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menced but the tumult continued the ball was extracted, which was found increasing in the street, until a number in him in the shape of an ingot, white of these furious creatures forced their fluctuating between life and death, he way into the church, uttering horrid wrote, at our request, to give his tes cries and threatening to kill us, which timony in our favour to the government, threw the whole assembly into con in case of his death. He had already fusion, and put a stop to the service, saved us from a massacre that was to until they were dragged out and the have been general on the night of the doors secured, which were, however, 16th of October. You have heard that soon assaulted with violent knocking the Duke returned immediately that he by the mob, who still sought to rush in heard of this event, and urged the reand murder us. We passed three opening of the temples. We remonquarters of an hour in this frightful sort strated, for we were persuaded that we of siege, not knowing what would be should be all massacred, unless he had come of us, and deprived of all com- sufficient force to protect us. Thus we munication with our friends in the are indefinitely deprived of public town, and trembling lest our only de- worship, til proper measures are taken. fender, the brave General, might not One of our friends has composed an have it in his power to preserve us from Address on the events of the 12th, death. Frightful situation! The hor- and on our miseries in general; but it ror of it is not to be described. At must rest in his bureau, till the moment length the doors were opened by the arrives when the whole truth shall be General and a double guard, and we told. He addressed a second letter to went forth each endeavouring to get the Duke, entreating him to pity us, to his own home through showers of for he knows that we did not deserve stones which were thrown at us, from any of these miseries. No one can which many are still ill, and three were conceive the unfortunate condition to killed. It was at this moment a pistol which the unoffending Protestants are was discharged by one of the wretches reduced, nor the deceit, perfidy, and savage ferocity of our enemies, who are under powerful leaders. We are not ignorant how we are calumniated; bat we cannot speak, nor write, nor print any memoir in our justification, becanse it would be attended with the greatest danger, to state even the most notorious facts. We will, however, prepare it, though it should not appear these ten years; and though, in the mean while, we suffer reproach and every evil. Still I trust in Providence, to bring forth our righteousness as the sun, to confound our oppressors. Perhaps the day is not so far off. Dif ferent reports circulate; one is, that one of the chief authors of our misery is in disgrace; God grant it! I expect nothing from men, but all from God. Yours, &c.

at the General.

In the course of the day, some of the mob, with hatchets, forced their way through the gates into the temple, devastating it in every possible way which their rage and fury could suggest, tear ing down the box for receiving alms for the poor,-destroying the bookspillaging a closet which contained garments for the poor-tearing off the drapery round the pulpit, which was quite new-taking away our register books and gowns and, in short, every thing. Our venerabie President Olivier, was conducted to his house by a cirGuitous route, surrounded by eight or teu officers; but followed by the mob, attering the most horrid imprecations, The officiating minister for the day did not descend from the pulpit till the last moment, when the violent knocking at the door, and the cries of the poor people within, drowned his voice. I was one of the last who left the church, with my wife on one side, and my child on my other arm; and though without an escort of officers (for it was evident that the troops sided with the mob) I was mercifully preserved. If the General had been wounded half an hour sooner, we should infallibly been all massacred. Our assembly was large, and consisted chiefly of the more respectable people of our community. Almost all the ladies received blows from the stones. My mother was struck in the head. The excellent Count La Garde, from whom happily

The following letter from the Duke D'Angouleme, fully explains the nature of his offer to assist the Protestants.

Monsieur le Prefect of Gard,

KNOWING that the Catholics of the city of Nismes would wish to have their churches which are occupied by the Protestants, but that their wishes cannot be carried into effect, until they enter iuto an arrangement with the latter for the purchase of these churches, which would enable the Protestants to build one; I promise, in case this arrangement should be made, to con tribute the gum of 15,000 francs to

wards the purchase of the churches for the Catholics. If, therefore, the Protestants and Catholies determine on this, I desire you to inform them that they may rely on the sum which I have promised.

I hope that the individuals under your government will see in this disposition on my part, that I wish to do, as far as depends upon me, all that can contribute to maintain amongst them that perfect harmony which ought to exist amongst all the king's subjects. Receive, M. le Prefect of Gard, the assurance of my esteem.

Yours, affectionately,



Society for the Support of Gaelic Schools.

ON Thursday, Nov. 30, 1815, the Fifth Annual Meeting of this Society was held at Edinburgh. In the absence of the Right Hon. the Earl of Moray, the President, the Rev. Dr. David Johnston, of North Leith, one of the Vice-Presidents, was called to the Chair.

At this meeting, which was most respectably attended, both by members in town, and several gentlemen from a distance, the Report of the Committee was read; a number of Resolutions were passed; and the office-bearers for the ensuing year were elected.

Extract of Report.

The liberal supplies from Bible Societies promise a sufficiency of funds for defraying all the expences incurred in furnishing the schools with Bibles and Testaments; but it is necessary that the public should distinguish clearly between the nature of that supply, and the supply required for the main tenance of the schools. Including salary, travelling expences, books, and all the appendages of the Society, it may be reckoned that each school costs £30 per annum; of this sum, about £5 only is expended in the purchase of the Scriptures. All the donations of Bible Societies must be exclusively appropriated to that purpose; and, therefore, the donations can never do more, than answer one-sixth part of the expence of the establishment. There are now to be provided for 70 schools, which, at £30 each, create an annual expence of £2100. Of this sum there may be defrayed, by Bible Societies, 350,

bat £1750 must be provided from other and more general funds.

In former Reports, your Committee have been used to congratulate the Society on the increase of their funds; they were not then ripe, as they now are, to congratulate you on the great increase of your expenditure. The difficulty of obtaining precise information, as to the places most proper for the establishment of schools, and the caution it was absolutely necessary to observe in the introduction of a new system, rendered it impossible for your Committee to proceed more rapidly in opening the channel for the flow of that liberality, which, with an almost general feeling of enthusiasm, hailed the commencement of your Institution. the persevering labours of your Secretaries however, and the zealous cooperation of many of the clergy and proprietors in the Highlands and Is. lands, all obstacles have been over, come; and such a number of schools are now organized, as, under the blessing of God, bid fair, with the means using by other Societies, to spread, in a few years, through the darkest recesses of our country, the knowledge of the everlasting gospel.


With the gradual extension of your operations, your expences increased; but the public cheerfully supplied your growing wants. During the first year, their bounty defrayed all your expences, and left unexpended a balance of £383. During the second year, á fund of £500 was accumulated, which was invested in government security, to serve as a preservative against emergency. The receipts and the expenditure of the third year were nearly equal. The operations of last year diminished the balance on hand about £60. And now, your Committee have to report, that the expenditure, including salaries due, and in the course of payment, not only exhausts all the Subscriptions and Donations within the year, together with the balance on hand from last account; but, after sweeping away the whole fund accumulated in the five per cent. stock, will leave a balance of about £200 against the Society.

This prosperous state of expenditure your Committee have no doubt, will be received with much satisfaction; and conceive they have little more to do to obtain the necessary supplies, than to shew how these may be properly expended.

And what is the expence, and what the object to be attained? The average expence does not exceed 12s. per annum for each scholar; and, as it was calculated, and is now ascertained,

that 18 months will be fully sufficient to attain the object, the total expence of teaching one person to read the Scriptures will be under 20s.

Subscriptions and Donations are received by the Treasurer, J. Campbell, Esq. Edinburgh; and in London by W. Allen, Esq. Lombard Street; R. Phillips, Esq. Red Lion Square; J. Reyner, Esq. Mark Lane; R. Steven, Esq. Thames Street; Rev. A. Waugh, D. D. Salisbury Place; and in Liver pool, by Samuel Hope. Esq.; and in York, by Mr. Thomas Wemys's Academy.

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Many persons in Essex, friends to Missions and to the (London) Missionary Society in particular, wish that an Institution, in favour of Missionary exertions in their own county, were more generally known among its inhabitants. This wish has nothing selfish in it; but proceeds from a conviction of the importance of Missions to the Heathen, and of the obligation on Christians to support them. I therefore request, by the direction of the Committee of that Institution, the insertion of these lines in your Magazine, since you have a multitude of readers in this county, whose attention may thus be excited, and their zeal quickened to promote so important a religious object, connected with the

welfare of mankind.

There has existed in the county of Essex, for nearly two years, a respectable Institution, denominated the Essex Auxiliary Missionary Society, having for its object to aid the (London) Missionary Society and other British Missions, as circumstances may require. It is coutined to no particular denomination of Christians. From its funds the Moravians have received £50; he the Baptists, £50; and the (London) Missionary Society, £200. Its Committee from public views, much wish that the friends of the (London) Missionary Society in Essex, or of other Missionary Institutions, would make this Auxiliary Society the channel of their communications, and will faithfully convey contributions to any Society as may be requested by individuals or congregations. It is hoped, that thus this Institution may be eminently beneficial to the (London) Missionary Soci ety, and other Missions; and that, therefore, the friends to Missions in Essex will not neglect it.

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kins (late of the Countess of HuntingAugust 1, 1815. The Rev. W. Wil pastoral office at St. Agnes, Cornwall. don's connection) was set apart to the Mr. Moore, of Truro, commenced the service, proposed the questions, &c.; Mr. Bounsell, of St. Columb, prayed the ordination prayer, accompanied with imposition; Mr. Wildbore, of Penryn, gave the charge, from John iv. 38.; Mr. Deut. i. 38, Encourage him.' Guard, of Mevagissey, preached from - In the evening, Mr. Bounsell preached from Acts xi. 20, 21, and concluded the services of the day.

August 29. The Rev. J. Chalmers (late of Knottingley) was ordained over the congregational church at Stafford. Mr. Brook, of Tutbury, began the service; Mr. Cooper, of West Bromwich, stated the nature of a church, &c.; Mr. Grove, of Walsal, offered the ordination prayer; Mr. James, of Birmingham, gave the charge, from 2 Tim. iv. 5.; Mr. Raffles, of Liverpool, preached from 1 Cor. xvi. 10.; Mr. Harris (the former minister) concluded with prayer. Mess. Salt, Ternie, Tollis, Niel, Shawyer, Silvester, Capps, &c. engaged in the other devotional services of the day; Mr. James preached in the evening, and Mr. Smith, of Milbank, on the evening preceding.

ordained at Nayland, Suffolk. Dec. 12. The Rev. E. Smith was The Needham; Mr. Ward, of Stowmarket, service was opened by Mr. Bromley, of Atkinson, of Ipswich, presented the delivered the introductory disconrse; Mr. ordination prayer; Mr. Ray, of Sudbury, gave the charge, from 2 Tim. ii. 15.; Mr. Mr. Crathern, of Dedham, preached from Phil. ii, 15.; and Mr. Hickman, of Lavenham, concluded. In the evening Mr. Cox, of Hadleigh, preached; and Messrs. Crathern and Good engaged in prayer.


sermons were

Nov. 9. A plain commodious chapel, belonging to the Independent denomination, was opened in the parish of Llangaffo, Anglesea; when preached by Mr. W. Hughes, from Rom. 1 Tim. iii. 16., Mr. D. Roberts, Bangor, v. 2.; Mr. D. Griffiths, Bethel, from from Exod. xx. 24.; Mr. J. Jones, Talgarth, from Col. iii. 3.; Mr. J. Evans, Beaumaris, from Zech. vii. 11, 12.; and Mr. J. Griffith, Caernarvon, from Isaiah liii. 1. The services were introduced by. Messrs. D. Beynou, and R. Roberts.

About thirty years ago, the Lord prospered the exertions of the Rev. B. Jones, at this place; but on his removal from thence to Pwllheli, when preaching

Could be obtained very rarely, the church members joined the Calvinistic Methodists, excepting one family, which has been the principal support of the cause to this day. Through the late occasional labours of the Rev. J. Powell and others, the hearers have increased, and the Lord has added to this small church. Mr. H. Lloyd being now stationed among them, it is hoped still more good will be done. The expence of building amounted to £ 180, towards which £50 were contributed in the neighbourhood.

Jan. 18. A Public Meeting was held in the Assembly Room, Sheerness, on account of the sufferings of our Protestant Brethren in France. The Chair was taken by J. Chambers, Esq. who opened the business of the Meeting in an appropriate address. Resolutions, expressive of the intentions of the present Meeting, were read by the Rev. J. Prankard, who moved and supported them, in a speech of considerable length. He was seconded by Rev. Mr. Sutcliff. Other Resolutions were afterwards moved, and seconded by Mr. J. Terry, of Queenborough, Mr. Birch, of Sheerness, T. Wright, Esq. of Minster, and Mr. Canham, jun. A Collection was made, amounting to about £29.

At Kellington, on Feb. 5, 1816, was

formed a Bible Association, in connexion with Pontefract Auxiliary Society. The Meeting was held in the Vestry of the parish-church, and was both respectable and attentive. The Association will be principally conducted by Ladies. This forms a connecting link with six other Associations, which Messrs. Rankin and Wade have established.


COURT OF KING'S BENCH. Thursday, Nov. 16.


of the inhabitants, and the present was one of six indictments preferred on the prosecution of the Rev. Mr. Wright, the minister of the sect, in order to establish the right of undisturbed worship, and to secure it in future. To such a pitch had the zeal of some of these misguided parties to these disturbances carried them, that they finally succeeded in destroying the place, where the Methodists met, by fire, which was deemed necessary for its purification; and it was proved against one of the defendants, under another indictment, that he had declared that he saw no more crime in killing a Methodist than in shooting a crow. Nearly all the persons prosecuted were in a humble station of life. The defendant at present before the Court was a hair-dresser, having been 15 years a private in the King's service; from which he had been lately discharged, with a pension, as unfit for further duty.

Mr. Jervis, last Term, obtained a rule in arrest of judgment, on the grounds that this was a prosecution, founded on the 52d of the King, chap. 155, which provided that any person charged with disturbing any religious Congregation should, in the first instance, be taken before a Magistrate; who, if he should consider the complaint as well-founded, should call on the defendant to enter into

recognizances of £50, to appear and ral Quarter Sessions; and in case of his answer the complaint at the next Genenot finding such security, to commit him; and if, at the Sessions, he should be found guilty, he should then pay a fine of £40. In the present case the prosecutors had removed the proceedings, by certiorari, from the Quarter Sessions to the Assizes, where the defendant was found guilty. Mr. Jervis since moved an arrest of judgment, on the grounds that the Act of Parliament confined the jurisdiction to the Quarter Sessions, and took it away from the Court of King's Bench, and therefore, that the certiorari, in the present case, ought not to have gone.

Mr. Abbot was now heard in support of the conviction, and cited several cases, in which it had been held that unless there was a specific clause in the Act, negativing the right of a superior Court to grant a certiorari, that right still remained, although the jurisdiction to try the offence was given to the General or Quarter Sessions.

The defendant had been found guilty at the last Gloucester Assizes, before Mr. Baron Wood, under the statute 52 Geo. III. of disturbing a religious congregation at the town of Newnham, as sembled in a house, or chapel, regularly licensed by the Bishop of the diocese, by throwing stones, bricks, and other missiles, at the windows of the place of meeting, and at the persons there assembled. It appeared that riots, to a considerable extent, had been carried on in the town of Newnham, in consequence of an endeavonr, on the part of a considerable number of persons styled Methodisis, to establish a place of worship there. This attempt was resisted, with many acts of violence, by the majority charged.

The Court, after hearing Mr. Campbell, on the same side, and Mr. Jervis and Mr. Taunton, in support of the Rule, decided that the right to grant a certiorari, in the present case, laid with the Court, and that the conviction at the Assizes was a good conviction. The Rule, in arrest of judgment, was therefore dis

MINISTERS' WIDOWS. The Annual Sermon, recommending the Society for the Relief of the necessitous Widows and Children of Protestant Dissenting Ministers, will be preached by the Rev. Dr. Collyer, on Wednesday, April 3, at the Old Jewry chapel, removed to Jewin Street, Aldersgate Street. Service to begin at 12 o'clock: after which the subscribers and friends will dine together, at the New London Tavern, in Cheapside, at 4 o'clock precisely.


THE extreme poverty of the Spital fields weavers, as lately exposed before a Public Meeting at the Mansion-House, ought certainly to induce Christian females to abstain from wearing foreign manufactures, to the injury of our poor countrymen. Smuggling especially, is a moral evil, which is greatly aggravated when it increases the sufferings of the labouring population.

Mr. Hale, at the meeting referred to, justly observed, that there were many hundreds of our brave soldiers and sailors, who had been to fight for their country, and had returned into Spitalfields; but now were totally unable to procure work, and were sinking under the extreme of distress; while they had

to lament that one cause of their want of employment was, that many of the English ladies wore the silks, which were the production of foreign looms. This and we wish it may be duly regarded by remark deeply impressed the assembly; our fair country - women. We would hope, after this hint at least, to see no exhibition of contraband goods in our places of worship.

been have lately committed by poachers ought to operate in a similar manner on conscientious persons. Will a serious man gratify his palate with the use of game procured by these dangerous pests of society?

The mischiefs and murders which

A List of the Committee of Deputies, appointed to protect the Civil Rights of the three Denominations of Protestant Dissenters, for the year 1816.

W. Smith, Esq. M. P. Chairman; J. Gutteridge, Esq. Deputy Chairman; J. Collins, Esq. Treasurer; also J. T. Rutt, S. Favell, B. B. Beddome, W. Hale, W. Burls, J. and W. Esdaile, W. Alers Hankey, J. Addington, J. Bunnell, S. Jackson, J. Gibson, J. Wilson, W. Titford, J. Towle, W. D. Clark, J. Luck, W. Freme, W. Shrubsole, J. Black, B. P Witts, Esqs.

Distribution of Profits.


HELD JANUARY 17, 1816,

The Sums below were voted to the following Widows of Evangelical Ministers.

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