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ANDREWS. (JAMES PETTIT) Anecdotes, &c. ancient and modern, with Observations. 8° Lond. 1789.

Addenda to Anecdotes, &c. ancient and modern. 8° Lond. 1790.

History of Great Britain from the death of Hen. VIII. to the accession of James VI. of Scotland to the Crown of England; being a continuation of Dr. Henry's History. vol. 1. 4o Lond. 1794.


2 vol. 8° 1796.

The Anatomy of the Kebla; or a Dissection of the Defence of Eastward Adoration, lately published in his Name. 8° Lond. 1729.

The Kebla, Part II, or a farther Defence of Eastward Adoration, with some Remarks on the Anatomy of the Kebla. 8° Lond. 1729.

ANDREWS (JOHN) LL.D. The History of the Revolutions of Denmark, 2 vol. 8° Lond. 1774.

An Analysis of the principal duties of social Life: written in imitation of Rochefoucault. 8° Lond. 1783.

ANDREWS (M.) Survey of Europe. 8° Lond. 1808.

ANDREWS (MARGARET) The Life and Death of Mrs. Marg. Andrews. 8° Lond. 1680.

ANDREWS (MILES PETER) Dissipation, a Comedy. 8° Lond. 1781. Songs, Recitatives, Airs, &c. in the Enchanted Castle. 8° Lond. 1786.



ANDREWS (SHAMELA) An Apology for her Life, by Mr. Conny Keyber. 8° Lond. 1741.

ANDREWS (WILLIAM) The Astrological Physitian. 12° Lond. 1656.

News from the Starres: or an Ephemeris for 1666. 12o Lond. 1666.

for 1667. 12° Lond. 1667.

for 1669. 12° Lond. 1669.

for 1681. 12° Lond. 1681.

for 1684. 12° Lond. 1684.


Physical Observations for the Year 1671. 4° Lond.


ANDRIGHET (MATTHEO) Della Giustitia delli Armi della sereniss. Republica di Venetia. 4° Venet. 1617.

ANDRIOLLUS (MICH. ANG.) Consilium Veterum et Neotericorum de conservanda Valetudine. 4° Lugd. 1693.


fol. Bas. 1694.

Domesticorum Auxiliorum Tractatus quinque. 4° Ven.

Enchyridium practicum Medicum. 4o Ven. 1700.


ANDRIOLLUS (MICH. ANG.) Physiologiæ Pars secunda. fol. Clagen. 1701.

Philosophia esperimentalis Præside Platone in consilio veterum et neotericorum convocato, seu Physica reformati Platonis. fol. Clagen. 1708.

De Febribus et Morbis acutis. fol. Ven. 1711. ANDROMACHE, a Tragedy, transl. from Racine. 4o

ANDROMANA, or the Merchant's Wife: The Scene Iberia : by J. S. 4° Lond. 1660.


ANDRONICUS a Tragedy, Impieties long Successe, or Heavens late Revenge. 12° Lond. 1661.

ANDRONICUS Comnenius, a Tragedy. 4°

ANDRONICUS II. Imp. Constantinop. Aurea Bulla, data Henrico, Henrici mirabilis F. Alberti magni N. cum Notis Hen. Meibomii. 4° Helmst. 1614.


ANDRONICUS Rhodius. De Animi Affectionibus, Gr. per Dav. Hoeschelium. 8° Aug. Vin. 1594.

Ethicorum Nichomacheorum Paraphrasis. Gr. Lat. in

terpr. Dan. Heinsio. 8° Lugd. Bat. 1617.

The Paraphrase of an anonymous Greek writer, (hitherto published under the name of Andronicus Rhodius) on the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle. transl. by William Bridgman. 4° Lond. 1807.

ANDROPHONUS, an Heroick Poem. 4° Lond. 1699.


ANDROUET (JACQUES) du Cerceau. Des Bastimens de France. 2 tom. fol. Par. 1576-9.

Leçons de Perspective positive. fol. Par. 1676. ANDRY (NICHOLAS) An Mundus senescat? 4° Par. 1695.

An Paratis unica Lethargi vindex? 4° Par. 1696. De la Génération des Vers dans le Corps de l'Homme. 8° Par. 1700.

Eclaircissement sur le Livre de la Génération des Vers dans le corps de l'Homme. 8° Par. 1704. 8° Amst. 1705.


Le Regime du Caresme. 8° Par. 1710.

Remarques de Medecine sur different sujets. 8° Par.

Examen de divers Points d'Anatomie, de Chirurgie, de Physique, &c. 8° Par. 1725.

Cleon a Eudoxe touchant le Memoire des Chirurgiens contre la Prééminence de la Medecine sur la Chirurgie. 8° 1739.

L'Orthopédie, ou l'Art de prévenir & de corriger dans les Enfans, les Difformités du Corps. 2 tom. 8° Par. 1741. ANDSTEDIUS (ERICUS) Oratio de Officio et virtutibus Judicis. fol. Upsal. 1665.

ANDUEÇA (IGNACIO DE) Vida y Martirio de los Santos patronos de la civdad de Pamplona, San Saturnino, y San Fermin. 12° Pampl, 1607.

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ANECDOTA. Anecdota Litteraria ex MSS. Codicibus eruta. 3 vol. 8° Rom.

Anecdotes Litteraires. 2 tom. 12° Par. 1750.

Dictionnaire d'Anecdotes. 2 tom. 8° Par. 1767.

A Dissertation on Anecdotes, by the Author of Curiosities of Literature. 8° Lond. 1793.

ANEL (ST. DOMINIQUE) L'Art de succer les Plaies. 8° Amst. 1707. Nouvelle Methode de guerir les Fistules lacrimales. 4°

Turin. 1713.


Observation singuliere sur la Fistule lacrimale. 4o Gen.

Lettres Diverses ou Les Critiques de la Critique del Sign. Francesco Segnorotti en faveur de la nouvelle methode de guerir la Fistule lacrimale nouvellement inventée par Dominique Anel. 40 Turin. 1713.

Suite de la Nouvelle Methode, ou Discours apologetique. 4o Turin. 1714.

Relation d'une Maladie extraordinaire. 8° Par. 1722. ANEPONYMUS (GREG.) Compendiosum Philosophiæ Syntagma. Gr. Lat. cum Scholiis, per Joh. Wegelinum. 8° Aug. Vind. 1600. ANEPONYMUS (WILH.) Dialogus de Substantiis physicis. 8° Argent. 1567.

ANGEL (GASPAR DE LOS REYES) Sermon al glorioso San Francisco de Borja Duque quarto de Gandia. 4o en Mex. 1688.

ANGEL (JOHN) A General History of Ireland. 2 vol. 12° Dubl.


ANGEL (THOM.) Lumen Charismatum mirandorum Ecclesiæ
N. T. occiduum & occidens cum Canone obsignato. 4o Haun.
ANGELI (BONAVENT.) La Historia della Citta di Parma, et la
Descrittione del Fiume Parma. 4o Parm. 1591.


Miscellaneum hyperbolicum et parabolicum. 4° Ven.

Considerationi sopra la Forza di alcune Ragioni Fisicomattematiche, addotte dal M. R. P. Gio. Batt. Riccioli. 4° Ven. 1667.

Seconde Considerationi sopra la Forze dell' Argomento Fisiccomattematico. 4o Pad. 1667.

Terze Considerationi sopra una Lettera del Gio. Alf. Borelli. 4° Ven. 1668.

Quarte Considerationi sopra la Confermatione d'una Sentenza del Sig. Gio. Alf. Borelli prodotta da D. Zerilli contro le Terze Considerationi. 4o Pad. 1669.

ANGELICO (FR.) Fioretti Istorici di Cose curiose successe in diuersi tempi in Levante. 12° Milan. 1689.

ANGELINUS (FULVIUS) De Verme admirando

4° Raven. 1610.

per Nares egresso.

ANGELIQUE (Sieur DE L') La vraye Pierre philosophale de

Medecine, 12° Par. 1622.


ANGELIS (ALEX. DE) In Astrologos Conjectores Libri quinque. 4° Lugd. 1615.

ANGELIS (AUGUSTINUS DE) Lectiones Meteorologicæ. 8° Rom. 1664.

ANGELIS (BERNARD DE) Epistolæ Præpositorum generalium ad Patres et Fratres Societatis Jesu. 12o Roma, 1615.

ANGELIS (DOMENICO DE) Della Patria d'Ennio. 8° Rom. 1701. ANGELIS (GULIELMUS AR.) v. DAVE.

ANGELIS (JOH. AB.) Vindicia ab Epistolica Theodori Aldes dissertatione, contra Gul. Harvæum. 12° Amst. 1667. ANGELIS (PAULUS DE) V. VATICAN.

Basilica S. Mariæ Majoris de Urbe, a Liberio Papa I. usque ad Paulum V. Pont. Max. Descriptio et Delineatio. fol. Rom. 1621.


ANGELITÀ (GIO. FRANC.) I Pomi d'Oro, doue si contengono due Lettioni de' Fichi l'vna, e de' Melloni l'altra. 4° Rican. 1607.

ANGELIUS (NICOLAUS) Libri de Re Rustica. 8° Flor. 1515.

ANGELL (JOHN) Stenography, or Short Hand improved. 8°

ANGELOCRATOR (DANIEL) Chronologiæ Prodromus. 4° Hamb.


Doctrina de Ponderibus, Monetis, et Mensuris, per

totum Terarum Orbem usitatis. 4° Franc. 1628. ANGELONI (FRANCESCO) Historia di Terni. 4° Rom. 1646.

L'Historia Augusta, da Giulio Cesare a Costantino il magno, illustrata con la Verità dell' antiche Medaglie, da Gio. Pietro Bellori. fol. Rom. 1685.

ANGELS. A War among the Angels of the Churches. 4° Lond. 1693.

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Scala Naturæ : a Treatise proving the existence of good Genii or Guardian Angels. 8° Lond. 1695.

A Dissertation on the Scripture Expressions the Angel of the Lord, and the Angel of Jesus Christ. 8° Lond. 1752. ANGELUS (BALDUS). ABBATIUS.

ANGELUS (CHRISTOPH:) Theses meteorologicæ, cum nonnullis adjectis. 4° Marp. 1592.


Enchiridion de Institutis Græcorum, Gr. Lat. 4o Cant.

Status et Ritus Ecclesiæ Græcæ. Lat. a Georgio Fhelavio. 12° Franc. 1655.

De Statu hodiernorum Græcorum Enchiridion, Gr. Lat.

curâ Georgii Fehlavii. 4° Lips. 1676.

ANGELUS de Clavasio. v. CLAVASIO.

ANGELUS (JOH.) Astrolabium planum, in Tabulis ascendens, 4o Ven. 1494.

Astrologicall Opticks, compiled at Venice by Johann. Regiomontanus and Johannes Angelus. 8° Lond. [1655.]


ANGELUS (JOHANNES) Orationes duæ, altera funebris, altera explicationem continens dicti Christi "Vos estis Lux Mundi.” 4o Francof. 1585.

ANGELUS a S. Joseph. Gazophylacium Linguæ Persarum, triplici Linguarum clavi, Italicæ, Latina, Gallicæ, necnon specialibus præceptis ejusdem linguæ reseratum. fol. Amst. 1684.

ANGELUS, P. de Joyeuse. The Life of the reverend Fa. Angel of
Joyeuse, Capuchin Preacher. 8° Douay, 1623.

ANGELUS a S. Francisco. Certamen Seraphicum Provinciæ
Angliæ pro Sancta Dei Ecclesia. 4o Duac. 1649.

Apologia pro Scoto-Anglo. 12° Duac. 1656.

Homo omnia, sive Microcosmus morali-physicus & politico-moralis. 8° Wangii. 1671.



Quod Metaphysica sint eadem quæ Physica. 4o Ven.

Exercitationum cum Francisco Patritio Liber primus. 4o

Ven. 1585.

Ars medica, ex Hippocratis Galenique Thesauris potissimum deprompta. 4o Ven. 1588.

De natura et curatione malignæ Febris Libri 11. 4° Ven. 1593.

Bactria quibus Rudens quidam, ac falsus Criminator valide repercutitur et de Natura malignæ Febris iterum atque accuratissime disseritur. 4° Ven. 1593.

ANGER. A Dissertation concerning the evil Nature of immoderate Anger and Revenge: by T. S. 8° Lond. 1725. ANGERS. Arresté des Jeunes Citoyens de la Ville d'Angers. 8°

Arreté de M. M. les Membres de la Bazoche d'Angers du 3 Fevr. 1789. 8°

Assemblée et Arrêté des Meres, Sœurs, E'pouses, et Amantes, des jeunes Citoyens de la Ville d'Angers. 8° ANGIER (SAMUEL) The polite modern Divine. 8° Lond. 1756. ANGLE (M. DE L') A Letter evidencing the Kings stedfastnesse in the Protestant Religion. 4° Lond. 1660.

ANGLERIA (FR. CAMILLO) La Regola del Contraponto, e della musical Compositione. 4° Milan, 1622.

ANGLESEY (ARTHUR, Earl of) v. Annesley.


The Cronycle of Englonde, with the Fruyte of Tymes. fol. Lond. Jul. Notary, 1515.

Nova Legenda Anglie. fol. Lond. W. de Worde, 1516.

A Breviat Cronicle, contaynynge all the Kynges from Brute to this daye, and manye notable actes, gathered oute of dyuers Cronycles, from Wyllyam Conquerour vnto the yeare M.v.C.Liii. 12o Canterb. 1553.




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