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To A'NTEDATE. v. a. [from ante, and do, datum, Lat.]

1. To date earlier than the real time, so as to confer a fictitious antiquity.

Now thou hast lov'd me one whole day,
To-morrow, when thou leav'st, what wilt thou

Wilt thou then antedate some new-made vow,
Or say, that now

We are not just those persons which we were?

Donne By reading, a man does, as it were, antedate his life, and makes himself contemporary with the ages past.

2. To take something before the time.

Our joys below it can improve,

And antedate the bliss above.




ANTEDILUVIAN. adj. [from ante, before, and diluvium, a deluge.]

1. Existing before the deluge.

During the time of the deluge, all the stone and marble of the antediluvian earth were totally dissolved. Woodward.

2. Relating to things existing before the deluge.

The text intends only the line of Seth, conduceable unto the genealogy of our Saviour, and

the antediluvian chronology. Brown. ANTEDILUVIAN. n. s. One that lived before the flood.

We are so far from repining at God, that he hath not extended the period of our lives to the longevity of the antediluvians, that we give him thanks for contracting the days of our trial.

Bentley. ANTELOPE. n. s.. [The etymology is uncertain.] A goat with curled or wreathed horns.

The antelope, and wolfe both fierce and fell.

Spenser. ANTEMERIDIAN. adj. [from ante, before, and meridian, noon.] Before noon. ANTEME TICK. adj. [avri, against, and

w, to vomit.] That has the power of calming the stomach, or preventing or stopping vomiting.

ANTEMU'NDANE. adj. [ante, before, and mundus, the world.] Before the creation of the world.

ANTENUMBER. n. s. [from ante and number.] The number that precedes another.

Whatsoever virtue is in numbers, for conducing to consent of notes, is rather to be ascribed to the antenumber, than to the entire number, as that the sound returneth after six, or

after twelve; so that the seventh or thirteenth is

not the matter, but the sixth or the twelfth.

Bacon. A'NTEPAST. n. 3. [from ante, before, and pastum, to feed.] A foretaste; something taken before the proper time.

Were we to expect our bliss only in the satiating our appetites, it might be reasonable, by frequent antepasts, to excite our gust for that profuse perpetual meal, Decay of Piety.

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A'NTEPENULT.n. s. [antepenultima, Lat.]
The last syllable but two, as the sylla
ble te in antepenult: a term of grammar.
ANTEPILEPTICK. adj. [avrl and iziandis.]
A medicine against convulsions.

That bezoar is antidotal, lapis judaicus diuretical, coral antepileptical, we will not deny. Brown's Vulgar Errours. To A'NTEPONE. v. a. [antepono, Lat.] To set one thing before another; to prefer ANTEPREDICAMENT. n. s. [antepredicaone thing to another. Dict. mentum, Lat.] Something to be known in the study of logick, previously to the doctrine of the predicament. ANTERIORITY. n. s. [from anteriour.] Priority; the state of being before, either in time or situation.

ANTE'RIOUR. adj. [anterior, Lat.] Going before, either with regard to time or place.

If that be the anteriour or upper part wherein the senses are placed, and that the posteriour and lower part, which is opposite thereunto, there is no inferiour or former part in this animal; for the senses being placed at both extremes, make both ends anteriour, which is impossible. Brown's Vulgar Errours. ANTES. n. s. [Latin.] Pillars of large dimensions that support the front of a building.

ANTESTO'MACH. n. s. [from ante, before, and stomach.] A cavity which leads into the stomach.

In birds there is no mastication or comminution of the meat in the mouth; but it is immediately swallowed into a kind of antestomach, which I have observed in piscivorous birds. Ray. ANTHELMINTHICK. adj. [avai, against, and vos a worm.] That kills worms.


Anthelminthicks, or contrary to worms, are things which are known by experience to kill them, as oils, or honey taken upon an empty Arbuthnot. ANTHEM. 7. s. [dvduuvos, a hymn sung in alternate parts, and should therefore be written anthymn.] A holy song; a song performed as part of divine service.

God Moses first, then David did inspire, To compose anthems for his heavenly quire. Denbam. There is no passion that is not finely expressed in those parts of the inspired writings, which are proper for divine songs and anthems. Addison. ANTHOLOGY. n. s. [úndodoyin, from avos, a flower, and yw, to gather.]


A collection of flowers.

2. A collection of devotions in the Greek

3. A collection of poems.
ANTHONY'S FIRE, n. s. A kind of ery-

ANTHRAX. n. s. [apa, a burning
coal.] A scab or blotch that is made by
a corrosive humour, which burns the
skin, and occasions sharp pricking
pains; a carbuncle.
ANTHROPOLOGY. n. s. [from adwños,
man, and aw, to discourse.] The


doctrine of anatomy; the doctrine of the form and structure of the body of man. ANTHROPOMORPHITE. n. s. [avēgumojogpas.] One who believes a human form in the Deity.

Christians as well as Turks have had whole sects contending that the Deity was corporeal and of human shape; though few profess themselves anthropomorphites, yet we may find many amongst the ignorant of that opinion. Locke. ANTHROPOPATHY. n. s. [owяos, man, and was, passion.] The sensibility of man; the passions of man. ANTHROPOPHAGI, n. s. It has no singular. [nos, man, and pryw, to eat.] Maneaters; cannibals; those that live upon human flesh.

The cannibals that each other eat, The anthropophagi, and men whose heads Do grow beneath their shoulders. Shakspeare. ANTHROPOPHAGI'NIAN. 2.s. A ludicrous word, formed by Shakspeare from anthropophagi, for the sake of a formida

ble sound.

Go, knock, and call; he'll speak like an anthropophaginian unto thee; knock, I say. Shaks. ANTHROPO'PHAGY. n. s. [vwmos, man, and payw, to cat.] The quality of eating human flesh, or maneating.

Upon slender foundations was raised the anthropophagy of Diomedes his horses. Brown. ANTHROPO'SOPHY. n. s. [avos, man, and copía, wisdom.] The knowledge "of the nature of man. ANTHYPNO'TICK. adj. [fromavrl, against, and s, sleep.] That has the power of preventing sleep; efficacious against a lethargy.

ANTHYPOCHONDRIACK. adj. [from avri, against, and υποχονδρίακος. ] Good against hypocondriack maladies. ANTHYPOPHORA. n. s. [avĴumópoga.] A figure in rhetorick, which signifies a contrary illation, or inference, and is when an objection is refuted or disproved by the opposition of a contrary senSmith's Rhetorick. ANTYSTERICK. adj. [from avri,against, and ] Good against hystericks. ANTI [av] A particle much used in composition with words derived from the Greek, and signifies contrary to; as, antimonarchical, opposite to monarchy. ANTIA CID. adj. [from avri, and acidus, scur. Contrary to sourness; alkaline.


Oils are antiacids, so far as they blunt acrimony; but as they are hard of digestion, they produce acrimony of another sort. Arbuthnot. ANTICHACHE'СTICK. adj. [from avri,

against, and xx, a bad habit.j Adapted to the cure of a bad constitution.

ANTICHAMBER. n. 5. This word is corruptly written for antechamber; which

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ANTICHRISTIANISM. n. s. [from anti. christian.] Opposition or contrariety to christianity.

Have we not seen many, whose opinions have fastened upon one another the brand of antichristianism? Decay of Piety. ANTICHRISTIANITY. n. s. [from antichristian.] Contrariety to christianity. ANTICHRONISM. n. s. [vri, against, and Xpávas, time.] Deviation from the right order or account of time.

To ANTICIPATE, v. a. [anticipo, Lat.] 1. To take something sooner than another, so as to prevent him that comes after; to take first possession

God hath taken care to anticipate and prevent every man, to draw him early into his church; to give piety the prepossession, and so to engage him in holiness. Hammond.

If our apostle had maintained such an anticipating principle engraven upon our souls before all exercise of reason; what did he talk of seeking the Lord, seeing that the knowledge of him was innate and perpetual? Bentley. 2. To take up before the time at which any thing might be regularly had.

I find I have anticipated already, and taken up from Boccace, before I come to him; but I am of the temper of kings, who are for present money, no matter how they pay it. Dryden. 3. To foretaste, or take an impression of something, which is not yet, as if it really was.


The life of the desperate equals the anxiety of death, who but act the life of the damned, and anticipate the desolations of hell.

Why should we

Anticipate our sorrows? 'tis like those That die for fear of death.



To prevent any thing by crowding in before it; to preclude.

Time, thou anticipat'st my dread exploits :
The flighty purpose never is o'ertook,
Unless the deed go with it.


I am far from pretending to instruct the profession, or anticipating their directions to such as ANTICIPATION. n. s. [from anticipate.] are under their government. Arbuthnot. 1. The act of taking up something before its time.

The golden number gives the new moon four days too late, by reason of the aforesaid anticipation, and our neglect of it. Holder.

It is not enough to be miserable when the time comes, unless we make ourselves so beforehand, and by anticipation. L'Estrange.

2. Foretaste.

If we really live under the hope offuture happiness, we shall taste it by way of anticipation and forethought; an image of it will meet our minds often, and stay there, as all pleasing expectations do. Atterbury.

3 Opinion implanted before the reasons of that opinion can be known.

The east and west, the north and south, have the same anticipation concerning one supreme disposer of things. Stilling fleet. What nation is there, that, without any teaching, have not a kind of anticipation, or preconceived notion of a Deity? Derbam. ANTICK. adj. probably from antiquus, ancient, as things out of use appear old.] Odd; ridiculously wild ; · buffoon in gesticulation.


What! dares the slave

Come hither cover'd with an antick face,
And fleer and scorn at our solemnity?

Of all our antick sights, and pageantry,
Which English idiots run in crowds to see. Dryd.
The prize was to be conferred upon the
whistler, that could go through his tune without
laughing, though provoked by the antick pos-
tures of a merry Andrew, who was to play

ANTICK. n. 5.

1. He that plays anticks; he that uses
odd gesticulation; a buffoon.

Within the hollow crown,
That rounds the mortal temples of a king,
Keeps death his court; and there the antick sits,
Scoffing his state.

If you should smile he grows impatient.
Fear not, my lord, we can contain ourselves,
Were he the veriest antick in the world. Shaks.
2. Odd appearance.

A work of rich entail, and curious mold,
Woven with anticks, and wild imagery. Fairy Q.
For ev'n at first reflection she espies
Such toys, such anticks, and such vanities,

As she retires and shrinks for shame and fear..


sons, become antidotal to the poison digested. Brown's Vulgar Errours. A'NTIDÓTE. n. s. [avrídol, antidotus, Lat. a thing given in opposition to something else.] A medicine given to expel the mischiefs of another, as of poison. Trust not the physician, His antidotes are poison, and he slays More than you rob.



What fool would believe that antidote delivered by Pierius against the sting of a scorpion? to sit upon an ass, with one's face towards his tail. Brown's Vulgar Errours. Poison will work against the stars: beware; For ev'ry meal an antidote prepare. Dryden jun. ANTIDYSENTERICK. adj. [from vi

against, and dysenteria, a bloody flux.] Good against the bloody flux. ANTEFE BRILE. adj. [from ar!, against, and febris, a fever.] Good against fevers. Antifebrile medicines check the ebullition. Floyer. ANTILO'GARITHM. n. s. [from avri, against, and logarithm.] The comple

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TO ANTICK. v. a. [from antick.] To make; ment of the logarithm of a sine, tan


Mine own tongue

Splits what it speaks; the wild disguise hath al

most Antickt us all.

Shakspeare. ANTICKLY. adv. [from antick.] In an antick manner; with odd postures, wild gesticulations, or fanciful appearance. Scrambling, out-facing, fashion-mongring boys, That lye, and cog, and flout, deprave, and slander, Go antickly, and shew an outward hideousness, And speak of half a dozen dangerous words.

Shakspeare. ANTICLIMAX. n. s. [from avi and xhipa.] A sentence in which the last part expresses something lower than the first.

A certain figure, which was unknown to the ancients, is called by some an anticlimax. Addis. This distich is frequently mentioned as an example :

Next comes Dalhoussey, the great God of war, Lieutenant col'nel to the earl of Mar. ANTICONVULSIVE. adj. [from avrì, aGood against gainst, and convulsive.] convulsions.

Whatsoever produces an inflammatory disposition in the blood, produces the asthma, as anFloyer. ticonvulsive medicines. ANTICOR. n. s. [from avri, against, and cor, the heart.] A preternatural swelling of a round figure, occasioned by a sanguine and bilious humour, and appearing in a horse's breast, opposite to his heart. An anticor may kill a horse, unless it be brought to a suppuFar. Dict. ration by good remedies. ANTICOURTIER. n. s. [from ávrì, against, and courtier.] One that opposes the court.

ANTIDOTAL. adj. [from antidote.] That
has the quality of an antidote, or the
power of counteracting poison.

That bezoar is antidotal, we shall not deny.
Animals that can innoxiously digest these poi-

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gent, or secant; or the difference of that logarithm from the logarithm of Chambers. ninety degrees. ANTILOGY. n. s. [ἀντιλογία.] A con tradiction between any persons and pasDict. sages in an author. ANTILOQUIST. n. s. [from drì, against, and loquor, to speak.] A contradictor.


ANTIMONA'RCHICAL. adj. [from avrò, against, and Morugxia, government by a single person.] Against government by a single person.

When he spied the statue of king Charles in the middle of the crowd, and most of the kings ranged over their heads, he concluded that an antimonarchical assembly could never choose Addison. such a place. ANTIMONA'RCHICALNESS. n. s. [from antimonarchical.] The quality of being an enemy to regal power. ANTIMONIAL. adj. [from antimony.] Made of antimony; having the qualities of antimony; relating to antimony. They were got out of the reach of antimonial Grew. fumes. Though antimonial cups, prepar'd with art, Their force to wine through ages should impart, This dissipation, this profuse expence,

Nor shrinks their size, nor wastes their stores Blackmore. immense.

A'NTIMONY. n. s. [The stibium of the ancients, by the Greeks called siμm. The reason of its modern denomination is referred to Basil Valentine, a German monk; who, as the tradition relates, having thrown some of it to the hogs, observed that, after it had purged them heartily, they immediately fattened; and therefore he imagined his fellow monks would be the better for a like dose. The experiment, however, succeeded so ill, that they all died of it; and the medicine was thenceforward called antimoine, antimonk ]

Antimony is a mineral substance of a metalline nature, having all the seeming characters of a real metal, except malleability; and may be called a semimetal, being a fossile glebe of some undetermined metal, combined with a sulphurous and stony substance. Mines of all metals afford it; that in gold mines is reckoned best. It has also its own mines in Hungary, Germany, and France. Its texture is full of little shining veins or threads, like needles; brittle as glass. Sometimes veins of a red or golden colour are intermixed, which is called male antimony; that without them being denominated female antimony. It fuses in the fire, though with some difficulty; and dissolves more easily in water. It destroys and dissipates all metals fused with it, except gold; and is therefore useful in refining. It is a common ingredient in speculums, or burning Concaves; serving to give them a finer polish. It makes a part in bell metal; and renders the sound more clear. It is mingled with tin, to make it more hard, white, and sound; and with lead, in the casting of printers' letters, to render them more smooth and firm. It is a general help in the melting of metals, and especially in casting of cannon balls. In pharmacy it is used under various forms, and with various intentions, chiefly as an emetic. Chambers. ANTINEPHRITICK. adj. [from ȧvrì and regins.] Good against dieseases of the reins and kidneys.

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ANTINOMY. n. s. [from avri and voμos.] A contradiction between two laws, or two articles of the same law.

Antinomies are almost unavoidable in such variety of opinions and answers. Baker. ANTIPARALYTICK. adj. [from avi and wagás.] Efficacious against the palsy. ANTIPATHETICAL. adj. [from antipathy.] Having a natural contrariety to any thing.

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The soil is fat and luxurious, and antipathetical to all venomous creatures. Howel. ANTIPATHETICALNESS. H.S.[from antipathetical.] The quality or state of having a natural contrariety to any thing. Dict. ANTIPATHY. n. s. [from evri, against, and was, feeling; antipathie, Fr.] 3. A natural contrariety to any thing, so as to shun it involuntarily; aversion; dislike. It is opposed to sympathy. No contraries hold more antipally, Than I and such a knave.

Shakspeare. To this perhaps might be justly attributed most of the sympathies and antipathies observable in men. Locke.

2. It has sometimes the particle against before the object of antipathy.

I had a mortal antipathy against standing armies in times of peace; because I took armies to be hired by the master of the family, to keep his children in slavery. Swift.

3. Sometimes to.

Ask you, what provocation I have had?

The strong antipathy of good to bad.
When truth, or virtue, an affront endures,
Th' affront is mine, my friend, and should be

4. Formerly with; but improperly.


Tangible bodies have an antipathy with air; and any liquid body, that is more dense, they will draw, condense, and, in effect, incorporate. Bacon. ANTIPERISTASIS. n. s. [from aviείσασις, formed of avi, and πιςράμαι,

to stand round.] The opposition of a contrary quality, by which the quality it opposes becomes heightened or intended; or the action by which a body, attacked by another, collects itself, and becomes stronger by such oppo ́sition; or an intention of the activity of one quality caused by the opposition of another. Thus quicklime is set on fire by the effusion of cold water; so water becomes warmer in winter than in summer; and thunder and lightning are excited in the middle region of the air, which is continually cold, and all by antiperistasis. This is an exploded principle in the Peripatetick philosophy. Th' antiperistasis of age

More inflam'd his am'rous rage. Cowley.

The riotous prodigal detests covetousness; yet let him find the springs grow dry which feed his luxury, covetousness shall be called in: and so, by a strange antiperistasis, prodigality shall beget rapine. Decay of Picty. ANTIPESTILEʼNTIAL. adj. [from avi, against, and pestilential.] Efficacious against the infection of the plague.

Perfumes correct the air before it is attracted by the lungs; or, rather, antipestilential unguents, to anoint the nostrils with. Harvey. ANTIPHRASIS. n. s. [from vel, against, and opúcis, a form of speech.] The use of words in a sense opposite to their proper meaning.

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You now find no cause to repent, that you never dipt your hands in the bloody high courts of justice, so called only by antiphrasis. South. ANTIPODAL. adj. [from antipodes.] Relating to the countries inhabited by the antipodes.

The Americans are antipodal unto the Indians.


ANTIPODES. n. s. It has no singular. [from d'ví, against, and wides, feet.] Those people who, living on the other side of the globe, have their feet directly opposite to ours.

We should hold day with the antipodes, If you would walk in absence of the sun. Shaks. So shines the sun, tho' hence remov'd, as clear When his beams warm th' antipodes, as here. Waller.

ANTIPOPE. n. s. [from avi, against, and pope.] He that usurps the popedom, in opposition to the right pope.

This house is famous in history for the retreat of an antipope, who called himself Felix v. Addison.

ANTIPTO'SIS. n. s. [àvia.] A figure in grammar, by which one case is put for another. A'NTIQUARY. n. s. [antiquarius, Lat.] A man studious of antiquity; a collector of ancient things.

All arts, rarities, and inventions, are but the relicts of an intellect defaced with sin. We admire it now, only as antiquaries do a piece of old coin, for the stamp it once bore. South.

With sharpen'd sight, pale antiquaries pore, Th' inscription value, but the rust adore. Pope. The rude Latin of the monks is still very intelligible; had their records been delivered in the vulgar tongue, they could not now be understood, unless by antiquaries. Swift.


ANTIQUARY. adj. [This word is impro torian, and the most consummate statesman, of

per.] Old; antique.

Here's Nestor,


Instructed by the antiquary times:
He must, he is, he cannot but be, wise. Sbak.
TO ANTIQUATE. v. a. [antiquo, Lat.]
To put out of use; to make obsolete.

The growth of christianity in this kingdom might reasonably introduce new laws, and antiquate or abrogate some old ones, that seemed • less consistent with the christian doctrines. Hale. Milton's Paradise Lost is admirable. But cannot I admire the height of his invention, and the strength of his expression, without defending his antiquated words, and the perpetual harsh ness of their sound?

Dryden. Almighty Latium, with her cities crown'd, Addison. Shall like an antiquated fable sound. ANTIQUATEDNESS. n. s. [from antiquated.] The state of being antiquated, worn out of use, or obsolete. ANTIQUE. adj. [antique, Fr. antiquus, Lat. It was formerly pronounced, according to the English analogy, with the accent on the first syllable; but now, after the French, with the accent on the last, at least in prose; the poets use it variously.]

1. Ancient; old; not modern.

Now, good Cesario, but that piece of song, That old and antique song we heard last night.

Shakspeare. Such truth in love as th' antique world did know, In such astyle as courts might boast of now. Wal. 2. Of genuine antiquity.

The seals which we have remaining of Julius Cæsar, which we know to be antique, have the star of Venus over them.

My copper lamps, at any rate,

For being true antique I bought;

Yet wisely melted down my plate,


On modern models to be wrought;
And trifles I alike pursue,
Because they're old, because they're new..
3. Of old fashion.


Forth came that ancient lord and aged queen,
Array'd in antique robes down to the ground,
And sad habiliments right well be seen. Fairy Q.
Must he no more divert the tedious day
Nor sparkling thoughts in antique words convey?
Smith to the Memory of Philips.

4. Odd; wild; antick.
Name not these living death-heads unto me;
For these not ancient, but antique be.

And sooner may a gulling weather-spy,
By drawing forth heav'n's scheme, tell certainly
What fashioned hats, or ruffs, or suits, next year
Our giddy-headed antique youth will wear. Donne.
ANTIQUE. n. s. [from antique, adj.] An
antiquity; a remain of ancient times;
an ancient rarity.

I leave to Edward, now Earl of Oxford, my -seal of Julius Cæsar; as also another seal, supposed to be a young Hercules; both very choice Swift. antiques, and set in gold. ANTIQUENESS. n. s. [from antique.] The quality of being antique ; an appearance of antiquity.

We may discover something venerable in the antiqueness of the work; but we would see the Addison. design enlarged.

ANTIQUITY. n. s. [antiquitas, Lat.] 1. Old times; time past long ago.

I mention Aristotle, Polybius, and Cicero, the greatest philosopher, the most impartial his


all antiquity.
2. The people of old times; the ancients.
That such pillars were raised by Seth, all an-
tiquity has avowed.

3. The works or remains of old times.

As for the observation of Machiavel, traducing Gregory the Great, that he did what in him lay to extinguish all heathen antiquities: I do not find that those zeals last long; as it appeared in the succession of Sabinian, who did revive the Bacon. former antiquities.

4. Old age: a ludicrous sense.

Is not your voice broken? your wind short?
your chin double? your wit single? and every
part about you blasted with antiquity? and will
you yet call yourself young?
5. Ancientness; as, this ring is valuable for
its antiquity.

ANTI'SCII. n.s. It has no singular. [from
αντι σκια.]

TT and exa.] In geography, the people who inhabit on different sides of the equator, who consequently at noon have their shadows projected opposite ways. Thus the people of the north are antiscii to those of the south; the one projecting their shadows at noon toward the north pole, and the other Chambers. toward the south pole. ANTISCORBUTICAL. adj. [from ¿vti, ANTISCORBU'TICK. against, and scorbutum, the scurvy.] Good against the scurvy.

The warm antiscorbutical plants, in quantities, will occasion stinking breath, and corrupt the Arbuthnot. blood.

The warm antiscorbuticks, animal diet, and Arbuthnot. animal salts, are proper. ANTI'SPASIS. n. s. [from avrl, against, and Graw, to draw.] The revulsion of any humour into another part. ANTISPASMO'DICK. adj. [from avri, a

gainst, and one, the cramp.] That has the power of relieving the cramp. ANTISPA STICK. adj. [from dve, and σπαςικός.] That causes a revulsion of the humours.

ANTISPLENE TICK. adj. [from avl and splenetick.] Efficacious in diseases of the spleen.

Antispleneticks open the obstructions of the Floyer. spleen. ANTI'STROPHE. n. s. [dvrıççopn, from dvr, the contrary way, and 5g",` turning.] In an ode supposed to be sung in parts, the second stanza of every three, or sometimes every second stanza; so called because the dance turns about. ANTISTRUMA'TICK. adj. [from avl and struma, a scrophulous swelling.] Good against the kingsevil.


I prescribed him a distilled milk, with anti-
strumaticks, and purged him.
ANTITHESIS. n. s. in the plural anti-
theses. [dvris, placing in opposi-
tion.] Opposition of words or senti.
ments; contrast; as in these lines:
Though gentle, yet not dull;
Strong without rage; without o'erflowing, full

I see a chief, who leads my chosen sons,
All arm'd with points, antitheses, and puns. Pope

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