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thing well worth doing may be done, if philanthropists can be shown that they are in many cases insuring the future illbeing of men while eagerly pursuing their present wellbeing.

Chiefly, however, it is important to press on all the great truth, at present but little recognized, that a society's internal and external policies are so bound together, that there cannot be an essential improvement of the one without an essential improvement of the other. A higher standard of international justice must be habitually acted upon, before there can be conformity to a higher standard of justice in our national arrangements. The conviction that a dependence of this kind exists, could it be diffused among civilized peoples, would greatly check aggressive behaviour towards one another; and, by doing this, would diminish the coerciveness of their governmental systems while appropriately changing their political theories.


[In some of the criticisms on this work, there has reappeared a mistaken inference several times before drawn, that the doctrine of evolution as applied to social affairs precludes philanthropic effort. How untrue this is, was shown by me in the FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW for February, 1875. Here I reproduce the essential part of that which was there said.]

I am chiefly concerned, however, to repudiate the conclusion that the "private action of citizens" is needless or unimportant, because the course of social evolution is determined by the natures of citizens, as working under the conditions in which they are placed. To assert that each social change is thus determined, is to assert that all the egoistic and altruistic activities of citizens are factors of the change; and is tacitly to assert that in the absence of any of these

say political aspirations, or the promptings of philanthropythe change will not be the same. So far from implying that the efforts of each man to achieve that which he thinks best, are unimportant, the doctrine implies that such efforts, severally resulting from the natures of the individuals, are indispensable forces. The correlative duty is thus emphasized in $34 of First Principles :

"It is not for nothing that he has in him these sympathies with some principles and repugnance to others. He, with all his capacities, and aspirations, and beliefs, is not an accident, but a product of the time. He must remember that while he is a descendant of the past, he is a parent of the future; and that his thoughts are as children born to him, which he may not carelessly let die. He, like every other man, may properly consider himself as one of the myriad agencies through whom works the Unknown Cause; and when the Unknown Cause produces in him a certain belief, he is thereby authorized to profess and act out that belief. For, to render in their highest sense the words of the poet,—

"... Nature is made better by no mean,

But nature makes that mean: over that art
Which you say adds to nature, is an art

That nature makes."

That there is no retreat from this view in the work Professor Cairnes criticizes, The Study of Sociology, is sufficiently shown by its closing paragraph:

"Thus, admitting that for the fanatic some wild anticipation is needful as a stimulus, and recognizing the usefulness of this delusion as adapted to his particular nature and his particular function, the man of higher type must be content with greatly-moderated expectations, while he perseveres with undiminished efforts. He has to see how comparatively little can be done, and yet to find it worth while to do that little: so uniting philanthropic energy with philosophic calm."

I do not see how Professor Cairnes reconciles with such passages, his statement that "according to Mr. Spencer, the future of the human race may be safely trusted to the action of motives of a private and personal kind-to motives such

as operate in the production and distribution of wealth, or in the development of language." This statement is to the effect that I ignore the "action of motives" of a higher kind; whereas these are not only necessarily included by me in the totality of motives, but repeatedly insisted upon as allessential. I am the more surprised at this misapprehension because, in the essay on "Specialized Administration," to which Professor Cairnes refers (see Fortnightly Review, for December, 1871), I have dwelt at considerable length on the altruistic sentiments and the resulting social activities, as not having been duly taken into account by Professor Huxley.

As Professor Cairnes indicates at the close of his first paper, the difficulty lies in recognizing human actions as, under one aspect, voluntary, and under another pre-determined. I have said elsewhere all I have to say on this point. Here I wish only to point out that the conclusion he draws from my premises is utterly different from the conclusion I draw. Entering this caveat, I must leave all further elucidations to come in due course.




(For this Index the Author is indebted to F. HowARD COLLINS, Esq., of
Edgbaston, Birmingham.)

ACCIDENTS: Woman's sympathy, 50.
Acorn, growth, 87.

Acquisitiveness, instinct of, 48.
Acts of Parliament: ineffectual, 12, 13,
313-14; selfishness, 96; restrictive,
290; building, 210-12, 342-47; Palm-
erston's, 290-92; factory, 290-94,
309-10 Gladstone's, 292-93; belief
in, 212, 377; artisans' dwellings, 346-47;
public health, 350; (see also Artisans'
Dwellings, Law).
Adaptation relation to good, 28; a per-
manent tendency, 28-30; man not per-
fectly adapted, 31-32, 56; the aim of
morai teaching, 35; pain from non-,
41; of conduct, 44; belief in equality,
47, and marriage, 78; and education,
88, 176-78, 356; and social surround-
ings, 100; and specialization, 122; re-
tarded by poor laws, 148-49; and hu-
man suffering, 232-34; its slowness,
234-36; and race survival, 236-38; of
citizens and government, 251-53; and
heredity, 356; (see also Habit).
Admiralty: mismanagement, 133, 213,
350-51; and telegraph, 350.
Adulteration effects, 264; appointment
of analysts, 290.
Adultery, penalty, 399.

Esthetics, and greatest happiness, 9-


Affection, and intellect, 15-17.
Afghan war, cost, 192.

Africa: suppression of slave-trade in,
11-12; and Colonial Office, 194, 195.
Agriculture, and education, 163-64.
Alexander VI., colonization, 189.
Allotments, rent of, 102.

America: man's equality, 47; declara-
tion of independence, 194; slavery,
250, 262; railways and morality, 266;
crime and poverty, 366.
Animals. adaptation of, 29-32; and Na-
ture's warfare, 149; traits of society
and, 267-73; continuance of species,
359-62; life of, 397-400.

Annelida, segmentation of, 269.
Appetite: importance of, 15-17; pre-
sent, for food, 43; (see also Food)."
Arafura customs, 392.
Araucanian customs, 391.
Arbitration, and national character,
115, 120.

Arch, J., on land, 325.
Architect, on

industrial dwellings,

Aristotle, on barbarians, 55.
Arnold, Matthew: on copyright, 387;
on property, 388.

Artisans Dwellings: Metropolitan As-
sociation for, 209; Buildings Acts,
210-11, 323-24; removal of, 263; and
legislation, 294; at Liverpool, 306;
and bad legislation, 342-47; in Glas-
gow, 347-49; and happiness, 409.
Ashantee customs, 391-92.
Assassination and tyranny, 261-62.
Astronomer Royal, stipend, 58.
Austin, J., on sovereignty, 380.
Australia, and Colonial Office, 195.
Austria, education in, 159, 166-67.
Author: rights of, 387; self-criticism, 80.
Authority and love, 75-77; traits of

belief, 241-45; and equity, 245-46.
Axioms: importance of definiteness, 7;
geometric sense, 22-23.

BAGEHOT, W.: state and currency, 228.
Bakehouses, and legislation, 291.
Banking, (see Currency).
Barrister, and perfect law, 26.
Bath, the union at, and poor law, 304-5.
Battles, (see War).
Bavaria, marriage in, 11.
Bechuana, conduct and custom, 891.
Beerhouses, (see Licensing Acts).
Begging: effect of poor laws, 148; profit-
ableness, 152.

Beliefs: truth of, 81; and causation,


Beneficence: negative, 34; positive, 35;
justice, 40, 51.

[blocks in formation]

Census: delay of returns, 349; bound-
aries, 349.

Ceylon cost of colony, 192; and Colo-
nial Office, 195.

Chalmers, T., political economy, 104.
Chamberlain, J., on rates, 368.
Character, and company, 81.
Charity, (see Poor laws).
Charles II., colonization, 189-90.
Cheltenham, drainage, 218.
Chemists, prescribing by, 204.
Children: rights, 80-90; and civiliza-
tion, 81-84; aim of education, 83-84;
anti-coercive treatment, 85-86, 86-87;
need for education, 87-89; parental
obstacle to education, 89-90; love of,
160; restrictive legislation, 290, 292,
293; and poor relief, 309; treatment
of, 372; (see also Education).
China: connubial and filial relationship
in, 82; education in, 159, 166.
Chippewayan customs, 392.
Cholera, and board of health, 213-14.
Cholesbury, poor law at, 326.

Church, and State, 141-43; (see also

[ocr errors]

Civilization: natural, 32; and status of
women, 77, 81; and of children, 81;
and democracy, 105-8; and impulsive-
ness, 151; course of, 233-36, 236-38;
and life of savage, 238; and individ-
uality, 253-55, 259-61.
Classification: of nature, 256; man, 270;
and intelligence, 286-87.
Climate, adaptation to, 29.

Cloth, restrictions to making, 129.
Clothing and education, 157; and sani-
tary supervision, 201-2.
Coal, effects of price, 359.

Cobbett, W., maintenance from soil,

Cobden Club and free trade, 362-63.
Coercion, and love, 75–77; (see also Mili-

Coinage, fixing value of, 139; (see also

Coleridge, S. T.: on knaves, 174; theory
of life, 255-56.

Cologne: castle of Archbishop of, 244.
Colonies: cost of English, 188; Colo-
nial Office, 196.

Colonization, Government: 188-99; and
first principle, 188-89; and acquisi-
tiveness, 189-90; and commerce, 190-
92, 192-93; and colonial interests, 194-
96; and aborigines, 196-98; and by
private individuals, 198-99.
Coming Slavery, The, 302-33.
Commerce, (see Industrialism, Trade).
Communism: and property, 65–67; (sce
also Socialism).

Competition: in drainage, paving, and
lighting, 218-19; letter carrying, 229-


Comte, A., social statics and dynamics,


Conduct: moral-sense doctrine, 15-23,

56-57 adaptation of, 44; and intellect,
174; and emotion, 175-76; dependence
on law, 245-46; and instincts, 332-33;
and custom, 391-92; and militancy,
394-95; sentiments and ideas, 412;
(see also Ethics, Morals).
Conscription, and toryism, 281-86.
Conservatism, and education, 165-68.
Considerations, General, 233-73.
Constitutions, growth of, 114.
Contagious Diseases Act, 291-92.
Contract: and majority, 382-83; and co-
operation. 401-5; individual and social
life, 406-7; 407-11.
Convicts and education, 170-76; (see
also Crime).

Co-operation: compulsory and volun-
tary, 281-86; and organization, 328-
30; majorities and minorities, 384-87,
406-7 and social life, 401; militancy
and industrialism, 415.

Copyright: property in ideas, 68-72;
Arnold on, 387.

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