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risees, who maintained that it was lawful for men to divorce their wives for any trifling


91 Q. But what does Jesus teach us on this subject?


"That whosoever puts away his wife for any other cause than fornication, causeth her to commit adultery; and that he who marrieth a woman thus unlawfully divorced, also committeth adultery."

92 Q. What is the third commandment?


"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." 93. Q. Does our Lord quote these words in his Sermon?

A. No:-He expresses the same thing in words.

somewhat different-" Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord 'thine oaths."

94 Q. How did the Scribes and Pharisees understand this commandment?

A. They taught the people that so long as they did not swear immediately by the name of Jehovah, their oaths were not binding upon them; and that they might wantonly use them in their common discourse.

95 Q.

How does our Lord correct their error? A. 1, By declaring, that, on account of the connection which exists between the creatures and their Creator, to swear by any of them is in effect to swear by him.

2, By pronouncing it a sin to use any

other form of ordinary discourse than simple assertions and denials.

96 Q. Does our Lord explain any other precept of the law in his Sermon on the Mount? A. Yes: The precept given to the judges to punish offenders by the loss of an eye or a tooth, when they had been guilty of destroying the eye or tooth of another by violence. 97 Q. How did the Scribes and Pharisees pervert this precept?

A. They made it a cloak for bitter and rigorous revenge.

98 Q. Does our Lord permit his disciples to avenge themselves?

A. No:-He teaches them to suffer repeated wrongs both in their persons and property, and to submit to repeated instances of compulsion, rather than to return evil for evil, when the injury sustained affects themselves alone. 99. Q. What line of conduct does our Lord direct

us to follow with respect to those, who, instead of taking away our property by violence, would beg or borrow from us?

A. He tells us to give to him that asketh us, and not to turn away from him that would borrow of us.

100 Q.


101 Q.

But is this rule to be followed without any limitation?

No:-A man must discharge the obligations under which he lies towards his creditors, his family, and the household of faith, before he is generous to others.

Did the law of God command the Jews to

love their neighbours, and to hate their ene mies?

A. No:-God spake the former part of these words, but the Scribes and Pharisees added the latter.

102 Q. Does Jesus Christ correct the error of these false teachers?

A. Yes:-He tells his disciples to "love their enemies, to bless those who curse them, to do good to those that hate them, and to pray for those who despitefully use them and persecute them."

103 Q. Who will acknowledge us as his children, if we thus overcome evil with good?

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104 Q. What do you mean by our being the children of God?

A. Our being born again in the likeness of
God, and partaking of his nature, which is

105 Q. Is God loving unto every man,

tender mercies over all his works?

and are his

A. Yes:- "He makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust."

106 Q. Is it sufficient to prove that we are God's children, if we love them that love us, and wish well to our brethren only?

A. No:-Even the publicans and others could go thus far, but God's children must do more.

107 Q.

Who were the publicans whom Jesus men


Persons appointed by the Roman Governors to collect the public taxes in Judea.

108 Q. Of what kind was their general character? A. They were notorious for extortion and injustice.

109 Q. Whom should the children of God endeavour to resemble?

A. God himself, their Father which is in heaven.

110 Q. In what respect should they aspire to be like God?

A. They should aspire to be perfect in Love and mercy, even as God is perfect; and this is the grand and ultimate design of the Gospel, to incline and enable us to love one another, even our bitterest enemies, as God hath loved us, when we were dead in trespasses and sins, and enemies to him in our mind by wicked works.

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A. That which is bestowed for

the relief of the poor.

112 Q. What is the sin which our Lord cautions us to avoid in giving alms?

A. The desire of being seen and admired of


113 Q. What is a hypocrite?

A. A deceitful person, who pretends to be what he really is not.

114 Q. Were there any such among the Jews?

A. Yes:-The Scribes and Pharisees in general were hypocrites.

115 Q. What were the synagogues of the Jews? A. Places resembling our churches, where

they met together for the purposes of hearing the word of God, and joining in public prayer.

116 Q. Why did the hypocrites sound a trumpet in the synagogues and in the streets before they gave their alms?

A. They did this under the pretence of calling the poor together, but their real design was to attract the observation and obtain the praise of men.

117 Q. Will God reward the actions of those who do them from so selfish a motive?

A. No:-The praise of men being the only reward desired, none other will be given. 118 Q. What does our Lord mean by that exhortation, "When thou doest thine alms, let not

thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth?"

A. That we should give our alms as privately as circumstances will allow, and without any ostentation.

119 Q. With what intention should our alms be given?

A. With the sincere intention of pleasing
God, by supplying the wants of our fellow-


120 Q. If they are given with this pure intention, will God accept them as a sacrifice offered to him?

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