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ARMY. The Armies Duty or faithfull Advice to the Souldiers; given in two Letters by severall honest men unto the Lord Fleetwood. 4° Lond. 1659.

A Declaration of the faithful Soldiers of the Army to all the honest People of the Nation: shewing their resolution to stand by the Good old Cause. 4° Lond. 1659.

-ed. alt. 4° Lond. 1659.

A Declaration of the Officers of the Army inviting the Members of the Long Parliament who continued sitting till the 20th of April 1653, to return to the exercise and Discharge of their Trust. 4° Lond. 1659.

A Letter from a Captain in the Army to an honourable Member of Parliament; dated at Tadcaster January 2. 1659. 4o Lond. 1659.

Proposals to the Officers of the Army & to the City of London, for the taking off all Excise, Taxes, and Custom: by W. W. gent. 4° Lond. 1659.

A Declaration of the Officers of the Army in Scotland to the Churches of Christ in the three Nations. 4o Edinb.1659. A Letter of the Officers of the Army in Scotland, under the Commander in chief there, to the Officers of the Army in England. 4° Lond. [1659.]

The Declaration and Proclamation of the Army of God, owned by the Lord of Hosts in many Victories. To all the good People of God throughout England, Scotland, & Ireland, &c. 4° Lond. 1659.

By the Council of State, a Proclamation concerning the Arrears of the Army Apr. 3. 1660. fol. Lond. 1660.

-The Armys Declaration being a true Alarum in answer to a false and fiery one made lately by a Member of that detestable Rump and printed for Livewell Chapman. 4o 1660.

Double your Guards, in Answer to a bloody and seditious Pamphlet entituled an Alarum to the Armies of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 4° Lond. 1660.

Several Reasons for the establishment of a standing Army and dissolving the Militia. 4°

The Case of the Inn keepers and Clothiers who quarter'd & cloth'd the Army raised by Act of Parliument in 1677, and disbanded by another Act in 1679. fol.

A Proclamation concerning Army Arrears. 24 Apr. 1695. fol. Lond. 1695.

The Case of the Persons who clothed the Army Anno 1695, 1696, and 1697. fol.

An Argument, shewing that a standing Army is inconsistent with a free Government. 4° Lond. 1697.

Some Reflections on a Pamphlet, entituled, " An Argu ment, shewing that a standing Army is inconsistent with a free Government.' 4° Lond. 1697.

A Letter, ballancing the Necessity of keeping a Landforce in times of Peace: with the Dangers that may follow on it. 4° Lond. 1697.


ARMY. A Letter from the Author of the Argument against a standing Army to the Author of the Ballancing Letter. 4° Lond. 1697.

The Second part of an Argument, shewing that a standing Army is inconsistent with a free Government. 4° Lond. 1698.

A Proclamation for the disbanding of the Army. Feb. 23. 1698. fol. Lond. 1698.

A short History of standing Armies in England. 4° Lond. 1698.

A brief Reply to the History of standing Armies in England. With some account of the Authors. 4° Lond. 1698. An Argument shewing that a standing Army, with consent of Parliament, is not inconsistent with a Free Government, &c. 4° Lond. 1698.

A Confutation of a late Pamphlet intituled ballancing the Necessity," &c. 4° Lond. 1698.

"A Letter

The Seaman's Opinion of a standing Army in England, in opposition to a Fleet at Sea, as the best security of this Kingdom. 4° Lond. 1699.

Reasons against a standing Army. 8° Lond. 1717.

Three Speeches against continuing the Army, &c. as they were spoken in the House of Commons the last Session of Parliament. 8° Lond. 1718.

-The Necessity of a Plot, or Reasons for a standing Army, by a friend to K. G. 8° Lond.

The Succession of Colonels to all his Majesties Land Forces from their Rise to 1743: to which is added a List of the Royal Navy. 8° Lond. 1743.

The Question stated with Regard to our Army in Flanders. 8° Lond. 1743.

A short Course of standing Rules for the Government and Conduct of an Army. By a Lieut. General of his Majesty's Forces. 8° Lond. 1744.

Rules and Articles for the better Government of his Majesty's Horse and Foot-guards, and all his other Forces. fol. 1749.

Reasons for an Augmentation of the Army on the Irish Establishment offered to the consideration of the Public. 8° Dubl. 1768.

A Collection of Regulations, Orders, &c. formed and issued for the Use of the Army. fol. Lond. 1788.

Operations of the British Army in Spain; involving Broad Hints to the Commissariat and Board of Transports: with Anecdotes illustrative of the Spanish Character. 8° Lond. 1809.

Army Lists. 59 vol. fol. Lond. 1754-1812. ARMYNE (Lady MARY) A Sermon at her Funeral, by J. D. with an Epistle and Elegy by two grave Divines. 4° Lond. 1676. ARMYNE (Sir WM.) v. SHUTE. WOOD.


ARNAL (PEDRO) Discurso sobre el Origen y Principio de los Mosaycos y sus varias materias, contraido à los que nuevamente se desubriéron en las excavaciones de la Villa de Rielves de orden de S. M. fol.

ARNALD (RICHARD) A Sermon preached at the Visitation held at St. Martin's Church in Leicester April 22. 1737. 4o Cantab. 1737.

A Critical Commentary upon the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon. fol. Lond. 1744.

-A critical Commentary on such Books of the Apocrypha as are appointed to be read in Churches. fol. Lond. 1760. ARNALD (WILLIAM) DD. The Important Station of an English University a Sermon preached at Cambridge, on Commencement-Sunday 1781. 4° Lond. 1803.

ARNALDO (EL LICENCIADO) El Tribunal dela iusta vengança erigido contra los Escritos de D. Francisco de Queuedo. 12 Valencia. 1635.


ARNALDUS Villa-novanus, v. VILLA-NOVA.



ARNAUD (E. R.) Introdvction à la Chymie, ou la vraye Physique. 8° Lyon. 1655.

ARNAUD (GEORGIUS D') De Diis ПAPEAPOIE, sive Adsessoribus et Conjunctis, Commentarius. 8° Hag. Com. 1732.

ARNAUD (GEORGE) Memoires de Chirurgie, avec quelques Remarques historiques sur l'Etat de la Medecine et de la Chirurgie, en France & en Angleterre. 2 tom. 4° Lond. 1768.

ARNAUD (HENRI) Histoire de la glorieuse Rentree des Vaudois dans leurs Valees. 8° 1710.

ARNAUD (P.) v. ARTEPHIUS. flamel.

ARNAUDUS (ANDREAS) Joci, G. Du V. Senatus Aquensis Principi. 12° Avenioni. 1600.

plenè & planè quartùm editi, plurimum aucti, mille mendis curati: quibus adiecta quæ nuper abjecta. 12°

Par. 1609.

ARNAULD (ANTOINE) Plaidoye, contre les Iesuites defendeurs, des 12 & 13 Iuillet. 1594. 8° Lyon. 1594.

8° Par. 1594.

Recueil de Pieces touchant Monsieur Arnauld. 4o


Lettre a vne Personne de Condition sur ce qui est arriué depuis peu, dans vne Parroisse de Paris, à vn Seigneur de la Cour.


Seconde Lettre à un Duc & Pair de France. 4° Par.

Considerations sur ce qui s'est passé en l'Assemblée de la Faculté de Theologie de Paris, sur le sujet de la Seconde Lettre de Monsr. Arnauld. 4° Par. 1655.

[blocks in formation]

ARNAULD (ANTOINE) Dissertatio Theologica, in qua Augustiniana Propositio, defuit Petro Gratia sine qua nihil possumus, totius Traditionis autoritate confirmatur; à scholæ contentionibus sejungitur, cum variis Thomisticæ Scholæ sententiis coneiliatur; & à peruulgatâ de Præceptorum impossibilitate calumniâ purgatur. 4° Par. 1656.

Les Lettres apologetiques de M. Arnauld. 4° Par.1657.
Lettre à un de ses Amis. 4° Par. 1657.

Eclaircissement sur quatre Questions importantes pour seruir de response à un Ecrit de M. Arnaud. 8° Lewarde, 1687.

L'Esprit de M. Arnaud, tiré de sa Conduite & des Ecrits de luy & de ses Disciples. 2 tom. 8° Devent. 1684.

Lettre a Monseign'. l'Eveque de Malaga au sujet de så plainte Catholique addressée a N. §. Pere le Pape Innocent xi.

8o 1689.

Testament Spirituel. 12°

Sommaire de la Theologie du Sieur Arnauld. 8°

Histoire abregée de la Vie et des Ouvrages de Monsr. Arnauld, ci-devant imprimée sous le titre de Question Curieuse, &c. 8° Col. 1695.

ARND (JOHANNES) Principium Principiorum quibus Leges Naturales solent demonstrari. 4o Rostoch. 1712.


ARNDIUS (CAROLUS) Oratio Inauguralis De Scientiæ Literaria & in Theologia Catechetica, & in Philologia, atque Antiquitate Hebraica subsidio. 4° Rost. 1711.

Systema Literarium. 4° Lips. 1714.


Tractatus Practicus de Superstitione. 8° Gustrov. 1664.


ARNE (THO.) Artaxerxes: an English Opera. 8° Lond.
ARNIGIO (BARTOL.) Meteoria. 80 Bresc. 1568.

Le diece Veglie, de gli ammendati Costumi dell' humana Vita. 4o Bresc. 1577.

.40 Treo. 1602.

ARNISÆUS (HENNINGUS) Halberstadiensis. De Subjectione et Exemptione Clericorum: Item de Potestate temporali Pontificis in Principes: & denique de Translatione Imperii Rom. Commentatio Politica. 4° Franc. 1612.

Disquisitiones de Partus Humani legitimis terminis. 12°

Franc. 1641.

Disputationes duodecim in Physicam Aristotelis, unâ cum Disputationibus duabus Politicis de juribus Majestatis essentialibus, & tertiâ Metaphysicâ de subjecto Metaphysices. His accesserunt Exercitationes Physicæ Fridericii Molleri. 4° Halb.

ARNKIEL (M. TROGILLO) Cimbrische Heyden-Religion. 4o Hamb. 1690.


ARNO. The Fruits of Faction; a Series of Pictures, taken from regenerated France. By Arno. 4° Lond. 1791.

ARNOBIO (CLEANDRO) Tesoro delle Gioie Trattato marauiglioso. 80 Ven. 1602.

8° Ven. 1619.

80 Ven. 1630.

8o Ven. 1656.


Commentarii in Psalmos, eum Præfatione Erasmi. fol.

Bas. 1522.

per D. Erasmum proditi & emendati. Ejusdem Disputationum adversus Gentes Libri vir. Sigismundi Gelenii cura. 8° Bas. 1560.

Opera Tertulliani et Arnobii quotquot ab interitu vindicari summorum virorum industria potuerunt: studio et labore R. Laur. de la Barre. fol. Par. 1580.


Disputationum adversus Gentes Libri octo. fol. Rom.

Libri septem, recogniti et aucti ex biblioth. Th. Canteri, cujus etiam Notæ adjectæ sunt. 8o Ant. apud Plant. 1582.

Libri septem cum Godescalci Stewechii

electis. 8° Ant. 1604. ARNOLD (GOTTFR.) Endliche Vorstellung seiner Lehre und Bekäntniss auff Hrn. Vieles seines Censoris & M. Corvini Anklagen. 4° Frankf. 1701.


ARNOLD (JOHN) An Order of Council April 16. 1680. for the apprehension of the persons by whom he was wounded. fol. Lond. 1680.

ARNOLD (JOHN) An Account of the going, during thirteen Months at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, of a pocket Chronometer. 4° Lond. 1780.

ARNOLD (PHIL.) Disp. inaug. Med. de productione Ignis vitalis. 4o Ultr. 1676.

ARNOLD (RICHARD) The Names of the Baylyfs Custose, Mayers, and Sherefs of the Cyte of London from the tyme of King Rychard the fyrst, & also the Artycles of the Chartour & Lybartyes of the same Cyte, &c. fol. b.l. [1521?] ARNOLD (SAM.) De Febribus. 4o Jen. 1723. ARNOLD (SAMUEL) Redemption: a Sacred Oratorio. 8° Lond. 1786.

The Triumph of Truth: a Sacred Oratorio. 8° Lond.

1789. ARNOLD (SAM. JAMES) The Shipwreck, a Comic Opera. 12o Lond. 1797.

ARNOLD (STUART AMOS) The Merchant and Seaman's Guardian in the British Channel. 12° Lond. 1778.

The Merchants and Owners Friend: or Seamen's Pre

server. 12° Lond. 1778.


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