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1. When was Part Two first published? Was this first edition a Quarto or a Folio?

2. Does the variety of Part Two make up for the solidity of Part One? Give reasons for opinion.

3. Characterize Part Two in comparison with Part One. Which part is significant of military conflict and which of political warfare?

4. Whom do you consider to be the hero of this play— King Henry or Prince Henry? Why?


5. What author gave Shakespeare the idea for the personified character of Rumor? What is the dramatic value

of such an introduction?

6. How does Northumberland discern, from Morton's behavior, that his son is dead? What effect does the news have upon his illness?

7. By what appeal does the Archbishop of York arouse the rebels to fight?

8. How do Falstaff's words (scene ii), "I am..

the cause that wit is in other men," reveal his dramatic value to the play?

9. What is the significance of "Paul's" and "Smithfield" (scene ii)?

10. Is Falstaff's impudence (scene ii) to the Lord Chief Justice merely a cloak to cover up his guilt, or a vehicle for his wit?

11. What metaphor does Bardolph employ to determine whether or not the rebels have sufficient strength to engage in battle?

12. How does the Archbishop convey the fact of the fickleness of the rebels?


13. Judging from Mrs. Quickly's behavior, was she fond of Falstaff or not? How does he make use of his military office upon her charge against him?

14. Why does Prince Henry refrain from tears and seek gay company during his father's illness? Wherein does Falstaff's levity become of service to the Prince, at this time?

15. What is the gist of Falstaff's letter to the Prince? 16. How does the scene (iii) with his wife and daughter help to reveal Northumberland's sense of honor?

17. Relate an incident to show that Prince Henry insulted Falstaff (scene iv).

18. What is Shakespeare's motive in introducing the characters, Doll and Poins?

19. What influence does the extravagant vulgarity of scene iv have upon Prince Henry and his friendship with Falstaff?

20. What announcement occurs to break up the revel at the tavern?


21. What is the King's mood at the opening of Act III? Does his soliloquy express regret for his past life? 22. What expedition is the King very desirous of taking and why?

23. Characterize and compare Shallow and Silence. 24. Does Shakespeare invent the selection of soldiers by Falstaff as one more opportunity for the latter to display his entertaining wit?

25. Comment on Falstaff's young life as deduced from his reunion with Shallow.

26. How does Falstaff intend to make use of his meeting with Shallow?


27. Where does Act IV open?

28. What words spoken by the Archbishop convey his opinion of Northumberland's inability to lend aid?

29. What news is received immediately after the message from Northumberland?

30. What is Westmoreland's manner when presenting the overture from the King to the rebels?

31. Explain the Archbishop's words, "the summary of all our griefs . . . .Which long ere this we offer'd to the king, And might by no suit gain our audience”?

32. What is the individual reception of Northumberland by Mowbray and the Archbishop?

33. What is the meaning of "his foes are so enrooted with his friends" (scene i)? How do they help to foretell the result of the peace conference?

34. How does Prince John's greeting to the rebels (scene ii) resemble that of Westmoreland in the previous scene?

35. Does Prince John intend to deceive the Archbishop by flattery?

36. What is the result of the peace conference?

37. How does Prince John justify his arrest of the rebels after his friendly overtures?

38. To whom does Falstaff refer when he says "the hook-nosed fellow of Rome" (scene iii)?

39. What is meant (in this scene) by celebrating anything in a "ballad”?

40. What is Falstaff's defence of much wine-drinking? 41. Where does scene iv open? What two sons of the King are here first given prominence?

42. What characteristics of Prince Henry are brought to his brother Thomas's attention by their father?

43. What excuse does Warwick give the King for Henry's association with low companions?

44. How does the King receive the news of the victory?

45. What act of Prince Henry's (scene v) arouses his father's suspicion of his filial respect and loyalty?

46. How does Prince Henry absolve himself of his father's accusation?

47. What farewell advice does the King give to Prince Henry?

48. Where does the King die? What is the significance, if any?


49. Compare Shallow's words, "I will use him [Falstaff] well," with Falstaff's last words in Act III, scene ii.

50. What is the general opinion of the Court as to the future of the kingdom under Henry V?

51. What is the ancient grudge here (scene ii) revived by the Lord Chief Justice, and where has there been previous mention of it in this play?

52. In scene iii what forms of merriment does Silence indulge in?

53. What news does Pistol bring to Falstaff?

54. What is the dramatic value of scene iv?

55. What treatment does Falstaff receive at the hands of Henry V? Is the King's virtue genuine or assumed? 56. What delusion does Falstaff cherish after the King's dismissal of him?

57. What lines in the Epilogue prepare the reader for Shakespeare's play, Henry V?

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