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Table. An amendment to a general appropriation bill may

be laid on the ...

A motion to reconsider may be laid on the......
And if carried shall be held to be a final disposition
of the motion ....

When an amendment proposed to any pending measure
is laid on the, it shall not carry with it nor prejudice
such measure.

When a question is pending, a motion may be made to lay on the, which shall be decided without debate........... Preamble of a bill or resolution may be withdrawn or laid on the, without prejudice to the bill or resolution.... An appeal from the decision of the Chair may be laid on the..

If laid on the table, it shall be held as affirming the decision of the Chair

All resolutions, reports of committees, motions to discharge a committee, and subjects from which a committee may be discharged shall lie over one day for consideration.... Treaties. When a treaty is laid before the Senate, no motion shall be made in reference to it but to refer or to print it, to remove injunction of secrecy, or to consider it in open Executive session....

A treaty shall not be considered on the same day that it is reported, if objected to

Rule. Clause. Page.

After being acted upon as in Committee of the Whole it
shall be reported to the Senate.....
When the question will be, if amended, on concurring in
the amendments made in Committee of the Whole....
Injunction of secrecy may be removed at any stage of.
proceedings, or treaty may be considered in open Ex-
ecutive session

After which the resolution of ratification may be proposed
on a subsequent day .

When the question shall be on the resolution of ratification, no amendment shall be in order ............

The question of ratification and a motion to postpone indefinitely shall each require a vote of two-thirds...... All amendments and other motions may be decided by a majority

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Treaties shall be resumed at the second or any subsequent session of same Congress, at the stage when last acted upon

Rule. Clause. Page.

37 2 34

37 2 34

When proceedings shall terminate with a Congress, they
shall be resumed de novo....
Indian treaties shall, unless transmitted by the Presi-
dent in confidence, be acted upon in legislative session. 37

Unanimous consent. The reading of the Journal may be sus-
pended by..

Until the morning business is concluded, no motion to proceed to any other subject shall be received, unless by......

After a decision is announced, a Senator may change or withdraw his vote by.....

When the Senate shall refuse to reconsider a vote, or reaffirm its first decision, no motion to reconsider can be received but by......

Each bill shall receive three readings before passage on three different days, unless by.

A bill may be read twice for reference, but not considered as in Committee of the Whole, nor debated, unless by. No amendment shall be proposed to a bill on its third reading, unless by .....

All resolutions shall lie over one day, unless by

All resolutions, reports of committees, motions to discharge a committee, and subjects from which a committee may be discharged, shall lie over one day, unless by

3 34

3 16


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3 15

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Any rule of the Senate can be suspended without notice by, except as provided in Rule XII..

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Treaties shall not be acted upon on the day on which they are reported, unless by.

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Resolution of ratification shall not be considered on the same day it is proposed, unless by.

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Nominations shall not be confirmed on the day they are
received, or on which reported, unless by
Order of morning business changed only by.
Unfinished business shall have preference over the special


Consideration of the Calendar of Bills and Resolutions at the conclusion of the morning business, until 2 o'clock, takes precedence of..

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Unfinished business of a session.

The legislative business of the Senate shall be continued from session to session of the same Congress..


Vacancies in committees, when filled by the Presiding Officer, shall, unless otherwise ordered, be only to fill up the

number on the committee ........ Vice-President. In the absence of the Vice-President, the

Senate shall choose a President pro tempore ... In the absence of the, and pending the election of a President pro tempore, the Secretary, or, in his absence, the Chief Clerk, shall perform the duties of the Chair..... Voting. When the yeas and nays are called each Senator shall, unless excused from voting, answer when his name is called, without debate..... Proceedings when a Senator shall be called on for reasons for declining to vote shall be without debate..... Further proceedings shall not be had until after the result is announced......

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A Senator shall not be permitted to vote after the result
is announced..
But he may, for special reasons, by unanimous consent,
withdraw or change his vote.


Withdrawal of a motion or resolution. A resolution or mo

tion may be withdrawn at any time before amendment
or ordering of the yeas and nays.

Preamble to a resolution may be withdrawn before amend-
ment or ordering of the yeas and nays

A motion to reconsider shall not be withdrawn without leave of the Senate Withdrawal of papers. No papers except original treaties shall be withdrawn from the files without leave of the Senate......

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Where an act has passed for a private claim, the papers
may be sent by the Secretary to the accounting officers.
No petition on which an adverse report has been made
shall be withdrawn without leaving copies ...
Claims adversely reported on shall not be again referred
without new evidence....

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Without debate. In ascertaining the presence of a quorum, the proceedings shall be

5 2 7


Without debate. Sergeant-at-Arms may be directed to re-
quest or compel attendance of absent Senators
The reading of a paper, when objected to, shall be de-
cided ......

A motion to request the House of Representatives to re-
turn a bill shall be decided at once, and......

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All questions of relevancy of amendments under Rule
XVI shall be decided....

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A motion to permit a Senator to proceed in order shall be decided...

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A motion for leave to speak more than twice in one debate shall be decided....

All questions of order shall be decided by the Chair............. Subsequent questions of order and appeals shall be decided..

Motions to adjourn, for a recess, for executive business, and to lay on the table shall be decided......

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A motion to proceed to consideration of a conference report shall be decided..... . . . . .

Each Senator, when the yeas and nays are called, shall, when his name is called, answer....

Reasons for excusing a Senator from voting shall be determined....

Words spoken in debate, if required, shall be taken down in writing. Exceptionable


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Yeas and nays.
Each Senator shall, when his name is
called, answer openly, and without debate.....
A Senator may be required to assign reasons for not
voting, which shall be without debate .....
He shall not be called on for reasons for not voting until
after the roll call and before the result of the vote is

Other proceedings shall be after such announcement....
A Senator shall not be permitted to vote after the result
is announced.

For special reasons, by unanimous consent, he may withdraw or change his vote.....

Any motion or resolution may be withdrawn or modified by the mover at any time before a decision, amendment, or ordering of the....

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