Page images

Page 29, line 57.

tradition, thus adopted :

:-"The earth (which God had With belt of broider'd crape,

selected for the materials of his work) was carried And fur-bound bonnet of Bucbarian shape. into Arabia, to a place between Mecca and Tayef, “The inhabitants of Bucharia wear a round cloth where, being first kneaded by the Angels, it was bonnet, shaped much after the Polish fashion, having afterwards fashioned by God himself into a human a large fur border. They tie their kaftans about the form, and left to dry for the space of forty days, or, middle with a girdle of a kind of silk crape, several as others say, as many years ; the angels, in the mean times round the body.”—Account of Independent time, often visiting it, and Eblis (then one of the Tartary, in Pinkerton's Collection.

angels nearest to God's presence, afterwards the

devil) among the rest; but he, not contented with Page 29, line 108.

looking at it, kicked it with his foot till it rung; and Wav'd, like the wings of the white birds that fan knowing God designed that creature to be his supe

The flying Throne of star-taught Soliman. rior, took a secret resolution never to acknowledge This wonderful Throne was called, The Star of him as such."-Sale on the Koran. the Genii. For a full description of it, see the Fragment, translated by captain Franklin, from a Persian

Page 33, line 44.
MS. entitled “The History of Jerusalem :" Oriental Where none but priests are privileged to trade
Collections, vol. i. p. 235.—When Solomon travelled,

In that best marble of which Gods are made. the eastern writers say, “ he had a carpet of green The material of which images of Gaudma (the silk on which his throne was placed, being of a pro- Birman Deity) is made, is held sacred.

“ Birmans digious length and breadth, and sufficient for all his may not purchase the marble in mass but are suffer. forces to stand upon, the men placing themselves on ed, and indeed encouraged, to buy figures of the Deity his right hand, and the spirits on his left; and that, already made."-Symes's Ava, vol. ii. p. 376. when all were in order, the wind, at his command, took up the carpet, and transported it, with all that

Page 34, line 93.

The were upon it, wherever he pleased; the army of

puny bird that dares, with teazing hum,

Within the crocodile's stretch'd jaws to come. birds at the same time flying over their heads, and forming a kind of canopy to shade them from the

The humming-bird is said to run this risk for the sun.”-Sale's Koran, vol. ii. p. 214. note.

purpose of picking the crocodile's teeth. The same

circumstance is related of the Lapwing, as a fact, to Page 30, line 7.

which he was witness, by Paul Lucas,–Voyage fait And thence descending flow'd en 1714. Through many a Prophet's breast.

Page 35, line 38. This is according to D'Herbelot's account of the Some artists of Yamtcheon having been sent on previously. doctrines of Mokanna :-“Sa doctrine était que Dieu

“ The Feast of Lanterns is celebrated at Yamptavait pris une forme et figure humaine depuis qu'il eut cheou with more magnificence than any where else: commande aux Anges d'adorer Adam, le premier des and the report goes, that the illuminations there are hommes. Qu'apres la mort d'Adam, Dieu était ap- so splendid, that an Emperor once, not daring openly paru sous la figure de plusieurs Prophetes et autres to leave his Court to go thither, committed himself grands hommes qu'il avait choisis, jusqu'a ce qu'il with the Queen and several Princesses of his family prit celle d'Abu Moslem, Prince de Khorassan, lequel into the hands of a magician, who promised to transprofessait l'erreur de la Tenassukhiah ou Métempsychose ; et qu’apres la mort de ce Prince, la Divinité port them thither in a thrice. He made them in the

night to ascend magnificent thrones that were borne etait passée, et descendue en sa personne."

up by swans, which in a moment arrived at YamtPage 33, line 5.

cheou. The Emperor saw at his leisure all the soSuch Gods as he,

lemnity, being carried upon a cloud that hovered over Whom India serves, the monkey Deity.

the city, and descended by degrees; and came back “Apes are in many parts of India highly venerated, again with the same speed and equipage, nobody at out of respect to the God Hannaman, á deity par-court perceiving his absence.”—The present State of taking of the form of that race.”—Pennant's Hin-China, p. 156. doostan.

Page 35, line 41. See a curious account in Stephen's Persia of a

Artificial sceneries of bamboo-work. solemn embassy from some part of the Indies to Goa,

See a description of the nuptials of Vizier Alee in when the Portuguese were there, offering vast trea, the Asiatic Annual Register of 1804. sures for the recovery of a monkey's tooth, which they held in great veneration, and which had been

Page 35, line 59. taken away upon the conquest of the kingdom of The origin of these fantastic Chinese illuminations. Jafanapatan.

“The vulgar ascribe it to an accident that happenPage 33, line 7.

ed in the family of a famous mandarin, whose daughProud things of clay,

ter walking one evening upon the shore of a lake, fell To whom ir Lucifer, as grandams say,

in and was drowned; this afflicted father, with his Refus'd, though at the forfeit of Heaven's light, family, ran thither, and, the better to find her, he To bend in worship, Lucifer was right.

caused a great company of lanterns to be lighted. This resolution of Eblis not to acknowledge the All the inhabitants of the place thronged after him new creature, man, was, according to Mahometan with torches. The year ensuing they made fires upon

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the shores the same day; they continued the cere

Page 38, line 97. mony every year, every one lighted his lantern, and Like her own radiant planet of the west, by degrees it commenced into a custom.”—Present Whose orb when half retir'd looks loveliest. State of China.

This is not quite astronomically true.“ Dr. Had:

ley (says Keil) has shown that Venus is brightest, Page 35, line 100.

when she is about forty degrees removed from the The Kobul’s jetty dye.

sun; “None of these ladies," says Shaw, “ take them disk is to be seen from the earth.”

and that then but only a fourth part of her lucid selves to be completely dressed, till they have tinged the hair and edges of their eyelids with the powder

Page 38, line 101. of lead-ore. Now, as this operation is performed by With her from Saba's bowers, in whose bright eyes dipping first into the powder a small wooden bodkin

He read, that to be bless'd, is to be wise. of the thickness of a quill, and then drawing it after

' In the palace which Solomon ordered to be built wards, through the eyelids over the ball of the eye, against the arrival of the Queen of Saba, the floor or we shall have a lively image of what the prophet pavement was of transparent glass, laid over running (Jer. iv. 30,) may be supposed to mean by rendering water in which fish were swimming.” This led the the eyes with painting. This practice is, no doubt, of Queen into a very natural mistake, which the Koran great antiquity; for besides the instance already taken has not thought beneath its dignity to commemorate. notice of, we find that where Jezebel is said (2 Kings," It was said unto her, Enter the palace. And when ix. 30,) to have painted her face, the original words are, she saw it she imagined it to be a great water; and she adjusted her eyes with the powder of lead-ore.”

she discovered her legs, by lifting up her robe to pass Shaw's Travels.

through it. Whereupon Solomon said to her, Verily, Page 36, line 53.

this is the place evenly floored with glass.”—Chap. 27. Drop

Page 38, line 103. About the gardens, drunk with that sweet food.

Zuleika. Tavernier adds, that while the Birds of Paradise

“Such was the name of Potiphar's wife according lie in this intoxicated state, the emmets come and eat off their legs; and that hence it is they are said to tains the history of Joseph, and which for elegance

to the sura, or chapter of the Alcoran, which conhave no feet.

of style surpasses every other of the Prophet's books ; Page 37, line 53.

some Arabian writers also call her Rail. The passion As they were captives to the King of Flowers.

which this frail beauty of antiquity conceived for her “They deferred it till the King of Flowers should young Hebrew slave has given rise to a much esteemasc his throne of enamelled foliage.”The Ba-ed poem in the Persian language, entitled Yusef vau hardanush.

Zelikha, by Noureddin Jami; the manuscript copy Page 37, line 78.

of which, in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, is supBut a light golden chain-work round her hair, etc.

posed to be the finest in the whole world.”—Note “One of the head-dresses of the Persian women is upon Nott's Translation of Hafez. composed of a light golden chain-work, set with

Page 41, line 22. small pearls, with a thin gold plate pendant, about

The apples of laikabar. the bigness of a crown-piece, on which is impressed an Arabian prayer, and which hangs upon the cheek ple, half of which is sweet and half sour.”—Eon

“In the territory of Istkahar, there is a kind of apbelow the ear.”—Hanway's Travels.

Page 37, line 79.

Page 41, line 25.
The Maids of Yezd.

They saw a young Hindoo girl upon the bank. “Certainly the women of Yezd are the handsomest For an account of this ceremony, see Grandpre's women in Persia The proverb is, that to live happy, Voyage in the Indian Ocean. a man must have a wife of Yezd, eat the bread of Yezdecas, and drink the wine of Shiraz."-Tavernier.

Page 41, line 38.

The Oton-tala or Sea of Stars.
Page 38, line 54.

“The place where the Whangho, a river of Tibet, And his floating eyes--oh! they resemble

rises, and where there are more than a hundred Blue water-lilies.

springs, which sparkle like stars ; whence it is called “ Whose wanton eyes resemble blue water-lilies, Hotunior, that is, the Sea of Stars.”—Description of agitated by the breeze."-Jayadeva.

Tibet in Pinkerton.
Page 38, line 87.

Page 41, line 67.
To muse upon the pictures that hung round.

This City of War, which in a few short hours It has been generally supposed that the Mahome- Has sprung up here. tans prohibit all pictures of animals; but Torderini “The Lescar, or Imperial Camp, is divided, like a shows that, though the practice is forbidden by the regular town, into squares, alleys, and streets, and Koran, they are not more averse to painted figures from a rising ground furnishes one of the most agreeand images than other people. From Mr. Murphy's able prospects in the world. Starting up in a few work, too, we find that the Arabs of Spain had no hours in an uninhabited plain, it raises the idea of a objection to the introduction of figures into painting. I city built by enchantment. Even those who leave


their houses in cities to follow the prince in his pro- gave them a prospect through it of the treasures of gress, are frequently so charmed with the Lescar, Khosrou.”Universal History. when situated in a beautiful and convenient place,

Page 44, line 46. that they cannot prevail with themselves to remove.

And they beheld an orb, ample and bright, To prevent this inconvenience to the court, the Em

Rise from the Holy Well. peror, after sufficient time is allowed to the trades

We are not told more of this trick of the Impostor, men to follow, orders them to be burnt out of their

than that it was "une machine, qu'il disait étre la tents."-Dow's Hindostan.

Colonel Wilks gives a lively picture of an Eastern Lune.” According to Richardson, the miracle is per encampment.—“ His camp, like that of most Indian petuated in Nekscheb.-" Nakshab, the name of a city armies, exhibited a motley collection of covers from in Transoxiania, where they say there is a well, in the scorching sun and dews of the night, variegated

which the appearance of the moon is to be seen night

and day.” according to the taste or means of each individual, by extensive inclosures of coloured calico surrounding

Page 44, line 73.

On for the lamps that light yon lofty screen. superb suits of tents; by ragged cloths or blankets stretched over sticks or branches ; palm leaves hastily

The tents of Princes were generally illuminated. spread over similar supports ; handsome tents and Norden tells us that the tents of the Bey of Girge was splendid canopies; horses, oxen, elephants, and ca

distinguished from the other tents by forty lanterns mels, all intermixed without any exterior mark of or being suspended before it.—See Harmer's Observa der or design, except the flags of the chiefs, which tions on Job. usually mark the centres of a congeries of these

Page 45, line 51. masses; the only regular part of the encampment

Engines of havoc in, unknown before being the streets of shops, each of which is construct- That they knew the secret of the Greek fire among ed nearly in the manner of a booth at an English the Mussulmans early in the eleventh century, apfair."—Historical Sketches of the South of India. pears from Dow's Account of Mamood I. “When he

arrived at Moultan, finding that the country of the Page 41, line 77.

Jits was defended by great rivers, he ordered fifteen And camels, tufted o'er with Yemen's shells.

hundred boats to be built, each of which he armed "A superb camel

, ornamented with strings, and with six iron spikes, projecting from their prows and tufts of small shells."—Ali Bey.

sides, to prevent their being boarded by the enemy,

who were very expert in that kind of war. When he Page 41, line 85.

had launched this fleet, he ordered twenty archers The tinkling throngs

into each boat, and five others with fire-balls, to burn Of laden camels, and their drivers' songs.

the craft of the Jits, and naptha to set the whole river " Some of the camels have bells about their necks, on fire.". and some about their legs, like those which our car- The agnee aster, too, in Indian poems, the Instruriers put about their fore-horses' necks, which, to-ment of Fire, whose flames cannot be extinguished, gether with the servants (who belong to the camels, is supposed to signify the Greek Fire.-See Wilks's and travel on foot,) singing all night, make a pleasant South of India, vol. i. p. 471.-And in the curious Janoise, and the journey passes away delightfully.”— van poem, the Brata Yudha, given by Mr. Raffles in Pitt's Account of the Mahometans.

his History of Java, we find, “He aimed at the heart “The camel-driver follows the camels singing, and of Soeta with the sharp-pointed Weapon of Fire." sometimes playing upon his pipe: the louder he sings The mention of gunpowder as in use among the and pipes, the faster the camels go. Nay, they will Arabians, long before its supposed discovery in Eustand still when he gives over his music:"Tavernier. rope, is introduced by Eon Fadhl, the Egyptian geo

grapher, who lived in the thirteenth century. “BoPage 42, line 63.

dies," he says, “in the form of scorpions, bound Hot as that crimson haze

round and filled with nitrous powder, glide along, By which the prostrate caravan is aw'd.

making a gentle noise; then, exploding, they lighten, Savary says of the south wind, which blows in as it were, and burn. But there are others, which, Egypt, from February to May, “Sometimes it appears cast into the air, stretch along like a cloud, roaring only in the shape of an impetuous whirlwind, which horribly, as thunder roars, and on all sides vomiting passes rapidly, and is fatal to the traveller surprised out flames, burst, burn, and reduce to cinders whatin the middle of the deserts. Torrents of burning ever comes in their way.” The historian Ben Abdalla, sand roll before it, the firmament is enveloped in a in speaking of the siege of Abulualid in the year of thick veil, and the sun appears of the colour of blood. the Hegira 712, says, A fiery globe, by means of Sometimes whole caravans are buried in it."

combustible matter, with a mighty noise suddenly Page 44, line 31.

emitted, strikes with the force of lightning, and shakes

the citadel."-See the extracts from Casiri's Biblioth. -The pillar'd Throne

Arab. Hispan. in the Appendix to Berington's Literary Of Parviz. “There were said to be under this Throne or Palace History of the Middle Ages. of Khosrou Parvis, a hundred vaults filled with trea

Page 45, line 55. sures so immense, that some Mahometan writers tell Discharge, as from a kindled naptha fount. us, their Prophet, to encourage his disciples, carried See Hanway's Account of the Springs of Naptha them to a rock, which at his command opened, and lat Baku (which is called by Lieutenant Potlinger

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Joala Mookhee, or the Flaming mouth,) taking fire, head over which its shadow once passes will assurand running into the sea. Dr. Cooke in his Journal edly be circled with a crown. The splendid little mentions some wells in Circassia, strongly impregna- bird, suspended over the throne of Tippoo Sultaun, ted with this inflammable oil, from which issues boil- found at Seringapatam in 1799, was intended to reing water, “Though the weather,” he adds, “was present this poetical fancy." now very cold, the warmth of these wells of hot water produced near them the verdure and flowers of

Page 49, line 36. spring."

Whose words, like those on the Written Mountain, last

for ever. Major Scott Waring says, that naptha is used by the Persians, as we are told it was in hell, for lamps. the inscriptions, figures, etc. on those rocks, which

“To the pilgrims to Mount Sinai we must attribute Many a row Of stary lamps and blazing cressets, fed

have from thence acquired the name of the Written With naptha and asphaltus, yielded light

Mountain.”—Volney. M. Gebelin and others have As from a sky.

been at much pains to attach some mysterious and

important meaning to these inscriptions ; but Niebuhr, Page 46, line 107.

as well as Volney, thinks that they must have been Thou seest yon cistern in the shade'tis fill'd

executed at idle hours by the travellers to Mount SiWith burning drugs, for this last hour distillid.

nai," who were satisfied with cutting the unpolished * Il donna du poison dans le vin a tous ses gens, et rock with any pointed instrument; adding to their se jetta lui-méme ensuita dans une cuve pleine de names and the date of their journeys some rude drogues brulantes et consumantes, afin qu'il ne restat figures which bespeak the hand of a people but little rien de tous les membres de son corps, et que ceux skilled in the arts."--Niebuhr. qui restaient de sa secte puissent croire qu'il était monté au ciel, ce qui ne manqua pas d'arriver.”—

Page 49, line 70. D'Herbelot.

From the dark hyacinth to which Hafez compares his

mistress's hair. Page 48, line 28.

Vide Nott's Hafez, Ode v. To eat any mangoes but those of Mazagong was, of course, impossible.

Page 49, line 71. “The celebrity of Mazagong is owing to its man- To the Camalata by whose rosy blossoms the heaven of goes, which are certainly the best fruit I ever tasted.

India is scented. The parent tree, from which all those of this species “The Camalata (called by Linnæus, Ipomæa) is the have been grafted, is honoured during the fruit sea- most beautiful of its order, both in the colour and son by a guard of sepois ; and, in the reign of Shah form of its leaves and flowers; its elegant blossoms Jehan, couriers were stationed between Delhi and the are celestial rosy red, Love's proper hue,' and have Mahratta coast, to secure an abundant and fresh sup- justly procured it the name of Camalata, or Love's ply of mangoes for the royal table.”—Mrs. Graham's Creeper.”—Sir W. Jones. Journal of a Residence in India.

“Camalata may also mean a mythological plant, by

which all desires are granted to such as inhabit the Page 40, line 30.

heaven of India; and if ever flower was worthy of His fine antique porcelain.

paradise, it is our charming Ipomæa."-Ib. This old porcelain is found in digging, and " if it is esteemed, it is not because it has acquired any new

Page 49, line 73. degree of beauty in the earth, but because it has re

That Flower-loving Nymph, whom they worship in the tained its ancient beauty; and this alone is of great

temples of Kathay. importance in China, where they give large sums for

“According to Father Premare, in his tract on Chi the smallest vessels which were used under the Em- nese Mythology, the mother of Fo-hi was the daugh. perors Yan and Chun, who reigned many ages before ter of heaven, surnamed Flower-loving; and as the the dynasty of Tang, at which time porcelain began nymph was walking alone on the bank

of a river, she to be used by the Emperors,” (about the year 442.)— found herself encircled by a rainbow, after which she Dunn's Collection of Curious Observations, etc.--a

became pregnant, and, at the end of twelve years, was bad translation of some parts of the Lettres Edifiantes delivered of a son, radiant as herself.”—Asiat. Res. et Curieuses of the Missionary Jesuits.

Page 50, line 1.

On the blue flower, which, Bramins say,
Page 49, line 36.

Blooms no where but in Paradise.
That sublime bird, which flies always in the air.

“The Brahmins of this province insist that the blue “ The Humma, a bird peculiar to the East. It is Campac flowers only in Paradise.”—Sir W. Jones. supposed to fly constantly in the air, and never touch It appears, however, from a curious letter of the Sulthe ground: it is looked upon as a bird of happy tan of Menangcabow, given by Marsden, that one omen, and that every head it overshades will in time place on earth may lay claim to the possession of it. wear a crown."-Richardson.

“This is the Sultan, who keeps the flower Champaka In the terms of alliance made by Fuzzel Oola Khan that is blue, and to be found in no other country but with Hyder in 1760, one of the stipulations was,


his, being yellow elsewhere."-Marsden's Sumatra. he should have the distinction of two honorary attendants standing behind him, holdings fans composed

Page 50, line 26. of the feathers of the humma, according to the prac

I know where the Isles of Perfume are. tice of his family.”—Wilks's South of India. He Diodorus mentions the Isle of Panchaia, to the adds in a note : "The Humma is a fabulous bird. The south of Arabia Felix, where there was a temple of

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Jupiter. This island, or rather cluster of isles, has pieces of slaughtered carcases, which this cruel and disappeared, “sunk (says Grandpre) in the abyss unclean people expose in the streets without burial, made by the fire beneath their foundations."— Voyage and who firmly believe that these animals are Falashto the Indian Ocean.

ta from the neighbouring mountains, transformed by

magic, and come down to eat human flesh in the dark Page 50, line 39.

in safety."--Bruce.
Whose air is balm, whose ocean spreads
O'er coral rocks and amber beds, etc.

Page 51, line 104. “It is not like the Sea of India, whose bottom is

But see, -who yonder comes. rich with pearls and ambergris, whose mountains of This circumstance has been often introduced into the coast are stored with gold and precious stones, poetry ;-by Vincentius Fabricius, by Darwin, and whose gulfs breed creatures that yield ivory, and lately, with very powerful effect, by Mr. Wilson. among the plants of whose shores are ebony, red wood, and the wood of Hairzan, aloes, camphor,

Page 53, line 13. cloves, sandal-wood, and all other spices and aroma

The wild bees of Palestine. tics; where parrots and peacocks are birds of the “Wild bees, frequent in Palestine, in hollow trunks forest, and musk and civet are collected upon the or branches of trees, and the clefts of rocks. Thus lands."— Travels of two Mohammedans.

it is said (Psalm 81,)honey out of the stony rock.

Burder's Oriental Customs.
Page 50, line 54.
Thy pillar'd shades.

Page 53, line 15.
- In the ground

And, Jordan, those sweet banks of thine, The bended twigs take root, and daughters grow

And woods so full of nightingales. About the mother tree, a pillar'd shade,

“ The river Jordan is on both sides beset with little, High over-arch'd, and echoing walks between.

thick, and pleasant woods, among which thousands Milton.

of nightingales warble all together.”Thevenot. For a particular description and plate of the Banyan-tree, see Cordiner's Ceylon.

Page 53, line 50.

On the brink
Page 50, line 56.

Of a small imaret's rustic fount.
Thy Monarchs and their thousand thrones.

Imaret, “hospice ou on loge et nourrit, gratis, les “With this immense treasure Mamood returned to pélerins pendant trois jours.”—Toderini, translated Ghizni, and, in the year 400, prepared a magnificent by the Abbe de Cournand.—See also Castellan's Mours festival, where he displayed to the people his wealth des Othomans, tom. v. p. 145. in golden thrones and in other ornaments, in a great plain without the city of Ghizni.”—Ferishta.

Page 53, line 81.

The boy has started from the bed
Page 50, line 91.

Of flowers, where he had lain his head,
Blood like this,

And down upon the fragrant sod
For Liberty shed, so holy is.

Kneels. Objections may be made to my use of the word Li- “Such Turks as at the common hours of prayer are berty, in this, and more especially in the story that on the road, or so employed as not to find convefollows it, as totally inapplicable to any state of things nience to attend the Mosques, are still obliged to that has ever existed in the East; but though I can- execute that duty; nor are they ever known to fail, not, of course, mean to employ it in that enlarged whatever business they are then about, but pray imand noble sense which is so well understood in the mediately when the hour alarms them, whatever they present day, and, I grieve to say, so little acted upon, are about, in that very place they chance to stand on; yet it is no disparagement to the word to apply it to insomuch that when a janissary, whom you have to that national independence, that freedom from the guard you up and down the city, hears the notice interference and dictation of foreigners, without which given him, from the steeples, he will turn which, indeed, no liberty of any kind can exist, and about, stand still, and beckon with his hand, to tell for which both Hindoos and Persians fought against his charge he must have patience for a while; when, their Mussulman invaders with, in many cases, a taking out his handkerchief, he spreads it on the bravery that deserved much better success. ground, sits cross-legged thereupon, and says his Page 50, line 108.

prayers, though in the open market, which, having

ended, he leaps briskly up, salutes the person whom Afric's Lunar Mountains.

he undertook to convey, and renews his journey with “Sometimes called,” says Jackson, “ Jibbel Kum- the mild expression of ghell ghonnum ghell, or, Come, rie, or the white or lunar-coloured mountains ; so a dear, follow me.”—Aaron Hill's Travels. white horse is called by the Arabians a moon-coloured horse."

Page 54, line 92.
Page 51, line 56.

The Banyan Hospital.
Only the fierce hyæna stalks

“This account excited a desire of visiting the BanThroughout the city's desolate walks. yan Hospital, as I had heard much of their benevo“Gondar was full of hyænas, from the time it lence to all kinds of animals that were either sick, urned dark till the dawn of day, seeking the different lame, or infirm, through age or accident. On my

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