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noon. His favourite daughter died fome hours before we came: fuch a child as is fcarce heard of in any century. All the family informed me of many remarkable circumftances, which elfe would have feemed incredible. She fpake exceeding plain, yet very feldom; and then only a few words. She was scarce ever feen to laugh, or heard to utter a light or trifling word. She could not bear any that did, nor any one who behaved in a light or unferious manner. If any fuch offered to kifs or touch her, he would turn away, and fay, "I do not like you." If her brother or fifters fpoke angrily to each other, or behaved triflingly, fhe either fharply reproved (when that feemed needful) or tenderly intreated them to give over. If fhe had fpoke too fharply to any, fhe would humble herself to them, and not reft till they had forgiven her. After her health declined, fhe was particularly pleafed with hearing that hymn fung, Abba, father" and would be frequently finging that line herself, "Abba father, hear my cry.'

On Monday, April 7. In the evening I preached at Manchefter. The mob was tolerably quiet, as long as I was fpeaking, but immediately after, raged horribly. This I find, has been the manner for fome time. No wonder: fince the good Juftice encourages them.

Thurfday to. I rode to Hayfield again, to bury Mr. B- -'s child. Abundance of people were gathered together, and I found uncommon liberty in preaching. Who would have looked for fuch a congregation as this, in the Peak of Derbyshire?

I returned to Manchefter, the next day, and had a quiet congregation both that evening and the following.

-Sunday 13. I met the Society at five, and fhewed them wherein I feared they had grieved the fpirit of God, and provoked him to deliver them to be thus outraged by the beafts of the people. I then rode to Hayfield once more, where Mr. Bprayers, and preached a folemn and




fermon, relative to the late providence. In the afternoon I again found great liberty of fpirit, in applying thofe awful words, What is a man profited, if he fhall gain the whole world, and lofe his own foul?

Monday 14. I rode by Manchester, (where I preached about twelve) to Warrington. At fix in the morning, Tuesday 15. I preached to a large and ferious congregation; and then went to Liverpool, one of the neateft, beft-built towns I have feen in England. I think it is full twice as large as Chefter. Most of the streets are quite ftrait. Two-thirds of the town we are informed, have been added, within thefe forty years. If it continues to increase in the fanie proportion, in forty years more it will nearly equal Bristol. The people in general are the most mild and courteous, I ever faw in a fea-port town: as indeed appears by their friendly behaviour not only to the Jews and Papifts who live among them, but even to the Methodists, (fo called.) The preaching-houfe is a little larger than that at Newraftle. It was thoroughly filled at feven in the evening. And the hearts of the whole congregation feemed to be moved before the Lord and before the prefence of his power.

Every morning, as well as evening, abundance of people gladly attended the preaching. Many of them, I learned, were dear lovers of controversy.. But I had better work. I preffed upon them all, Repentance toward God, and faith in our Lord Jefus Chrift.

Sunday 20. I explained, after the evening preaching, the Rules of the Society, and ftrongly exhorted the members to adorn their profeffion, by all holiness of converfation.

Monday 21. I rode to Bolton. Being now amorg thofe who were no strangers to the covenant of promife, I had no need to lay the foundation again,. but exhorted them to rejoice evermore. Their number is a little reduced, fince I was here before. And no wonder; while the fons of ftrife are on


every fide, fome for Mr. Bennet, fome for Mr. Wh. The little flock notwithstanding hold on their way, looking ftrait to the prize of their high calling.

Thursday 24. We rode in lefs than four hours the eight miles (fo called) to Newell-hay. Just as I began to preach, the fun broke out, and fhone exceeding hot on the fide of my head. I found if it continued, I fhould not be able to speak long, and lifted up my heart to God. In a minute or two it was covered with clouds, which continued till the service was over. Let any one who please, call | this chance: I call it, an answer to prayer.

Friday 25. About ten, I preached near Todmorden. The people ftood, row above row, on the fide of the mountain. They were rough enough in outward appearance. But their hearts were as melting wax.

One can hardly conceive any thing more delightful than the vale through which we rode from hence. The river ran through the green meadows on the right. The fruitful hills and woods rose on either hand. Yet here and there a rock hung over the little holes in which, put me in mind of those beautiful lines,

Te, Domine, intonfi montes, te faxa loquentur Summa Deum, dum montis amat juga pendulus hircus, Saxorumque colit latebrofa cuniculus antra!

At three in the afternoon I preached at Heptonftall, on the brow of the mountain. The rain began almoft as foon as I began to speak. I prayed, that if God faw beft it may be ftayed, till I had delivered his word. It was fo, and then began again. But we had only a short stage to Ewood.

Saturday 20. I preached at feven to a large and ferious congregation, and again at four in the afternoon. When I began, in a meadow near the house, the wind was fo high, that I could hardly fpeak. But the winds too are in God's hand. In a few


minutes that inconvenience ceafed. And we found the Spuit of God breathing in the midst of us, so that great was our rejoicing in the Lord.

Sunday 27. A little before I took horfe, I looked into a room as I walked by, and faw a good, old man bleeding an oft to death. I defired him immediately to fnuft vinegar up his nole, and apply it to his neck, face and temples. It was done: and the blood entirely ftopped in lefs than two minutes.

The rain began about five, and did not intermit, till we came to Harworth notwitflanding which a multitude of people were gathered together at ten. In the afternoon I was obliged to go out of the church, abundance of people not being able to get in. The rain ceafed, from the moment I came out, till I had finifhed my difcourfe. How many proofs. muft we have, that there is no petition too little, any more than too great for God to grant ?

Monday 28. I preached at Kighley on Tuesday at Bradford, which is now as quiet as Birftal. Such a change has God wrought in the hearts of the people, fince John Nelfon was in the dungeon here. My brother met me at Birftal in the afternoon.

Wednesday 30. We began reading together, "A gentleman's reafons for his diffent from the church of England." It is an elaborate and lively tract, and contains the ftrength of the cause. it did not yield us one proof, That it is lawful for us, (much less our duty) to feparate from it.


Thursday, May 1. I finished the "Gentleman's reafons," (who is a Diffenting Minifter at Exeter.) In how different a fpirit does this man write, from honeft Richard Baxter! The one dipping, as it were, his pen in tears, the other in vinegar and. 'gall. Surely one page of that loving, ferious chriftian weighs more, than volumes of this bitter, farcaltic jefter.

Sunday 4. I preached at one, and again at five, to fome thousands at the foot of the hill. I believe

this hollow would contain fixty thoufand people, ftanding one above another. And a clear, ftrong voice may command them all: although if they ftood upon a plain, I doubt whether any human voice could be diftinctly heard by half the


Tuesday 6. Our Conference began at Leeds. The point on which we defired all the Preachers to fpeak their minds at large, was, "Whether we ought to separate from the church." Whatever was advanced on one fide or the other, was feriously and calmly confidered. And on the third day we were all fully agreed, in that general conclufion, That (whether it was lawful or not) it was 'no ways expedient.

Monday 12. We drove (my wife and I) to Northallerton.

Tuefday 13. I rode on to Newcastle. I did not find things here in the order I expected. Many were on the point of leaving the church, which fome had done already: and, as they fuppofed on my authority! O how much difcord is caufed by one jarring ftring! How much trouble by one man, who does not walk by the fame rule, and agree in the fame judgment with his brethren!

May 18. Being Whitfunday, I preached about eight at Gateshead Fell, and returned before the fervice at St. Andrew's began. At the facrament many found an uncommon bleffing, and felt God' has not yet left the church.

In the following week I fpake to the members of the Society feverally, and found far fewer than I expected prejudiced against the church: I think, not above forty in all. And I truft the plague is now stayed,

Wednesday 21. I preached at Nafferton near Horfley, about thirteen miles from Newcastle. We rode chiefly on the new Western road, which lies on the old Roman wall. Some part of this is ftill to be seen, as are the remains of moft of the Towers, which were built a mile diftant from each


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