The Works of Shakespeare ...Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1909 |
From inside the book
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Page 14
... sayde Lorde of Winchester , without the advise and assent of my sayd Lorde of Gloucester , or of the King's counsayle , purposed and disposed him to set hand on the kinges person , and to have removed him from Eltham the place that he ...
... sayde Lorde of Winchester , without the advise and assent of my sayd Lorde of Gloucester , or of the King's counsayle , purposed and disposed him to set hand on the kinges person , and to have removed him from Eltham the place that he ...
Page 27
... sayde refuse , he receyued the sayde Woodeuile and cherished him agaynst the state and worship of the King and of my sayde Lorde of Gloucester . " 13. Break up the gates ] batter them to pieces . Malone quotes from Hall's Chronicle ...
... sayde refuse , he receyued the sayde Woodeuile and cherished him agaynst the state and worship of the King and of my sayde Lorde of Gloucester . " 13. Break up the gates ] batter them to pieces . Malone quotes from Hall's Chronicle ...
Page 28
... sayde towne was invested with the Habite , Hat , and dignitie of a Cardinall , with all Cere- monies to it apperteynyng . Which degree King Henrie the fift , knowyng the haute courage , and the ambicious minde of the man , prohibited ...
... sayde towne was invested with the Habite , Hat , and dignitie of a Cardinall , with all Cere- monies to it apperteynyng . Which degree King Henrie the fift , knowyng the haute courage , and the ambicious minde of the man , prohibited ...
Page 29
... sayde soueraigne Lorde beyng Prince , was lodged in the Palaice of Westminster in the great Chamber , by the noyes ... sayde Lorde of Winchester ordeyned to have slaine the sayd prince there in his bed : Wherefore the sayde Erle of ...
... sayde soueraigne Lorde beyng Prince , was lodged in the Palaice of Westminster in the great Chamber , by the noyes ... sayde Lorde of Winchester ordeyned to have slaine the sayd prince there in his bed : Wherefore the sayde Erle of ...
Page 33
... sayde Tower , and so into the high Chamber and looked out at the Grate , and within a short space the sonne of the Maister Goonner , perceyvyng men look out at the Chamber windowe , took his matche , as his father had taught him , which ...
... sayde Tower , and so into the high Chamber and looked out at the Grate , and within a short space the sonne of the Maister Goonner , perceyvyng men look out at the Chamber windowe , took his matche , as his father had taught him , which ...
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Alarum Alençon Alphonsus Arden edition arms Bastard Bedford blood Burgundy Cæsar Cambridge Capell Chronicle Compare Faerie Queene Compare Greene conj Dauphin death Dict doth Duke Dyce earlier earliest Edward England English Enter Erle Euphues example Exeunt Exit expression Faerie Queene Fastolfe favourite France French give Glou Gloucester Golding's Ovid Grafton Greene's Grosart hath Hazlitt's Dodsley Henry IV Henry VI Holinshed honour Jack Straw Julius Cæsar King Henry Locrine Lord Talbot Love's Labour's Lost Malone Mamillia Marlowe Marlowe's meaning Nashe night noble occurs omitted Ff Orlando Furioso Orleans Orpharion pare passage Peele Peele's play prince Pucelle quotes Reig Reignier Richard Richard III Richard Plantagenet sayde SCENE Selimus sense Shake Shakespeare Shepheards Calender Somerset sonne speare Spenser Steevens sword Tale Tamburlaine thee Theobald thou tion Titus Andronicus unto verb viii Winchester word Yere York
Popular passages
Page 63 - Will I upon thy party wear this rose : And here I prophesy ; — This brawl to-day Grown to this faction, in the Temple garden, Shall send, between the red rose and the white, A thousand souls to death and deadly night.
Page xxiii - Few of the university pen plays well; they smell too much of that writer Ovid and that writer Metamorphosis, and talk too much of Proserpina and Jupiter. Why, here's our fellow Shakespeare puts them all down, aye, and Ben Jonson too.
Page 2 - HUNG be the heavens with black, yield day to night ! Comets, importing change of times and states, Brandish your crystal tresses in the sky, And with them scourge the bad revolting stars, That have consented unto Henry's death ! King Henry the Fifth, too famous to live long ! England ne'er lost a king of so much worth.
Page 22 - Glory is like a circle in the water, Which never ceaseth to enlarge itself, Till, by broad spreading, it disperse to nought.