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A deputation of the members of the masonic lodge, the Grand Orient, in their full attire of ceremony, yesterday arrived at the Hotel de Ville to hand in to the Provisional Government their adhesion to the Republic. They were received by MM. Crémieux, Garnier Pages, and Paguerre, all wearing their masonic orders. M. Bertrand, ex-president of the tribunal of commerce, representing the Grand Master, delivered a loyal address, which was most favourably responded to by M. Crémieux, after which the deputation withdrew, amidst cries of "Vive la Republique!"—Morning Chronicle, March 10.


The formation of this association is looked to with the most intense interest; there appears no other mode by which the influence of the purple in esse, and the subservience of those who aspire to it in posse, can be controlled. It is not attempted to be denied, inasmuch as it cannot be concealed, that independent of the influence of those on the dais, as merely assembling on the occasion of debate, that the forthcoming business is not merely previously canvassed, but that arrangements are made to effect the wishes of the "managing clique." This was many years felt to be so oppressive to the vital interests of the Order, that "the club" was established as a counterpoise to this baneful cliqueism -and it succeeded in defeating it; and having done so, it suspended its meetings. Circumstances most imperatively call for its revival, and we hope it will be revived with even more than its former moral energy; and that its having for its objects, the dignity and independence of Freemasonry, its members, which already embrace the stalwart and the free-minded, may be as united as their cause is noble.

"Tho' opposed by many a foe,
Masonic soldier! onward go.'

OXFORD.-Alfred Lodge, Dec. 21.-Bro. R. J. Spiers received, at the hands of the W. Master, a splendid Past Master's jewel, presented by the lodge in grateful testimony of their personal esteem, and appreciation of his zeal in the cause of Masonry. We regret that we are compelled to be thus brief in our record.

Our kind contemporary, the Oxford University Herald, has enabled us to report that at the Boys' School Festival, on the 22nd, the company, nearly two hundred, under the presidency of Bro. B. B. Cabbell, M.P., were highly delighted, and that the collection exceeded 4501.; thus London masonic intelligence of importance reaches us before the Secretary of the Institution can find time to report.

The Proprietor of the "Freemasons' Quarterly Review," who has
for many years devoted much attention to the subject of Assurance, and
has also been an active co-operator in extending its benefits, has determined
to add to the present size of that Review, and to devote the additional
space to the advocacy of the principles of Assurance, and the present
number is accordingly published under the above compound title.

The portion devoted to the development of the principles and prac-
tice of Assurance, will contain original articles bearing on the state of
the law-indicating the nature of necessary reforms, and the means best
calculated for obtaining them, and showing the advantages to arise from
a judicious use by the people of the means within their reach, and the
resources practically at their command for that purpose. Assurance, as
a science yet in its infancy, will be written upon with a view to its im-
provement; and delusive schemes, holding out promises of advantages
incapable of realization, will be unflinchingly and impartially exposed.
Statistics and memoranda, having reference to Assurance, will be care-
fully collected, arranged, and commented upon; and matters having an
indirect influence upon the subject-such as the Sanitory state of the
kingdom, and the prominent and avoidable causes of disease and death,
will meet with due consideration.

When it is considered that scarcely one in three hundred of our po-
pulation have availed themselves of the advantages which Life Assurance
holds out to them, it does not seem improbable that a calm and impartial
consideration of the subject, by an organ especially devoted to it, will
be productive of considerable good; and when attention is paid to the
fact, that the aggregate capital represented by policies amounts to the
vast sum of £1,000,000,000, it does not appear an unreasonable sup-
position that both Assurers and Assured will, with such immense in-
terests at stake, consider it a matter both of interest and duty to support
in their several ways a properly organized and conducted periodical
devoted to the examination and consideration of their interests.

Such a periodical the Proprietor, aided by his long practical experi-

ence of the subject, hopes to be able to render the "General Assurance

Advocate, and Freemasons' Quarterly Review ;" and he is enabled to

offer this further advantage-that the publicity of his efforts will not

rest upon any mere speculative probability of the circulation which the

Assurance Advocate may obtain, the "Freemasons' Quarterly Review,”

having a large bona fide circulation among an Order, the members of

which, actuated as they are by feelings of universal brotherhood and

benevolence, must feel an interest in any subject calculated to promote

the welfare of the community at large. Life Assurance, as such a bene-

ficial means, is peculiarly capable of being favourably recommended to

their notice, as almost the only commercial principle acting by association

instead of competition, the progress of which is at once an indication

of the social advancement of the people, and an engine for their further

improvement and prosperity.

The Proprietor has submitted these preliminary views in full confidence

of a cordial and generous co-operation.

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