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Constitutional Conventions. The best collections of Journals and Debates of Conventions may be found at the Library of the New York Bar Association, the Harvard Law Library, the John Hay Library of Brown University, and at the Library of Congress. CROLY, HERBERT DAVID. The Promise of American Life.

York. 1909.

Progressive Democracy. New York. 1914.


DAVIS, HORACE. American Constitutions. Johns Hopkins University Studies. Series of 1885. Pp. 467-81.


The Judicial Veto. Boston. 1914.

DEALEY, JAMES Q. Our State Constitutions. Annals, March, 1907.


The Development of the State. New York.


Ethical and Religious Significance of the State. (Pamphlet, 48 pages.) Philadelphia.

DODD, WALTER F. The Revision and Amendment of State Constitutions. The Johns Hopkins Press. Baltimore. 1910. FAIRLIE, JOHN ARCHIBALD. The Centralization of Administration in New York State. Columbia University Series. 1898.

Local Government in Counties, Towns, and Villages. New York. 1906.

FINLEY (J. H.) AND SANDERSON (J. F.). The American Executive and Executive Methods. New York. 1908.

FREUND, ERNST. The Police Power. (Constitutional Rights and Public Policy.) Chicago. 1904.

HAINES, CHARLES GROVE. The American Doctrine of Judicial

Supremacy. New York. 1914.

HITCHCOCK, H. American State Constitutions. New York. 1887. HOWARD, GEORGE E. Introduction to the Local Constitutional History of the United States. Baltimore. 1889.

HOWE, FREDERIC C. Wisconsin, An Experiment in Democracy. New York.


ILBERT, COURTENAY. (Clerk of the House of Commons.) Legislative Methods and Forms. Oxford. 1901.

The Mechanism of Law Making. New York. 1914.

JAMESON, JOHN ALEXANDER. On Constitutional Conventions. Fourth Edition. Chicago.


JONES, CHESTER LLOYD. Statute Law Making in the United States.

[blocks in formation]

JUDSON, HARRY PRATT. The Essential Elements of a Written Constitution. Chicago University Decennial Publications. Vol

ume IV. 1903.

KAISER, JOHN BOYNTON. Law, Legislative and Municipal Reference
Libraries. Boston. 1914. See, especially, Chapter II, Legisla-
tive Reference Libraries. List of publications by these, pp. 379-
387. Bibliography of Legislative Reference Work, pp. 388-401.
Kales, Albert M. Unpopular Government in the United States.
Chicago. 1914.
LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE BUREAUS. See in Bibliography, Kaiser, J. B.
LINCOLN, CHARLES Z. Constitutional History of New York (State)
to the Year 1905. Five volumes. Rochester. 1906.
LOBINGIER, CHARLES S. The People's Law. New York. 1909.
MCCARTHY, CHARLES. The Wisconsin Idea. New York. 1912.
MACDONALD, WILLIAM. Jacksonian Democracy. New York. 1906.
Documentary Source Book of American History (1606-1898).

New York. 1913.

MCLAUGHLIN, ANDREW C. The Courts, The Constitution and Parties. Especially, Chapter V, The Written Constitution. Chicago.


MACY, JESSE. Party Organization and Machinery. Revised Edition. New York. 1912.

MERRIAM, C. EDWARD. Primary Elections. Chicago. 1908. OBERHOLTZER, ELLIS PAXTON. The Referendum in America. New York. 1911.

OSTROGORSKI, M. Democracy and the Organization of Political Parties. Two volumes. New York.


Democracy and the Party System of the United States. New

York. 1910.

PIERCE, FRANKLIN. Federal Usurpation. New York. 1908.

POORE, B. P. Compiled by, Charters and Constitutions. Two volumes. 1877.

POWELL, THOMAS R. See in Bibliography, Bondy, W.

REED, A. Z. Territorial Basis of Government under the State Constitutions. Especially, Chapters VII-VIII. Columbia University Series. Volume 40.

RANSOM, WILLIAM LYNN. Majority Rule and the Judiciary. New York. 1912.

REINSCH, PAUL S. Readings on American State Government. Boston. 1911. (See, especially, Bibliographical note by William L. Bailey. Pp. 465-70.)

American Legislatures. New York. 1907.

SCHERGER, GEORGE L. Evolution of Modern Liberty. New York.


SCHOULER, JAMES. Constitutional Studies. State and Federal. Parts I, III. New York. 1897.

Ideals of the Republic. Chapters II, VI. Boston. 1908. STIMSON, FREDERIC JESUP. The Law of the Federal and State Constitutions. Boston. 1908.

The American Constitution. New York. 1908.
Popular Law-Making. New York. 1910.

STINESS, JOHN H. State Constitutions and Statutory Laws. Chicago. 1912.

STOREY, MOORFIELD. The Reform of Legal Procedure. New Haven. 1911.

SUMNER, HELEN L. Equal Suffrage. New York. 1909.

THORPE, FRANCIS NEWTON. Constitutional History of the American People. Two volumes (1776-1850). New York.

Constitutional History of the United States. Three volumes (to 1895). Boston.

Federal and State Constitutions. Compiled and edited by. Seven volumes. Washington. 1909. Note lengthy Bibliography.

(For criticism of this set, see American Historical Review, October, 1909. American Political Science Review, February, 1910. See, also, Bibliographical Note in Reed (General Bibliography), pp. 242-250.)

WILCOX, DELOS F. Government by All the People. New York.


American Historical Review, issued quarterly from October, 1895. Also, Annual Reports of the American Historical Association. Organized 1884.

American Political Science Review, published quarterly by the American Political Science Association since November, 1906. Also, Annual Proceedings of the Association, organized, December, 1903.

American Year Book. A Record of Events and Progress. From 1910. (See especially headings, Popular Government and Current Politics, State and County Government.)

Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Issued bi-monthly from July, 1890. Note especially, num

bers of

July, 1910. Administration of Justice in the United States.

September, 1912. The Initiative, Referendum and Recall.

May, 1913. County Government.

March, 1914. Reform in the Administration of Justice.

May, 1914. State Regulation and Public Utilities.

Columbia University. Studies in History, Economics and Public Law. Fifty-eight volumes from 1891 to 1914 inclusive.

Cyclopedia of American Government. Edited by Andrew C. McLaughlin and Albert Bushnell Hart. Three volumes. New York. 1914.

Cyclopædia of Political Science, Political Economy, and of the Political History of the United States. Edited by John J. Lalor. Three volumes. New York. 1888.

Equity. (Formerly Equity Series.) Issued quarterly at Philadelphia, since January, 1899.

Johns Hopkins Studies in History and Political Science. Annual Series, from 1883.

New International Year Book. Edited by Frank Moore Colby.
Since 1907.
(Old series, 1898-1902.) New York.
Political Science Quarterly. Edited by the Faculty of Columbia
University, and issued since March, 1886. Also, Proceedings
of the Academy of Political Science, issued quarterly at Colum-
bia University, from October, 1910. Of the Proceedings, note
especially the following numbers:

July, 1911. The Reform of the Criminal Law and Procedure.
January, 1913. Efficient Government.

October, 1914. The Revision of the State Constitution (chiefly
New York).

Public Affairs Information Service. White Plains, New York.
17 bulletins from October, 1914, to February 20, 1915.

Yale Review. Edited by the Professors in Political Science and History. Issued quarterly since May, 1892.

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