S , fe No use of metal, corn, or wine, or oyl; Seb. And yet he would be King on't. the beginning. Gon. All things in common nature should produce Seb. No marrying 'mong his fubjects? Ant. None, man; all idle; whores and knaves. T'excell the golden age. Seb. Save his Majesty! Ant. Long live Gonzalo ! Gon. And do you mark me, Sir? Alon. Pr'ythee no more; thou doft talk nothing to me. Gon. I do well believe your Highness, and did it to minifter occafion to these gentlemen, who are of fuch sensible and nimble lungs, that they always use to laugh at nothing. Ant. 'Twas you we laugh'd at. Gon. Who, in this kind of merry fooling, am nothing to you: so you may continue, and laugh at nothing still. Ant. What a blow was there given? Seb. An it had not fallen flat-long. Gon. You are gentlemen of brave metal; you would lift the moon out of her sphere, if she would conti nue in it five weeks without changing. Seb. We would fo, and then go a bat-fowling. Ant. Nay, good my lord be not angry. E 3 Gon † Foyzon, the natural juice or moisture of the grafs or other herbs. Gon, No I warrant you, I will not adventure my difcretion so weakly: will you laugh me asleep, for I am very heavy? Ant. Go fleep, and hear us. Alon. What all fo foon afleep? I wish mine eyes Would with themselves shut up my thoughts: I find They are inclin'd to do fo. Seb. Please you, Sir, Do not omit the heavy offer of it: It feldom visits forrow; when it doth, It is a comforter. Ant. We two, my lord, Will guard your person, while you take your reft, And watch your fafety. Alon. Thank you: wondrous heavy. [All fleep but Seb. and Ant. Seb. What a strange drowsiness possesses them? Ant. It is the quality o'th' climate. Doth it not then our eye-lids sink? I find not What might, Ant. Nor I, my fpirits are nimble: They fell together all as by confent, They drept as by a thunder-stroke. Worthy Sebastian---- O, what might---- no more. And yet methinks I see it in thy face, What thou should'st be: th'occasion speaks thee, and My ftrong imagination fees a crown Dropping upon thy head. Seb. What, art thou waking? Ant. Do you not hear me speak? Seb. I do; and surely It is a fleepy language, and thou speak'st Out of thy fleep: what is it thou didst say? This is a strange repose, to be asleep With eyes wide open standing, speaking, moving; And yet so fast afleep. Ant. Noble Sebastian, Thou let'st thy fortune sleep; die rather: wink'it Seb Seb. Thou dost snore distinctly; There's meaning in thy snores. Ant. I am more ferious than my custom. You Must be so, if you heed me; which to do, Troubles thee o'er. Seb. Well: I am standing water. Ant. O! Hereditary floth inftructs me. If you but knew how you the purpose cherifi, Seb. Pr'ythee say on, The fetting of thine eye and cheek proclaim Ant. Thus Sir: Although this lord of weak remembrance; this Seb. I have no hope That he's undrown'd.. Ant. O, out of that no hope, What great hope have you? no hope that way, is Another way so high an hope, that even Ambition cannot pierce a wink beyond, But doubt discovery there. Will you grant, with me, That Ferdinand is drown'd? Seb. He's gone. Ant. Then tell me Who's the next heir of Naples ? Seb. Claribel. Ant. She that is Queen of Tunis; the that dwells Ten leagues beyond man's life; the that from Naples Seb. What stuff is this? how fay you? Ant. A fpace whose ev'ry cubit As this Gonzalo; I my felf could make Ant. And how does your content Tender your own good fortune ? You did fupplant your brother Profpe'ro. And look how well my garments fit upon me, Ant. Ay, Sir; where lyes that? If 'twere a kybe, 'twould put me to my flipper: † no advices by letter. a from. Herè Here lyes your brother No better than the earth he lyes upon, Can lay to bed for ever: you, doing thus, To the perpetual wink for ay might put Seb. Thy cafe, dear friend, Shall be my precedent: as thou got'st Milan, Ant. Draw together: And when I rear my hand, do you the like To fall it on Gonzalo. Seb. But one word. Enter Ariel with Musick and Song. Ari. My master through his art foresees the danger That you, his friend, are in; and sends me forth (For elfe his project dies) to keep them living. [Sings in Gonzalo's Ear While you here do snoaring lye, Open-ey'd conspiracy His time doth take: Shake off fumber, and beware.. Awake! awake! Ant. Then let us both be fudden. Gon. Now, good angels preserve the King! [They wake Alon. Why how now ho? awake? why are you drawn? Wherefore this ghastly looking? Gon, What's the matter? |