Actor, Shakespeare as an, 80, 91. Actors, professional, created by
the Moralities, 13; their posi- tion by the middle of the six- teenth century, 61; Elizabeth a patron of, 82; Leicester's company of, 82-83, 89; a per- formance described, 84-86; Shakespeare's name on lists of, 90; the address to, in "Hamlet," 91; opposition of the City to, 99-101; in the "War of the Theatres," 221- 223, 248; boys as, 83, 248-251, 316; reference in "Hamlet" to the strife between boy and adult, 248.
Adam, in "As You Like It"
played by Shakespeare, 90. Adaptation of his own plays, 160, 208.
Adaption of plays by Shake-
speare, 105-106, 107-112, 115. Alleyne, Edward, the star of the
Admiral's Men, 89, 90.
"All's Well that Ends Well,"
source of its plot, 250-252; alluded to, 253.
'A Lover's Complaint" alluded to among the poetical writings of Shakespeare, 106, 138; pub- lished with the Sonnets, but little else is known of it, 177. "A Midsummer Night's Dream," Warwickshire in, 49; alluded
father after leaving school, 41; quoted, 72.
Autographs of the poet, 319. Ayrer, Jacob, 308; his "Die Schöne Sidea" very similar in plot to "The Tempest," 308.
in, 77; Shakespeare's house in, 318, 319, 322. Blackfriars Theatre, built by the
elder Burbage, 90; secured for the use of the Children of the Chapel, 248; Shakespeare's income from, 316.
Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam, Boccaccio, the source of "All's
Well that Ends Well," 250; and of "Cymbeline," 299. Bond, the marriage, of Shake- speare and Anne Hathaway, 66, 67.
Boy actors, 83; the strife between adults and, 248, 249, 316; the reference to, in "Hamlet," 248.
Brandes, Mr. Georg, on Shake-
speare's visiting Italy, 92-94. Brooke, Arthur, author of a poet- ical version of the story of "Romeo and Juliet," 157. Burbage, James, actor and a liveryman in the neighbour- hood of Smithfield, 71, 79; a Stratford man by birth, 78; owner of The Theatre, 79; builder of Blackfriars Theatre, 90, 248. Burbage, Richard, son of James, 71,79; a member of the King's Players, 83; of Shakespeare's company, 89; builder of the Globe Theatre, 89, 323; al- luded to, 222. Bushnell, Dr., quoted, 199.
pest," 307, 308. Bible, Shakespeare's study of the, 38. Camden, William, 223. Birthplace, the, of Shakespeare, Cavendish, George, 310. detailed description of, 29-31; Cecil, Sir Robert, Raleigh's letter inherited by Shakespeare, 293, to, 127. 317; by his daughter, 318; by Chamberlain, the Lord, his com- his sister's grandson, 29, 319. pany of players, 90, 215. Blackfriars, Vautrollier a publisher | Chapman, George, his Homer,
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