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For Books of the Bible, or any portions of them, see above, Literary Index to the

For Literary Forms (Prophecy,' 'Epic,'' Lyric,' &c.), or subdivisions of these
(such as Emblem Prophecy,'' Dramatic Lyrics,' &c.), see above, Appendix II.

literature: 432-6.

Accession Hymns: 160 and (Table) 501. | Association as an effect in Prophetic
Acrostic devices: 157 and note - Acros-
tic Elegies, 157 - Meditations, 183
- Various examples, 161, 287, and
(Table) 500-1.

Acts (or advancing Stages) as a mode
of movement in Prophetic literature:

Address, Literature of: 439 and Book
VI- Divine Address as element of
Rhapsodic dialogue, 368.

Alternation as a mode of Lyric move-
ment (Pendulum Movement): 139-42,
143, 146–7, 148–9, 182 (note), 515-in
Prophetic literature, 332, 349-51, 373-
80, 387-91, 399-405, 415-6.

Analytic Imagination in Wisdom:


Augmenting as a mode of Lyric move-
ment: 137, compare 119, 158, 408.
'Authorized Version' of the Bible: 45,
46, 82-90.

Authorship not an element in literary
study: 92-3-in application to Bibli-
cal poetry, 93-6.

Ballad Dance as a primitive literary
form: 107-11- War Ballads: (Table)

Benedictions: 160 and (Table) 501.
Blessing as a form of Prophetic litera-
ture: 460-1 and (Table) 508.
Burden: 328 and (Table) 508.

Anthems, National: 142 and (Table) | Call (Prophetic): 343 and (Table) 509.

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Ascents, Songs of: 170-3 and (Table) | Chorus, Reciting, in Solomon's Song

[blocks in formation]

Climax and Crescendo as devices of:
Lyric movement: 76, 80, 145, 148, 152,
as an effect in Lyric Prophecy:



408, 411-2-Prophetic, 368, 374,
(Vision) 389.

Development, Lyric, 186. (See Move-


Cluster of Prophecy: 430-of Prophetic Dialogue, Elements of, in Rhapsody:
Sentences, 420.
Cluster of Proverbs: 265 and (Table) Digression in Wisdom: 306 and Appen-

Colophon in Ecclesiasticus: 291 - in
Deuteronomy, 468.
Commandments, The Ten, as prototype
of the Prophetic Discourse: 329.
Comment, Text and, as a literary form:
263 and Appendix IV-its connec-
tion with the Digression, 522-applied
to Wisdom, 305-6.

dix IV Chain of Digressions and
Digressive Subordination, 319 and Ap-
pendix IV.

Dirge as prototype of Elegy: 156-
Dirge Rhythm, 156, 333, 361.
Discourse: Wisdom Discourses, 491,
305 and Chapter XIII — Prophetic, 328
and (Table) 508 - Rhapsodic, 386 and
(Table) 510.

Concentration as a mode of Lyric move- Divine Intervention in Job, 22-4, 34-5.

ment: 130, 145.

Contrast (or Antithesis) as a mode of
Lyric development: 192, 91, 97, 150-2.
Controversy Prophetic: 347 and (Table)

Couplet and Triplet as figures of Par-
allelism: 48-9.

Creation, Account of in Genesis as ex-
ample of Parallelism: 71-2.
Creeds, Lyrical and Modern: 166-8.
Crescendo and Climax as devices of Lyric

movement: 76, 80, 145, 148, 152, 158 -
as an effect in Lyric Prophecy: 334.
Cries as element of Rhapsodic dialogue:
368, 370, 387-9.

Curse, The, in Job: 6, 31 - the Primi-
tive Curse a prototype of the Doom
Song: 355.
Cycle in Prophecy: 425-8 and (Table)
508. [Of Discourses, 426-7- Dialec-
tic Cycle, 425 (compare 346–7) — Of
Dooms, 425 (compare 114-7), 429
Emblem Cycle, 425 (compare 393)
Vision Cycle, 427-8, 430, 431.]
Cycle, Prophetic [of Stories]: 238 and
(Table) 504.


Doom Songs: Chapter XV and (Table)

Doxologies (Table): 501.
Drama as one of the six fundamental
literary forms: 108, 109 - Hebrew
literature shows dramatic influences
rather than drama, III, compare 381
and Chapter XVI.- Dramatic Interest
in Job, 25-7.

Dramatic Lyrics: 174 and (Table) 501
Dramatic Monologue, 282 and
(Table) 507.
Dramatic Transition as a mode of
Lyric movement: 78-9 (compare 90),
177-9 (compare 184) - as an effect in
Prophetic literature: 381-5, 366.
Dumb Show in Prophecy: 338.

Elegies: 156 and (Table) 500.
Emblem Literature: 336-Quarles's
emblems, 336.

Emendation, Textual: 57 (note) — com-
pare 17-8, 472 (note), 61, 276 (notes).
Encomium Lyric: 156, 159, and (Table)
500 Rhetoric: 281-2 and (Table)

Cycle or Game of Riddles: 257 and Enumeration as a mode of Lyric devel-
(Table) 505.
opment: 160, 145. (See Reiteration.)
In Rhetoric style, 299, 315, 360.

Description as a Cardinal Point of Lit- Envelope Figure: 53-4-compare 69,

erature: 105, 107-11.
Description, Scenic (in the Rhapsody):
368; compare 374-80, 386, 399, 400,

70, 77-80, 150-1- Enveloping Vision:

Epic as one of the six fundamental lite-

rary forms: 107-9-question of Epic | Inauguration of Jerusalem, Anthems
Poetry in the Bible, 221- - Epic and
History, 221-Epic Interest in Job,

for: 100-3, 154-5.
Incident History, 223-
347 and (Table) 510.

in Prophecy,

Epic, Various forms of: 223-43 and Indenting, Coördinate and Subordinate:
(Table) 504.

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- Dramatic Transition, 78-9 (com-
pare 90), 177-9 (compare 184) -
Imagery, 186-92, 84-Interruption,
131, 149 Reiteration, Enumeration,
Repetition, and Refrain, 185, 57, 61,
63-5. 144, 145, 147, 148 (compare 65-
7), 160 Retrogression (180-3).
Movement, Modes of, in Prophetic liter-
ature: Advancing Stages or 'Acts,'
369-73-Distinct Stages or 'Phases,'
391, 391-4. 395-7 and Chapter XVII

- Alternation (or Pendulum move-
ment), 332, 349-51, 373-80, 387-91,
399-405, 415-6- Antistrophic, 334-5
- Crescendo and Climax, 334-Dra-
matic Transition, 366, 381-5 - Inter-
ruption, 120-4 (compare 385) - Sud-
den Realisation, 385-6 (compare 184)
- Reiteration, Enumeration, Repe-
tition, Refrain, 334-5, 360, 362-3, 392,

Music: Confusion of figures in chanting,
48-9-Musical Expression of Struc-
ture, 67.

Narrative, Historic and Lyric: 130.

Occasional Poetry, 153 and (Table) 500.
Ode: Greek, 58 Biblical, 127 and
(Table) 500.

[blocks in formation]


Parallelism, Figures of: Couplet and
Triplet, 48-9-confusion of these in
chanting, 48-51-Quatrains, 50–51 -
Double Triplets, 51-Chain Figure,
52-3-Envelope Figure, 53-4-
Question and Answer, 54 (note) —–
Recitative additions to figures, 51-2.
Pause, as a literary device: 182, 366.
Pendulum Movement (or Alternation):
in Lyric Poetry, 139-42, 143, 146-7,
148-9-in Prophetic literature, 332,
349-51, 373-80, 387-91, 399-405, 415-6.
Phases as a mode of movement in Pro-

phetic literature: 391, 391-4, 395, and
Chapter XVII.

Philippic in relation to Doom Song: 355.
Philosophy as one of the six fundamen-
tal literary forms: 110-Biblical Phi

losophy or Wisdom, 255- Interest of
Philosophy in Job, 33.
Philosophy or Wisdom: Various forms

of: Chapter XI and (Table) 505-7.
Poetry as one of the four Cardinal
Points of Literature: 106, 107-11.
Postscript: 184.

Prayer as part of the Literature of Ad-

dress: 444 and (Table) 511.
Prayer-Book Version of Psalms: 83.
Prefaces, 289-90, and see 492-5.
Prelude: in Lyric Poetry, 133, 137, 139,

144, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150-in
Prophecy, 374, 382, 397.

Presentation as one of the four Car-
dinal Points of Literature, 105, 107-


Printing of Bible obscures its form: 45
- Structural Printing, Appendix III.
[Higher Parallelism, 512-8 - Lower,
518-20 Condensed Structure, 518 –
Verse Structure, 519- Centric Print-
ing, 519-20.]
Prologue: 294.

Prophecy, one of the three distinguish-
ing features of Hebrew literature:
112- the word 'prophecy,' 327, 342
- as a department of literature, 327 —
Interest of Prophecy in Job, 39.
Prophecy, Various Forms of: Chapters
XIV-XVI, and (Table) 508-10.
Prophet, Sign of the: 340 and (Table)
509-Call of the Prophet: 343 and
(Table) 509.


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Prophetic Call, 343 and (Table) 509-
Controversies, 347 and (Table) 510
-Cycle, 425-8 and (Table) 508-
Description, 368 (compare 375-80,
389) - Discourse, 328 and (Table),
508 Epics, 240 and (Table) 504 –
Incidents, 347 and (Table) 510 - In-
tercourse, 346 and (Table) 510-
Lyrics, 333 and (Table) 508 - Para-
ble, 345 and (Table) 509 - Response,
346 and (Table) 510-Rhapsody,
Chapters XVI and XVII, and
(Table) 510- Sentences 417-25 and
(Table) 508.

Prose as one of the four Cardinal Points
of Literature: 106, 107-11 - double

usage of the word, 106- Overlapping
of Prose and Verse a distinguishing
feature of Hebrew literature, 112-24
(compare 334, 356-7, 361-3).
Proverb: 256 and (Table) 505-7.
Proverb Cluster: 265 and (Table) 505.
Psalms, Varieties of: see Table on
pages 500-I.

Quarles's Emblems: 336.
Quatrain: 50-51.

Question and Answer as a figure of Par-
allelism: 54 (note).

Realisation is a mode of movement in
Prophetic literature: 385-6 (compare

Recitative in figures of Parallelism: 51-2.
Refrains as a structural device and mode
of movement in Lyric poetry (see
Reiteration): 55, 57, 61, 63-5, 65-7,
114-7, 138-9, 147, 196-7, 205, 392, 414,
515 in Lyric Prophecy, 334-as a
leit motif in Joel, 369.

Refrain augmenting: 158-parenthetic,

Reiteration in Prophecy: 338-in Pro-
phetic Sentences, 419.
Reiteration (Enumeration, Repetition,
Refrain) as a mode of Lyric movement,
185, 57, 61, 63-5, 144, 145, 147, 148 (com-
pare 65-7), 160-in Prophetic litera-
ture, 334-5, 360, 362-3, 392, 114-7.
Reminiscences, Dramatised: 197-9.
Repetition as a mode of Lyric move-
ment, 185. (See Reiteration.)
Response, Prophetic: 346 and (Table)

Retrogression as a mode of Lyric move-
ment: 180-3.

Revelation as a form of Prophecy : 342-
5 and (Table) 509.
Rhapsody as a form of Prophetic liter-

ature: 364, and Chapter XVI - Rhap-
sodic Discourse: 386 and (Table) 510.
Rhetoric as one of the six fundamental
literary forms: 110-as a division of
Biblical literature, 439 and Book VI,
and (Table) 511- Interest of Rhet-
oric in Job, 39.

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