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But I knew

are the best boy in all our street." I was told the truth by conviction, and that she was mistaken: for I plainly understood by clear conviction, and by the Holy Scriptures, (which I had been trained up in the reading of,) that I was too vain and wanton; for I loved music, dancing, and playing at cards, and too much delighted therein betimes, and was followed with the judgments of God therefore in the secret of my soul.

What I did in those sports and games, I always took care to do out of the sight, and without the knowledge of my tender parents; for I was afraid of their reproofs and correction, the which I was sure to have, if they had any intelligence of it.

1 remember that, unknown to my parents, I had bought a pack of cards, with intent to make use of them when I went to see my relations in the country, where there was liberty in the family so to do, at a place called Woodford, about seven miles from London, where I got leave sometimes to go; and at the time calJed Christmas, I went to see them, and five miles on my way went to a meeting, at a town called Wanstead, at which meeting, a minister of Christ declared against the evil of gaming, and particularly of cards; and that the time which people pretend to keep holy, for Christ's sake, many of them spend mostly in wickedness, sports, and

games; even some pretending to be religious : and, generally speaking, more sin and evil is committed in this time, than in the like space of time in all the year besides; so that the devil is served instead of honouring Christ. From this meeting at Wanstead, I went to the house of my relations, where the parson of the next parish lodged that night, who used to play at cards with them sometimes; and the time drawing near that we were to go to our games, my uncle called to the doctor, (as he called him,) to me, and to my cousin, to come and take a game at cards; at which motion I had strong convictions upon me not to do it, as being evil; and I secretly cried to the Lord to keep me faithful to him; and lifting up my eyes, I saw a bible lie in the window, at the sight of which I was glad. I took it, and sat down, and read to myself, greatly rejoicing that I was preserved out of the snare. Then my uncle called again, and said "Come, doctor, you and I, and my wife, and daughter, will have a game at cards, for I see my cousin is better disposed." Then he looked upon me, and said, he was better disposed also. So their sport for that time was spoiled, and mine in that practice for ever; for I never (as I remember) played with them more, but as soon as I came home, offered my new and untouched pack of cards to the fire; and of this I am certain, the use of them is of

evil consequence, and draws away the mind from heaven and heavenly things; for which season all Christians ought to shun them as engines of Satan and music and dancing, having generally the same tendency, ought therefore to be refrained from. The sentiments of the Waldenses, a people in great esteem among Protestants, are worthy the consideration of all true Protestants and Christians; which were, That as many paces, or steps, as the man or woman takes in the dance, so many paces or steps they take towards hell.'


I very well remember the work of God upon my soul, when I was about ten years of age, and particularly at a certain time when I had been rebelling against God and my parents, in vanity and lightness: and as I had offended both, so I was corrected by both for I had not only the anger of my parents, but the Lord frowned upon me, insomuch that I trembled exceedingly, and was as though I heard a voice say to me "What will become of thee this night, if I should take thy life from thee?" at which I was amazed, and in great fear. Then I covenanted with God, that if he would be pleased to spare my life, (for I thought God would have taken. my life from me that very moment,) I would be more sober, and mind his fear more than I had done before.

Nevertheless I broke covenant with God my

maker, my adversary tempting me so to do, telling me I was but a child, and that it was natural for children to be brisk and to play, and that God would wink at my childhood and youth, and it was time enough for me when a man, to become religious. But still God followed me with his chastising rod, and often put me in mind of my covenant that I made with him in my distress; and that he had granted my request which I then made to him; and unless I would take up a cross to my own corrupt will and inclinations, he should take me out of the world. Then, oh then! I cried, "Lord, help, or I die! save me, or I perish for ever! I cannot keep thy covenant, nor do thy will without thy help and assistance!" and indeed if the Lord had not helped, I had been undone for ever.

So I continued bowed down in my mind, calling on the Lord; thinking and meditating on heaven and heavenly things; but, as I am sensible, I had an inward enemy that always sought my hurt and overthrow. I have cause to bless God, who by his grace (as mine eye turned to it) helped me to do his will, as he was pleased to manifest it to me, so that thereby some change was wrought on me, both inwardly and outwardly.

And I then began to delight in reading and sobriety, which before were irksome to me and when I read the holy Scriptures, I desired that

God would open them to my understanding, which he did to my edification many times. I also begged earnestly of the Lord, that he would be pleased to be with me, and make me like to those his children and servants, of whom I read in the holy Scriptures, who faithfully served him all their days. And when I read of the crucifixion of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, it would break my soul into tenderness. I thought it was enough to awaken and humble any soul that was well-meaning, and had any sense of the power, love, and grace of Christ. Thus I went on for several years, feeling that peace which passeth natural understanding, which many times accompanied my poor and needy soul: and being advanced to about fourteen or fifteen years of age, I remember that I used to shun the cross of speaking in the plain language, (which I always read in the holy Scriptures,) to those whom I conversed with, except my father and mother, who would not allow me to speak otherwise. I was convicted in my conscience that it was not right to play the hypocrite after that manner; and on a certain time I had occasion to speak with an officer, a great man in our neighbourhood, and my heart moved within me for fear I should shun the cross of Christ; (for it was Christ's language to all, as we my read in the New Testament; and the Scriptures, from Genesis to the Revelations, speak thee and thou,

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