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The President read a letter from taments, had been printed in the IcelanPrince Galitzin, expressing the gratitude |dic languge, and circulated in different of the friends of the Bible Society in Rus-parts of Iceland. In these Northern resia to the British and Foreign Bible So-gions, eight years ago, there had been ciety, for the very eminent services ren but one Bible to a thousand persons, dered to Russia. He then introduced and now there will be one to ten, and the bearer of that letter, the Rev. John one Testament to every five persons. In Patterson from Petersburg, who address-Sweden, the President of the Bible Soed the meeting in a very impressive man-ciety desired that he would express the ner. He felt much difficulty in express obligations they felt to the Parent Instiing his feelings on the occasion, and tution. In Petersburg, the Bible Sociwould gladly have remained a silent ety goes on prosperously; in proof of spectator of the proceedings of that day, which, he had only to state, that the Bir had he not been importuned to give anble was now on sale in that city in fouraccount of the exertions and prospects teen different languages; and that 60, of the Institutions in the northern part||000 copies, in ten different tongues, were of Europe, the inhabitants of which had || preparing for publication; and these commissioned him to convey their war-were eagerly sought for and purchased mest acknowledgements for the liberal with avidity. The demand for the assistance which they had received.- modern Greek New Testament is very The simplicity of the plan, the great-great in South Russia. The necessity ness of the object, the patience and la-for printing the Armenian Scriptures borious perseverance, and vigorous will appear, when it is told, that it was prosecution of that object manifested by with the greatest difficulty that a copy the British and Foreign Bible Society, could be procured to print from, and it had awakened the attention of all class-cost 8. In Polish Russia, the demand es, both at home and abroad. It had for the Scriptures was also frequent and revived the drooping spirits even of urgent; there, the Roman Catholic Bishthose who were at war with Great Brit-ops and clergy united to promote the ain, and extinguished the spirit of hos object of this society. It appears from tility itself. The fundamental principle the Report, that one million of copies of this Society, of uniting all religious have already been circulated in the denominations in one grand and specif-world, but how many millions more are ic object, under the Divine blessing, had necessary yet to supply the whole popgreatly forwarded the circulation of the|ulation of the North of Europe! In FinBible, upon the continent. In Russia, land, there was the greatest desire for the Bishops highly approved of the plan, copies of the Holy Scriptures, and the and the Archbishop of Petersburg ad-New-Testament would soon he reads. verted to this important feature in the It would require many years before this Institution. Indeed, the conduct of the country could be fully supplied, as there Emperor Alexander, his princes and his were 300 thousand persons destitute of nobles, had been in the highest degree a Bible. It was the determination of noble and gratifying. The effect pro-the Russian Bible Society, that their exduced was splendid. The Russian So-ertions should not be diminished, unti cieties combined the patronage of both every family in Russia possessed a Bichurch and state. They had produced ble. This was the determination of the the most happy effects on all classes of great and good Alexander. Even the society; even the Russian peasants sub-peasants in Russia, and the inhabitants scribed in little groups for a copy of the of Siberia, have caught the sacred Scriptures, to be held as common prop-flame. He could not but again express erty. It was not unusual for them, if his great satisfaction at being present at they could not raise the sum, to offer this Anniversary of the Institution. His their passports (without which a Russian expectations had been great, but now peasant cannot enjoy his daily liberty, they were more than realized. Gladly as a pledge of payment. In Denmark, would he stay all his days in this happy 5000 Bibles, and 5000 extra New Tes-country; but already he heard a voice

from the North of Europe, saying, "Re-and Britons. He has given to us a turn, and help us;" "and" added he,peace such as He only could give: not "I cheerfully obey the call." an arrangement of diplomatic artifice, endeavoring by subtle contrivance to obtain advantages which the force of arms had failed to secure: not the pause "It is the pleasing duty imposed upon of exhausted combatants, waiting to reme this day, to put into the hands of his cover strength for a renewal of the conRoyal Highness a motion, to which lam test: but the cordial reconciliation of sure you will all assent with the utmost friends and Christians, casting away insatisfaction,that of returning the thanks veterate prejudice and ready to embrace of this meeting to our loved and resas brethren, whom some strange delupected President. It would be an idle sion had estranged. I shall not, howerwaste of your time to use any arguer, dwell upon a subject which the Very ment to persuade you to pass a resolu Rev. Dean has discussed with such simtion with regard to which I am convinc-ple and affecting eloquence, further than ed the feelings of every heart are completely in unison with my own; but I cannot forbear to occupy your attention for a few minutes, in congratulating his Lordship and the Society on the won-visibly attended it, that it will produce a derful events which have taken place since the period of our last annual meeting.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in - moving thanks to the President, spoke as follows-viz.

to remind him, that the seed is already sown in France; and that we may well hope, under circumstances so favorable, and that blessing which has hitherto so

plentiful harvest. Nor shall I enter up on the various topics which that most interesting Report, which has been read to us, offers to our consideration. I feel, indeed, not only that they are too exten

The motion having been put by his Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, and unanimously carried; Lord Tiegnmouth expressed his deep obligations to Bis Royal Highness and the ineeting for the honor they had done him.

"If ever the hand of Providence has been dsitinctly visible in his dealings with mankind; if ever even the thought-sive to be brought within the compass of less and unobserving have been compell- any address which I could, with propried to confess that the affairs of this world ety, offer to you; but that they are raare guided by a power and wisdom su- ther subjects of humble meditation and perior to our own; it has been in the deep reflection than of public argument succession of wonderful events which and discussion. I shall therefore conhave recently taken place. These events clude, by requesting his Royal Highness have encircled this country with a blaze to propose the resolution in my hand, of glory. But I wish to tell my country-and which I am sure it will not be less men, as I always tell my own heart, that agreeable to him to offer for your vote if we look to our reward in earthly glo-than to you to concur in." ry, we shall find our reward but disappointment and vanity. We are on this occasion called upon to regard the pass ing scenes of this world with a reference to remoter views and more important objects than occupy the attention of a ny ordinary assembly; and, considered His Excellency Count de la Gardie, in this light, many circumstances which ambassador from the Court of Sweden have lately occurred so far surpass any to that of Madrid, moved the thanks of reach of human foresight, that they the meeting to the Vice-Presidents.may well humble while they delight us. His manly and dignified person, his forIt is now just two years, since, in this eign accent, his high station, and his deplace, and on an occasion like the pres-vout and feeling manner, rendered it ent, I took the liberty of expressing a sentiment which was not more my own than that of all who heard me, that a Christian has no enemy. What we then felt as Christians, the Almighty has now been pleased to realize to us as citizens

impossible for any heart, alive to Christian sympathies, to resist the influence of his address to the Meeting. "Permit me," he concluded, in broken accents, "to present, in the name of my king and country, the gratitude which

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we feel for your kindness to our poor should be hereafter known as the counbrethren in Sweden. Receive my cor-try from whence the Bible Society oridial thanks, in the name of the whole ||ginated; and it is my earnest prayer Swedish people. May Almighty God that that Society may multiply its exertions until its influence extend throughout the world."

bless the endeavors of the British and Foreign Bible Society-and every one of you! I expect not to see you any more, but I shall never forget these moments, and shall esteem them among the happiest in my life. The blessing of the poor will be upon you! Excuse a man who entertains for England the most exalted sentiments: let him remain in your remembrance!"

The Rev. George Burder seconded the above resolution.



Continued from page 52.

From Shawnee-town, in the Illinois Territory, the Missinoparies write, Jan. 12, 1815.

The Bishop of Norwich concluded an excellent speech by observing, that when the conduct of Alexander the Macedonian was 'compared with the conduct of Alexander of Russia, it shrunk. into nothing. The Christian hero, instead of murdering a friend, saves an enemy; instead of burning a city, saves one from destruction. Such are the true friends of the Bible Society, carryW.Wilberforce Esq. in acknowledging ing into effect the leading principles of the thanks offered to the Vice-Presidents the Bible. He moved thanks to the observed, that it was they who ought Royal Dukes. (To be Continued.) to thank the Society. "You claim," he said, "the abundance of our gratitude, that we are honored to fill such an office. It is impossible not to feel our joy still extending, as the delightful prospects of the Society open to our view. In the mighty range we behold mountain rising above mountain; Alps rising upon Alps; "We wrote our last letter to Dr. the clouds retiring, and breaking; moun- Worcester, from St. Louis, in the early tains touched with the light from heaven part of November. Since that date, we exhibiting a landscape great and extens- have, with the blessing of God upon ive." When he reflected upon the cir-our exertions, completed a prosperous cumstances of this country, and the un- tour through the Territories Indiana, Ilbounded liberality which it had exercis-linois, and Missouri. In our former leted during the long war that had now hap-ter we gave you a brief view of our expily closed, he could not but anticipate ertions in favor of the formation of Bithe most blessed and happy effects from ble Societies for the Territories, until the return of peace. "Even in war the date of our letter. Previous to our there has been exhibited one unimpair- leaving St. Louis, a subscription paper ed principle of diffusive benevolence.—was circulated in order to ascertain who What may we not now expect from the would favor the formation of a Bible seed already sown, and from our in- Society for the Territory.' Near three creased facilities in diffusing it? We hundred dollars were subscribed in the may expect a rich and abundant harvest.course of a day or two, by the inhabiWe have already reaped some of its tants of that place. The subscribers enblessed fruits. You have seen it reali-gaged to pay the sums annexed to their zed in Russia: you have seen it among the Russian soldiery: you have seen it in Paris, where the principles of this book have been put in practice by the clemency of the conquerors towards that city."-But we find it altogether impos-ble Society for the territory, and apsible to collect even some faint traces of this eloquent speech. He concluded with observing, that, "well as I love my country, nothing either in glory or in honor can I more desire, than that it


names, to the proper officer of their Sociely, when the Society should be organized. There was a meeting of a number of the subscribers. They chose a committee to draw up the Constitution of a Bi

point a second meeting, when they proposed to adopt the Constitution. Before we left the Territory, a subscription paper to aid the object of the contemplated Bible Society was drawn up at the

lead mines, and another at St. Genevi | be spared by the Trustees of the Cou

necticut Missionary Society to obtain: another man, and that he will be speedfly sent forward to this very important station.


ove. We have not as yet ascertained the amount subscribed at these places. From the disposition manifested, by a nmber of influential characters in these two places, to favor the object of the "November 9th we left St. Louis, proposed Bible Society, we doubt not crossed the Mississippi,and proceeded on considerable sums will be subscribed. our way to Kaskaskias. Previous to our We ascertained that there never had leaving Kaskaskias, we had a second been any English bibles or FrenchTesta conversation with Governor Edwards ments, sent into this Territory for gratu- on the subject of the proposed Bible ious distribution, except in one instance. Society in the Illinois Territory. He Some time since, the Directing Com expressed his earnest desire, that the mittee of the Bible Society of Philadel Society might soon go into operation.phia sent to the care of Dr. Elliot, then He was anxious that we should stay unresiding at St. Genevieve, a number of til it was organized; but as it would be English Bibles and French Testaments a considerable time before the notice of to be distributed by him. The English the meeting could be extensively circu Bibles were very soon distributed, and lated, we did not think it proper to de the French Testaments principally.-lay. We had previously conversed The prospect is, that very considerable with some of the most influential charac exertions will be made, by men dispos-ters of the different denominations, uped to favor the promotion of religion on the subject of forming the Society.--and morality in the Territory, in favor They not only approved of the Society, of the gratuitous distribution of the bible. but engaged that they would exert themThis Territory presents a very impor-selves in favor of its formation. tant and interesting field for missionary did not find any place in this Territory, labors. There are many persons here, where a copy of the Scriptures could who have heretofore been members, ei- be obtained. Merchants occasionally ther of Congregational or Presbyterian bring into the territories books of this Churches; and who regret, with many description. The common school Bia heart-ache, and many a tear, the loss ble is not unfrequently sold for two dol of former privileges, and are looking||lars. When we consider the inferior with anxiety toward the rising sun, for manner in which the Bible is often prinsome one to come to them, who shall ted, this is certainly a very high price. again stand and feed them in the name There is no presbyterian minister either of Christ, and break to them the bread stationed or laboring as a missionary in of life. When passing through the state this Territory. Numbers who have of Ohio, at Chilicothe, we received a heretofore belonged to Presbyterian letter from our brother Giddings, then churches are anxious to have at least at Andover. He informed us, that the occasional supplies. A Presbyterian Trustees of the Connecticut Missionary minister, of talents and piety, might no Society had appointed brother Gould, of doubt receive a very handsome support his class, a Missionary to the Missouri if he would settle at Kaskaskias, and Territory; and that his principal station preach a part of his time at that place, was to be at St. Louis. We were much and a part at St. Genevieve, and teach gratified upon receiving this intelligence; a small school at the former place. A but are sorry to say, we have heard no- missionary who should visit, occasionalthing respecting him since that time.-ly, the most settled parts of the TerritoWe then concluded, that as he received ry, would in very many instances meet the appointment in the summer, he with a most cordial reception, and have would probably arrive at St. Louis the before him a promising field for useJatter part of the fall or early in the win-fulness.


We now fear he will not visit the "On the 14th of November we left Territory. If this should prove to be Kaskaskias, and proceeded on our way the fact, we hope that no exertions will to Shawaneetown. On our arrival at

this place Judge Griswold informed us,|| the destitute. We have no doubt that that exertions were makind to form a these subscriptions will be very conBible Society for rhe eastern part of the siderably increased. But a few of the Illinois Territory. He thought it most people, disposed to favor the object likely these exertions would prove suc- proposed by forming Bible Societies, cessful. have had an opportunity to subscribe. We could not ascertain, that there had Papers will be more generally circuever been any Bibles or Testaments sentiated, when the societies shall go into into this Territorry for gratuitous distri- operation. Some parts of the Territories bution, and comparatively but a few are settling very fast Many poor people families are supplied with either. Some, are among the number of those, who who are anxious to obtain the Bible, go north of the Ohio. If those good and able to purchase it, have been for men in the territories, who are disposed years destitute. Ope man, whom we to favor the promotion of religion and saw in this territory, informed us, that morality, by the general distribution of for ten or fifteen years he had been using the Sacred Scriptures among the desexertions to obtain the Sacred Scriptitute, continue to exert themselves, as tures, but had not been able to succeed. we believe they will, still resources canNotwithstanding there are many ready not be collected probably by them, and able to purchase the Scriptures, more than sufficient to supply the yearstill there are many others who cannot ly increasing destitute part of their popwith convenience supply themselves; ulation. From the best estimate, we and must for years, perhaps as long as could make, with respect to the proporthey live, be destitute of the bible intionate number of destitute families in their families, unless their wants are re-the 3 Territories, we are led to believe lieved by others who have ability and a disposition to supply them.

that 10 or 12,000 Bibles are necessary, in order to supply each destitute family. "We arrived at Vincennes, on the "You will readily perceive, Sir, that 19th of Nov. While we were at that living as most of the people in the terriplace, a subscription paper was circulatories do, 1,000 or 1,500 miles from any ted, similar to the one circulated at St. place, where the Bible is printed, veLouis. One hundred dollars were very ry many of them must for a long time soon subscribed. The prospect was, remain destitute, unless their necessities that twice that sum would soon be sub can be relieved, at least in a considerascribed. The subscribers appointed a ble degree, by the Managers of Bible second meeting, when they proposed to Societies in the different States.* From adopt the constitution of a Bible Socie- the 600 Bibles committed to our care ty for the western part of the Indiana by the committee of the Massachusetts Territory, or rather the Wabash District. Bible Society, 75 were ordered to the On the 25th of November, we arrived care of certain gentlemen in the Indiana at New Albany, near Jeffersonville. Territory; 50toShawanee-town,to be diswhich is situated at the falls of the Ohio.tributed in the Illinois Territory; and 50 While we remained in the vicinity of to St. Lawrence to the care of S. Hempthe falls, subscription papers were "irstead. Do, Sir, intercede with the manaculated to ascertain who would aid the gers of Bible Societies in your vicinity proposed Bible Society for the eastern to aid in supplying the destitute poor in part of the territory. These papers the portion of our country already briefwere circulated in Jeffersonville, Newly described. The Territories pre-ent Albany and Charleston. Near 250 dollars were soon subscribed; and a time was appointed for the meeting, when it was expected the constitution would be adopted.

"More than 700 dollars have been subscribed, since we came into the territories to purchase bibles to give to

very interesting fields for missionary la

*Bibles which may be sent on to the Territories for distributoin, nay for the present, be directed to the flowing gentlemen. In India-, na, to Thomas Posey the Governor of the Ter ritory, Jeffersonville, or to Joel Scribner New. Albany. In Illinois to Joseph M. Street, Shaw. wanneetown. In Missouri, to Stephen Hemps tead, St. Louis.

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