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Missionary Chronicle

FOR MARCH, 1816.


THE Officers of the various Auxiliary Societies, formed in aid of the Missionary Society, are respectfully reminded, That the Treasurer's Accounts for the Year will be closed on the 31st day of the present month (March);they are therefore requested to remit their Contributions on (or, if convenient, before) that day, addressed to Joseph Hardcastle, Esq. Old Swan Stairs, or at the Missionary Rooms, No. 8, Old Jewry, Cheapside.

The Officers, &c. of the Auxiliary Societies in and near London, will meet on Wednesday, March 27; of which due notice will be given to each Society.

THE Anniversary of this Society will be held, by divine permission, in London, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, the 8th, 9th, and 10th of May. The Rev. JOSEPH JULIAN, Rector of Hatcheson, near Woodbridge, and Curate of Trimley, near Ipswich; the Rev. JOSEPH FLETCHER, of Blackburn; and the Rev. Mr. BROWN, of Cheltenham, are already engaged to preach on that occasion.


Extract of a Letter to the Directors, from the Missionary Society at Stellenbosch, in South Africa.

Stellenbosch, Feb. 14, 1815. Dear Brethren in our Lord Jesus Christ, TRUSTING that Mr. Campbell will have informed you of our proceedings in this place, we shall only mention, that we have been happy enough to pursue our labours, and to experience in them the divine approbation,―visible not only in the greater interest the heathen take in the word of life, as from time to time their number increases who attend our place of worship, but also in the blessed fruits and effects in several of them. We doubt not but joy has been already expressed in Heaven, as well as on earth, for the conversion of many heathen, through the labours of our brother Bakker; and cordially wish and pray their number may increase more and more. They have not yet been formed into a church, from obstructions thrown in the way by the minister of this dis


It is known to the Directors of the

Missionary Society, that we have long endeavoured to lighten their burden, in giving a salary to our brother Bakker, notwithstanding he remained your Missionary. The consequence was, that we have been able to do it almost to the whole extent. We now promise anew that we shall not only continue it, but endeavour to remit every new year to Cape Town, for your account, whatever surplus may remain in our hands; by which you will also see the state of our finances, which increase as the subscribers continue to increase: and we have learned from the Report of your 20th General Meeting, what the brethren at the Paarl have done. This has excited many amongst us to follow their example.

We hope we shall soon be favored with a letter from you, and accounts of the further extension of the kingdom of God; and trust that what we have communicated to you will not be considered as void of interest. He that can assist and protect those that labour in a small circle, is also powerful and willing to assist them whose

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Extract of a Letter from Mr. Bukker, a Missionary at Stellenbosch.

Stellenbosch, Feb. 14, 1815.

Dear and beloved brethren,

THE Directors of the Missionary Society of this place, intending to inform you of some particulars, I shall only mention a few others, to avoid repetition.

sion upon some of them, and the principal excuse for not attending was now removed.

On last New Year's Day, when I should have made up my accounts with them, I was, through a severe indisposition, confined to my bed; but on the 22nd of January, I was so far recovered, as to be able to speak to them in the place of worship. I then told them that I now expected every one would come forward to mention his losses, and that I wished to make them up. All seemed quite astonished, and were silent. At last, a few got up and said, 'Sir, you do not owe us any thing at all. The Lord has taken care of us;—we have no want whatever; and are richer than we were last year.' I told them that I was very happy to hear it from themselves, though I knew it very well before hand. I asked the same question to several others, who answered in the same manner, adding, 'No, Sir; you do not owe us any thing, but we all owe you a great deal.'

I doubt not, you have received my last letter by Mr. Campbell, by which you will have seen, that the place of worship for the slaves being too small, a larger was built, the foundation of which had been laid previous to Mr. Campbell's return. The new building was used for the first time on On the 11th inst. I received the Whitsunday, the 10th of April last. Report of the Directors, on the 20th My text was Luke xxiv. 34. Since Annual Meeting, of the 12th of May, that time we have continually seen 1814. Among many interesting parthe great necessity for this larger ticulars, I was much struck with place; for the numbers that attend, what had happened at the Paarl (a particularly on the Lord's Days, in town about eight miles from us) crease very much, and I have no where so many slaves contribute to doubt that many of the slaves are real the funds of the Society. I took the Christians. One of them, named resolution to communicate this to my Ernst, officiates in our public service hearers on the next Sunday, and to as clerk: he reads and sings uncom try what I could do with them. After monly well. In case of need, many the service, I requested my audience others might be found to succeed him. to sit down again, as I had something On the 23d of August last, I hap- to add. I then read the Report to pened to say, that I had observed that them, and said, 'You see what your many slaves did not attend so well on fellow-slaves and Hottentots have the Lord's Days as I could wish; the done at the Paarl: they shew by their reason of which was, that many actions how much they take the work worked on those days, in order to of the Lord among the heathen to carn something for themselves. I told heart. I will now give you an oppor them that the Lord would not bless tunity to follow their example. I do such labour, because he had solemnly not expect much from you; I know prohibited it. I therefore advised none of you is rich; but I do assure them not to continue this practice, you, that the smallest donation will adding, that every one, knowing how be rewarded by our Lord with his rich he was at the end of the last year, blessing.' Many now requested to should have his losses made up by have their names written down as ine at the end of the next year, if he contributors; their number was 41, would come faithfully on the Lord's and their contributions will be 33 rix. Days to our place of worship. What- dollars and 7 shillings. Many females ever they lost by not working on the wished also to sign their names; but I Sundays, should be paid by me. told them their husbands had already This seemed to make great impres-subscribed; and knowing their situa

tion, I declined taking down their names. I am persuaded that among the 41 subscribers there are many true Christians; and I expect many more subscribers from those that live at a greater distance.. It seemed as if many rejoiced cordially, that they were looked upon as worthy to contribute their money for the purpose of extending the kingdom of Christ among their fellow-slaves and heathen. I am almost fearful that some will give rather too much than too little. If I had seen such liberality in a congregation of affluent Christians, I am sure an immense sum would have been brought together; but I rest satisfied that the mite of the poor widow is acceptable in the eyes

of the Lord.

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When enjoying so many civilities from the poor converted Heathen, I feel hearty thankful to the Father of all mercies, and cannot but admire the glorious gospel of the blessed God,' which has produced such a wonderful change in them.

Sept. 30. In the church of Bethelsdorp, had the honour, for the first time, of addressing the natives. It affords no small pleasure to behold so many of them, with parching thirst, hastening to the living water. After a hearty draught early in the morning, in the evening they are as thirsty

as ever.

word is so greatly blessed to them, Sometimes the preaching of the that they cannot but unite in the profound silence of the night, under the to God and the Lamb; and the melody canopy of Heaven, in singing praises of their voices cannot easily be con ceived.

Almost every Sabbath since our arrival, several persons have been baptized. I bless God I have been permitted to see so much already effected; and I believe that many young ministers in my country (Wales) bad they wings, would fly to behold it; and if the friends of man knew that they waited for wings, doubtless wings would be given them.

I am glad to hear that the Caffres have been petitioning, more than once, for Missionaries to visit them. Should his Excellency the Governor judge it proper to permit them to go, I think the inhabitants of Wales in a body would not be too many for

such a field of labour.

My object is still more distant. I for many months, and in the course of have sustained the fatigue of travelling koo. I go only in the strength of the a few more, hope to arrive at LataLord: and as to my safety, I place of the godly, than in any earthly more confidence in the earnest prayers means. My grand asylum, in prespect of every danger, is prayer; and I should have the honour of dropping should the Lord call me hence, before you a line again, I pray that my name may be so far in your remembrance, you may destine my successor to Latakoo. I remain, &c.


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Account of the Loss of 24 French Of ficers (prisoners) in a Letter from Mr. Durell, dated Plymouth, Jan. 16, 1816.

had not been preached in vain, as was one of those to whom the gospel One of the seals of my ministry. I

was assured he discovered the most magnanimous spirit in the storm. When the vessel struck, they were in the most deplorable condition. This good old man cried out, 'There is no resource, let us cast ourselves into the arms of God, and die as Christians.’ In an instant they all knelt down, calling upon God our Saviour. They had scarcely finished so short a prayer, when another wave struck the vessel. They shook hands

FRIDAY, the 15th instant, being the day appointed for the departure of the French officers from Ashburton, I thought it would be proper to preach to them the night before, to commend them to God, and take leave of each other as Christians, by once more publicly adoring the Supreme together. My project met with their entire satisfaction.-I preached on Acts xx. 32, And now, my brethren, embraced each other, saying, Adieu. I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace,' &c, Extraordinary attention reigned throughout the service, a great number of the inhabitants of Ashburton were present.

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I accompanied them on Saturday to Plymouth, where I distributed to them the Bibles; which, for several reasons, I had reserved till then, which were received with gratitude. Sunday morning at seven, we took leave; the officers from Oakhampton, having arrived at the same place. We experienced the most touching sensations at parting, to see each other, in all probability, no more in this world. The most disasterous event has destroyed all hope as to some of them. I heard, in the course of the following week, there was a ship wrecked on the coast; but I was far from supposing it to be either of the sloops in which my friends had embarked. To my great surprise, as well as grief, on Saturday one of the officers arrived at Plymouth, and brought me the mournful news of the wreck, which happened on the Thursday, at one in the morning, when 24 of his companions perished. This I felt to be a heavy stroke, as they had formed a part of my auditory; and particularly when I found that they were the most regular and attentive, and the most intimate and affectionate of my friends; especially one of the most aged, who had walked with me arm in arm to the ship, en treating me to go with him to France. Of him I cannot speak oo highly. His eagerness for the salvation of his soul, and for perusing the Scriptures, and his profound attention while wait. ing on the ordinances of God's house, from which he was never once absent, gave me ground to believe that he

In the space of a few moments, a second wave swept them into the sea. Is there not reason to believe their prayer was heard, and their souls are at rest? Not a murmur at the will of God, but perfect resignation. And what is more, as one of the survivors told me, not a single act of superstition, though most of them had been Catholics.-No invocation of saints, or angels, or the virgin; but all their prayers addressed to God, throngh his Son, the only Mediator for mercy and salvation. Blessed be God, that they had so recently been fully taught the doctrine and merits of the Saviour. Those among them, who were more profane, have seen the manifest folly of infidelity, and the importance of having that to support them in the day of trial, as one of them told me to-day.

To this may be added the testimony of one whom God had before called by his grace to the knowledge of the truth, who,thank God,has been spared. 1 am pleased to hear how much he is confirmed in the truth and excellence of his religious sentiments.

On Sunday, all that were saved, amounting to 41, who had arrived at Mill prison, had service together. Then we sought to improve the event, and draw the most useful lessons from it. I preached on Isaiah xxvi. 9, When thy judgments are abroad, the inhabitants will learn righteousness. After discoursing on the nature, design, and lessons, which divine judgments should teach, we enquired if they had learnt these lessons when so mercifully spared. I pray God to bless the word to many, Having a few Bibles left, I distributed them among them, and took leave of them as they embarked with mingled

emotions of joy and sorrow. I feit the ties of friendship drawn tighter. With many invitations to visit them in France, and many thanks, we parted.

Mr. Messervy's Mission to the French

Prisoners, at Forton.

ALL the prisoners of war, who were at this depot, are returned home; and it is with great pleasure 1 am able to say, the greater part have taken with them the word of life.

I have preached to them every Sabbath, and visited them as often in the week as I could.

By the grace of God, I hope that two of them have felt the efficacy of the gospel; and notwithstanding their captivity, have experienced the glorious liberty of the children of God. One in particular expressed his gratitude to God, for that wise providence which had conducted him to England. When I pitied his lamentable condition, he exclaimed, Ah, Sir! God has not punished me according to my sins! It is true I am in prison, but it is not the prison of hell. I am a prisoner of hope, and I pray God to be merciful to me a sinner.' This man read his Bible through in six weeks, and with profit. He studied the Scriptures daily. He read likewise Mr. Bogue's Essay, and Doddridge's Rise and Progress, with delight.

I am happy to be able to say, that many of these captives learned to read in prison. The progress of one of them was very remarkable. When I first spake to him, he did not know a letter; but in two months he could read any of the religious tracts. On parting with him I gave him a Bible. All the books were received with thankfulness ; and I pray God to bless their perusal of them in their own country.

Mr. Threlkeld and Mr. Ellis, Missionaries to Otaheite, with their wives, sailed on Tuesday, Jan. 23, 1816, from Portsmouth, in the Atlas government transport, with 200 male convicts, for Port Jackson. They had been long delayed at Portsmouth; first by contrary winds, and then by the dysentery having broken out among the convicts. The Society is indebted to government for a free

passage to these Missionaries, and a grant of the same favor, in another ship (the Surry) to two others and their wives, who are just about to embark on the same Mission.

At the Missionary Prayer Meeting, held at the Rev. Mr. Harper's chapel, London Road, Monday Even. Feb. 5, Mr. C. Barff, one of the Missionaries about to sail in the Surry, for N. South Wales (and from thence to Otaheite) was designated to his solemn office. Mr. Jackson, of Stockwell, prayed; Mr. Wilks proposed the usual questions, which were briefly but satisfactorily answered by Mr Barff. A Bible was put into his hand by the Secretary, with the following charge:"Go, our beloved brother, and publish the contents of this holy book among the Heathen, to whom you are sent, according to your ability and opportu nities, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." Mr.Hill, of Surry Chapel, Mr. Barff's pastor, gave him a solemn and affec tionate exhortation; and Mr. Innes, of Camberwell, cauçluded with ardent prayer to God for the Missionary.

Mr. Orsmond, who was ordained at Portsea in December last *, sails with Mr. Barff in the Surry, a convict ship, which first touches at Cork. By the favour of government, a free passage is granted, which saves the Society about one-half of the expence, the board of the Missionaries being paid to the Captain by the Directors. Mr. Orsinond and Mr. Barff are accompanied by their wives.

Wednesday, Feb. 7th, the Rev. H. Townley and J. Keith were solemnly ordained to the office of Christian Missionaries at Paddington Chapel.

Mr. Campbell began by reading the Scriptures An introductory address was given by J. Clayton, jun. The usual questions were put by Mr.Lewis.

* Dec. 22, 1815. Rev. J. M. Orsmond was ordained to the office of a Missionary to the Heathen, in King Street Chapel, Portsea. Mr. J. Hunt, of Chichester, began the service; Mr. Burder, of London, explained the office of a Missionary; Mr. Scamp asked the questions; Mr. Ormond gave an interesting account of his experience and motives; Mr. Griffin offered the ordination prayer; Mr. J. Campbell gave the charge; Dr. J. P. Smith delivered an address to the people; and Mr. Bogue concluded.

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