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A Topographical History of Staffordshire; by W. Pitt, 8vo. £1, 5s.-large paper, £1, 158.

Loidis and Elmete, or an Account of the lower Portions of Arcdale, Wharfdale, and the Vale of Calder; by T. D. Whitaker, LL.D. folio.


samond, containing some Account of the
North-eastern Coast of America, and the
Tribes inhabiting it; by Lieut. Col. Edward
Chappell, 8vo. 12s.

Voyage to the North Pole; by J. Bragg, 12mo. 3s.

The Traveller's Guide to France and the Netherlands; by John Sugden, Foreign

Voyage to Hudson's Bay in H. M. S. Ro- Agent, and Agent for Packets, 18mo. 4s.


Catalogue of the Library of the late William Stewart, Esq. of Spoutwells, to be sold by Auction in the Council Room, Perth, by David Morrison, jun. bookseller. 3s. 6d.

Trial of the Rev. Neil Douglas for Sedition, with portrait. 2s.

Report of the Case of Campbell versus Black. 2s.

The Secret and True History of the Church of Scotland, from the Restoration to the year 1678; by the Rev. Mr James Kirkton; to which is added, An Account of the Murder of Archbishop Sharpe; by James Russell, an actor therein; with Notes, and a Biographical Memoir of the Author; by

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Mémoire sur la valeur des monnaies de compte, chez le peuple de l'antiquité; par M. le Comte Germain Garnier, 4to.

Tableau Politique du royaume des PaysBas; par M. Benjamin de Constant.

Grammaire Russe; par G. Hamonière,


Essai sur la loi, sur la souvraineté, et sur la liberté de manifester ses pensées, ou sur la liberté de la presse; par M. Bergasse, 8yo.

L'Angleterre et les Anglais, ou petit portrait d'une grande famille; par deux témoins oculaires, 2 vols 8vo.

Instruction Pastorale de Mgr. l'évèque de Mont-Réal, aux Curés de son diocèse sur la Coeffure des femmes, 12mo.

Histoire de l'Empire Ottoman, depuis sa fondation jusqu'à la paix d'Yassy en 1792, avec des Pièces justificatives, et une Carte de l'Empire Ottoman; par M. Salaberry, Membre de la Chambre des Députés,-Seconde Edition, 4 vols 8vo.

Petite Dissertation sur un monument typographique, qui ferait remonter l'origine de la découverte de l'imprimerie à 1414; avec des observations qui prouveraient, qu'elle est même antérieure à cette époque.

Mémoires de Physique et de Chimie de la Société d'Arcueil. Tome troisième.** Ce Volume contient un mémoire de M. de Humboldt, Des lignes isolhermes, et de la distribution de la chaleur sur la globe, qui est publié pour la première fois.

Histoire des Croisades. Troisième partie, contenant l'histoire des 4e, 5e, 6e, Croisades; par M. Michaud de l'Académie Française, avec un plan de Constantinople, et une Carte

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des environs de Damiette. Troisième volume, 8vo.

Recueil des monumens antiques, la plupart inédits et découverts dans l'ancienne Gaule, 2 vols 4to.

Philosophie de la Technie Algorithmique seconde section, contenant les loix des séries comme préparation à la réforme des mathématiques; par Hoëné Wronski, 4to.

Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle; Seconde Année, 4to.

Les Capucins, les Libéraux et les Canards, 8vo.

Les Prisonniers de Newgate, drame en cinq actes et en vers; par M. X, V. Arnaud, Svo.

Zuma, ou la découverte du Quinquina; suivi de la belle Paule, de Zeneide des Roseaux du Tibre; par Madame la Comtesse de Genlis.

Voyage de M. M. Alexandre de Humboldt et Aimé Bonpland. Sixième partie ; botanique, plantes équinoxiales. XVII. et dernière livraison, folio.

Lettre critique de M. C. G. S. à un ami en Angleterre sur la Zodiacomanie d'un journaliste Anglais, avec la traduction de l'article de ce même journaliste, inséré dans le British Review de fevrier 1817, sur la sphère Caucasienne de C. G. S. 8vo.

Le Comte de Paoli Chegny, Histoire de la Politique des Puissances de l'Europe, jusqu'au Congrès de Vienne. 4 vols 8vo.

Mémoires de la Société Royale des Antiquaires de France, tome ler.

Londres, la Cour et les Provinces d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse, et d'Irlande, 2 vols 8vo





In the Journal of Agen, of the 17th of June, we read as follows:-On Satur day the 7th inst. a dreadful storm burst forth in the communes of Cancon, Beaugos, Moulinet, and Bondi, in the Arrondissement of Villeneuve sur Lot, and caused the greatest ravages. Not a blade of grass, nor a vine leaf are to be seen in the places where the hail fell; happily its extent was not great. The rain, which poured from the same cloud, did an infinite deal of mischief, by the great quantity of earth which it carried with it, and by covering all the pasturage around with sand. This is now the fifth year in succession that the crops have been destroyed in this unfortunate district.

Paris, July 3.-The number of French emigrants who have reached the United States do not amount to a less number than 30,000. They have in general embarked from Belgium, Holland, Ger. many, and even Russia. In America they have enjoyed unrestricted freedom, but have obtained no political preponderance. Joseph Bonaparte is said to have given up every hope of returning to France. Clauzel and Lefebvre Desnouettes are at New Orleans; Grouchy has quitted Baltimore for New York. The greater part of the officers of this nation appear determined on repairing to Mexico or Brazil.

The French government have come to the determination of causing a lighthouse to be erected at the entrance to Calais. A letter from thence states, that an eligible spot is selecting for this desirable purpose, and when the danger of the entering of that harbour is considered, such a measure must appear highly beneficial. The light is intended to revolve, with deep red reflectors, and will be so placed as to be conspicuous in all weathers to vessels bound thither.

The Paris papers have been unusually barren of interesting intelligence for this month past. They have been chiefly filled with accounts of disturbances in different parts of the kingdom, occasioned by the scarcity of grain, into which, in some instances there seems to have en-. tered a spirit of discontent with the present government.

It does not appear,

however, that any deep-rooted or extensive conspiracy against the existing order of things has ever been discovered, though it may be true, that a few obscure individuals have availed themselves of the popular ferment produced by most severe privations, to lead on the ignorant and unthinking to acts of sedition. Within the last two or three weeks, the prices of grain have fallen greatly, and continue to fall. The harvest has begun in the south, and the produce is said to be abundant in every part of the kingdom.


It is now confirmed that the great arsenal of Caracca, near Cadiz, has been totally consumed, with all its immense naval stores, by a conflagration which, there is reason to believe, was the result of a conspiracy.

By private accounts it appears that the grand financial plan, projected by the minister Garey, is not to be carried into execution till January 1818. This delay originates in the opposition of the nobles and high churchmen, who will be most affected by its being put into execution; and, in the mean time, it is expected that the minister himself will lose his place.


It is

Lisbon, May 27th 1817." I hasten to inform you of an alarming conspiracy. which, thanks to the vigilance and energy of Marshal Beresford, has, within the last twenty-four hours, been discovered and crushed in this city. Of the real intention of the conspirators we are yet ignorant; it is, however, certain, that the first act of vengeance would have been the destruction of their gallant Marshal, and Don Miguel de Forjaz, with the whole of the present regency. reported, that in the expectation of success, an offer of the crown of Portugal had been made to the young Duke de Cardeval, the next a-kin to the present King, through his mother, who prudently rejected the offer. To complete the sanguinary and treacherous character of this black plot, a general massacre of the English residents was contemplated.Happily, the compunction of some of the conspirators has led to the detection of the treason. The marshal having re ceived intelligence of their proceedings, on Sunday evening seized the whole, or

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most of the ringleaders in their beds, and at the head of them proves to be the intriguing General Don Gomez Ferreira de Andrade. The Marquises of Abrantes and Valencia, the son of Baron Brancamp, and the Conde de Cunha, with about forty others, many of them persons of distinction, are said also to be apprehended and thrown into the dungeons of the castle of Belem. Don Gomez Ferreira is lodged in Fort St Julian, the governor of which has been superseded, and the command given to Sir Archibald Campbell. The two regiments of military police continue to parade the city, and the artillery guns, loaded to the muzzle with grape shot, are posted in different parts of the town. The conspirators had established printing presses, and prepared proclamations, all of which are seized. I am happy to add, that the disposition of the troops seems highly favourable, and we hear of only three officers of any rank who are at present implicated. It is strongly believed, that a close connexion has subsisted between those traitors and the insurgents at Pernambuco, and but for the energy and activity with which the government here have acted, no doubt can exist of the fate which awaited them. The 5th June being the feast of Corpus Christi, was fixed upon for the explosion of the plot.

The conspirators are now under trial before a chief judge, four assistants, and

a secretary.

The examinations have hitherto been private, but some of the sentences are expected to be published next month. About fifty persons are in custody.


Prohibition of Bible Societies in Hungary Buda, May 3.-The following circular letter to the clergy in Hungary was issued on the 23d December, last year, by the Government in this city.

Considering that the London Bible Association has caused the establishment of several affiliated Societies, particularly in Germany, and that several such associations in the Imperial hereditary dominions, particularly among the Protest ants, have more intimate connexion in view, his Sacred Majesty has been graciously pleased to ordain, that care be taken that printed copies of the Bible be not circulated gratis, or at a low price, by such Foreign Associations and Socie ties in his Majesty's hereditary dominions, nor the establishment of a Bible Association be allowed. For the rest, his Sacred Majesty is graciously pleased to allow the trade with Bibles as with all other books by booksellers, according to the ordinances published on this subject. VOL. I.

The royal Government hereby publishes this, his Majesty's resolution, that the most punctual care may be taken to observe it in every point.

Given at Buda, the 23d December

1816, in the assembly of the members of the Royal Hungarian Go


The ceremony of the marriage of the archduchess Leopoldine with the king of Portugal took place by proxy at Vienna, on the 14th May. Owing to the insurrection in Brazil, the princess had not sailed for that country at the date of the latest despatches from Portugal.

Vienna, June 4.-The following are some of the details of the arrest of Santini. This man had obtained passports in England to go to Italy, where he pretended to have some family affairs to arrange. He was strictly watched in this country, and having passed by Kragenfurt about the middle of the last month, he was arrested on the frontiers of Lombardy, and conducted under an escort to Milan. It is said, that papers of great importance were found upon him. He was apprehended on a road different from that prescribed to him, and which he should have taken, if he meant only to go to Genoa, and from thence to Corsica.

The states of Wirtemberg having rejected the constitution, as modified by the royal rescript of the 26th May, by 67 voices against 42, have been dissolved.



The Boston Commercial Gazette of the 24th of March contains the provisions of an important law, which may be called the Navigation Act of America, of which the following is the substance.

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1. No goods to be imported into the United States, except in vessels the property of the citizens of those States; or of the countries of which those goods are the growth, produce, or manufacture.

2. In all cases of contravention of the preceding article, the ship and cargo to be confiscated.

3. Bounties and allowances now granted to fishing-boats to be refused to all but those of which the officers and threefourths of the crew are citizens of the United States.

4. The coasting trade is confined to native vessels and seamen.

5. A tonnage duty is imposed upon vessels, though belonging to the United States, which shall enter a port in one district from a port in another district. (This is subject to exceptions.) 31

6. A tonnage duty is levied on American vessels arriving from foreign ports, unless two-thirds of the crew be citizens of the United States.

Boston, May 12.-Despatches have just been received from Mr Serjeant by the governor of the national bank. We understand they state he has succeeded in obtaining ten millions of dollars for the new bank at Philadelphia, and this too without difficulty in England. What a country of wealth and poverty! The Venice has arrived with 300,000 dollars; the Solon, the Emily, and the Electra, with much more.

After the 14th of July next, the American national flag will consist of thirteen stripes and twenty stars. The thirteen stripes are to be permanent, and one star is to be added whenever a new state is received into the union. The facts are published at this time for the benefit of ship-owners, &c.

By the Courier arrived from Boston in nineteen days, and the Canton, with several other vessels, from New York in twenty-one days, Boston papers to the 20th of May, New York to the 17th of that month, and New Orleans to the 16th of April, have been received. Cobbett has given notice, in a letter addressed to the people of America, that he will resume his labours in that country.-A ship arrived at Boston from Perambuco furnishes intelligence to the 9th of April. The new Government appeared well established, and was making every necessary preparation for defence. So far do the Anti-Portuguese rulers consider themselves settled, that they have sent out his Excellency Don Antonio Gonsalvo de Cruz as Ambassador to the United States.

A letter from Washington, dated the 2d May, states, that the American Government have lately sold 100,000 acres of land on the Tinibechy, in the Mississippi territory, to a French company, at two dollars per acre, payable in fourteen years, without interest, upon condition of their planting the vine and olive. About 300 French emigrants have gone to reside on those newly-purchased lands. At the head of these people are Lakanal, Pennienes, Garnier de Saintes, the two L'Allemands, Desnouettes, Clausel, and others, with a crowd of artisans and mechanics.

Joseph Bonaparte's New Town.-The Dutch mail supplies the following account of the Ex-King of Spain's colony in the United States." Joseph Bonaparte is building a town near Baltimore, which none but French are permitted to inhabit. It is to be capable of containing for the present 12,000 inhabitants. The art of the most sublime architecture is employed to embellish the edifices. Thus it should

seem, that the French refugees renounce the hope of ever returning to the Continent of Europe, since they spend their whole fortunes in fixing themselves in so magnificent a manner in America."

The National Intelligencer states the terms on which the bank of the United States obtained its specie in England, viz.

"The specie to be delivered in the United States at 4s. 8d. sterling per dollar, within six months from January last, the time the contract was made; the payment secured by a deposit of the United States' stock at par, redeemable January 1819, or at an earlier period, giving two month's notice, interest at five per cent. commencing at the date of the contract." From the same paper we learn, that the mania for emigration is to be found even in the United States. A company of young men was forming at New York, for the purpose of proceeding to some parts of South America, there to form a settlement. Each adventurer was to advance a certain sum, to purchase a vessel and the necessary stores.

Extract of a letter from St Francisville (L. A.) dated May 5th 1817.-A very serious and distressing accident happened nearly opposite this place. Yesterday morning, about eight o'clock, the steam-boat, Constitution (formerly the Oliver Evans), passing down the river from Natchez to New Orleans, burst her boiler, and every person in the cabin, eleven in number, was scalded to death; some lived two or three hours, some five or six, and two or three lived about twenty hours. The captain of the boat, the engineer, and one or two sailors that were in the after-part of the boat, were the only persons that escaped uninjured.

In an American paper, a remarkable advertisement appears from the Navy Board in Washington. It is for propo sals for supplying the machinery for three steam batteries, each to be equal to 120 horse power, to be completed in one month.


In the house of Assembly in Lower Canada, the Speaker notified to the House, on the 21st February, that he had the same morning signed warrants for the imprisonment of S. W. Monk, Esq. conformably to the order of the House; after which, the deputy serjeant at arms at the bar informed the House, that, in obedience to its orders, he had lodged S. W. Monk, Esq. in the common gaol of the district.

On the 1st of March, the Legislative Council of Lower Canada came to a resolution, that an address be presented to his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, hum

bly beseeching his Royal Highness not to inflict any punishment on the honourable Louis Charles Foucher, Esq. one of the puisne judges of the court of King's Bench for the district of Montreal, in consequence of the articles of complaint exhibited against him by the Assembly of that province, until such articles of complaint should be submitted to the consideration of the Legislative Council, and they should have concurred therein, or until such articles of complaint shall have been heard and determined on by such a tribunal as his Royal Highness should ap point.

April 20.-James Stuart, Esq. arrived on Sunday the 16th at Quebec, and of course would take his seat in the House next day. What is called the great question was set down for the 19th inst. that is, Whether farther proceedings shall be had against the two chief justices. It is understood at Quebec, that the government at home had given directions to dissolve the Parliament, if the House of Assembly proceeded farther in this matter. Judge Monk expected to be discharged on bail; but the Court, on hearing his counsel, who urged that the warrant of the Speaker of the House of Assembly was informal, had come to the decision, that the warrant was without objection; he was in consequence remanded to prison. He had transmitted a petition to the House of Assembly, in which he states that he did not wish to throw any impediment in the way of the committee, who were investigating the case of the Chief Justice Foucher. He had refused to give up some official documents, but their contents were open to the inspection of the committee; but his duty to the government would not warrant his giving up the possession of official documents.

In the Court of King's Bench of Montreal, bills of indictment were found by the grand jury against Duncan Cameron, and John Dugald Cameron, partners of the North West Company; and against Cuthbert Grant, William Shaw, and Peter Pangman, clerks of the said Company; and against George Campbell and others, for the felonious seizure, in 1816, of the cannon sent from England for the defence of the colony of Red River.


About 30,000 stand of arms had arrived at St Thomas's, from Bordeaux, accompanied by several of Bonaparte's officers, and an aid-de-camp of Murat; all of whom, it is asserted, intend joining the insurgents of South America.

The ministers of Austria, France, Great Britain, Prussia, and Russia, have deli

vered to the Marquis de Aguilar, the King of Portugal's minister for foreign affairs, a note, dated Paris, 16th March, in which they express their surprise at the occupation of a part of the Spanish possessions on the river Plate, by the Portuguese troops of Brazil; and announcing their intention to take cognizance and part in this affair, in consequence of an application made to them by the Court of Spain, they call upon his most faithful majesty to explain his views, and to take the most prompt and proper measures to dissipate the just alarms which his invasion of the Spanish possessions has occasioned.

A great sensation has been excited in Europe, by the accounts lately received of a formidable insurrection having broken out in Brazil on the 6th of March. According to the reports first received, seven provinces of this extensive empire had revolted from the house of Braganza, and declared for independence, liberty of conscience, and a federal government. By later accounts, however, it appears, that the revolt had not as yet extended beyond the provinces of Pernambuco, and that an attempt to subvert the royal government at Bahia had failed, and the conspirators been apprehended.

The revolution in the Brazils is not the only great event that has taken place in the new world. By the Colonel Allan, Captain M'Lennon, arrived from the North West Company's settlement, on the river Columbia, and last from Buenos Ayres, letters and gazettes to 16th March have been received, which state that the Buenos Ayres army, commanded by General San Martin, and destined to free Chili from its Spanish oppressors, has met with most complete success. On the 12th February, the patriots met the royalists near Chabuco, defeated them in a general action, and the result of this victory was the complete downfall of Spanish power in this interesting portion of the South American Continent. A new form of government was instantly organised in the capital of Santiago, and the supreme directorship confided to Don Barnard O'Higgins, who issued a proclamation, congratulatory of the event, to the people of Chili. On the 13th of March, three of the enemy's standards, two taken on the coast of Valpariso, and the other at Llamparaes in Upper Feru, reached Buenos Ayres. The former Spanish governor of Chili, Marco del Pont, had been taken by the patriots. The brave army of the Andes, with General San Martin at its head, had covered itself with glory, and was expected to recross the mountains before the winter closed them, with a large body of

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