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thing else will answer. We are getting pointed out by the gentlemen of this to be a great people. We are at a dis- Board, the organization of additional tance from the land of candidates, there Branches of your Society. is no one to teach salvation to our chil- My first attempt was at West Bloomdren." My heart bled for them. The field. During the day or two that I fields were already white with the har- could tarry with them, I preached and vest, but not a laborer was seen! I can laid the subject before them; and read truly say the people of Buffalo heard the your address and constitution to the word gladly, and at the close of the ex youth. They voted to form a Branch ercises of the second Sabbath, they pre- || there, filled out the blanks in the constisented me, for you, the sum of twenty-tution, appointed a committee to circunine dollars, as a testimony of their grat-late it for signers, and a day on which itude to that dear Society of youth that to meet and fill the offices. sent them the gospel.

At East Bloomfield, the minister told me the thing should be attended to.

I spent on my return a week at Geneva-preached out in destitute congregations and towns, generally in the afternoons, and in the forenoons carried forward my objects in the formation of a

On the returning route, eleven miles this side of Buffalo, is Williamsville.This might be considered a profitable seat for missionary labor: the towns about it are destitute, and have a large and an increasing population. I preached there, and at Clarence, the next Branch-spent the Sabbath theretown to the east. preached once, four miles west of GeneAt Batavia, an Episcopalian Society|| va, and twice for Mr. AXTEL, who spent is just formed, but as it embraces only, and will most probably be confined to the village, missionary labor would be highly useful.

the Sabbath at Junius, and preached twice to the church and society where I spent the Sabbath in going out, and once to a destitute congregation in Phelps. I spent a Sabbath at Le Roy, and I am happy to state to you, gentlemen, preached twice, four and a half miles that before leaving Geneva I could witfrom the great road, and a third sermon ness the complete organization of a flourupon the same day, where they have ishing branch of your society, consisting preaching one half of the time, and pass-at its outset, of about 70 members. The ing through Caledonia where they have subject, though cautiously approached at a settled clergyman, I recrossed Gene-first, when become familiar, received a see river, and shall take leave of the full approbation and hearty concurrence country beyond it, with only one or two of the friends of Zion. As I had not general remarks. time to visit more than the most con

ing it not best to set about my work there in his absence, could do nothing more than to converse the subject over with some of his good people; leave him a copy of the constitution and

On the Holland Purchase there are siderable places, my next attempt was fifteen churches, but not to my knowl-at Auburn. But on coming there, I edge, one settled clergyman. One sol-found the clergyman absent, and think itary missionary alone (Mr. SPENCER,) missionates upon it. Methodists, however, more or less, ride their circuits; Baptist Elders may occasionally, tho' very seldom be found. It is a vast field for missionary labor. With a popula-write him a letter, stating the history of tion rapidly increasing, feeble and dis- the society-its objects-its tendencies tant are the songs of salvation, wild and on the youth, and requesting him to untutored the notes of praise. "Mine join in aiding its views. eyes have seen the nakedness of the The day that I was at Skeneateles, land, and wept over it." The call there was spent in riding about with the cleris loud to missionaries, and to the soci-gyman of the place, to a number of his eties that employ them "come over in-principal families, during which, 10 or to Macedonia, and help us." 12 names were put to the paper, and a pledge given of the speedy organization of a Branch there.

A prominent object with me since recrossing the Genesee river, has been as

At East Marcellus the clergyman | to the rising strength of your society. was absent-I could therefore do no There is a vast enterprize in this Wesmore than to hand a copy of the consti-tern District, which needs only a right tution to one of his parishioners, run direction, in order to pay its tribute to over the views of the society, and get you. Branches of your society are forhis firm persuasion that on the return of || med and forming to the west. Yea, the Mr. PARSONS, a Branch would be form-impulse is even now communicated fur ed in that place.

to the westward. The time is not disThence I came to Onondaga Hollow. tant, when the centre of its strength will Arrived there on Saturday at evening; be the centre of the District, when it preached for them on the Sabbath, and will rival in ability, the older societies notified a meeting of the young people of the kind in New England, and seat in the evening. Though the weather itself by the side of those noble instituwas unfavorable, a large collection at-tions of this day, that so brightly inditended to hear your address, and the cate the rising prospects and future glostatement of your missionary. Wed-ry of the church. One object which I nesday evening was appointed to con- have ever made prominent in the organsider more fully the subject. Monday ization of Branches, is, the religious, evening I preached on the Hill, accord- and missionary intelligence communiing to appointment; brought up tocated in their stated meetings. On a view, the same subject to the youth, faithful adherence to this feature of the and notified them of the meeting on constitution, depends more than half Wednesday evening. On Wednesday the spirit, the energy and the worth evening, a large collection of people of the society.

came in before the bell was rung. The That those who are rising into active meeting was harmonious, and, should catch the spirit of the age, After the vote to form a Branch of your and regularly be enlightened, and quicksociety, about sixty added their names ened by that missionary intelligence to the constitution. The subscription which is wafted in every breeze from was afterwards increased to seventy, the eastward, is as important as the exand Thursday evening of that week, ap-istence and effective operation of this pointed the time to choose the officers noble institution. Intelligence respectof the society. ing Zion-the labors of her missionaFrom that place I came directly here.ries in Asia, in Africa, and at homeOther engagements forbade that I the spread of the gospel-the exertions should continue longer, at present, in of christians-and the state of the chrisyour employ. tian world, is constantly reaching us, beIn once more casting my eye over yond what can be crowded into the stathe Western District, and reviewing ted meetings of your society: intelliwhat has interested me, and attended gence, which, while it would liberalize my route, I cannot but indulge the the feelings of the youth, enlarge their humble hope, that my labors have been ininds, and make them doubly solicituseful that you, Gentlemen, in your fous to send the gospel to the destitute; endeavors to send the gospel to the des- would open its way to their own hearts: titute, have been in some measure suc-and in no way better than to pour this cessful. It certainly was interesting to instruction on their minds in their statwater the churches of the desert-to lifted meetings, could the pious servants of up the hands that hung down, and Christ feed the lambs of the flockstrengthen. the feeble knees; on that form in them habits of active benevowide frontier, desolated by the ravages |lence, and rear them up a generation for of war, where for years, nothing had the church.

been heard but the roar of the cannon, I repeat it, Gentlemen, on those who and the rudeness of savage warfare, to are now the watchmen in Zion, and not lift the standard of the cross, and pro-a little on the patrons and guardians of claim salvation by Christ. this growing institution, it rests, whether the youth of this Western District, so

Let me also point you, Gentlemen,


full of enterprize, and noble feeling; to the general merits and excellences of

shall be a generation to serve God, and here be found an asylum of the church; or whether this portion of our country, fair as the vale of Sodom to the eye; shall, like it, be rank in vice, and sunken in ignorance and iniquity, smitten with the curses of the Almighty.

this Institution. They are sufficiently familiar to every man.. I am sure the speeches which we have this day heard, and the able Report to which we have just listened, completely supercede the necessity of any enlarged comments on that subject. That Report is the best eulogy on the Society. It is also the best eulogy on those by whom this Society I

wish, indeed, that all who once thought harshly of this institution had been present to listen to that Report, to hear the sentiments by which we have been delighted, and those affecting declarations of gratitude and esteem offered by illus

and made the more interesting by being offered in foreign accents. I believe that no opposition, however determined, could long resist such arguments. I be

In conclusion, Gentlernen, I hazard little in saying that to station missionaries is better than to have them con-has been patronized and cherished. stantly itinerating. Little impression can be expected to be made by simply passing through a country. It is by having appointments known beforehand, by a continuance of labor, a successive inculcation of truth on the mind, and after the state of the country is sufficient-trious personages from foreign shores, ly known by making establishments, in it, that any durable impression can be realized, or any solid and permanent acquisition be made to the kingdom of the Redeemer. This also is less expen-lieve that no heart, however cold, could sive. Many of the destitute towns only want assistance. The district of country where the missionary is stationed, would in part support him, and by thus partially organizing, and learning to feel their strength, would eventually take him from the hands,and charge of the society.|| Travelling over the ground, gentlemen, has taught me that much depends on the capacity, and the missionary zeal of those whom you send out. You have many friends to the westward, who long once more to hear from you, and to sit under the teaching of your missionaries. Yours with respect and affection,

Contributions received by MR. SQUIER,
for the benefit of the Society.
From Oswego,


refuse to be affected; that no imagination, however torpid and lethargic, could fail to kindle into enthusiasm, at the high prospects which have been set before us; at that sleepless benevolence, that charity, that loftiness of motives, that grandeur of design and felicity of result.

"There is indeed, my Lord, something singular in this institution. In the course of a few years, it has sprung up from obscurity to eminence,-- not amidst peace and tranquility, not under the fostering influence of universal approbation; not under skies always serene and suns always genial; but amidst storms and tempests, amidst calumny and invective, amidst alarming predictions and presages of ill success. It has sprung up with a solidity and strength which ensure its duration; and at the same time with a rapidity of growth which mixes somewhat of awe with our surprise and satisfaction. It is successively enlarging its dominions. Every new day announces the acquisition BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. of a new province, of a new kingdom, I (Continued from No. 3, page 69.) had almost said, of a new world. These Charles Grant, jun. Esq. M. P. second-are conquests which we love tocelebrate, ed the motion of the bishop of Norwich, in a speech to the following effect.

Mr. Perrin---Pittsford.

Two children of Mr. Hyde, In

dian Village, Buffalo,

From Buffalo,

From Junius






these are the trophies which we erectconquests, my Lord, which have in them "My Lord,-In seconding the prop- this of peculiarity, that we may indulge osition of the Right Rev. Prelate, I feel in the contemplation of them with unthat it is unnecessary for me to enter in-mixed and unqualified delight. For in

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conquests of another nature, however these triumphs? Griefs allayed, tears justly earned, however sacred the cause wiped away, remorse appeased, gleams in which the sword has been drawn, of joy diffused over the house of sorthere is always something which detracts row, sickness divested of its bitterness, from the joy, and wounds the feelings the tomb itself sanctified as the threshold of humanity. We admire, indeed, those of fairer hopes and nobler prospects.extraordinary achievements which have These are circumstances which we may rescued Europe from the most detesta-challenge the purest of spiritual beings ble of all tyrannies: we dwell with to witness. The angels of pity and love transport on the illustrious men by might descend to trace with rapture evwhom these achievements have been ery step of our victorious march. accomplished and in this instance no I may be allowed then, I trust, to praise can be exaggerated, no tribute express the pleasure I feel at seeing so which a liberated world can offer can large and respectable an assembly coladequately recompense our brave de-lected to celebrate this great national liverers-yet in the midst of all this festival. My lord, I have called it a fesglow and exultation, there is something||tival; and am I wrong in so calling it? which secretly tells us of unwitnessed I appeal to every man who hears megrief, of hearts that are breaking in solitude and silence; something which tells us of those, at whose expense this mass of happiness has been attained; of those to whom these acclamations are but the memorials of deeper anguish, & speak only of fathers, and husbands, and brothers bleeding and desolate on the plains of death; of those, in a word, on whom the war, without shedding any of its glory, has poured forth all its curses. In order to contemplate such events with unmitigated satisfaction, we must survey them on a large and general scale-we must look at the vast range of operations, the skill and heroism of the combatants, the mighty interests in volved in the struggle, and the spłen dour of the success; but we dare not descend into a more minute inquiry, we dare not analyze this splendour, nor examine of what ingredients the cup of rejoicing is composed.

A festival indeed of triumphant charity; of expansive benevolence; of benevolence diffusing itself to the utmost limits of the habitable globe; not content with those limits, transcending the boundaries of time and space, and pouring forth the exuberance of its blessings over unseen worlds, and the long flight of innumerable ages.

"I rejoice, my Lord, to believe that a zeal for this Society is still rapidly extending throughout this nation. I contemplate with the utmost satisfaction this great procession,which,gradually crowding its ranks & enlarging its dimensions, now approaches to lay its tribute on the high altar of national benevolence; a procession composed of whatever can command, or attract, or sanctify; composed of princes, and nobles, and senators, the guardians of our constitution, the fathers of our church. I peculiarly rejoice to see those of the most elevat "But with respect to the conquests ed rank, assuming, with respect to this which we this day celebrate, there is no Institution, and others of a similar nasecret misgiving, no shade which can e-ture, that precedency which indeed alven for a moment pass over the brillian-ways becomes them, and is always willey of the scene. Here indeed is ample ingly ascribed to them by a loyal and a scope for the widest views. But after free people, but which is never so gracehaving abandoned our imagination to ful, never so cordially acknowledged, as the utmost warmth of philanthropic ar- when it marshals us to deeds of benefidour, after having satisfied our largest cence and public virtue. I rejoice to feelings, we may fearlessly descend into observe christians of every denominamore minute investigations, and en- tion, and from all quarters of the kingquire how far individual and domestic dom, uniting with one heart round the happiness are affected by this general common treasure of their immortal benefit. We may enter into the lowest hopes. Here we assemble on equal details-and what are the details of terms;-not because we disregard or

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depreciate the just gradations of social || seems a fortunate coincidence, that the life, that scale of rank and station with-anniversary of this Society should ocout which no society can exist; but be-cur at a crisis the most interesting and cause we know that this is a cause in extraordinary of which history has furwhich the meanest may lavish his exer-nished any record. I know, my Lord, tions without presumption, and the lof-that this is not the place for politics: I tiest without degradation. Here we lay know that it is the boast and privilege aside for a moment those minor distinc-of this institution, that, while it sees the tions of faith and discipline by which we perplexities and feverish uncertainties of are separated; not because we think ordinary life rolling and tossing themlightly of those distinctions-and no selves at its feet, it lifts up its head in a man, allow me to say, can deem more pure and holy atmosphere: and far be reverently than I do of the peculiar it from me to disturb that tranquility or characteristics of our established church; to violate the sanctity of that elevation. but because we know that this is a cause But it is precisely because we are aloof which is above all distinction; because from vulgar politics, that, as Members we know that an hour is approaching, of the Bible Society, we are peculiarly and rapidly too, which will sweep away interested in those great events which all these distinctions forever; because change the face of nations, and affect the we know that in that hour there will be destinies of empires-which renew, something which shall survive the which destroy-and which, springing wreck and surmount the ruin; and that from deep moral causes, involve the in the midst of that elemental conflict, most important moral results. the sacred doctrines which we profess "The experience indeed of the last to circulate, buoyed up by their native twenty years has abundantly proved, if excellence, shall rise supreme above the proof had been wanting, the necessity convulsions of expiring nature, and ap- of institutions like the present, the obpear in the magnificence of their per-ject of which is to enlighten, to elevate, fections to the eyes of an admiring uni-and to purify the mass of mankind. verse, still bearing the stamp of divinity, still radiant with beams of ethereal beauty, still overflowing with the consolations of celestial wisdom and goodness, still forming the delight, and hope, and triumph of all the intelligent creation of God.


The last war, my Lord, may be called a moral war. It was a war which summoned into practice all the moral powers of man; and it was to be decided, not merely by physical strength, or skill, or talents, but by an appeal to those essential virtues, those master-principles "Thus it is, that, forgetting those mi of action, upon which the whole frame nor concerns in which we may differ, of society is built up and established.— and looking only to those high, para-It has taught us this lesson, that in ormount interests, with regard to which der to prepare any people for a severe we have but one feeling, we unite on exigency, we must fortify them with this sacred soil in which our affections moral strength, we must arın them with may intermingle, and our common faith lofty motives, and breathe into them the and common hope may grow up and spirit and the principles which are insp?flourish together. Here we assemble red by the Sacred Volumes. It has to animate each other to a generous ri-taught us, that to make men patriots, valry, to renew our allegiance to this In- we must make them Christians. If stitution, to contemplate what has been already achieved, and to fix an eye, not of dismay, but of calm resolve, on what remains to be accomplished. And surely, my Lord, we must agree withdiate progress at this moment. We those gentlemen who have this day ad verted to the subject, in thinking, that there is something auspicious in the time at which we are assembled. It

such lessons be calculated to stimulate our exertions, there are also, it must be confessed, no slight incentives to be found in the events which are in imme

may now venture to hail the approach of peace-peace not only for Europe, but for the world. It was but last night, my lord, that the house of com

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