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Part or Portion in David, they defire no longer to be bis Subjects. He infifts, that her Majefty bath exactly followed Monfieur Tughe's Memorial against demolishing of Dunkirk. He reflects with great Satisfaction on the Good already done to his Country by the Crifis. Non nobis Domine, non nobis, &c.- -He gives us Hopes that he will leave off Writing, and confult his own Quiet and Happiness; and concludes with a Letter to a Friend at Court. I fuppofe by the Style of old Friend, and the like, it must be fome Body there of his own Level; among whom, his Party have indeed more Friends than I could wifh. In this Letter he afferts, that the present Ministers were not educated in the Church of England, but are new Converts from Presbytery. Upon which I can only reflect, how blind the Malice of that Man muft be, who invents a groundless Lye in order to defame his Superiors, which would be no Difgrace, if it had been a Truth. And he concludes, with making three Demands for the Satisfaction of himself and other Malecontents. First, The Demolition of the Harbour of Dunkirk: Secondly, That GreatBritain and France would heartily join against the exorbitant Power of the Duke of Lorrain, and force the Pretender from his Afylum at Bar le Duc Laftly, That bis Electoral Highness of Hanover would be fo grateful to fignify to all the World, the perfect good Understanding be bath with the Court of England, in as plain Terms as her Majefty was pleased to declare fhe bad with that Houfe on her Part.

As to the first of these Demands, I will venture to undertake it fhall be granted; but then Mr. Steele, and his Brother Malecontents, muft promise to believe the Thing is done, after those employed have made their Report; or else bring Vouchers to difprove it. Upon the fecond; I cannot tell whe


ther her Majefty will engage in a War against the Duke of Lorrain, to force him to remove the Pretender; but I believe, if the Parliament fhould think it neceffary to address upon fuch an Occafion, the QUEEN will move that Prince to fend him away. His last Demand, offered under the Title of a Wish, is of fo infolent and feditious a Strain, that I care not to touch it. Here he directly chargeth her Majefty with delivering a Falfhood to her Parliament from the Throne; and declares he will not believe her, until the Elector of Hanover himself shall vouch for the Truth of what fhe hath fo folemnly affirmed.

I AGREE with this Writer, that it is an idle Thing in his Antagonists to trouble themselves upon the Articles of bis Birth, Education, or Fortune; for whoever writes at this Rate of his Sovereign, to whom he owes fo many perfonal Obligations, I fhould never enquire whether he be a GENTLEMAN BORÑ, but whether he be a HUMAN CREATURE.

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Dr. B----T, B----p of S----'s

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Printed by and for GEORGE FAULKNER, M,DCC,XLI.


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