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The joiner is fitting screws to your coffin. Swift. 2. A mould of paste for a pye.

Of the paste a coffin will I rear, And make two pasties of your shameful.heads. Shakspeare. 3. A paper case, in form of a cone, used by grocers. 4. In farriery.

COFFIN of a borse, is the whole hoof of the foot above the coronet, including the coffin bone. The coffin bone is a small spongy bone, inclosed in the midst of the hoof, and possessing the whole form of the foot. Farrier's Dict.

To CO'FFIN. v.a. [from the noun.] To

enclose in a coffin.

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Of all the trades in Rome. 2. To CoG a die. To secure it, so as to direct its fall; to falsify.

But then my study was to cog the dice, And dextrously to throw the lucky sice. Dryd. For guineas in other men's breeches, Your gamesters will palm and will cog. Swift. Ye gallants of Newgate, whose fingers are nice In diving in pockets or cogging of dice. Swift. 3. To obtrude by falsehood.

The outcry is, that I abuse his demonstration by a falsification, by cogging in the word. Tillots. I have cogged in the word to serve my turn. Stilling fleet. Fustian tragedies, or insipid comedies, have, by concerted applauses, been cogged upon the town for masterpieces. Dennis. To COG. v. n. To lie; to wheedle. Now stealeth he, now will he crave; And now will he cosen and cog.

Tusser. Mrs. Ford, I cannot cog; I cannot prate, Mrs. Ford: now shall I sin in my wish. Shakspeare. COG. n. s. The tooth of a wheel, by which it acts upon another wheel. To CoG. v. a. [from the noun.] To fix cogs in a wheel.

CO'GENCY. n. s. [from cogent.] Force; strength; power of compelling; conviction.

Maxims and axioms, principles of science, because they are self-evident, have been supposed innate; although nobody ever shewed the foundation of their clearness and cogency. Locke. CO'GENT. adj. [cogens, Lat. Forcible; resistless; convincing; powerful; having the power to compel conviction. Such is the cogent force of nature.


They have contrived methods of deceit, one repugnant to another, to evade, if possible, this most cogent proof of a Deity. Bentleys Co'GENTLY. adv. [from cogent.] With resistless force; forcibly; so as to force conviction.

They forbid us to hearken to those proofs, as weak or fallacious, which our own existence, and the sensible parts of the universe, offer so clearly and cogently to our thoughts. Locke. Co'GGER. n. s. [from To cog.] A flatterer; a wheedler. Co'GGLESTONE. n. s. [cuegolo, Ital.] A little stone'; a small pebble. Skinner. Co'GITABLE. adj. [from cogito, Latin.] That may be thought on; what may be the subject of thought. To CO'GITATE. v. n. [cogito, Lat.] Dict

To think.

COGITA'TION. n. s. [cogitatio, Latin.] 1. Thought; the act of thinking.

Having their cogitations darkened, and being strangers from the life of God, from the ignorance which is in them. Hooker.

A picture puts me in mind of a friend: the intention of the mind, in seeing is carried to the object represented; which is no more than simple cogitation, or apprehension of the person.

Stilling fleet.

This Descartes proves that brutes have no cogitation, because they could never be brought to signify their thoughts by any artificial signs. Ray on the Creation. These powers of cogitation, and volition, and sensation, are neither inherent in matter as such, nor acquirable to matter by any motion and modification of it. Bentley. 2. Purpose; reflection previous to action. The king, perceiving that his desires were intemperate, and his cogitations vast and irregular, began not to brook him well. Bacon.

3. Meditation; contemplation; mental speculation.

On some great charge employ'd

CO'GITATIVE. adj. [from cogito, Latin.] He seem'd, or fix'd in cogitation deep. Milton. 1. Having the power of thought and reflection.

If these powers of cogitation and sensation are neither inherent in matter, nor acquirable to matter, they proceed from some cogitative substance, which we call spirit and soul. Bentley. 2. Given to thought and deep meditation.

The earl had the closer and more reserved countenance, being by nature more cogitative. Wotton.

COGNATION. n. s. [cognatio, Latin.] 1. Kindred; descent from the same original. wo vices I shall mention, as being of near sognation to ingratitude; pride, and hard-heartedness, or want of compassion. South.

Let the criticks tell me what certain sense they could put upon either of these four words by their mere cognation with each other. Watts. 2. Relation; participation of the same

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COGNITION. n. s. [cognitio, Latin.] Knowledge; complete conviction. I will not be myself, nor have cognition Of what I feel: I am all patience. Shakspeare. God, as he created all things, so is he beyond and in them all: not only in power, as under his subjection; or in his presence, as in his cognition; but in their very essence, as in the soul of their causalities. Brown's Vulgar Errours. CO'GNITIVE. adj. [from cognitus, Latin.] Having the power of knowing.

Unless the understanding employ and exercise its cognitive or apprehensive power about these terms, there can be no actual apprehension of them. South's Sermons.

CO'GNIZABLE. adj. [cognoisable, Fr.] 1. That falls under judicial notice. 2. Liable to be tried, judged, or examined. Some are merely of ecclesiastical cognizance; others of a mixed nature, such as are cognizable both in the ecclesiastical and secular courts. Ayliffe's Parergon. CO'GNIZANCE. n. s. [connoisance, Fr.] 1. Judicial notice; trial; judicial authority.

It is worth the while, however, to consider how we may discountenance and prevent those evils which the law can take no cognizance of.


Happiness or misery, in converse with others, depends upon things which human laws can take' no cognizance of. South.

The moral crime is completed, there are only circumstances wanting to work it up for the cognizance of the law. Addison.

2. A badge by which any one is known.

And at the king's going away the earl's servants stood, in a seemly manner, in their livery coats, with cognizances, ranged on both sides, and made the king a bow. Bacon.

These were the proper cognizances and coatarms of the tribes. Brown's Vulgar Errours. COGNO'MINAL. adj. [cognomen, Lat.] Having the same name.

Nor do those animals more resemble the creatures on earth, than they on earth the constellations which pass under animal names in heaven; nor the dog-fish at sea much more make out the dog of the land, than his cognominal or nameCOGNOMINATION. n.s. [cognomen, Lat.] sake in the heavens. Bros 1. A surname; the name of a family. 2. A name added from any accident or quality.

Pompey deserved the name Great: Alexander, of the same cognomination, was generalissimo of Greece. Brown.

COGNO'SCENCE. n. s. [cognosco, Lat.] Knowledge; the state or act of knowing. Dict. COGNO'SCIBLE. adj. [cognosco, Latin.] That may be known; being the object of knowledge.

The same that is said for the redundance of matters intelligible and cognoscible in things natural, may be applied to things artificial. Hale. To COHABIT. v. n. [cohabito, Latin.] 1. To dwell with another in the same place.

The Philistines were worsted by the captivated ark, which foraged their country more than a conquering army: they were not able to cobabit with that holy thing. South.

2. To live together as husband and wife.

He knew her not to be his own wife, and yet had a design to cohabit with her as such. Fides.

COHABITANT. n. s. [from cohabit.] An inhabitant of the same place.

The oppressed Indians protest against that heaven where the Spaniards are to be their cohabitants. Decay of Piety. COHABITATION. n. s. [from cohabit.] 1. The act or state of inhabiting the same place with another.

2. The state of living together as married persons.


Which defect, though it could not evacuate a marriage after cohabitation, and actual consum mation, yet it was enough to make void a conBacon's Henry VII. Monsieur Brumars, at one hundred and two years, died for love of his wife, who was ninetytwo at her death, after seventy years cobabita tion. Tatler.

COHE'IR. n. s. [cohæres, Lat.] One of several among whom an inheritance is divided.

Married persons, and widows, and virgins, are all cobeirs in the inheritance of Jesus, if they live within the laws of their estate. Taylor. COHE'IRESS. n. s. [from coheir.] A woman who has an equal share of an inheritance with other women.

To COHE'RE. v. n. [cobæreo, Latin.] 1. To stick together; to hold fast one to another, as parts of the same mass.

Two pieces of marble, having their surface exactly plain, polite, and applied to each other in such a manner as to intercept the air, do cobere firmly together as one. Woodward.

We find that the force, whereby bodies cabere, is very much greater when they come to imme diate contact, than when they are at ever so small a finite distance. Cheyne's Philos. Prin.

None want a place; for all, their centre found, Hung to the goddess, and cober'd around; Not closer, orb in orb conglob'd, are seen The buzzing bees about their dusky queen. Pope. 2. To be well connected; to follow regu larly in the order of discourse. 3. To suit; to fit; to be fitted to. Had time cober'd with place, or place with wishing. Shakspeare. 4. To agree.

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one part follows another regularly and naturally.

4. Consistency in reasoning, or relating, so that one part of the discourse does not destroy or contradict the rest.

Coberence of discourse, and a direct tendency of all the parts of it to the argument in hand, are most eminently to be found in him. Locke. COHERENT. adj. [cohærens, Latin.]

1. Sticking together, so as to resist separation.

By coagulating and diluting, that is, making their parts more or less coberent. Arbuthnot.

Where all must full, or not coherent, be; And all that rises, rise in due degree. 2. Connected; united.


The mind proceeds from the knowledge it stands possessed of already, to that which lies next, and is coherent to it, and so on to what it aims at.. Locke.

3. Suitable to something else; regularly adapted.

Instruct my daughter, That time and place, with this deceit so lawful May prove coberent. Shakspeare. 4. Consistent; not contradictory to itself.

A coherent thinker, and a strict reasoner, is not to be made at once by a set of rules. Watts. COHE'SION, n. s. [from cohere.] 1. The act of sticking together.

Hard particles heaped together touch in a few points, and must be separable by less force than breaks a solid particle, whose parts touch in all the space between them, without any pores or interstices to weaken their cobesion. Newton. Solids and fluids differ in the degree of cobesion, which, being increased, turns a fluid into a solid. Arbuthnot on Aliments.

2. The state of union or inseparability. What cause of their cohesion can you find? What props support, what chains the fabrick


3. Connection; dependence.


In their tender years, ideas that have no natural cohesion come to be united in their heads.

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The juices of an animal body are, as it were, cobobated; being excreted, and admitted again into the blood with the fresh aliment. Arbuthnot. COHOBATION. n. s. [from cobobate. A returning any distilled liquor again upon what it was drawn from, or upon fresh ingredients of the same kind, to have it the more impregnated with their virtues. Quincy. Cobobation is the pouring the liquor distilled from any thing back upon the remaining matter, and distilling it again.


Grew's Museum.

This oil, dulcited by colobution with an aromatized spirit, is of use to restore the digestive faculty. COHORT. n. s. [cobors, Latin.] 1. A troop of soldiers in the Roman ar

mies, containing about five hundred foot.

The Romans levied as many coberts, compa nies, and ensigns, from hence, as from any of their provinces. Camden.

2. [In poetical language.] A body of warriors.

Th' arch-angelic pow'r prepar'd For swift descent; with him the cohort bright Of watchful cherubim.


Here Churchill, not so prompt To vaunt as fight, his hardy coborts join'd With Eugene. Philips' Blenheim. COHORTATION. n. s. [cohortatio, Latin.] Encouragement by words; incitement. Dict.

COIF. n. s. [coeffe, French; from cofea, for cucufa, low Latin.] The headdress; a lady's cap; the serjeant's cap. The judges of the four circuits in Wales, although they are not of the first magnitude, nor need be of the degree of the coif, yet are they considerable. Bacon's Advice to Villiers. No less a man than a brother of the coif began his suit before he had been a twelvemonth at the Temple. Spectator. Instead of home-spun coifs, were seen Good pinners edg'd with colbertine. Swift. Co'IFED. adj. [from coif.] Wearing a coif.

Co'IFFURE. n. s. [coeffure, Fr.] Head


I am pleased with the coiffure now in fashion, and think it shews the good sense of the valuable part of the sex. Addison. COIGNE. n. s. [An Irish term, as it seems.]

Fitz Thomas of Desmond began that extortion of coigne and livery, and pay; that is, he and his army took horse-meat and man's meat, and money, at pleasure. Davies on Ireland. COIGNE. n. s. [French.] 1. A corner.

No jutting frieze,

Buttrice, nor coigne of vantage, but this bird Hath made his pendant bed." Shakspeare. 2. A wooden wedge used by printers. To COIL. v. a. [cueillir, French.] To gather into a narrow compass: as, to coil a rope, to wind it in a ring.

The lurking particles of air, so expanding themselves, must necessarily plump out the sides of the bladder, and so keep them turgid, until the pressure of the air, that at first coiled them, be re-admitted to do the same thing again. Boyle, COIL. n. s. [kolleren, German.] 1. Tumult; turmoil; bustle; stir; hurry; confusion.

Who was so firm, so constant, that this coil Would not infect his reason? Shakspeare's Temp. You, mistress, all this coil is 'long of you. Shakspeare. In that sleep of death, what dreams may come, When we have shuilled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. Shakspeare's Hamlet. COIN. 2. s. [coigne, French.] A corner; 2. A rope wound into a ring. any thing standing out angularly; a square brick cut diagonally called often quoin, or quine.

See you yond' coin o' th' capitol, yond' corner stone? Shakspeare. COIN. n. s. [by some imagined to corne from cuneus, a wedge, because metal is cut in wedges to be coined.]

1. Money stamped with a legal impressią n.

He gave Dametas a good sum of gold in ready coin, which Menalcas had bequeathed. Sidney. You have made

Your holy hat be stamp'd on the king's coin.

2. Concurrence; consistency; tendency of many things to the same end; oc currence of many things at the same

time. Shakspeare's Hen. VIII.

I cannot tell how the poets will succeed in the explication of coins, to which they are generally Addison. very great strangers.

She now contracts her vast design, And all her triumphs shrink into a coin. Pope. 2. Payment of any kind.

The loss of present advantage to flesh and blood, is repaid in a nobler coin. Hammond To COIN. v. a. [from the noun. n.] 1. To mint or stamp metals for money. They cannot touch me for coining; I am the king. Shakspeare. They never put in practice a thing so necessary as coined money is. Peacham of Antiquities. Tenants cannot coin rent just at quarter-day, but must gather it by degrees. Locke.

Can we be sure that this medal was really coined by an artificer, or is but a product of the soil from whence it was taken? Bentley. 2. To make or invent.

My lungs

Cain words till their decay, against those measles Which we disdain should tetter us. Shakspeare. 3. To make or forge any thing, in an ill


Never coin a formal lye on 't,

To make the knight o'ercome the giant. Hudib.
Those motives induced Virgil to coin his fable.

Some tale, some new pretence, he daily coin'd,
To sooth his sister, and delude her mind. Dryd.
A term is coined to make the conveyance easy.

Co'INAGE. n. s. [from coin.]
1. The art or practice of coining money.

The care of the coinage was committed to the inferior magistrates; and I don't find that they had a publick trial, as we solemnly practise in this country. Arbuthnot.

2. Coin; money; stamped and legitimated metal.

This is conceived to be a coinage of some Jews; in derision of Christians, who first began that



Moor was forced to leave off coining, by the great crowds of people continually offering to return his coinage upon him. Swift.

3. The charges of coining money. 4. New production; invention.

Unnecessary coinage, as well as unnecessary revival of words, runs into affectation; a fault to be avoided on either hand.

5. Forgery; invention.

This is the very coinage of your brain; This bodiless creation, ecstacy

Is very cunning in.


Shakspeare's Hamlet. To COINCIDE. v. n. [coincido, Lat.] z. To fall upon the same point; to meet in the same point.

If the equator and ecliptick had coincided, it would have rendered the annual revolution of the earth useless. Cheyne.

4. To concur; to be consistent with.

The rules of right judgment, and of good ratiocination, often coincide with each other. Watts' Logick. COINCIDENCE. n. s. [from coincide.] I. The state of several bodies, or lines, falling upon the same point.

An universal equilibrium, arising from the coincidence of infinite centers, can never be naturally acquired. Bentley.

The very concurrence and coincidence of so many evidences that contribute to the proof, carries a great weight. Hale.

3. It is followed by with.

The coincidence of the planes of this rotation with one another, and with the plane of the ecliptick, is very near the truth. Cheyne COINCIDENT. adj. [from coincide.] 1. Falling upon the same point.


These circles I viewed through a prism; and, as I went from them, they came nearer and nearer together, and at length became coindent. Newton's Optisks. Concurrent; consistent; equivalent: followed by with.

Christianity teaches nothing but what is per fectly suitable to and coincident with the ruling principles of a virtuous and well inclined man.


These words of our apostle are exactly coinci dent with that controverted passage in his de course to the Athenians. Bentley COINDICAʼTION, n. s. [from con and isdico, Latin.] Many symptoms betokening the same cause. Co'INER. n. s. [from coin.]

1. A maker of money; a minter; a stamper of coin.

My father was I know not where When I was stampt: some coiner with his tools Made me a counterfeit. Shakspeare's Cymbdist.

It is easy to find designs that never entered into the thoughts of the sculptor or the corner. Addison on Medals.

There are only two patents referred to, bo less advantageous to the coiner than this of Wood. Swift 2. A counterfeiter of the king's stamp ; a maker of base money. 3. An inventor.

Dionysius, a Greek coiner of etymologies, is To CPJOIN. v. n. [conjungo, Lat.] To commended by Athenæus. Camden's Remains. join with another in the same office.

Thou may'st cojoin with something, and thes dost,

And that beyond commission. Shakspeart. Co'ISTRIL. n. s. A coward; a runaway: corrupted from kestrel, a mean or degenerate hawk.

He's a coward and a coistril, that will not drink to my niece. Shakspeare's Twelfth Night. COIT. n. s. [kote, a die, Duteh.] A thing thrown at a certain mark. See Quart.

The time they were out at costs, kaples, or the like idle exercises. Carew's Survey of Corna Cor'TION. n. s. [coitio, Latin.] 1. Copulation; the act of generation.

I cannot but admire that philosophers should imagine frogs to fall from the clouds, considering how openly they act their coition, product spawn, tadpoles, and frogs. Ray on the Great

He is not made productive of his kind, but by coition with a female. Grew's Camiley2. The act by which two bodies come to gether.

By Gilbertus this motion is termed cotti, not made by any faculty attractive of one, but Brom a syndrome and concourse of each. COKE. n. s. [perhaps from coque, Skisner.] Fewel made by burning pit-coal

under earth, and quenching the cinders; as charcoal is made with wood. It is frequently used in drying malt. COʻLANDER. n. s. [colo, to strain, Lat.] A sieve either of hair, twigs, or metal, through which a mixture to be separated is poured, and which retains the thicker parts; a strainer.

Take a thick woven osier colander, Thro' which the pressed wines are strained clear. May. All the viscera of the body are but as so many colanders to separate several juices from the blood. Ray on the Creation.

The brains from nose and mouth, and either ear, Came issuing forth, as through a colander The curdled milk. Dryden. COLA'TION. n. s. [from colo, Lat.] The art of filtering or straining. CO'LATURE. n. s. [from colo, Lat.] 1. The act of straining; filtration. 2. The matter strained.

CO'LBERTINE. n. s. A kind of lace worn by women.

Go, hang out an old frisoneer gorget, with a yard of yellow colbertine again.

Diff'rence rose between


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Some better shroud, some better warmth to cherish

Our limbs benumb'd, ere this diurnal star Leave cold the night, how we his gather'd beams Reflected, may with matter sere foment. Milt. 3. Chill; shivering; having sense of cold. O noble English, that could entertain, With half their forces, the full power of France; And let another half stand laughing by, All out of work, and cold for action. Shakspeare. 4. Having cold qualities; not volatile; not acrid.

Cold plants have a quicker perception of the heat of the sun than the hot herbs; as a cold hand will sooner find a little warmth than an hot. Bacon's Natural History. 5. Indifferent; frigid; wanting passion; wanting zeal; without concern; unactive; unconcerned; wanting ardour.

There sprung up one kind of men, with whose zeal and forwardness the rest being compared, were thought to be marvellous cold and dull.

Hooker's Preface. Infinite shall be made cold in religion, by your example, that never were hurt by reading books. • Ascham. VOL. I.

Temp'rately proceed to what you would Thus violently redress.Sir, these cold ways, That seem like prudent helps, are very poisonous. Shakspeare.

New dated letters these, Their cold intent, tenour, and cobstance thus; Here doth he wish his person, and his power, The which he could not levy. hakspeare.

We should not, when the blood was cold, have threatened our prisoners with the sword. Siak.

To see a world in flames, and an host of angels in the clouds, one must be much of a stoick to be a cold and unconcerned spectator.

Burnet's Preface to the Theory of the Earth.
No drum or trumpet needs

Tinspire the coward, or to warm the cold;
His voice, his sole appearance, makes them bold.

O, thou hast touch'd me with thy sacred theme, And my cold heart is kindled at thy flame.


A man must be of a very cold or degenerate temper, whose heart deth not burn within him in the midst of praise and adoration. Addison. 6. Unaffecting; unable to move the pas sions.

What a deal of cold business doth a man mispend the better part of life in? In scattering compliments, tendering visits, following feasts and plays. Ben Jonson. The rabble are pleased at the first entry of a disguise; but the jest grows cold even with them too, when it comes on in a second scene.

Addison on Italy. 7. Réserved; coy; not affectionate; not cordial; not friendly.

Let his knights have older looks Among you.

Shakspeare's King Lear.

The commissioners grew more reserved, and colder towards each other. Clarendon.

8. Chaste; not heated by vitious appetite.

You may

Convey your pleasures in a spacious plenty, And yet seem cold, the time you may so hoodwink: We've willing dames enough. Shakspeare. 9. Not welcome; not received with kindness or warmth of affection.'

My master's suit will be but cold, Since she respects my mistress' love. Shakspeare. 10. Not hasty; not violent. 11. Not affecting the scent strongly. She made it good

At the hedge corner, in the coldest fault. Shaksp. 12. Not having the scent strongly affected. Smell this business with a sense as cold As is a dead man's nose. Shakspeare. COLD. n. s. [from the adjective.] 1. The cause of the sensation of cold; the privation of heat; the frigorifick power.

Fair lined slippers for the cold. Shakspeare Heat and cold are nature's two hands, whereby she chiefly worketh: and heat we have in readiness, in respect of the fire; but for cold, we must stay till it cometh, or seek it in deep caves, or high mountains: and, when all is done, we Bacon. cannot attain it in any great degree. The sun

Had first his precept so to move, so shine,
As might affect the earth with cold and heat
Scarce tolerable; and from the north to call
Decrepit winter, from the south to bring
Solstitial summer's heat.

Milton. 2. The sensation of cold; coldness; chil


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