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Have I every Day duly prayed to him, and praised him for his Mercies?

And when I have done it at Church


at Home in my Family, or in fecret by myself, hath it been only out of Cu or with fuch a Senfe of God, and fuch Seriousness, Fervency, and Affection, as he requires?

Have I used fuch Confiderations beforehand, as might enable me rightly to perform the fame ?

Have I laboured to form fuch Apprehenfions of God as are worthy of his adorable Majefty, and to furnish my Mind with useful and neceffary Knowledge?

Have I (notwithstanding the Means of Grace, and the Light of the Gospel) fuffered myself to live in ignorance of him, and my Duty?

Hath the Confideration of his infinite Power made me fearful to offend him?

Have I feared Man more than God, by committing Sin, to avoid Disgrace or any temporal Evil?

Have I prefumptuously hoped for Salvation, whilst I continued to live in the wilful Commiffion of one or more Sins?

Have I not been fo foolish as to put off


my Repentance, thereby rendering myself lefs able to fet about it?

Have I refigned myself, and all my Concerns, to the all-wife and good Providence of God?

Have I endeavoured to bear his afflicting · Hand with Patience and Humility; confidering that the greatest Sufferings I can undergo in this World, are much less than the Defert of my Sins? Or have I not murmured, or been impatient under any Trouble that has befallen me?

Have I

grown better by Afflictions? Have I frequented the Holy Sacrament? Or have I not staid away through caufelefs Prejudice, or feigned Excufes, being unwilling to part with my Sins?

If I have come to the bleffed Sacrament, have I not received it without Repentance and a steadfast Purpose to lead a new Life; without a firm and lively Faith, a hearty and thankful Remembrance of the Love of Chrift, in giving himself to be a Sacrifice for my Sins; and without a fincere and -univerfal Love and Good-will to all Mankind?

Have I made it my Care to live fuitably to my facramental Profeffion, and folemn ngagements?

Have I endeavoured to affect my Heart with a lively Sense of the multiplied Mercies of God to me, both temporal, and spiritual?

Have I seriously confidered that amazing Inftance of the Love of Chrift, in redeeming me from the Bondage and Dominion of Sin, and the Tyranny of the Devil?

Do I depend upon the Merits and Satiffaction of Chrift, and hope for Acceptance with God, only through him, and not for any Merit of my own?

Have I as a weak Creature, depended upon the Light, Grace, and Affiftance of the Holy Spirit, to further my Endeavours, to guide and strengthen me in all my Performances, and to direct and comfort me in all my Temptations, Difficulties, and Troubles?

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II. Of our Duty towards our Neighbour.

"MY Soul, feriously confider thy past Actions! How haft thou discharged thy Duty to thy Neighbour? Haft thou "confidered, that in the Senfe of the Gofpel, not only the Perfon who dwells near thee, but every Man is thy Neighbour?"


Have I, according to the Ability and Opportunities which God hath given me, done Good to all that ftand in Need of my Help?

Have I carried it to my Neighbour, as one that loves him fincerely and heartily?

Have I done unto others, as I would they fhould do unto me; that is, have I done to others what I could reasonably expect or defire they should do to me, if in the like Circumstances? And on the other Hand, Have I been careful not to do any thing to others that I could reasonably defire they fhould not do unto me?

Have I, in Conformity to this Rule, endeavoured in my Place and Station to prevent Evil and Damage to the Souls, and Bodies, and Estates of others?

Have I wronged no Man in his Soul, by leading him into fuch Errors, as are destructive of true Religion; by enticing and teaching him to fin against God, and wound his Confcience by setting him an ill Example; by counselling or commanding him to do that which was difpleafing to God, or by confenting to his Sins?

Have I difcouraged or deterred any one from the serious Practice of Religion and Piety?

Have I fought and endeavoured to bring thofe to Repentance, whom I have any ways led into Sin?

Have I delighted caufelefly to grieve any one?

Have I hurt any Perfon in his Body, by offering any Force or Violence to him; by drawing him into Intemperance, or any Vices; or by exciting Jealoufies, Quarrels,. or Fightings among Men?

Have I injured my Neighbour in his Goods or Eftate, by damaging him; by defrauding or over-reaching him in Bargains, or Contracts; or in his good Name, by Slandering, Backbiting, or Infult?

Have I, in the Management of my Eftate or Calling, run into Debt without Hopes or Design of Payment?

Have I not publifhed my Neighbour's Faults, when neither the Glory of God, nor the Good of others, made fuch a Publication neceffary?

Have I rafhly or wrongfully cenfured or judged any Perfon?

Have I flattered any into Evil, soothing them up in it, or commending them for it, or for that Good I knew they had not? If I have by any Means, or upon any Account whatfoever, done any Wrong to

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