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And for I know she taketh most delight
In muficke, inftruments, and poetry,
Schoolemasters will I keepe within my house,
Fit to inftruct her youth. If you Hortenfio,
Or fignior Gremio you know any fuch,
Preferre them hither: for to cunning men,

I will be very kind and liberall,

To mine owne children, in good bringing vp,
And fo farewell: Katherina you may stay,

For I haue more to commune with Bianca.


Kate. Why and I trust I may go too, may I not?

What fhall I be appointed houres, as though

(Belike) I knew not what to take,

And what to leaue? Ha.


Gre. You may go to the diuels dam: your gifts are fo good heere's none will holde you: there loue is not so great Hortenfio, but we may blowe our nailes together, and fast it fairely out. Our cakes dough on both fides. Farewell: yet for the loue I beare my fweete Bianca, if I can by any meanes light on a fitt man to teach her that wherein thee delights, I will wish him to her father.

Hor. So will I figniour Gremio: but a word I pray : Though the nature of our quarrell yet neuer brook'd parle, know now vpon aduice, it toucheth vs both: that we may yet againe haue acceffe to our faire miftris, and be happie riuals in Bianca's loue, to labour and effect one thing fpecially.

Gre. What's that I pray?

Hor. Marrie fir to get a husband for her fifter.

Gre. A husband: a diuell.

Hor. I fay a husband.

Gre. I fay a diuell: think'ft thou Hortenfio, though her father be verie rich, any man is fo verie a foole to be married to hell?


Hor. Tush Gremio: though it paffe your patience and mine to endure her lowd alarums, why man there be good fellowes in the world, and a man could light on them, would take her with all faults, and mony enough.

Gre. I cannot tell: but I had as lief take her dowrie with this condition; to be whipt at the high croffe euerie morning.

Hor. Faith (as you fay) there's fmall choice in rotten apples: but come, fince this bar in law makes vs friends, it fhall be fo farr forth friendly maintain'd, till by helping Baptistas eldest daughter to a husband, wee fet his yongest free for a husband, and then have too't afrefh; fweete Bianca, happy man be his dole: he that runnes fafteft, gets the ring: How fay you fignior Gremio ?

Gre. I am agreed, and would I had giuen him the best horfe in Padua to begin his woing that would thoroughly woe her, wed her, and bed her, and ridde the house of her. Come on.

Exeunt ambo. Manet Tranio and Lucentio.

Tra. I pray fir tel me, is it poffible

That loue fhould of a fodaine take fuch hold.
Luc. Oh Tranio till I found it to be true,

I neuer thought it poffible or likely.
But fee, while idely I stood looking on,
I found the effect of loue in idleneffe,
And now in plaineffe do confeffe to thee
That art to mee as fecret and as deere
As Anna to the queene of Carthage was:
Tranio I burne, I pine, I perifh Tranio,
If I atchueiue not this yong modeft gyrle:
Counfail me Tranio, for I know thou can'ft:
Affift me Tranio, for I know thou wilt.

Tra. Mafter it is no time to chide you now,
Affection is not rated from the heart:

If loue haue touch'd you, naught remaines but fo,
Redime te captam quam queas minimo.

Luc. Gramercies lad: go forward, this contents,
The rest will comfort, for thy counfels found.

Tra. Master, you look'd fo longly on the maide, Perhaps you mark'd not what's the pith of all.

Luc. Oh yes, I faw fweete beautie in her face, Such as the daughter of Agenor had,

That made great loue to humble him to her hand,

When with his knees he kist the Cretan strond.

Tra. Saw you no more? mark'd you not how her sister Began to fcold, and raise vp fuch a storme,

That mortal eares might hardly indure the din.
Luc. Tranio, I faw her corrall lips to moue,
And with her breath she did perfume the ayre,
Sacred and fweete was all I saw in her.

Tra. Nay, then 'tis time to stirre him from his trance :
I pray you awake fir: if you loue the maide,

Bend thoughts and wits to atchieue her. Thus it ftands : Her elder fifter is fo curft and shrew'd,

That till the father rid his hands of her,

Master, your loue must liue a maide at home,
And therefore has he closely meu'd her vp,
Because she will not be annoy'd with fuiters.
Luc. Ah Tranio, what a cruell fathers he:
But art thou not aduis'd, he tooke some care
To get her cunning fchoolemasters to inftruct her.
Tra. I marrie am I fir, and now 'tis plotted,
Luc. I haue it Tranio,

Tra. Mafter, for my hand,

Both our inuentions meet and iumpe in one.
Luc. Tell me thine first.




Tra. You will be fchoole-mafter,

And vndertake the teaching of the maid:

That's your deuice.

Luc. It is may it be done?

Tra. Not poffible: for who fhall beare your part,
And be in Padua heere Vincentio's fonne,

Keepe house, and ply his booke, welcome his friends,
Vifit his countriemen, and banquet them?

Luc. Bafta, content thee: for I haue it full.
We have not yet bin feene in any house,
Nor can we be distinguish'd by our faces,
For man or mafter: then it followes thus:
Thou shalt be mafter, Tranio in my fted:
Keepe house, and port, and feruants as I fhould,
I will fome other be, fome Florentine,"
Some Neapolitan, or meaner man of Pifa.
'Tis hatch'd, and fhall be foe: Tranio at once
Vncafe thee: take my conlord hat and cloake,
When Biondello comes, he waites on thee,
But I will charme him firft to keepe his tongue.
Tra. So had you neede:

In breefe fir, fith it your pleasure is,"

And I am tied to be obedient,

For fo your father charg'd me at our parting;
Be feruiceable to my fonne (quoth he)
Although I thinke 'twas in another fence,
I am content to be Lucentio,

Because so well I loue Lucentio.

Luc. Tranio be fo, because Lucentio loues,
And let me be a flaue, t'achieue that maide,
Whose fodaine fight hath thral'd my wounded eye.


Enter Biondello.

Heere comes the rogue. Sirra, where haue you bin?

Bion. Where haue I beene? Nay how now, where are you? Mafter ha's my fellow Tranio ftolne your clothes, or you Itolne his, or both? Pray what's the newes ?

Luc. Sirra come hither, 'tis no time to jeft,
And therefore frame your manners to the time
Your fellow Tranio heere to faue my life,
Puts my apparell, and my countenance on,
And I for my escape haue put on his :
For in a quarrell fince I came afhore,
I kil❜d a man, and feare I was defcried:
Waite you on him, I charge you, as becomes :
While I make way from hence to faue my life:
You vnderstand me?

Bion. I fir ne're a whit.

Luc. And not a iot of Tranie in your mouth, Tranio is chang'd into Lucentio.

Bion. The better for him, would I were so too.

Tra. So could I 'faith boy, to haue the next wish after, that Lucentio indeede had Baptiftas yongest daughter. But firra not for my fake, but your masters. I aduife you vse your manners difcreetly in all kinde of companies: when I am alone, why then I am Tranio: but in all places elfe, you mafter Lucentio.

Luc. Tranio let's go :

One thing more refts, that thyfelfe execute,

To make one among those wooers: if thou aske mee why, fufficeth: my reasons are both good and waighty,

Exeunt. The Prefenters aboue fpeakes.

1 Man. My lord you nod, you do not minde the play.

Beg. Yes by Saint Anne do I, a good matter furely: comes there any more of it?

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