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CAPE COLONY spectively 3d., 2d., and 14d. per mile. Cape Town cab fares are by distance 6d. for half a mile, 1s. for a mile, and 9d. for every additional mile. For more than two persons, 6d. per mile extra. For every fifteen minutes' detention, 9d. By time, 2s. 6d. for first hour, 2s. for each additional hour, without reference to number of persons carried. 20 lbs. of luggage allowed to each person, whether by distance or time.

Passenger Transit.

Besides the railways from Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, and East London passenger carts and post carts leave one or other of those parts for every town in the colony, and also for the Diamond Fields, the Free State, and the Transvaal. The post carts are available, to s limited extent, for passengers throughout the colony. Bullock wagons can be hired for travellers having large quantities of luggage, or for families.

Passenger cart fares from Port Elizabeth are as follows:

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Luggage allowed, 112 lbs.

The Union Company's coaches run twice a week from Beaufort West to the Diamond Fields.

Leading Hotels.

Cape Town.-Central, New London, Masonic, Claridge's Private Commercial Hotel, St. George's, Pekin, Albion, Whittington, Cambrian, Black Horse, Victoria, &c.

Port Elizabeth.-Palmerston Hotel, The Farmer's Home, Erin's Hope Hotel, &c.

Graham's Town.-Wood's Hotel, Masonic Hotel, Belman's Commercial and Private Boarding House.

Nearly all the towns and villages of the Colony and Free State have good comfortable hotels or boarding houses.


Arrival and Dispatch of Mails.

Inland Post.-There are three main postal routes in CAPE COLONY the Colony-the first following the Coast line Eastward Inland between Cape Town and Graham's Town, conveying Post mails for the intermediate post-towns, and also for the Eastern and North-eastern Frontier; second, through the Karroo to Murraysburg, by which are conveyed the mails for the Northern Districts, Free State, &c.; third, from Cape Town to Springbok, conveying mails to the North-western Frontier. Almost all other post-offices than those situated on these main routes are served by branch lines from them.


Cape Town Penny Post.-Letters intended for deli- Penny within the limits of the Cape Town Municipality very may be posted at the General Post-office, Cape Town, or at the pillar letter-boxes near the Castle Bridge, at the corner of Long and Bloem Streets; at the corner of Strand and Bree Street; in Orange Street, at the top of Government Gardens; at Mr. Hazell's, apothecary, Harrington Street; at Mr. Marais', bookseller, Long Street; and at the Cape Town Railway Station. The Cape deliveries are three in each day, Sundays and public holidays excepted, viz., the first to commence at 9.30 a.m.; the second at 1.30 p.m.; the third at 3.30 p.m. Letters posted up to 9 o'clock in the morning will be included in the first delivery; those posted up to 1 p.m. will be included in the second delivery; and those posted up to 3 p.m. in the third.

Mails for England and the Cape, St. Helena, and European Ascension.-Under the contracts entered into with the and Cape Union Steamship Company and Messrs. Donald Currie


CAPE COLONY & Co. for the conveyance of mails between the United Kingdom and the Cape of Good Hope it is provided that each company shall convey a mail to Table Bay on every alternate Friday, and shall convey a mail from Table Bay on every alternate Tuesday. The rate of postage is 6d. per half ounce, and 1d. for every newspaper.

Rates of postage.



Rates of Postage.

I. Letters.

Inland Postage.-All letters transmitted by post to places within the Colony, to the Orange Free State, or the Transvaal Republic, are charged according to weight, at the rate of 4d. for every letter not exceeding half an ounce. When above half an ounce but not exceeding one ounce, 8d.; and so on, increasing 8d. for every additional ounce or fraction of an ounce. Letters from the Free State not covered by Colonial postage-stamps' are chargeable at an unpaid rate-8d. for half an ounce, 1s. 4d. above half an ounce and not more than one ounce, and 1s. 4d. for each additional ounce or fraction of an ounce.

Insufficiently paid Letters, Book or Sample Packets.— ently paid Letters, newspapers, book or sample packets posted in this Colony for transmission by inland post, if insufficiently prepaid, are chargeable with a fine equal to a single rate of postage, in addition to the deficient postage

Rates of

Suburban Penny Postage.-The postage upon letters between Bellville, Bennettsville, Cape Town, Claremont, Diep River, Eerste River, Eerste River Station, Durban, Green Point, Sea Point, Kalk Bay, Montagu Bridge, Mowbray, Mowbray Station, Newlands, Observatory Road, Plumsted, Wynberg, Papendorp, Paarl, Paarl Station, Rondebosch Station, Robben Island, Simon's Town, Somerset West, Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch Station, Wellington, and Wellington Station, and between the chief town in each division and any field-cornet post-office agency in such division, also between Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage, is 1d. on each letter not more than half an ounce in weight; 2d. for each letter above

half an ounce but not more than one ounce; and so on, CAPE COLONY increasing 2d. for each additional ounce or fraction of

an ounce.

rate for

Letters for Natal-Natal letters not exceeding half an Postage ounce are charged 6d. ; exceeding half an ounce but not Natal. exceeding one ounce, ls. ; and Is. for every additional

ounce or fraction of an ounce.

for British


Ship Letters for British Colonies, &c.-Letters for Ship letters British Colonies (except Natal) or foreign parts, not having to be sent via the United Kingdom, when posted or delivered at the port from whence the mail is shipped, are charged at a rate of 4d. per half-ounce or fraction of a half-ounce for each letter. But if posted or delivered at an office other than that at the port of shipment, at a rate of 6d. per half-ounce or fraction of a half-ounce.

St. Helena.-Letters for St. Helena sent by mail packet are charged 6d. the half-ounce, which must in all cases be prepaid.

Rates of Postage to Foreign Parts.

Australia.-Letters to Australia from the Cape Co- Australia. lony via the United Kingdom are charged at the rate of 1s. 5d. for half an ounce; exceeding half an ounce, but not exceeding one ounce, 2s. 10d.

Austria. The postage to Austria is the same as to Austria.


America.-18. 2d. for every half-ounce.

Ceylon and India.-1s. 8d. for every half-ounce.
Madeira.-18. 5d. for every half-ounce.

Russia.-18. 4d. for every half-ounce.

Ascension.-Letters for Ascension sent by mail packet are subject to a British rate of 4d. the half-ounce, in addition to the ordinary ship rate mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

English Letters by Mail Packet, &c.-Letters for the United Kingdom, when sent by mail steamers or Queen's vessels, are charged 6d. per half-ounce, and 6d. for each additional half-ounce or fraction thereof. No charge is made upon delivery.

Letters for the United Kingdom per 'Private Ship.'Letters for the United Kingdom, when intended to go by private ship, should be marked accordingly, and are



CAPE COLONY charged only 4d. the half-ounce or fraction of the halfounce, increasing at the rate of 4d. for every additional half-ounce or fraction of a half-ounce.





Shippers' Letters.-Owners, charterers, or consignees of vessels or goods arriving in any port of the Colony have their letters, when forwarded open and properly superscribed as such, delivered, if for the port of arrival. upon payment of one penny postage for each; and if for any other part of the Colony, at the ordinary inland rate chargeable on prepaid letters, in addition to the penny payable at the port; provided the letters for any one person do not exceed six ounces in weight.

Registration. The charge for registering to any part of the Colony, the neighbouring States, or the United Kingdom, is 4d. for each letter, book or sample packet,

or newspaper.

Compulsorily Registered Letters.-Letters containing Rezistered coin, as well as any having the word 'Registered' written upon them, which may be posted in the Colony without registration, will be registered and forwarded, charged with a double registration fee.


Franking Regulations.

Franking Regulations.-The regulations under which correspondence may pass free through the Colony are as follows:-1. All letters on public business, between civil departments, military and naval departments, or between a military or naval and a civil department, whether on departmental or regimental matters, will be transmitted through the Colonial Post free of inland postage, if marked 'On Her Majesty's Service,' and bearing the signature of the officer or person duly authorised to send the same. 2. The following shall be the officers authorised to frank such letters :-In Cape Town.-Any head of a department, the chief clerk of the department, or any clerk or other officer of the department who may be specially deputed to do so. In the country divisions.— The several civil commissioners and resident magistrates and their clerks, officers at the head of departments independent of the civil commissioners and resident magistrates and their immediate subordinates. 3. The head of any naval or military department, the officer in command of any of Her Majesty's ships, the officer in command of a regiment, or in charge of a detachment of troops. 4. The officers entitled to frank such letters are

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