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ced by every person of correct taste who is compelled frequently to listen to a bad reader: for, indeed, how few there are that can take up a book, and enunciate even an ordinary passage, without causing the words to blush at the indignity cast upon them, and the sentiments to tremble for their safety!


The plan pursued in teaching this science to the pupils of the day-school, is so similar to that adopted by the Principals in their evening Lectures, (as explained on a subsequent page,) that a particular description of it in this place is deemed unnecessary. It is no less critical than simple, and no less practical than pleasing. The leading features of it consist in enabling the learner to understand clearly the nature, and design, and use of every principle as it is presented to him, and to commit every thing in theory to memory, by much repetition in applying it to practice. The facilities of this method of teaching English grammar, are such, and the practical results, so great, as entirely to transcend the belief of those who have not witnessed its effects. A critical examination into its utility and substantiality, is particularly invited; for it will stand the test of the most rigid scrutiny. Most pupils who study this science a few months in this Seminary, acquire a thorough knowledge of it.

GEOGRAPHY-with the use of Maps and Globes, is taught according to an improved system.

PENMANSHIP and the construction of MAPS are taught in a superiour style. In this Institution, most pupils learn to write an elegant hand in three or four months.

The LATIN and GREEK LANGUAGES are taught to such as desire it, in the most critical and effectual manner, by a gentleman altogether competent to the task.

The FRENCH LANGUAGE is also taught by a classical gentleman from Paris.


Competent teachers will be employed to instruct those who may desire it, in PAINTING, DRAWING, and so forth. MUSICK is taught at the present time; but the Principals wish it to be distinctly understood, that no pupil will be permitted to pursue so many branches, at any one time, as to perplex and embarrass him, retard his improvement, or produce literary insanity nor will they ever allow the more substantial, and practical, and useful branches of learning to give place to refined nonsense.

The wooden age of beating knowledge and obedience into the heads and hearts of children and youth by the exercise of the birch, the ferule, and the cudgel, has nearly gone by. A brighter day now dawns upon them. The temple of wisdom is unlocked. The fountains of science are opened up, and are sending forth their pure streams in broader and deeper channels than the eye of our forefathers ever rested upon. The walks of literature are now literally strown with flowers. The Prin cipals of this Institntion entertain strong confidence in their ability to introduce IMPROVEMENTS into the method of instruction which, in some degree, will correspond with the spirit and improvements of the age, and with the free and liberal institutions, and the growing prosperity and increasing demands, of our country. "Time is money," even with the young. If, under a judicious and an enlightened course of instruction, youth can acquire a greater amount of useful information in one year, than they could in four years under a stupid course, (which fact, who that

is competent to judge, will presume to deny ?) the advantages of the former over the latter, in a few years, are such as to annihilate all attempts at computation or comparison.

For the attainment of the important objects contemplated in the establishment of this Institution, the Principals apprehend that, without the countenance and cooperation of the parents and guardians of their pupils, their own highest efforts will prove unavailing. They, therefore, respectfully solicit the patrons of the School to look into its plans, to mark its progress, to watch over its operations, and to ascertain its merits and demerits, point out its defects, suggest improvements, and judge of its utility-by paying it frequent visits. By their often calling at the Seminary, and by their inquiring into the intellectual, moral, and corporeal treatment of their children, and by thus evincing to them the interest they take in their welfare-by thus convincing them that, "when sent to school," they are no longer doomed to a temporary and dreaded banishment from paternal solicitude and protection, in which their privations, their toils, their advancement, and their merits, are alike unnoticed and unknown-by the aid of such co-operation and support on the part of parents, the Principals hazard the belief, that the feeble talents they possess, when energetically exerted, in connexion with such as they will bring to their assistance, will be crowned with a high degree of success, and enable them to establish this Institution on the desirable and firm basis of local, if not general, utility. Under the auspices of such efficient auxiliary support, they feel confident that the acquirement and talent which will be brought into requisition in the prosecution of their design, may be so skilfully directed as to rear up in Baltimore a Temple of Learning that will long flourish, unsullied by impurity, uncontaminated by pedantry, and undisgraced by quackery;-a Hall of Science in which genius may germinate, blossom, and luxuriate under the fostering rays of a genial sun;-a School in which intellect will be distinguished from matter, the talents of youth properly appreciated and directed, honourable and delicate feeling cultivated, the social affections and the finer sympathies of our nature cherished, the reasoning powers elicited, brought into vigorous exercise, and be permitted to range freely through every useful track of thought;-a Literary and Scientifick Institution, in short, which will prove no discredit to those who conduct it, but a monument of lasting usefulness to all who come within the range of its influence.

Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call and visit the school at any time, but more especially on Friday afternoon of each week, at which time an examination of the classes will take place.

PUBLICK ADDRESSES will be delivered at the Seminary from time to time, and be duly announced in the daily journals.

N. B. A few more pupils from the country can be accommodated with BOARDING. TERMS-TWELVE DOLLARS a quarter.




Are in the practice of giving Lectures to adult classes of Ladies and Gentlemen, on ENGLISH GRAMMAR and RHETORICK, (in the evening,) three evenings each week, from the first of October to the first of March.

These Lectures are founded upon the maxim, that-Theoretical knowledge is useful no farther than it can be applied to practice. Hence, they are addressed directly to the understanding of the learner; and involve a clear and simple process of reasoning upon the principles of grammar, by which their nature and character are developed and illustrated, and their utility, and beauty, and practical application, exhibited and, thus, this important subject is divested of its mystery, freed from obscurity, rendered easy, inviting, interesting, and brought within the reach of the most common capacity. In short, the advantages of these instructions are such, that any one of common talents, who is totally unacquainted with grammar, will be able, by attending one term, and by a moderate exercise of his intellectual powers, to parse common language with the greatest facility and accuracy, and to correct errours in composition by the application of all the most important rules and notes of syntax. These lectures, therefore, assert strong claims upon the attention of those who wish to acquire a large amount of scientifick and practical knowledge in a short time, and at a small expense.

About the middle of November next, S. Kirkham proposes to commence a course of Lectures on ELOCUTION. MAY 5, 1834.

In an advertisement to the first edition of this work, the author announced to the publick, that, "in the course of ten or twelve months," he designed to publish "another work on the same subject, entitled



Dr. Rush, in his "Philosophy of the Human Voice," boldly addresses posterity. This is manly; and I hazard little in prophesying that posterity will gladly give him a hearing. My pretensions reach not so far. To the present generation only, I present my claims. Should it lend me a listening ear, and grant me its suffrages, "the height of my ambition will be attained. Though unwilling to be a mere time-server, yet I know not that I have any thing on which to rest my claims upon generations to come. In accordance with these views, I shall continue, for the present, to plod along in the humble path so early chosen, and endeavour to render another small service, to the youth of my country, by presenting to the publick, as soon as practicable, (probably, in the course of eighteen months or two years,) the above-named "Sequel."

The object of the “Sequel" will be, to give an extensive development, and a more detailed, copious, and critical elucidation, of the science of Elocution, than the limited extent of this "Essay" would permit. It will contain extensive selections taken from the masterpieces of rhetorical and poetical composition, both ancient and modern. These selections will not only be thickly studded with the most precious gems which the brightest geniuses have been able to collect from the rich mines of literature and science, but they will likewise be accompanied by such remarks and directions in reference to the proper method of applying to them the principles of Elocution, as greatly to facilitate the acquisition of this elegant and useful branch of learning.

In order to enhance its value to the young American reader, it will contain copious extracts from those of our own elegant and classical writers, whose noble productions have already shed an unfading lustre, and stamped immortality, upon the literature of our country.

Its principal merits, however, (should it happen to possess any,) will rest, it is believed, on the additional principles and illustrations which it will present, on the science of Elocution-merits, it is hoped, sufficient to secure it a place as a first Class-Book in schools.

S. Kirkham is also preparing for the press, an improved system of

This work is undertaken under the belief, that the science of Belleslettres may be much better adapted to the common purposes of instruction, than it is in any treatise upon this subject extant.

It is the intention of S. Kirkham, likewise, (life and health permitting,) in the course of a few years, to publish a new edition of his

"ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN FAMILIAR LECTURES," containing important improvements on the present edition; and to follow up that improved edition, by the publication of another, and a far more extensive and critical, work on the same subject, designed for the higher classes in Academies and Colleges, and for the private study of individuals.



This work is published by McElrath, Bangs, & Co. New-York, by Marshall & Dean, Rochester, N. Y., by Morgan & Sanxay, Cincinnati, Ohio, and by Plaskitt & Co. and the Author, Baltimore-and is sold by most of the booksellers in the Union.

To the thousands and tens of thousands who have become the warm advocates, and the firm supporters, of this system, and who have given it a decisive preference to any other on the same subject, and especially to the Author's personal friends in various parts of the Union, it may be gratifying to learn, that, within a few years, it has passed through more than SEVENTY EDITIONS. It is now studied by more than ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND children and youth; and is more extensively used than all other English grammars published in the United States. The simplicity and clearness of the illustrations given in the work, and its advantageous arrangement, have induced hundreds successfully to study it pri vately, or without any other aid than that presented in the book itself, and thousands to study it in schools, who could not endure the drudgery and tediousness of method imposed upon them by other systems.-This unexpected and unparalleled success of his work, the author cannot but look upon as a higher compliment to his talents than they merit, and a higher reward for his labours than they can justly claim.

THE following notices of this work, are selected almost promiscuously from among not much less than one thousand written recommendations which it has received. What chiefly tends to give them weight, is, that the most of them are the result of convictions drawn from observation and practical experience in teaching this system. Extract. Mr. Kirkham-Experience has convinced me, (having used your Grammar, and it only, for the last twelve or thirteen months,) that a pupil will learn more of the nature and principles of our language in one quarter, from your system, than in a whole year, from any other I had previously used--in twenty years' teaching. I do, therefore, most cheerfully and earnestly recommend it to the publick at large, and especially to those who, anxious to acquire a knowledge of our language, are destitute of the advantages of an instructer.

Yours, very respectfully,


Chambersburg Academy, Feb. 12, 1825. Extract.-Mr. Berry-I introduced the first edition of Mr. Kirkham's Grammar into the Chambersburg Academy in 1824. *** I have followed him up through the various editions, and have invariably found the last to excel any former one. *** I have used this Grammar, and it only, for the last six years, and, without wishing to flatter, I do say, that the sixteenth edition is cheap, very cheap, at a dollar; and could I not obtain one for the use of my own children for a less sum, ten dollars, for one copy, would be considered no sacrifice. Chambersburg, May 13, 1830.


Mr. Kirkham--I have carefully examined your Grammar in Lectures, and I consider it truly a desideratum, both to the pupil and the teacher. The nice discrimination, systematick arrangement, and simple, yet lucid, exposition throughout the whole, give it, in my opinion, a preference to any other I have seen.

I would recommend it to the teacher, as a model of order and system; to the pupil, as comprising instruction adopted to his capacity; and to the private gentleman, as a sure guide to a knowledge of the science through the means of his own exertion. I shall use it as my text-book. Yours, JAMES WILTBANK.

University of Penn., Philadelphia, Nov. 14, 1829.

I cheerfully concur in the foregoing recommendation by the Rev. Mr. Wiltbank.
Philadelphia, Nov. 18, 1829.


Mr. Wiltbank has very clearly expressed my opinion of Mr. Kirkham's Grammar, which I intend to introduce into my school. Lancaster, Nov. 28, 1829.


I have no hesitation in subscribing to the opinion expressed by the Rev. Mr. Wiltbank, in the foregoing recommendation. CHARLES F. KLUGER, Lancaster, Dcc. 1, 1829. Pr. of the Moravian School.

Extract from the "Western Review,"-Rev. T. Flint. Among the improvements of this work, may be mentioned some additional rules and explanatory notes in syntax, the arrangement of the parts of speech, the mode of explaining them, manner of parsing, manner of explaining some of the pronouns, and the use of a synopsis which presents the essentials of the science at one view, and is well calculated to afford assistance to learners.

In his arrangement of the parts of speech, Mr. Kirkham seems to have endeavoured to follow the order of nature; and we are not able to see how he could have done better. The noun and verb, as being the most important parts of speech, are first explained, and after

wards those which are considered in a secondary and subordinate cia.acter. By following this order, he has avoided the absurdity so common among authors, of defining the minor parts before their principals, of which they were designed to be the appendages, and has rationally prepared the way for conducting the learner by easy advances to a correct view of the science.

In his illustrations of the various subjects contained in his work, our author appears to have aimed, not at a flowery style, nor at the appearance of being learned, but, at being understood. The clearness and perspicuity of his remarks, and their application to familiar objects, are well calculated to arrest the attention, and aid the understanding of the pupil, and thereby to lessen the labour of the instructer. The principles of the science are simplified, and ren dered so perfectly easy of comprehension, we should think no ordinary mind, having such help, could find them difficult. It is in this particular that the work appears to possess its chief merit, and on this account it cannot fail of being preferred to many others.

It gives us pleasure to remark, in reference to the success of the amiable and modest author whose work is before us, that we quote from the fifth edition.

Cincinnati. Aug. 24, 1827.

Extract from the "National Crisis."

The explanations blended with the theory, contained in Mr. Kirkham's "New System of Grammar, are addressed to the understanding of the pupil in a manner so familiar, that they cannot fail to excite in him a deep interest; and whatever system is calculated to bring into requisition the mental powers, must, I conceive, be productive of good results. In my humble opinion, the system of teaching introduced into this work, will enable a diligent pupil to acquire, without any other aid, a practical knowledge of grammar, in less than one-fourth part of the time usually devoted.

Cincinnati, April 26, 1826.

From Mr. N. R. Smith, editor of "The Hesperus."

Mr. Kirkham.-Sir-I have examined your Lectures on English Grammar with that degree of minuteness which enables me to yield my unqualified approbation of the work as a grammatical system. The engaging manner in which you have explained the elements of grammar, and accommodated them to the capacities of youth, is an ample illustration of the utility of your plan. In addition to this, the critical attention you have paid to an analytical development of grammatical principles, while it is calculated to encourage the perseverance of young students in the march of improvement, is sufficient, also, to employ the researches of the literary connoisseur. I trust that your valuable compilation will be speedily introduced into schouls and academies. With respect, yours, N. R. SMITH, A. M. Pittsburgh, March 22, 1825.


I consider this Grammar a work deserving encouragement, and well calculated to facilitate
the acquisition of this useful science.
Albany, Sept. 25, 1824.

S. Kirkham, Esq.-I have examined your Grammar with attention, and with a particular view to benefit the Institution under my charge. I am fully satisfied, that it is the best form in which Murray's principles have been given to the publick. The lectures are ample, and given in language so familiar and easy, as to be readily understood, even by a ture in grammar. New-York, July, 1829. EBER WHEATON.

I have examined the last edition of Kirkham's Grammar with peculiar satisfaction. The improvements which appear in it, do, in my estimation, give it a decided preference over any other system now in use. To point out the peculiar qualities which secure to it claims of which no other system can boast, would be, if required, perfectly easy.

The peculiar excellence of this Grammar is, the simplicity of its method, and the plainness of its illustrations. In a word, the treatise I am recommending, is a practical one; and for that reason, if there were no others to be urged, it ought to be introduced into all our schools and academies. From actual experiment, I can attest to the practicability of the plan which the author has adopted. Of this fact any one may be convinced who will take the pairs to make the experiment.

Albany, July 10, 1829.

SAMUEL CENTER, Pr. of Classical Academy. Philadelphia, Nov. 12, 1829.

I consider this Grammar a work of no ordinary merit, and, consequently, well entitled to publick patronage.

SAMUEL B. WYLIE Principal of the University of

I heartily concur with the Rev. Dr. Wylie, in the above opinion.

EDWARD RUTLEDGE. Prof. Math'ks in the University. Mr. Kirkham's Grammar is certainly entitled to an elevated rank in this department of belles-lettres. ***The work is, in short, of the first order in every point of view, and, there fore, has the highest claims upon the additional favour and patronage of the publick. F. WATERS, S. T. D. Pr. Classical Institution.

Baltimore, June 4, 1831. The peculiar excellencies of the plan on which these lectures are constructed, consist in their unfolding the meaning of the principles of grammar to the mind of the learner in a manner so clear and simple, that, either with, or without the aid of a living teacher, he can easily com prehend their nature and use, and thereby gain a thorough knowledge of this important branch of science, in much less time than is generally devoted to the acquisition of the same.

Baltimore, May 25, 1831.

P. E. HUNTER, Prof. of Lang., Asbury College.

My opinion of Mr. Kirkham's Grammar coincides with Mr. Hunter's.
Baltimore, May 30, 1831.


I have accomplished more through the use of this work since its introduction into my school, in three months, than I was ever able to perform by the aid of other grammars, in twelve months. EDWARD S. EBBS.

Baltimore, June 1, 1831.

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