Pant. What's the unkindest tide? Laun. Why, he that's ty'd here; Crab, my dog. Pant. Tut, man; I mean thou'lt lose the flood; and in lofing the flood, lose thy voyage; and in lofing thy voyage, lofe thy master; and in lofing thy master, lofe thy service; and in lofing thy service, why doft thou stop my mouth? Laun. For fear thou should'st lose thy tongue. Pant. In thy tail. Laun. Lose the flood, and the voyage, and the mafter, and the service, and the tide; why, man, if the river were dry, I am able to fill it with my tears; if the wind were down, I could drive the boat with my sighs./ Pant. Come, come away, man; I was sent to call thee. Laun. Sir, call me what thou dar'st. Pant. Wilt thou go? SCENE IV. Changes to Milan. [Exeunt. Enter Valentine, Silvia, Thurio and Speed sil. S Ervant. Val. Mistress. Speed. Master, Sir Thurio frowns on you Val. Ay boy it's for love. Speed. Not of you. Val. Of my mistress then. Speed. 'Twere good you knockt him, Sil. Servant, you are fad.. Val. Indeed, madam, I seem so. Val. Haply I do.. Thu, So do counterfeits 11 Val. Your folly. Thu. And how quote you my folly? Val. I quote it in your jerkin. Thu. My jerkin is a doublet. Val. Well then, I'll double your folly. Thu. How? Sil. What angry, Sir Thurio? do you change colour Val. Give him leave, madam; he is a kind of Camelion. Thu. That hath more mind to feed on your blood, than live in your air. Val. You have faid, Sir. Thu. Ay Sir, and done too, for this time. Val. I know it well, Sir; you always end ere you begin. Sil. A fine volly of words, gentlemen, and quickly shot off. Val. 'Tis indeed, Madam; we thank the giver.. Val. Your self, sweet lady, for you gave the fire: Sir Thurio borrows his wit from your ladyship's looks, and spends what he borrows kindly in your company. Thu. Sir, if you spend word for word with me, I shall make your wit bankrupt. Val. I know it well, Sir; you have an exchequer of words, and, I think, no other treasure to give your followers: for it appears, by their bare liveries, that they live by your bare words. Sil. No more, gentlemen, no more: Here comes my father. SCENE V. Enter the Duke. Duke. Now, daughter Silvia, you are hard beset. Sir Valentine, your father's in good health: What What say you to a letter from your friends Val. My lord, I will be thankful To any messenger from thence. Duke. Know you Don Antonio, your countryman? To be of worth and worthy estimation, Val. Ay, my good lord, a fon that well deserves The honour and regard of fuch a father. Val. I knew him as my felf, for from our infancy And in a word, (for far behind his worth Duke. Befhrew me, Sir, but if he make this good, Val. Should I have wish'd a thing, it had been he. Duke. Welcome him then according to his worth: Silvia, I speak to you; and you, Sir Thurio; For Valentine, I need not cite him to it: I'll fend him hither to you presently. [Exit Duke. Val. This is the gentleman I told your ladyship Had come along with me, but that his mistress 0 Sil. Belike that now she hath enfranchis'd them Upon fome other pawn for fealty. Val. Nay fure I think she holds them pris'ners still. Sil. Nay then he should be blind; and being blind, How could he see his way to seek out you? Val. Why lady, love hath twenty pair of eyes. Thu. They say that love hath not an eye at all. 1 val. To fee fuch lovers, Thurio, as your felf: Upon a homely object love can wink. SCENE VI. Enter Protheus. Sil. Have done, have done; here comes the gentleman. To have a look of fuch a worthy mistress. Thu. Madam, my lord your father would speak Sil. I wait upon his pleasure; come, Sir Thurio, When you have done, we look to hear from you. [Ex. Sil, and Thu. SCENE SCENE VII. Val. Now tell me how do all from whence you came? Pro. Your friends are well, and have them much commended. Val. And how do yours? Pro. I left them all in health. Val. How does your lady? and how thrives your love? Pro. My tales of love were wont to weary you; I know you joy not in a love-discourse. Val. Ay, Protheus, but that life is alter'd now; I have done penance for contemning love, Whofe high imperious thoughts have punish'd me With bitter fafts, with penitential groans, With nightly tears and daily heart-fore fighs. For in revenge of my contempt of love, Love hath chac'd fleep from my enthralled eyes, And And made them watchers of mine own heart's forrow O gentle Protheus, love's a mighty lord, And hath fo humbled me, as I confefs There is no wo to his correction; Nor to his service, no such joy on earth. Now no difcourse, except it be of love; Now can I break my fast, dine, fup and fleep Upon the very naked name of love. Pro. Enough: I read your fortune in your eye. Was this the idol that you worship fo? Val. Even fhe; and is she not a heav'nly faint? Pro. No; but she is an earthly paragon. Val. Call her divine. Pro. I will not flatter her. Val. O flatter me; for love delights in praise. And I must minister the like to you. val. Then speak the truth by her: if not divine, Yet let her be a principality, Prou |