstands and checks our attempts; and like a furious wind blows in our face, Psa. x. 6.

To ADVERTISE, to inform before-hand, Numb. xxiv. 14.

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