York. Ay, with my fword. What! this that we fear them? Edward and Richard, you shall stay with me My brother Montague shall poft to London. Let noble Warwick, Cobham, and the rest, Whom we have left Protectors of the King, With powerful policy strengthen themselves And trust not simple Henry nor his caths. Mont. Brother, I go, I'll win them, fear And thus most humbly I do take my leave. [Exit Enter Sir John Mortimer, and Sir Hugh M York. Sir John and Sir Hugh Mortimer, m You are come to Sandal in a happy hour. The army of the Queen means to befiege us Sir John. She shall not need, we'll meet her York. What, with five thousand men ? Rich. Ay, with five hundred, father, for A woman's General; what should we fear? [A Mar Edw. I hear their drums: let's fet our me And ifssue forth and bid them battle strait. York. Five men to twenty! though the odd I doubt not, uncle, of our victory. 1 Now these five characteristicks answer to Lord Say's defer in the preceding play. Kent, in the commentaries Cafar writ, Is term'd the civil'st place in all this ifle; The people liberal, valiant, active, wealthy. , Clif. Thy father hath. Ah, let me live in prison all my days, Thy father flew my father, therefore die. Rut. Dii faciant, laudis fumma fit ista tuæ! Clif. Plantagenet, I come, Plantagenet! And this thy son's blood cleaving to my bla Shall rust upon my weapon, till thy blood, Congeal'd with this, do make me wipe off b Alarum. Enter Richard Duke of Yo York. The army of the Queen hath got th My uncles both are slain in rescuing me, And all my followers to the eager foe Turn back, and fly like ships before the w Or lambs pursu'd by hunger-ftarved wolves My fons, God knows, what hath bechancec But this I know, they have demean'd them Like men born to renown, by life or death. Three times did Richard make a lane to me (6) Dii faciant, laudis, &c.] This is the 66th verse epiftle to Demophoon, in Ovid. It is a fignal instance, the author knew perfectly well how to apply his Latin And thrice cry'd, courage, father! fight it out: [A short alarum within. Ah! hark, the fatal followers do purfue, And I am faint and cannot fly their fury, And were I strong, I would not shun their fury. Here must I stay, and here my life must end. Enter the Queen, Clifford, Northumberland, the Prince of Wales, and Soldiers. Come, bloody Clifford, rough Northumberland, North. Yield to our mercy, proud Plantagenet. York. My ashes, as the Phoenix, may bring forth York. Oh Clifford, but bethink thee once again, And in thy thought o'er-run my former time; What valour were it, when a cur doth grin, (7) And buckler with thee blows twice two for one.] reading of all the impressions, from the first fotio downv to buckler, is to defend; which certainly is not Cliffor here: And in that sense we have the word afterwards Play; Can Oxford, that did ever fence the right, Mr. Pope, who pretends to have collated the old quarto, And again; -All our general force Might, with a fally of the very town, And again; And hell too ftrong for me to buckle with. |