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New Testament, consisting of 5000 of the activity displayed by the

copies, now printing.

The following is a quotation from a letter addressed to Lord Teignmouth, by Prince Galitzin :

The three Auxiliary Societies of Gothenburg, Westeras, and Gothland, are no less actively employed in circulating the holy Scriptures within their several departments; and their exertions have been assisted by donations from this Society.

Evangelical Society at Stockholm, no further proof is necessary than that it has printed 40,600 Testaments, and "The object of the Society is from 13,500 Bibles. The Committee has day to day becoming more generally granted the sum of 3001. to this Sociknown and understood from its benefi-ety, to aid the printing of a pocket cent effects: its funds are increasing Swedish Testament, on standing types, by the subscriptions and donations of which was much wanted; and a furmany thousands of new members.ther sum of 2001. to enable the SocieThus our institution is enabled, as it ty to extend the distribution of Bibles advances, to extend the sphere of its among the poor in Sweden. operations, through the increasing aid which it receives from all classes of people in the empire; among whom the Russian clergy, by their own liberality and persuasion of others, are peculiarly distinguished. The peasantry in the villages lay together their rubles and kopecs, to support the good The Committee here alludes, with cause of the Society; thus manifest- feelings of unfeigned regret, to the ing that they have right ideas of its pi- death of the Rev. Dr. Brunnmark, ous work. The demand for Bibles whose life was a sacrifice to his indeincreases from day to day so much, fatigable exertions in this cause. that the Society knows not how to had the satisfaction, however, to witsatisfy it. Such, my lord, are evident ness the happy effects of the three somarks of the grace of God, that bring-cieties he had planted; and to observe eth salvation to all men, and leadeth a growing interest in Sweden, both in them, therefore, to the knowledge of the circulation and perusal of the holy the word of life." Scriptures. He assisted to form the


Such a description suggests heart-plan of a general Swedish Bible Socifelt prayers to God, for his blessing on ety, which was submitted to the King, an institution formed for supplying the with a request that he would become spiritual wants of the Russian Empire.its Patron; to which his Majesty as The Committee have voted a third donation of 10001, in aid of the Russian Bible Society.

sented; and the crown prince, at the same time, assented to be the first honorary member of the Society, which obtained the royal confirmation on the 22d of February last. Count Rosenblad, the president, has already demonstrated the deep interest which he feels in the success of the institution, by the measures he has adopted for ||forming Auxiliary Societies in Sweden, as well as a Bible Society in Norway. The Committee have voted 5001, in aid of the Swedish Bible Society.

The Committee have received a donation from that Society, of 1000 copies of the Armenian New Testament: in return, they have placed at its disposal a considerable quantity of Bibles and Testaments, which remained on hand in Russia, after supplying the prisoners of war in that empire, as well as nearly 500 Testaments in the Ancient and Modern Greek, together with a set of stereotype plates for the Modern Greek Testament, which will facilitate the circulation of the Scrip- On the 22d of May, 1814, at a most tures in the provinces using the Greek respectable Meeting convened in Colanguage, where the demand is increas-penhagen, at which Dr. Munter, the ing. Bishop of Zealand, presided, a Danish


ernment. It has been assisted by a grant of 1001. To the Hamburg-Altona Bible Society, recently established, the Committee have granted 3001.— At Bremen, a Society has also been recently established, to which a donation of 1001. has been presented.

Bible Society was formed, with his Danish Majesty's approbation, and with the promise of his highest protection. The objects of this Institution are to supply Denmark with the Danish Scriptures; to provide the Germans settled there with the German Scriptures; to provide for the exigences of Iceland, Greenland, the Danish West-India Isl-at Dantzick, after the plan of the Prusands, and the Danish Settlements on the Coast of Africa.

A Bible Society has been instituted

sian Bible Society, his Excellency J. W. de Weikman, Privy Counsellor of his Prussian Majesty, President. A donation has been made to it of 2001. besides 501. for the gratuitous distribution of Bibles among the inhabitants of that city, who had most severely suf fered from its bombardment.

Iceland was last year visited by the Rev. Mr. Henderson. The main object of his journey was to give the natives the full benefit of the measures adopted for supplying them with the holy Scriptures. He carried with him the recommendation of Bishop Mun- To a Bible Society formed at Erter, and received the greatest encour-furt, for the province of Thuringia, agement from the Bishop and Clergy 3001. have been granted in aid of its of Iceland, as well as from the Civil funds. Authorities: he employed two months in perilous journeys into the interior, and, wherever he went, he was welcomed with enthusiasm, and followed by the benediction of the inhabitants. The want of the Scriptures was lamentably felt, and the ardor of the people to obtain a copy excessive; yet, notwithstanding this scarcity, he received frequent proofs of the acquaintance of the Icelanders with the contents of the sacred volume; and, taken as a body, they exhibited the strongest marks of a religious disposition.


The Wurtemberg Bible Institution has made progress, both in collecting subscriptions and in printing a large 8vo. edition of the German Bible.The King of Wurtemberg has granted the Institution the freedom of postage for all its letters and parcels, and allowed it the use of a seal.

A Branch Bible Society has been formed by the United Brethren, for Herrnhut, Niesky, and Kleinwelke, in connexion with the Saxon Bible Society.


An additional grant of 2001. has enabled the Zurich Society to undertake

The Finnish Bible Society flourish-a lage edition of the German Bible. es, and the grant of 2001. for supply- The Bible Society at St. Gall mening the Swedish inhabitants of Finland ||tions that the Canton of St. Gall conwith the Scriptures has produced the tains upwards of 100 Catholic parishhappiest effects. This Society had es, in which the reading of the Scripagreed to adopt the plan of establish-tures was formerly prohibited to the ing Auxiliary Societies. The Com- people, but that eighty or ninety of the mittee have granted 500l. to promote parishes have received permission to the printing of a quarto edition of the peruse them; and that the acquaintFinnish Scriptures. This fresh dona-ance of the Catholics with the Scription has been acknowledged in terms tures becomes more and more general. of the warmest gratitude by the Gov-The situation of this society, as well as ernor-general of Finland.


that of Basle, being calculated for promoting the circulation of the Scriptures A Bible Society has been formed at among the Roman Catholics, the ComLubeck, with the sanction of the Bur-mittee have presented to each 1001. go-master and first members of the gov

The Bible Society at Basle has print

ed and circulated the Italian and Ro- Majesty, and formerly Ambassador at manese New Testament. The Ro- Constantinople, for the purpose of bemanese Old Testament was also in ing printed at Berlin. This venerable progress. All these works are mate- nobleman, who, with the knowledge rially assisted by the Bible Committee requisite for the task, unites a cordial at Chur. The Basle Society has also zeal for the propagation of Divine completed an edition of 10,000 copies truth, has undertaken to superintend of a German Bible, on small types.- the printing of this valuable manuIts Bibles and Testaments are circula- script. He has pronounced the transting, not only in Switzerland, but also lation accurate, and the style most exin several parts of Germany and cellent. France; both among Protestants and Roman Catholics.

Bible societies have been instituted at Lausanne, for the Canton de Vaud, and at Geneva; to each of which the Committee have voted 2001.


His Majesty's Sicilian Regiment, by the permission of the Colonel, has been supplied with Italian Testaments. The French and Italian prisoners of war on board the transports at Valetta, were also furnished with Bibles and Testaments, previously to their return. These Testaments were eagerly and gratefully received; and, from the report of the English Surgeon in charge of these men, it appears, that they were perused with great avidity, and the most gratifying effect.


The Committee have endeavored to promote the circulation of the holy Scriptures in that country, by a donation of 5001. to the Consistories in Paris, for French Stereotype Testaments for the use of Protestants; and have also subscribed 2501. to a stereotype edition of Maitre de Sacy's version of the New Testament for the use of the Catholics in France.


(To be continued.)



"The Directors of the London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews, relying upon the Christian benevolence of the British

public, and their readiness to promote every undertaking which has for its object the temporal and eternal welfare of mankind, earnestly request the favor of their patronage and assistance to forward the designs of the above Institution.

fied characters who have honored the "The highly respectable and digniSociety with their names and support, Christian zeal of the public at large. sanction this appeal to the liberality and But the grand argument, which it is presumed will plead with most powerful influence, is that this Institution combines the united objects of all others. In its aim to promote the knowledge of Divine Truth, to convince the Jews that the Lord Jesus Christ is the true Messiah, and thus to guide the ignorant and wandering transgressor into the fold of the good Shepherd, it solicits aid as a Missionary Society.

"In its exertions to provide for the afflicted, the necessitous, and such as, The Committee having received in- by embracing Christianity, may be reformation of a Turkish translation of duced to distress for want of employthe whole Bible in manuscript, which ment, it asks support in the capacity had been deposited for a century and of a House of Industry and a Refuge a half in the archives of the University for the Destitute. In its parental proof Leyden, have happily obtained pos-tection, education, and support of session of it, through the kindness of children of Jewish extraction, it claims Mr. Professor Kemper. It is now consigned to the care of Baron Von Diez, Counsellor of Legation to his Prussian

the aid of the benevolent, to rescue from vice, to impress the infant mind with religious principles, to relieve the

affliction of the widow, and to become the father of the fatherless.

been printed and circulated, at home, on the Continent of Europe, in the Mediterranean, and in the East Indies.

"Moreover, the Directors of the London Society cannot but be per- "Auxiliary Societies have been insuaded, that compassionate and zeal- stituted in various parts of the United ous exertions, to collect the dispersed Kingdom; and many benevolent perof Israel and Judah, will be accepta-sons, impressed with the obligations of ble to the God of Abraham; and may Christians to seek the conversion of prove a means of bringing the blessing the Jews, have formed, and are now of that eminent Patriarch more largely forming, Associations to promote a on the Gentiles. For 'if the casting a-subscription, in which the poorest disway of the Jews be the reconciling of ciple of Christ may take a share, by the world, what shall the receiving of contributing one penny per week, or sixthem be, but life from the dead?' For pence per month. blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles shall come in.' This argument establishes the duty, the Christian policy, the holy obligation, of endeavoring to promote Christianity amongst the Jews; in the hope that we may be the honored instruments of accelerating the day when both to Jews and Gentiles 'the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together as the mouth of the Lord hath spoken.'

"The following means have already been adopted by the London Society, for the furtherance of this great and desirable object:

"It must be evident to all, that an Institution embracing such a variety of objects cannot be carried on without a considerable annual income, which it is earnestly hoped the charity of the British public will continue to supply.

"The success which has already attended the efforts of this Society, has been sufficient to encourage perseverance in this labor of love, and to inspire a lively hope that under the Divine blessing we shall in due time reap if we faint not.

"The children of Israel have abode many days without a king, and with"The establishment of Lectures ad-out a prince, and without a sacrifice, dressed to the Jews, and the erection and without an image, and without an of a large Episcopalian Chapel, for ephod, and without teraphim.' But their use. let us not forget that God hath also "Schools have also been establish-said, 'Afterwards they shall return, and ed, of nearly 100 Jewish children, seek the Lord their God and David boys and girls; also a Female Asylum, their King, and shall fear the Lord and Printing office, and Basket Manufacto-his goodness in the latter days!' Let ry, for the employment of such Jews us rejoice that we have the distinguishas are deprived of subsistence amongst ed honor of being called to be instrutheir brethren, for having manifested ments in the hand of Providence to a desire to inquire into the truth of hasten the approach of the glorious Christianity. period, when the promise of the Lord Nearly the whole of the New Tes-shall be fulfilled; I will surely astament has been translated into the semble, O Jacob, all of thee; I will Hebrew. The Gospel of St. Matthew surely gather the remnant of Israel; has already been published; dedicated, I will put them together as the sheep by permission, to the Right Reverend of Bozrah, as the flock in the midst of the Bishops of Durham, Salisbury, their fold: they shall make a great Norwich, St. David's, Cloyne, and noise by reason of the multitude of Meath and the Gospel of St. Markmen.' Micah ii. 12. is in the press, and almost finished.

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"The Directors of the London So"Various appropriate tracts, in ciety have great satisfaction in being English, Hebrew, and German, have able to inform the public, that means

There is

have been afforded which will speedi-ber, probably, who have hitherto made ly liberate the Institution from the a public profession of Religion, in conof this revival, is about one pressure of its debt; and that the sequence pecuniary aid which is now solicited, is the best reason to believe, that numbers hundred and seventy-five. for the sole purpose of carrying on its more will still be found among its fruits. designs in future: the most effectual methods are also adopting to prevent the recurrence of debt.

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From the Boston Recorder.

Between i

A letter from a gentleman in Phila"It should be further remarked, delphia, dated March 12, mentions "a that although, for the preservation of revival of Religion in Mr. Patterson's unity of design and operation, the man-Society. At their last communion, 70 agement of the London Society has were added to the church. been placed in the hands of such of its members as are of the Established Church, yet the contributions of every denomination of Christians are earnestly invited and will be most thankfully


"N. B. Pious persons exercising handicraft or other trades, such as Shoemakers, Tailors, Wrights, Smiths, Book-binders, Bakers, &c. may aid this Institution effectually, by engaging to take Jewish youths from the school as apprentices.

"Ladies may also forward the cause by assisting in placing out the girls in service or business."


From the Religious Intelligencer.
NEW-HAVEN, April--1816.

and 200 more are under serious impres


The same letter says, "In Ogechee,. Georgia, more than 400 persons have, since May, 1812, been admitted to the church, all of whom exhibit evidence of a saving change of heart,

March 26.-A letter from New-York, states that there is a great Revival of Relinecticut (Ohio); also in a large proporgion in 11 contiguous towns in New-Contion of the towns in Orange County; in the towns of Catskill and Troy; and in the Eastern part of Long-Island. Shelter-Island, although destitute of a minister, has been visited with a signal display of divine grace. It is calculated that one third of the inhabitants of this island are hopeful converts. In the city of New-York 70 persons have hopefully obained an interest in Christ. It is supposed that two or three hundred are under deep conviction:

In a letter from New-Hartford (Con.) it REVIVALS OF RELIGION. is stated that a revival of Religion had comA Revival of Religion began in Yale menced in that place, conferences were College, in April, 1815. In the month held four evenings in a week, and also a of June, a similar revival commenced in special prayer meeting by the church; that the Academy of Young Ladies, under eight persons had become hopefully pious, the care of the Rev. Mr. Herrick in this and that many more were under deep contown; and soon after a general solemni-victions. The letter states also that a simty was visible throughout the two Con-ilar account may be given of Canton; and gregational Churches. At present, the that a revival of Religion had lately comEditor is prepared only to state the re-menced in Torringford.

sults: Of the Students of Yale College, A revival of Religion commenced in New about forty-five made a profession of Canaan (Con.) in January last. A letter, Religion. The number cannot be stated, dated March 25, states that between 40 however, with absolute precision, be- and 50 are hopefully renewed. The same cause some of them were united to the letter states that 100 had united with the church in the towns where they reside. church in Norwalk; 15 in Middlesex, and In the School of Young Ladies, about that the work has extended to Stamford.-In Goshen and its vicinity, (Orange Co. thirty-two (out of sixty, the whole num-New-York) 500 hopeful converts are men ber) are believed to have become chris- tioned. Intelligence of a revival of Relitians. As they were soon to disperse,gion in Buffalo, New-York, had reached the but few of them joined the churches in writer of the letter.

New-Haven. In the two Presbyterian April 1-The number of hopeful conCongregations, 103 have been added to verts in Hadley, (Mass.) is 150. In Westthe church: viz. 61 to the Church of Hampton a work of grace has recently comthe First Society; and 42 to the church menced, 12 or 14 have exhibited evidence of the United Society. The whole num-of a saving change of heart.

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