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atry. But I am as little inclined as any one to make an idol out of any human virtue, or human wisdom.



Rugby, June 24, 1833.

An ordinary letter written to me when yours was, would have been answered some time since, but I do not like to write to you when I have no leisure to write at length. Most truly do I thank you both for your affectionate recollection of my birthday, and for coupling it in your mind with the 4th of April. May my second birthday be as blessed to me, as the 20th of August, I doubt not, has been to her. . . . All writings which state the truth, must contain things which, taken nakedly and without their balancing truths, may serve the purposes of either party, because no party is altogether wrong. But I have no reason to think that my Church Reform Pamphlet has served the purposes of the antichristian party in any way, it being hardly possible to extract a passage which they would like. The High Church party are offended enough, and so are the Unitarians, but I do not see that either make a cat's paw of me. The Bishop con

firms here on Saturday, and I have had and have still a great deal to do in examining the boys for it. Indeed, the work is full heavy just now, but the fry are learning cricket, and we play nice matches sometimes, to my great refreshment. God bless you and yours.

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(In answer to objections to his Pamphlet.)

Grasmere, August 3, 1833.

And now I feel that to reply to your letter as I could wish, would require a volume. You will say, why

a Alluding to his sister's birthday and death.

was not the volume published before, or with the pamphlet? To which I answer that, first, it would probably not have been read, and secondly, I was not prepared to find men so startled at principles, which have long appeared to me to follow necessarily from a careful study of the New Testament. Be assured, however, that, whether mistakenly or not, I fully believe that such a plan as I have proposed, taken altogether, would lead to a more complete representation of Scripture truth in our forms of worship and preaching than we have ever yet attained to; not, certainly, if we were only to cut away Articles, and alter the Liturgy-then the effect might be latitudinarianbut if, whilst relaxing the theoretical bond, we were to tighten the practical one by amending the government and constitution of the Church, then I do believe that the fruit would be Christian union, by which I certainly do not mean an agreement in believing nothing, or as little as we Mean time, I wish to remind you that one of St. Paul's favourite notions of heresy is "a doting about strifes of words." One side may be right in such a strife, and the other wrong, but both are heretical as to Christianity, because they lead men's minds away from the love of God and of Christ, to questions essentially tempting to the intellect, and which tend to no profit towards godliAnd again, I think you will find that all the "false doctrines" spoken of by the Apostles, are doctrines of sheer wickedness; that their counterpart in modern times is to be found in the Anabaptists of Munster, or the Fifth monarchy men, or in mere secular High Churchmen, or hypocritical Evangelicals,-in those who make Christianity minister to lust, or to covetousness, or to ambition; not in those who interpret Scripture to the best of their conscience and ability, be their interpretation ever so erro




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Allan Bank, Grasmere, August 18, 1833.

I have had a good deal of worry from .

the party spirit of the neighbourhood, who in the first place have no notion of what my opinions are, and in the next place cannot believe that I do not teach the boys Junius and the Edinburgh Review, at the least, if not Cobbett and the Examiner. But this is an evil which flesh is heir to, if flesh, at least, will write as I have done.

I am sorry that you do not like the Pamphlet, for I am myself daily more and more convinced of its truth. I will not answer for its practicability; when the patient is at his last gasp, the dose may come too late, but still it is his only chance; he may die of the doctor; he must die of the disease. I fear that nothing can save us from falling into the American system, which will well show us the inherent evil of our Protestantism, each man quarrelling with his neighbour for a word, and all discarding so much of the beauty and solemnity, and visible power of the Gospel, that in common minds, where its spiritual power is not very great, the result is like the savourless salt, the vilest thing in the world. I would join with all those who love Christ and pray to Him; who regard him not as dead, but as living. [This part of the letter has been accidentally torn away: the substance of it seems to have been the same as that of Letters LXI. and LXIX.] . Make the

[Church a] living and active society, like that of the first Christians, [and then] differences of opinion will either cease or will signify nothing. [Look] through the Epistles, and you will find nothing there condemned as [heresy] but what was mere wickedness; if you consider the real nature and connexion of the tenets condemned. For such differences of opinion as exist amongst Christians now, the 14th chapter of the Romans is the applicable lesson-not such passages as Titus iii. 10, or 2 John, 10, 11, or Jude 3, (that much abused verse!) or 19 or 23. There is one ana

thema, which is indeed holy and just, and most profitable for ourselves as well as for others, (1 Corinth. xvi. 22,) but this is not the anathema of a fond theology. Lo! I have written you almost another Pamphlet, instead of telling you of my wife and the fry, who for more than five weeks have been revelling amongst the mountains. But as far as scenery goes, I would rather have heath and blue hills all the year, than mountains for three months, and Warwickshire for nine, with no hills, either blue or brown, no heath, no woods, no clear streams, no wide plains for lights and shades to play over, nay, no banks for flowers to grow upon, but one monotonous undulation of green fields and hedges, and very fat cattle. But we have each our own work, and our own enjoyments, and I am sure that I have more than I can ever be sufficiently thankful for.

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Rugby, October 7, 1833.

In Italy you met Bunsen, and can now sympathize with the all but idolatry with which I regard him. So beautifully good, so wise, and so noble-minded! I do not believe that any man can have a deeper interest in Rome than I have, yet I envy you nothing so much in your last winter's stay there, as your continued intercourse with Bunsen. It is since I saw you that I have been devouring with the most intense admiration the third volume of Niebuhr. The clearness and comprehensiveness of all his military details is a new feature in that wonderful mind, and how inimitably beautiful is that brief account of Terni. You will not, I trust, misinterpret me, when I say that this third volume set me at work again in earnest, on the Roman History, last summer. As to any man's being a fit continuator of Niebuhr, that is absurd; but I have at least the qualification of an unbounded veneration for what he has done, and, as my name is mentioned in his book, I

should like to try to embody, in a continuation of the Roman History, the thoughts and notions which I have learnt from him. Perhaps I may trouble you with a letter on this subject, asking, as I have often done before, for information".


Rugby, October 23, 1833.

I love your letters dearly, and thank you for them greatly; your last was a great treat, though I may seem not to have shown my sense of it, by answering it so leisurely. First of all, you will be glad to hear of the birth of my eighth living child, a little girl, to whom we mean to give an unreasonable number of names, Frances Bunsen Trevenen Whately; the second after my valued friend, the Prussian Minister at Rome, of whom, as I know not whether I shall ever see him again, I wished to have a daily present recollection in the person of one of my children. I wish I could show you his two letters, one to me on the political state of Europe, and one to Dr. Nott on the perfect notion of a Christian Liturgy. I am sure that you would love and admire, with me, the extraordinary combination of piety and wisdom and profound knowledge and large experience, which breathes through every line of both.

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I go all lengths with you in deprecating any increase of political excitement, any thing that shall tend to make politics enter into a man's daily thoughts and daily practice. When I first projected the Englishman's Register, I wrote to my nephew my sentiments about it in full; a letter which I keep, and may one day find it convenient to publish as my confession of faith; in this letter I protested strongly against making the Register exclusively political, and entered at large into my reasons for

a This alludes to a plan he at first entertained of beginning his own Roman History with the Punic wars.

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