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if these Miracles were recorded for Volume this end, that men might believe, then XII. a credible History or Relation that fuch Miracles were done, is fufficient to affure us that fuch Miracles were wrought; and upon this affurance we may build our Faith: otherwise it had been in vain to have recorded these Miracles to this end.

Fifthly, That we are not now a-days deftitute of a fufficient ground of Faith; because we have thefe Writings credibly conveyed to us, which contain the Doctrine of the Gospel, and the Relation of the Miracles written for the confirmation of it.

Sixthly, That men now a-days, those to whom the Gospel comes, are under an Obligation to believe; or which is all one, that now a-days men may be guilty of fuch a fin as unbelief: for now a-days we may have fufficient grounds of Faith.

Seventhly,That to believe that Jefus is the Chrift, the Son of God, is truly and properly Chriftian Faith. This is the description which is here given of


it, that it is a believing, that Jefus is the Chrift, the Son of God.

Eighthly, That to believe that Jefus is the Christ the Son of God, is truly and properly fanctifying, and juftifying, and faving Faith, by this Faith we have life. Thefe things were written, that ye might believe that Jefus is the Chrift, the Son of God; and that believing, ye might have life through his Name.

These observations are all virtually contained in the words. The greatest part of them I fhall very lightly pass over, and speak but briefly to them, because I intend mainly to infift upon the two laft; in the handling of which, I fhall open to you the Nature of Chriftian Faith, and fhew you, that the Faith, which is here defcribed, is that which is truly and properly juítifying and faving.

First, that Writing is the way which the Wisdom of God hath pitched upon, as the standing way of conveying the Knowledge of the Gospel


to the world. This is matter of fact, Volume and for the proof of it we have the XII. evidence of the thing. The Gospel

de facto was written, and this Writing is conveyed down to us, and is the Inftrument wich God hath in all Ages fince the Apoftles times, that is, fince the Eye and Ear Witneffes of the Miracles of Chrift and his Doctrine ceased, made ufe of to convey to the World the Knowledge of the Gofpel. And here it were proper to fhew what advantage this way of conveyance of the Gofpel hath above Oral tradition: but that I have See the already done * in fome former discourforegoing fes where I shewed at large, that this this Vol. way of conveyance is a more univerfal and diffufive, a more certain and liable to lefs impofture and falfification, a more equal and uniform, and a more humane way of conveyance than Oral Tradition; fo that I fhall not infift longer upon this.

Sermons in

Secondly, That all things neceflary to be believed by Chriftians in or der to Salvation, are contained in


the Written Gofpel: or elfe how could St. John in reafon fay, thạt thefe things were written, to this end, that men might believe and be faved; if these things be not fufficient to this end? which certanly they are not, if any thing neceffary to be believed in order to Salvation be left out. The Papifts being urged with this Text, to prove the fufficiency of the written Word, in oppofition to thofe Traditional Doctrines which they pretend to be neceffary over and befides the written Word, tell us, that St. John doth not here fpeak of the Doctrine of Chrift; but only of his Miracles; Thefe were Written to confirm our Faith of the Meffias; but the Doctrine of Chrift was not all written, but left to the Apostles to be deliver'd by mouth to their fucceffors, and fo down to pofterity. But I have fhewn before, that the neceffary Doctrines of the Gofpel, as well as the Miracles, are comprehended in these things which St. John fays were written. Befides that it will be very hard for any man to devise a convenient reafon, why Miracles, as well as Doctrines, might




not have been left to the Apoftles, Volume to have been Traditionally deliver'd XII. down to pofterity without writing.

For Doctrines may as well be committed to writing, as Relations of Miracles and Miracles may be with as much eafe, and certainty, and convenience in all refpects, delivered down to pofterity by an Oral Tradition, as Doctrines may.

Thirdly, That the Miracles related in the Gospel, are a proper and fufficient means to bring men to chriftian Faith. That they are fo, it is a good fign, that God did work them to this end, and afterward commit them to writing for this very reafon, that the knowledge of them might be conveyed to pofterity, and there might ftill remain in the World a proper and fufficient Argument to perfwade men to believe; and we may well imagine, that God would not do any thing, but what is very proper and fufficient for its end, Now that Miracles were wrought by the Divine Power purpofely to this end, and that they are in reason a very fufficient atteftation to a Per


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