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ly interested her. The feelings to which these gave rise will appear in the following extracts :

Taymouth, July 22.-From Bristol I went to Buxton, where I met my dear friends, Lady Henrietta Hope, and Mr and Mrs Scott. Staid ten days, and came by the west road to Edinburgh. The Lord, in his gracious providence, called on me to purchase a meeting-house in Carlisle, where the gospel, I trust, will be preached. I staid four days at Barnton, and then came to this place in a very poor state; my health seems daily declining, and my soul is dull and inactive. This morning I had some comfortable meditations on the free grace of the gospel, as offered to all, and consequently to me; and my soul seemed to rest on the word of promise. This was after a great conflict and much anguish of spirit, from a recollection of past sins, and some doubt concerning the pardon of them. I have, upon the whole, felt more spiritual life this day than for some time past; and I hope the Lord is about to revive his work before I go hence and be

no more seen.

Sunday, July 29.-All last week I was in a very poor state of health and low frame of spirits. This day we had no public worship; but the Lord has graciously made up the want to my soul, by giving me liberty of access to his throne, and enabling me to pour out my wants before him with some degree of faith. May the Lord uphold my faith, and keep me waiting in hope till he is pleased to perform his word unto me! The xvth chapter of 1st Corinthians has been peculiarly sweet to me this morning, by the reading of it with application to myself. I have felt my faith increased.

Sunday, August 12.-This day I have been permitted to wait upon the Lord, in the ordinance of the Supper. At the table, I made some feeble efforts to exercise faith on the sacrifice once offered up for the sins of many, and received the sacred symbols as a sure pledge of the thing signified. The whole day my thoughts have been dull and confused; yet, through all, I can look to Jesus as my Saviour, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. My safety depends not on my frames, but on that finished work I have this day been commemorating. On this I rest my hope, and from his peace-speaking blood I look for pardon and eternal life; nay, I believe I have obtained them already and though my life is now hid, yet when he who is my life shall appear, I shall then appear with him in glory. Lord, confirm this hope more and more! Increase my faith, love, and joy, and glorify thy grace in the complete salvation of my soul !


[Aged 40.] Taymouth, September 2.-This day I have, as usual, endeavoured to review my past life, and, in particular, the last year of it, in order to humble my soul before God for sin, and render thanks unto him for his creating and preserving grace. But O what a heart-rending sight has he given me of the unspeakable vileness and ingratitude of every period of my life! This day, I have endeavoured to call upon the Lord for deliverance by his almighty power; and have besought him to renew a right spirit within me, that I may set out afresh in his ways. My health has been and my spirits weak.

very bad for many months past, Great and manifold, however, have been the mercies of the Lord during all my distress, giving me support, and carrying me through beyond all expectation, raising me up Christian friends in a distant land,

1781.] FINAL Departure from TAYMOUTH.


when sick, and given over for death, to pray for me, and comfort me. In the hour of the greatest need, he hath given me a dear and faithful bosom friend, who is to me as mine own soul; and who is a kind and faithful companion to be with me at all times, and to dwell in my house. He has enlarged my sphere of usefulness in his church, by opening new doors for the spread of the gospel; and still continues to me the heart and ability to help forward his cause. Innumerable are the mercies I receive; unspeakable is my ingratitude. O Lord have mercy upon me; forgive my sin; restore thy image in my soul; prepare me for the society of the saints above, and the enjoyment of thyself in glory.

I now commit and commend my soul, body, and spirit unto thee; glorify the riches of thy grace in my salvation.

Lady Glenorchy having remained at Taymouth, as usual, during the summer, left it early in October, never more to return; for, before the next season, the venerable proprietor was gathered with his fathers and his children, and laid with them in the long restingplace of Finlarig, the lonely repository of the remains of his ancestors for many generations.


The Lord's Supper is begun to be administered in Lady Glenorchy's chapel every second month-Lord Breadalbane's death-Extracts from Diary, from January 1, to March 3, 1782-Lady Glenorchy's health rapidly declines-Two Letters of Lady Glenorchy's -Extracts from Diary-Lady Glenorchy's health somewhat revived Her Ladyship goes to Moffat with Lady Henrietta Hope -Letter from Lady Glenorchy to Mrs Bailie Walker-Lady Glenorchy and Lady Henrietta Hope return to Barnton-In order to extend her sphere of usefulness, Lady Glenorchy purposes to sell Barnton-Extracts from Diary, from January 1, to June 8, 1783— Almost all the remaining part of Lady Glenorchy's Diary lost-In 1784, Lady Glenorchy accompanies Lady Henrietta Hope to Moffat— Proceeds to Carlisle-Reaches Matlock-From a singular occurrence in Providence, is led to purchase a chapel there-Returns to Edinburgh-Is again in bad health-Leaves Barnton, and never returns— Purposes to reside in future at Matlock-Concluding extract from her Diary-She sells Barnton-Death of Lady Henrietta HopeLetters from Lady Glenorchy to Lady Mary Fitzgerald-Letter to Mr Jones-Letter to Lady Maxwell-Lady Glenorchy settles a plan for Hope Chapel-In her way to Scotland, purchases ground for a chapel at Workington-Returns to Edinburgh-Her health declines -Completes the sale of Barnton-Her last illness-Death-Character -Funeral-Will-Conclusion.

[1782.] THE Lord's supper was at this time in Scotland rarely celebrated more than once a-year, excepting in cities and great towns, where it was generally celebrated twice during that period.

On those occasions, it was the practice to have public worship on other days besides the Sabbath. One whole day was set apart for humiliation and prayer, generally a Thursday. On the afternoon of Saturday there was an exercise of preparation; on the forenoon


OF THE LORD's supper.


of Monday there was another of thanksgiving; and on the Sabbath two long sermons were usually preached, besides the other acts of devotion, which were considerably extended. This practice began in the hateful days of persecution under the Stuarts, when numerous congregations, collected from every district and corner of the land, were constrained to encamp, and hold their solemn assemblies in the fastnesses of the mountains. As these meeting could only be held in the middle of summer, the people, when they came together, devoted the whole time to religious purposes, and could not therefore employ it more reasonably or usefully, than in their fasts, and preparations, and thanksgivings. But this practice, like many other ancient customs, has extended to times which do not require it, and in which, to say the least, has the inconveniency attending it, of preventing the more frequent celebration of the ordi


Lady Glenorchy, and the congregation worshipping in her chapel, were aware of this, and venturing to face the prejudices which ran very strong against any innovation, they, on the second Sabbath of the the month of January this year, began to celebrate it with public worship only on the Thursday and Saturday evenings preceding, and which they have continued to do, much to their comfort and edification, without intermission, every alternate month, for these forty years, excepting in May and November, when they observe the fast, preparation, and thanksgiving days, with the other churches of the city. This practice is now adopted by some parish churches in the Establishment, by many chapels of ease, and by a great proportion of the Presbyterian seceding congregations, so that it is no longer considered as a novelty or peculiarity,

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