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but only the repetition of what has been from time immemorial.

History also reveals, that like phenomena have most obtained where civilization has the least influence. To this, as heretofore shown, the author of Mesmerism in Asia bears testimony. Rather, then, than such phenomena being an evidence of progression, they strongly indicate retrogression. The civilized man is not a fit subject, (so it is said,) but the unsophisticated, morbid and passive child of nature. To this conclusion the voice of these "isms,' bears witness, also, for their loud acclaim is continually against whatever is established. They seek to demolish the temples hitherto erected by the hand of christian civilization, and to build their altars to nature and spirits, in the human heart, and their temples where affinities are as gods.

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In some stages of the manifestations media have been developed by means of a manipulator, sometimes without any human agencies, but they are mostly spiritualized, (mesmerized) by the force of influence accumulated in circles, by the power of association. In such cases sev eral persons who desire the demonstrations, join hands and concentrate their thoughts, silently invoking the spirits to develope some one or more of the group. The tendency of the mental cur

rent is to the negative point, hence the one most susceptible is liable soon to feel a peculiar change of nervous action. This is followed by some slight unnatural muscular movement or a torpid appearance, which attracts general attention. The thought induced in all minds by these demonstrations, is but one; the mind sphere feels an. assurance that the desire has been regarded by the spirits, and that they have a medium in their midst. Whether aided from the "interior" or not the mesmeric power is now rapidly increased, and the subject secured. Personal ability-self-control, has been submitted to the invisible element, and a transition ensues; hence a spirit medium. Then the work of communicating with the dwellers in the invisible world is commenced. Repeated efforts of this kind finally render the subjects exceedingly sensitive to the influence, and they go forth as developed media.

As the subtle fluids are infused throughout gross substances, so this invisible principle, by its many means, steadily and surely, is working its way into the life principle, the heart of nations. And is manifesting itself in every conceivable form, from the cold and rigid state of the magnetizee, along the degrees of the rapping, seeing, writing, speaking, healing, and book making media of the spirit-mania.

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Like the fire which unknown and unseen is charring the substance amid which it smolders, this is deadening the moral sensibility, and consuming the vital energies of the age. And even now strong parts of the edifice of civilization are weakened by its power. This is denied by many of the advocates of the "new philosophy," and men accept the denial as truth, even while in their ears echo the blasphemous denunciations of the christian religion and the strongholds of civilization. Civilization renders man an accountable being, and makes sacred beyond a name, the marriage covenant. But multitudes are boldly promulgating the doctrines of nonaccountability, that man is altogether a creature of circumstances, and to properly develop the being, they say, "let nature have her course." If man is controlled altogether by circumstances he cannot be responsible for his actions. What will follow such teachings? Or rather, what will not result from faith formed by such a creed? Another, and very active principle of the "ism," is that the prevailing law of matrimony is a source of human-of spiritual bondage, and should be very much modified, or entirely abolished. This is a most fatal blow aimed at the heart of family relations, at the great bond of civilization. Establish the above codes of the progressive school, then silence the religious

press, prohibit the preaching of the gospel of Jesus; and do it by art, soothsaying, psychomancy, mesmerism, or by whatever means, and civilization is no more. That all persons engaged

in the service of these elements are not understandingly or intentionally contributing to such results we do not doubt. Neither do we charge those principles working proper changes, changes in reality for the better, with like disastrous and inevitable consequences. But such we maintain is the soul, body and intended consummation of Harmonial Spiritualism, and all isms that adhere to the above-named sentiments.

And we

venture to affirm that by their works this charge can be fully demonstrated and proved, and in the Review of modern phenomena engage to make good these statements, by the facts unfolded from or appended to those principles of anticivilization of anti-Christ.




MESMERIC PRODUCTIONS—A. J. DAVIS' DISCIPLES. A FEW years previous to the introduction of the "Rochester Rappings," mesmerism had elicited some public attention and secured some able advocates and efficient operators. The most notable results, however, were the lectures of A. J. Davis, the Poughkeepsie magnetizee. These were delivered by him while in a magnetic state, induced by the manipulations of Dr. Lyon, and are now before the world, as "Nature's Divine Revelations," as shown in Vol. I. of this Work. Those lectures are evidently the great Scientific, Religious and Literary center of the "New Philosophy," and suggest whatever himself or any of the new School have been or are promulgating. Nor do the "spirits," said to be prompting that fraternity, add to those revelations. They are as a whole, comparable to an orb in whose sphere, the "spirits," media and philosophers, so numerous roam at ease. Their productions are essays, dissertations, poems, and rhapsodies upon sections of the radiations from that work. Their newness is but the


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