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they don't do right. She scolds from morning to night, and yet never makes 'em do aught as she'd have 'em; and they're all unhappy together; and it makes me miserable. If they're to be thrashed, I'm to thrash 'em and then, when I'd make 'em do, she won't have 'em touched; and though the children would do aught I tell 'em, she never gets 'em to mind her. This is a sad evil.

Yes, it is, Sir; and makes me so that I've no pleasure in my home. The children are always crying, or else they're saucy; and she goes maunder, maunder,-grumble, grumble, fretting and tearing, day in, and day out.

I wish I could engage you to think, I said, turning to the mother, of the necessity of changing these bad habits. Do endeavor to be of one mind with your husband, and resolutely bring up your children in the fear and love of God, and in obedience to you.

I wish I could make 'em obedient; John knows that's all I want. I complain only because they won't do as I'd have 'em.

I tell you what I suspect; first, that you never think of God in this matter,-you neither desire to make your children serve Him, nor do so yourself; and next, that you are exceedingly indolent, and do not like the trouble of training them in the right way.

I don't know, Sir; but I'm sure I beat 'em oft myself, and tell 'em what to do.

But you beat them, I suspect, not so much

for their own fault as for your own vexation, when you can bear no longer and, after all, I dare say, do not make them do the thing you contend about. And when children get into that habit of disobedience, they do not care for the beating, in comparison with the wicked pleasure of having their own way.

What makes Hannah nurse the child now so well?

O, because her father's here; she knows he will have it done as he says.

And therefore she obeys. But, Hannah, how much happier it would be if you always obeyed both father and mother, because the Lord has ordered you to do so. Why, my child, do you not lay it to heart, that it is written in the word of the Lord," Honor thy father and thy mother." I do not doubt you see the fault of your mother, because you take advantage of it; but if you would remember your own duty, and for the honor you bear your mother, would obey her desires, counting the wishes of your mother equal to commands, you would soon find how much happier you would be, and how it would tend to improve your mother's temper and manWill you promise me to try one thing? She was attentive, but did not reply. Will you promise me to try, when your mother "I wish" and, "do now, Hannah"-to consider it the same thing as if she ordered you with the same authority as your father. It is your duty to obey your mother as well as father : Will you try?



She whispered, Yes.

And will you try another thing? To remember, when you are naughty, and your mother threatens to tell your father, and though you think she will not;-Will you remember, that God knows without telling? He sees and knows all things; His eye is upon you while you are doing wrong; and it is an awful thing to sin against God. He has commanded you to honor and obey your father and mother, and when you do not, you sin against God.

As I saw I had gained her attention, I continued; You may remember, also, that God sees you when you are obedient, as well as when disobedient; and He watches children's conduct, because He has made a promise, "It shall go well with thee," if thou obeyest thy father and mother.

And he delights to fulfil his promise. How pleased I should be, Hannah, if the next time I came this way, I should hear that you have tried to honor your father and mother. The Lord Jesus, who loves children, will suffer you to go to Him, and ask Him for grace to teach you how to obey, and to make you able. I encouraged her by patting her on her head, and a kind look, and then left them.

When I arrived at my house, I found my young people just at liberty from their morning studies; and they came around me to demand an account of all that had passed in my ramble.

I related all that was adapted to their instruc

ion, and concluded by reminding them of the great blessing which had been bestowed upon them by the goodness of the Lord, in giving them parents whose business and delight it was to be found doing the Lord's will, in training them up in the way they should go.

I cannot tell you, my dear uncle, said Louisa, how much this blessing has been discovered to me since we came to you; and I shall never be sufficiently thankful that it was providentially ordered, that you should be so engaged when we came. I knew enough to know that we owed to our dear father and mother more than we can express, but a comparison with the state of others, has increased the value of it in my mind a hundred-fold. Oh! my dear mother, she said, turning to her, and taking her hand with a tenderness of filial love, may you have the reward of the Promise of God, that we shall never depart from the way in which you have trained us.

My sister's heart was touched by this address from her dear daughter, but endeavoring to overcome her flow of feeling, she answered, sweetly,

Amen! my child, and may the honor and glory be the Lord's! Bear constantly in mind, my dear children, who maketh you to differ. It is the goodness of the grace of God, to whom alone, you, and your father, and I, owe the advantage and blessing of the precept and the grace of the practice, so far as we may have walked according to it. But we still fall short, my dear

children. When I consider the extent and importance of my trust, I can only feel comfort in looking to the ground of our acceptance in the perfect sacrifice-the Lamb of God, without spot or blemish, and in the security that your keeping is in the faithfulness of Him who never leaves nor forsakes His dear children.

These remarks gave a turn to our conversation which was deeply serious, and which engaged us during the whole of our walk in the garden, until it was time to return to the house.


OUR party being once more assembled, the conversation seemed to be suggested by a remark of my friend, Mr. Conway, whose love of discipline was frequently manifested by the nature of his observations.

I will freely confess to you, my dear friend, he said, that you have given me altogether a new view of the duties of parents, and in doing so, have turned my mind with very serious reflection on that dependence we ought to have on the Lord, and which I have hitherto little understood my only wonder is, how I have had so much success with our dear girl, whose obedi

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