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by heavens!" he exclaimed, as he beheld her. Hope on," he continued, springing forward, are descried; there are boats making towards us!" At these words Bridget started to her feet, just as a tremendous wave struck the ship, and, sweeping the deck, carried her and the children overboard. Much is said of human selfishness in the emergencies of great danger, and much is of course exhibited, but so powerfully had Bridget's example and beauty of character impressed her fellow-sufferers, that the most vital interest was felt in her fate, and, at this catastrophe, many cried aloud, "Save her! Save her!" while at the moment hopeless of saving themselves. The boats, which had put off from Brune Island, redoubled their efforts. Bridget succeeded in grasping a fragment of timber, and thus kept herself afloat; the heavy rain, which had been some time falling, increasing, refreshed her, and the sea subsided, as if calmed by the tears of heaven; the cheering voices of the approaching men kept alive the pulses of her heart, and at last Bridget and the children were rescued, the little helpless creatures, wonderful to relate, alive. This, however, she scarcely was herself; yet amid what were apparently the pangs of death, her sense of duty was still paramount. Carried on shore, soothing voices and succoring hands were soon around her, but she

made a feeble effort to retain the children, while she exclaimed, with what strength remained to her, "Michael Callan." The name was re

peated aloud by those who marked her anxiety, and immediately a young man, who had helped to man the boat that saved her, pressed eagerly forward. "Here I am," he cried; "what would you with Michael Callan?" He was directed to the dying woman; he knelt down beside her. Bridget opened her eyes, which a moment before had been closing in the last extreme of exhaustion and faintness, "Are you he?" she asked. "I am, Michael Callan." "Now the Father of mercy and all his saints be praised!" she faintly ejaculated. "Michael Callan, here is your child-DORA'S CHILD!" and with these words her long sustained energies forsook her, and she sunk insensible into the arms of the people near her.

The story soon spread through the colony, and by the time Bridget was restored to health and strength, she found herself possessed of a little fortune. All who like herself had survived the wreck, bore testimony to her Christian charity and heroism, and from every quarter of the island subscriptions in her behalf poured in. Her home was on the banks of the Huon; thither every year Michael Callan and his boy make a pilgrimage to the fond friend of Dora, and the faithful preserver of her child.

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