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"No, that I acknowledge; but what I dislike in the choice is, that it is dictated by feelings of resentment."

"What's done can't be helped,” replied I, quickly, wishing to break off the conversation.

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Very true, Jacob; but I follow that up

with another of your remarks, which is, 'Better luck next time.' God bless you, my boy; take care of yourself, and don't get under the ice again!" "For you I would to-morrow," replied I, taking the proffered hand; "but if I could only see that Hodgson near a hole--"

"You'd not push him in ?"

"Indeed I would," replied I, bitterly.

"Jacob, you would not, I tell you—you think so now, but if you saw him in distress, you would assist him as you did me. I know you, my boy, better than you know yourself." Whether Captain Turnbull or I were right, remains to be proved in the sequel. We then

shook hands, and I hastened away to see Mary, whom I had often thought of during my absence.

"Who do you think has been here ?" said Mary, after our first greeting.


"I cannot guess," replied I.

Tom and his son ?"

"Not old

"No; I don't think it was old Tom, but it was such an old quiz-with such a nose-() heavens! I thought I should have died with laughing as soon as he went down stairs. you know, Jacob, that I made love to him, just to see how he'd take it. You know who it is now ?"



"O yes! you mean the Domine, my schoolmaster."


Yes, he told me so; and I talked so much about you, and about your teaching me to read and write, and how fond I was of learn ing, and how I should like to be married to an elderly man who was a great scholar, who

would teach me Latin and Greek, that the old

gentleman became quite chatty, and sat for two He desired me to say that

hours talking to me.

he should call here to-morrow afternoon, and I begged him to stay the evening, as you are to have two more of your friends here. Now, who do you think are those?"

"I have no others, except old Tom Beazeley and his son."

"Well, it is your old Tom after all, and a nice old fellow he is, although I would not like him for a husband; but as for his son-he's a lad after my own heart-I'm quite in love with him."

"Your love will do you no harm, Mary; but recollect, what may be a joke to you may not be so to other people. As for the Domine meeting old Beazeley and his son, I don't exactly know how that will suit, for I doubt if he will like to see them."

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Upon a promise never to hint at them, I briefly stated the circumstances attending the worthy man's voyage on board of the lighter. Mary paused, and then said, "Jacob, did we not read the last time, that the most dangerous

rocks to men were wine and women ?"

"Yes, we did, if I recollect right."

"Humph," said she; "the old gentleman has given plenty of lessons in his time, and it appears that he has received one."

"We may do so to the last day of our existence, Mary."

"Well, he is a very clever, learned man, I've no doubt, and looks down upon all us (not you, Jacob) as silly people. I'll try if I can't give him a lesson."


You, Mary! what can you teach him ?"

"Never mind, we shall see;" and Mary turned the discourse on her father.

"You know,

I suppose, that father is gone up to Mr. Turn

bull's ?"

"No, I did not."

"Yes, he has; he was desired to go there this morning, and hasn't been back since. Jacob, I hope you won't be so foolish again, for I don't want to lose my master."

"O, never fear; I shall teach you all you want to know before I die," I replied.

"Don't be too sure of that," replied Mary, fixing her large blue eyes upon me; "how do you know how much I may wish to have of your company ?"

"Well, if I walk off in a hurry, I'll make you over to young Tom Beazeley. You're half in love with him already, you know,” re、 plied I, laughing.

"Well, he is a nice fellow," replied she; "he laughs more than you do, Jacob."

"He has suffered less," replied I, gloomily,

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