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" ... the claim of sovereignty over the new province must be renounced. It rests upon a conquest resulting from a war in which, as far as I am at present enabled to judge, the original justice is on the side of the conquered, not of the victorious party. "
S. W. Silver & Co.'s Handbook to South Africa: Including the Cape Colony ... - Page 44
by S.W. Silver & Co - 1880 - 576 pages
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The Wrongs of the Caffre Nation: A Narrative

Robert Mackenzie Beverley - 1837 - 380 pages
...remedy. Secondly, The claim of sovereignty over the new province, bounded by the Keishkamma and the Kye, must be renounced. It rests upon a conquest resulting...side of the conquered, not of the victorious party. Fjven if there were the most powerful motives of apparent expediency to recommend this extension of...
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The British and Foreign Review: Or, European Quarterly Journal, Volume 4

1837 - 670 pages
...that the newly acquired ritory " rests upon a conquest resulting from a war in which, as far as he is at present enabled to judge, the original justice...side of the conquered, not of the victorious party." He directs, therefore, that the province ich is honoured with the gentle name of a British Queen, —...
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The British and Foreign Review: Or, European Quarterly Journal, Volume 4

1837 - 680 pages
...resulting from a war in " which, as far as he is at present enabled to judge, the origi•• n. il justice is on the side of the conquered, not of the " victorious party." He directs, therefore, that the province which is honoured with the gentle name of a British Queen,...
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The British World in the East: A Guide Historical, Moral, and ..., Volume 1

Leitch Ritchie - 1846 - 534 pages
...home secretary to be robbery and murder, the " conquest resulting from a war in which, as far as he is at present enabled to judge, the original justice...side of the conquered, not of the victorious party." The territory was ordered to be restored. It is unnecessary to include in this sketch the extracolonial...
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The British World in the East: A Guide... to India, Volume 2

Leitch Ritchie - 1847 - 560 pages
...home secretary to be robbery and murder, the " conquest resulting from a war in which, as far as he is at present enabled to judge, the original justice...side of the conquered, not of the victorious party." The territory was ordered to be restored. It is unnecessary to include in this sketch the extracolonial...
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The British colonies; their history, extent, condition, and ..., Volumes 3-4

Robert Montgomery Martin - 1851 - 706 pages
...rights in this, as in many other cases, would involve injuries more formidable than it could remedy. justice is on the side of the conquered, not of the victorious party. Even if there were the most powerful motives of apparent expediency to recommend this extension of...
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Compendium of South African History and Geography, Volume 1

George McCall Theal - 1877 - 324 pages
...through a long series of years, the Kaffirs had ample justification of the late war; they had toresent, and endeavoured justly, though impotently, to avenge...side of the conquered, not of the victorious party." This despatch, — particularly the above extract, — created great indignation in the colony. The...
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South Africa, Past and Present: A Short History of the European Settlements ...

John Noble - 1877 - 374 pages
...declared by him, must be renounced — for he said " it rests upon a conquest resulting from a wur in which, as far as I am at present enabled to judge,...side of the conquered, not of the victorious party." Following upon this, Lord Glenelg nominated Mr. Stockenstrom, the ex-commissioner-general with full...
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Compendium of the History and Geography of South Africa

George McCall Theal - 1878 - 458 pages
...they could not expect otherwise to obtain ; and the claim of sovereignty over the new province must bo renounced. It rests upon a conquest resulting from...side of the conquered, not of the victorious party." This despatch, — particularly the above extract, — created great indignation in the colony. The...
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History of the Zulu War

Alexander Wilmot - 1880 - 284 pages renounced. It rests upon a conquest resulting from a war in which, as far as I am at present able to judge, the original justice is on the side of the conquered, not of the conquering party." The governor is severely reproved for styling the Kafirs " irreclaimable savages,"...
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