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After all, it may be demanded, by must stop to provide ministers, and the some, what evidence have we that the whole land sit in darkness. Besides, your objects of our charity will devote them- obligation to give does not arise from the selves to the professsion for which they absolute certainty of success. The neare educated, and will adorn the doc- cessities of your country and the world, trine of God their Saviour. You have and the high authority of heaven, bind the evidence of a profession of religion, you to give,committing the event toGod. confirmed by a correspondent life, If he hear your prayers and bless your through at least two years of prepara-alms, you are bound to give thanks.tory study. But if for the trial of your faith he disConsidering the great demand for appoint your hopes, then you are to Ministers and the evident purpose of submit without murmuring, but never GOD to provide a supply, indicated by to withold your charities and your prayrevivals in Colleges and unheard of lib-ers.

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erality of many to educate ministers, And now, people of Connecticut, and you have reason to believe that those all who fear GoD; with these facts we who offer themselves will be generally appeal to your consciences whether it is those whom God has called, and whom not your duty to give. We appeal to he will preserve and bless. And you your hearts whether you are not willing have the analogy of past experience,|| to give to save your country from ruin from which it appears that, with few ex- and to save millions of your countryceptions, the young men who have been men from hell. Are you a friend to educated by charity for the ministry, your country? Behold her nakedness have answered the expectations of their and spread over it the cover of charity. benefactors. But suppose occasionally -Are you friends to civil liberty? Give, we should be disappointed and our la-that it may be rescued from a violent hors be in vain, would that be a reason death, and a speedy one, by the hands for abandoning the whole system of of ignorance and irreligion. Are you charitable education, and leaving our patriots? Bless your country by uniting country to relapse into heathenism, and in the holy enterprise of converting a our posterity to be crushed by the hand moral wilderness into a fruitful field.of despotism. Must we be certain of Are you fathers? Give, that you may success in every case, before we lift a provide for your children at home and finger in any charitable enterprise? Is abroad, an inheritance incorruptible and no trust to be reposed in GoD,and no risk || undefiled, and unfading in be run for the love of Jesus and the Are you christians? Pray without ceasgood of souls? Do we in common life ing to the Lord of the harvest, that he vest no capital in any business without would thrust laborers into his vineyard, an absolute certainty of a profitable re-and let your prayers and your charities turn? If a crop fail, will the farmer nev- go up together.-Do any of you anticier sow again? If a voyage prove unsuc-pate a speedy removal from this to a bet cessful, will the merchant never try an-ter world, and do you wish to conseother? We have at least as high securi- crate to some useful purpose a portion ty for the accomplishment of our chari-or the whole of your property? Give it, table designs as attend any ordinary we beseech you, for the education of inworldly avocations in which the risk of digent pious young men for the gospel failure never deters any one. Where Ministry, that you, being dead, may yet, then you would run the risk of failure through distant generations, speak to from a prospect of earthly gain,will you || your countrymen the words of eternal not do it to glorify Gon, to bless your life. And, finally, whatever it shall be country, to save immortal souls from your purpose to do, do it quickly and perdition. You have as high and even with all your might; for of the five inillhigher security than parents ordinarily ions of your destitute countrymen every have who educate children for the min-year is sweeping 150 thousand to the istry, and upon the principle upon which grave. While you read, they die and go you would refuse to give, all efforts to the judgment: and with all the expe

dition that you can make, about 750,000 || manifested in this prayer no want of must die in this christian land destitute || submission to the will of his Father. of the means of grace, before you can Neither ought we to view Brainerd's send to them one competent religious pleading for perfect holiness, as any instructor, as the result of exertions proof that he did not exercise submis which are yet to be made. O, that my head were as waters, and mine eyes as fountains of tears, that I might weep day and night over the slain of the daughter of my people!

Done by order of the Committee of

Chairman of the Committee,

For the Utica Christian Magazine.

Taken from a Common-place Book.
(Continued from No. 2, Vol. III. Page 36.)

15. "In the evening enjoyed sweet assistance in prayer, and thirsted and pleaded to be as holy as the blessed angels." *

sion to God's revealed purpose, to not perfect him in holiness in this life. One way in which prayer is defined in the scriptures is, a pouring out of the heart before God. Psal. Ixii. 8. Nothing short of the privilege of pouring out the whole heart before God in prayer, would give it full relief. It is easy to make a distinction between things which are in themselves desirable, and things which are desirable on the whole. God has ways to express what he desires in itself considered. He said concerning his foolish, rebellious people; "O that they were wise!" All things considered it was not best they should be wise; else he would have given them an understanding heart; but in itself considered, it appeared to him very desirable: Was this an improper prayer ? Was And this desirableness it was of great the holy God displeased to see his dear importance that he should express. In servant thirsting, and even pleading, to itself considered, it was very desirable the beloved of the Father should not be as holy as the blessed angels? Was it displeasing to him to hear this same drink that bitter cup, especially that man a few days after say, "I longed to most bitter ingredient, the hiding of his be perfectly holy that I might not grieve Father's face. So it appeared to the a gracious God." But some man will Son of God. It was proper for him in say, How was it consistent for Brainerd some way to manifest, how undesirable to pray for sinless perfection in this life, it appeared to his holy soul to be forsawhen it is plainly revealed to be contra-ken of God. And what more proper ry to the determination of the Most way to manifest it, than in praying to High to make any of his saints thus his Father, that if it were possible the fect before death? Was it not his duty cup might pass from him? None will to feel submissive to this determination? deny but that the saints on earth ought To this I reply, it was most certainly to desire perfect holiness in itself conhis duty to exercise submission in view sidered; and that they ought to groan, of this part of God's most holy plan of being burdened with all the remains of government. Such submission there corruption which is in them. God by is abundant evidence that he did exer- his Spirit excites in them insatiable decise. But was that thirsting and plead-sires after sinless perfection. Shall they ing, which we now have under our eye, keep these desires pent up in their contrary to this submission? Might we breasts? or shall they express them? not as well say, that the prayer of the They must speak, that they may be reholy Jesus in the garden of agony, when lieved and refreshed, But to whom he said, If it be possible let this cup pass shall they communicate their desires? from me, manifested a want of subinis-shall it be to man alone? or may they sion to the appointment of his Father, in setting him apart as an offering for sin? But we well know, that the Son of God


* Life of Brainerd, Tuesday Oct. 16, 1744

do it to God? If to God-how shall they do it but in prayer? It is a great relief to pour out this desire of their heart before their almighty Friend. They love to tell him, how they are grieved with

all that sinful imperfection which they bly distinguished, than in their sacred find hanging about them. They love regard for the Sabbath. Too wise to to tell him how they long to be freed indulge the visionary notion,that religion from all their selfishness, pride, unbelief, or sound morality,can long exist without and earthly mindedness. They love it, and too pious not to rejoice in its to plead with him to sanctify them whol-weekly return, their first care, when ly to preserve them blamelsss-to en- they came to this country, was to aable them to keep all his command-dopt such regulations, as might secure at ments. But in view of his holy plan to once its blessings and its perpetuity.withhold perfecting grace in this life, They laid it as the corner stone of that and to keep his saints in a state of spir-noble edifice of morals and religion, itual warfare, until they are taken to which has in these later times been so heaven they submit to their own im- much defaced, and received so many perfection, saying, Not as we will; but rude shocks, from the hands of their as thou wilt. They pray against sinful degenerate sons-an edifice, the very imperfection, as in itself undesirable, ruins of which are still so magnificent. and they submit to it, as desirable on Justly regarding the Sabbath as, in a the whole, and as a part of that system, sense, the palladium of their infant setwhich Jehovah saw would best display tlements, they raised around it a strong his glory, and advance the eterual bles- rampart of wise laws, and constituted sedness of his holy kingdom. some of the best and most influential of their number its sentinels and guardians.

16. It is improper to bring Psal. cxlix. 3. "Let them praise his name in the dance;" and Psal. cl. 4; "Praise him Nor did they rest here. Sound wiswith the timbrel and dance;" and the dom and sincere piety were no less concase of David's dancing before the ark; spicuous, in the means employed by to support the balls and dancing assem- our ancestors to perpetuate a reverence blies of the present day. It would be for sabbatical institutions, than in the more to the point to quote Job xxi. 11. first legal protection of those institutions. "They send forth their little ones like a Fully sensible of the strength of early flock, and their children dance." The habits, and of the potent and abiding indancing of the daughter of Herodias fluence of first impressions on the minds mentioned in the xivth chapter of Mat- of children, they applied themselves with thew seems to have resembled what zeal and perseverance to the governthe moderns term a ball. This dancing ment and instruction of the rising genetook place at a feast, not of the Lord,ration. This they made a part of their but in honor of Herod's birth. The daily business. But the Sabbath was dancing was no part of divine worship, more particularly devoted to these imbut apparently the effect of merriment---|portant objects. Each tender twig was It was for display-It was designed to bent, almost as soon as it began to attract attention and gain admirers. It shoot. Children were taught, both by is somewhat of an argument, that a precept and example, to remember the sentiment, or practice is not scriptural, when scripture is perverted and turned || out of its natural channel to support it.

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Sabbath-day, and in anticipation of its approach, to prepare themselves seasouably to enter upon its appropriate duties. Instead of being indulged in their childish sports at home, or allowed to range the fields and walk the streets, as is but 100 common in our day, they were kept close from morning to night; and were not in general allowed to go abroad, or engaged in any vain recreation, either on the evening preceding, or on that succeeding God's holy day.

Nor was the weekly rest, which they were taught to observe, permitted to be

wasted by them in sloth; nor yet was such, as would be esteemed extremely it devoted to what, in strictness of rigid, by most of the present generation. speech,are termed mere mental improve- But though the decline was slow, it was ments. The grand object of parents, insteady, and at length became rapid. The that golden age of New-England, was laws against Sabbath-breaking were less to instil correct moral and religions and less faithfully executed. Occasionprinciples into the tender minds of their al travelling upon business and pleasure children, and to mend their hearts. In came in time to be winked at, by inforthe prosecution of this object, they per-ming officers and magistrates. Each severed from Sabbath to Sabbath, and succeeding generation took greater libfrom year to year. To this end the erties than the preceding had done, and, young members of almost every family with some few exceptions hereafter to were required to commit to memory se- be mentioned, the evil has been increaslect portions of Scripture, and appropri- ing to this very day. I will not say, ate psalms and hymns, as well as the that the corner stone is removed from chatechisms of Dr. Watts, and of the its place; though I am certain, that it Assembly of divines. In the mean time,|| retains but little of its ancient beauty : great care was taken to inspire the rinor that its enclosure is wholly taken sing generation with such a love for pub-|| away; because the laws for its protec lic worship, and other religious exerci- tion still retain their place in our statuteses, that the Sabbath might not be con- books. But surely the general ineffisidered as a burden, but as a delight, the||ciency of these laws must be obvious to holy of the Lord, honorable. It was rea- every one. We might almost suppose sonable to indulge the hope, that a them buried under every turnpike road, course of religious instruction so early so that the men of this generation pur begun, so judiciously pursued, and so sue their gains and their pleasures, with powerfully enforced, by the general ex-almost as little interruption, as if no diample of heads of families, would, by the divine blessing, poduce the happiest effects. This hope, if not realized in all its extent, was so far answered, in the conduct of those concerning whom it had been indulged, as to gladden the hearts of the pious pilgrims, as they descended to the grave, imploring a thousand benedictions upon their posterity.

It is certain, from the most faithful and candid records of those times, that for many years after the first settlers were dead, things remained, as nearly as could be expected, in the state in which they left thera.

When at length, innovations began to be made, their progress was too slow and insidious, at first, to excite any considerable alarm. If parents of the third and fourth generations, were not quite so exact in sanctifying the Sabbath, as their fathers had been, they certainly reverenced it as an institution of God, the gross profanation of which would inevitably jeopardize the best interests of society. If they yielded to their children some few indulgences, which they had not received themselves in childhood, their family regulations were still

vine or human laws, requiring the sanctification of the Sabbath, were now in existence. To a most alarming extent has light and vain conversation usurped the place of family prayer, and the pious instruction of children. Voyages, travels, news-papers and novels, have gained quiet possession of the shelf, which was once occupied by sermons, Bibles and catechisms. Many a closet is converted into a counting-room. The frugal meals of our ancestors, which were usually prepared on Saturday, have given place to luxurious dinners, prepared with much labour upon the day which the Lord hath made, and in the hours which he calls his own.

Instead of regularly attending public worship, as servants were once permitted and required to do, they may now be found employed in their ordinary work, or driving their masters vehicles of pleasure. Many persons of high rank, and very extensive influence, take the lead without hesitation in violating the laws, and setting the magistracy at defiance. So fashionable has it become, especially in some of our large towns, to inake excursions for pleasure on the

Sabbath, that, if I am not misinformed, have been specified. Equally notori all the environs are thronged with per- ous is it, that the names of many prosons of every age and of all ranks; a fessors of religion might be enrolled to motley multitude of statesmen, lawyers, swell the melancholy list. Some even merchants, tradesinen, carmen, sailors, go so far, as to maintain, with singular pedlars, and mendicants, some on foot, confidence, that the Sabbatb, under the some on horse-back, and the rest in sta- Christian dispensation, is a mere human ges, coaches, phaetons, gigs, curricles, institution; and that the laws, which rechaises and every other vehicle which quire its observance, infringe the liberty fancy has invented. I wish I could add,|| of conscience. Among those, who conthat these and other fashionable viola-sider this notion as unscriptural, and distions of the Lord's day, are no where tinctly foresee the ruinous consequenprevalent but in and about our princi-ces which must result from its becompal towns. The lamentable fact, how-ing general in any community, a consid ever, is, that the Sabbath is greatly erable number would readily tolerate profaned in our small, as well as large practices, which are directly subversive places; in the country as well as the of the sacred institution now under concity. This leaven of impiety has been sideration. I am afraid, that but few, fermenting and spreading, till almost the of the most strict and conscientious awhole lump is leavened. While throngs mong us, are fully aware of the broad of people are pursuing their business and extent of the fourth command, I am apleasures upon the public roads, multi-fraid, that some very worthy and pious tudes are sauntering about their fields,|| people do things on the Sabbath, which examining the state of their farms and they ought not to do, and omit things viewing their cattle and sheep, and oth-which it is their duty to perform. ers are sailing, fishing, and taking their A minute investigation of the causes pleasure on the water. of this wide and sinful departure from In the mean time, pretences and ex- the principles and practice of our ancuses for engaging in manual labour, es-cestors, would not comport with the depecially in time of getting in hay and signed brevity of this introductory paharvest, are multiplied to a most alarm-per. Some of these causes, however, I ing degree; and actual violations of the shall just mention. law in this particular have become very In the first place, it is well known to frequent. Nay, instances are not want- every person, acquainted with the early ing, in which fines imposed and collect-history of this country, that after the first ed by a regular civil process, have been settlers had established themselves, and returned to the delinquents, by a formal begun to turn the wilderness into a fruitvote in public town meeting. ful field, they were followed by adventurers from the mother country, who were very different from themselves, in all their views and habits. These adventurers, by mixing with the earlier

These practices would give great pain to every pious and reflecting mind, even if they were confined to what is generally considered as the loose and unprincipled part of the community.-emigrants, gradually gained an influence But how much severer pain does it in- with many of the young especially, by flict to perceive, that the poison has which their high regard for divine instispread wide even among those, who tutions was materially weakened. Conhave sworn to execute the laws, and that sidering what human nature is, this sin the church of God itself is infected!gle cause, continuing to operate from Painful as is the admission of this state-one generation to another, would have ment, it is in vain to think any long produced very alarming innovations. er of denying or concealing the fact, But secondly; our sad degeneracy that informing officers, justices of the is probably owing still more to the de peace, judges of courts, and members of moralizing influence of the several wars, our state and national legislatures, are in which this country has borne a confrequently guilty of profaning the Sab-spicuous part. Hardly any thing so debath, in all, or nearly all the ways that ranges the settled order of things, as war,


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