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Doctrines which are from God have Volume more intrinfical goodness in them, XII. and teach fuch things as are more worthy of God, and more likely to proceed from him. I will be briefer in the reft.

II. The external Confirmation of Divine Doctrines is greater, and carries more conviction along with it. By external Confirmation, I mean chiefly that of Miracles. And tho' the Pagan Religion pretended to fome, and our Saviour plainly foretold that Antichrifts and falfe Prophets fhould arife, and fhould fbew figns and wonders, and St. Paul hath told us, that the man of fin fhould come with figs and wonders and mighty power; yet none of thefe are of any great confideration, in comparifon of the many, and great, and unqueftionable Miracles which were fo univerfally wrought for the establishment of the Chriftian Religion, and continued for fome Ages; they bear no manner of proportion to them, neither for the nature, nor number, nor circumstances of them, fo as to


fhake or weaken any mans belief of the Chriftian Religion, which Sermon had fo much a greater Confirmati- XIV. on given to it; efpecially when our Saviour did foretel that falfe Prophets fhould do fome things of this kind. For after a Religion is eftablifht by plain and unquestionable Miracles, fuch as for their number, nature, publickness, and continuance, and all imaginable circumstances of advantage, were never upon any occafion wrought in the world, I fay after this, it is not reafonable, that one or two fingle Miracles or Wonders pretended to, or really wrought by a falfe Prophet, fhould bring in queftion the truth of a Religion confirmed by a long feries of the greatest and most unquestionable Miracles.

Befides that the Doctrine of it is fuch as is worthy of God, and most See of this likely to proceed from him. *

As for the Miracles pretended to by the Church of Rome, they are generally fo fantaftical and ridicuEe 2


more at

large in the 3 last foregoing Ser



lous, and fo unlike the works of Volume God, and wrought fo to no end XII. and purpose, not among Unbelievers for their Conviction, which was always the great End of Miracles, but among themselves; and fo deftitute of credit, that the wifeft among themselves are fo far from believing them, that they are heartily afhamed of them, fo that we need not trouble our felves about them, for they are not like to give any great Confirmation to any Doctrine, which stand so much in need of Confirmation themfelves.

III. Besides the Goodness of the Doctrines which are from God, and the external Confirmation of them by Miracles, which is a great advantage to the reception of them, the Spirit of God "doth likewife illuminate good men, and those who are defirous to know the truth, and hath promised to lead them into it, and to affift them in difcerning between truth and falfehood. So our Saviour hath


affur'd us, John 7. 17. If any man will do his will, he fball know of the Doctrine, Sermon whether it be of God, or whether Ifpeak XIV. of my felf. Befides that the Doctrines which are from God do commonly carry the Marks and Characters of their own Divinity upon them, the Providence of God is likewife particularly concerned, that good men, and those who are of honest minds, and fincerely defirous to know the truth, fhould not be deceived in matters of fo great confequence to the happinefs and falvation of Mankind. To the fame purpose is that Promife, John 14. 21. He that hath my Commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me, shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him; and will manifeft my self to him God is always ready to reveal his Will to thofe who are fincerely defirous to do it, and will not fuffer men of honeft minds to err dangerously in matters wherein their eternal Salvation is concern'd,

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Thus you

fee what Advantage the XII. Spirit of Truth hath above the Spirit of Error and Seduction; that Divine Truth carries greater Evidence along with it, both in refpect of the Goodness of the Doctrines which are from God, and the great Confirmation that is given to them, and the extraordinary Illumination of God's Spirit, which is wont to accompany the Truths of God to the minds of good men, who are ready and difpofed to give entertainment to Divine Truth.

I fhould now have proceeded to the Second Advantage which the Spirit of Truth hath above the Spirit of Seduction, namely, that the Motives to perfwade men to adhere to Truth and Holiness, are more powerful and operative upon the minds of men, than the Motives to the contrary.

And then, Thirdly, That those who embrace and obey the Truth of God, have a greater Affiftance, and are acted by a more powerful Spi

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