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might be secured. We bless thee that thou didst reveal this mercy, in various types and promises, to our fathers by the prophets, and that in thine own appointed time thou didst send thy Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and to redeem us by his death. We give glory to thy justice and thy grace for this work of terror and compassion; in reconciling sinners to thyself by the sufferings of thine only begotten and well-beloved Son.

We praise thee for the gospel which thou hast published to the world; the gospel of pardon and of peace: that thou hast confirmed it by such abundant testimonies, to raise and establish our faith. We give glory to that power of thine which has guarded thy gospel in all ages; and through all the oppositions of its enemies, in earth and hell, has delivered it down to us, and proclaimed its glad tidings in our age and nation.

We bless thee that we were born in such a land of light as this, in which thou has built habitations for thyself, wherein we have enjoyed the privilege of attending thy solemn worship, of beholding thy glory and thy grace, and of being in.structed in the way of salvation.

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[It is a distinguishing favour of thine that we are placed in the rank of rational beings: but how much more distinguishing thy goodness, that we should be born under the promises of thy grace, and favoured with so many advantages for knowing the things which belong to our eternal peace.]

Thanks to thy goodness for the preservation of our lives, amidst all the dangers that have threatened us; that thou didst not cut us off in a state of nature and of sin; that our portion is not at this time among the children of wrath and despair; that, notwithstanding our shameful abuse of our distinguished mercies, we are still in the land of the living and of hope. That we not only still enjoy so many of the conveniencies and comforts of this life, but that the means of grace and salvation are still near unto us; that thou art yet inviting us to look unto Jesus and be saved; and that to the calls of thy word and providence, thou art pleased to add the calls of thy Spirit in our hearts. ... that the goodness of God may effecO tually lead us unto repentance, and that thy long-suffering may prove our salvation; God forbid that our distinguished

privileges should finally prove distinguished aggravations of our guilt and misery! May we be induced by the mercies of the Lord, to present our bodies and souls living sacrifices, holy and acceptable in thy sight, through Jesus Christ: which is our most reasonable service. Under a sense of thy past goodness in general, and especially on a review of the mercies of the past day and week, we desire, O our heavenly Father, to dedicate ourselves afresh to thee. We are not our own, but thine: may we be entirely devoted to thy service, and be enabled to glorify thee both with our bodies and spirits, which are thine.

To be added on the evening preceding a communion-sabbath.

[Lord, we have some of us solemnly and publicly given up ourselves to thee. We have beheld Jesus the Saviour in his perfect righteousness and all-sufficient grace: we have put our trust in him: we have made our covenant with the Father by the sacrifice of the Son. We have often drawn near to thee in thine ordinances, we have ratified and confirmed

the holy covenant at thy table; and have thus, as it were, subscribed with our hands to be the Lord's.

We desire to confirm all our former dedications of ourselves to thee. Help us afresh to commit our guilty souls into the hands of Jesus our Redeemer, that he may sprinkle them afresh with his atoning blood, and that by his grace he may form all our powers anew: that he may subdue every irregular appetite, and root out every disorderly passion that he may frame us after his own image, fill us with his own grace, and fit us for his own glory.]

Prepare all of us, we beseech thee, for the solemnities of thine house on the ensuing day, and render thine ordinances pleasant and profitable to us and to our fellow-worshippers. Assist all thy ministers in leading the worship of thy sanctuary, and in delivering the truths of the everlasting gospel; and do thou command the blessing out of Zion, even life for evermore. And O grant that the glad tidings of the gospel which we hear may be proclaimed through the whole earth, that all flesh may know the salvation of the Lord. We beseech thee to accept

these our prayers, praises, and solemn vows, through the worthy name of thy dear Son, to whom as the Lamb that was slain, to redeem us unto God by his blood, be glory and dominion for ever. Amen.


MOST glorious God, and merciful Father, in our Lord Jesus Christ; we beseech thee look down with pity upon thy unworthy creatures, who are this morning of thine own day, drawing near the footstool of thy throne of grace.

It is our greatest honour and advantage to be allowed access to thee; but our souls are so bowed down with a spirit of infirmity, that we cannot lift them up unto thee. Lord cure this sad disease, cleanse us from all our sins, remove our carnality, and spiritualize our affections.

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We bless thee that thou hast preserved us from all dangers through the last week, and the last night; that thou hast lengthened out our time, and that thou art now giving us another sabbath; a new opportunity to repent, and to make our calling and election sure. As thou hast awakened

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