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who came to the door, and stood du- embarrassed, and entered freely with ring the reading and expounding of him into conversation about the TransJohn viith, and heard with much at-lations and progress of the Gospel; and tention. gave a kind of promise that she would Sunday, Dec. 12.-Nothing remark-cause a portion of Scripture to be read able occurred to day. Several of Eu-to her every day. ropean descent, who reside in the city, attended, but only two or three strangers, one of whom went away before the service ended. Two, who have attended worship occasionally for some time, wish to join themselves to One Youth, who has been with Dec. 20-This afternoon, a person us since August, gave a very consis-who has been regularly of late to hear tent and scriptural account of what he the Scriptures read, came from the has heard from time to time, before city to have some conversation in prithe Congregation. vate. He attended Abdool's preach



Sunday, Dec. 19, 1813.-This forenoon, at our house and in the city, Abdool held Divine Service. In the city there were upward of sixty adults, beside children, listening with seriousness to the word of life.

Dec. 14.-To-day Abdool Messeeing frequently during the Rains; but, returned in safety from Meerat. The from the scoffs and rebukes of his joy expressed by the Converts and neighbours, deserted for some time.— Children on his return was very grati- Reflecting, however, on the shortness fying. and uncertainty of life, with the maniHe relates, that on the way to Mee-fold sins which he is conscious of havrat he had many opportunities of con- ing committed, he began to attend versation about religion, especially at again; and, from what he heard yester Coel, where Talib, Messee's father and day from the xxviiith Psalm, and tofriends reside. Twelve copies of the day respecting Moses esteeming retranslations were given away. Talib's proach for Christ greater treasure than friends were, at first, very much offend- the riches of Egypt, he could no loned, but became so reconciled at last, ger restrain himself, but begged to be as to beg a copy of St. Matthew, that admitted into the faith of Christ, if so they might know more of Christianity. be his sins might be forgiven. This At Meerat much attention was ex-man was a personal servant of Lord cited among the Mahometans; and Lake during the late Mahratta war, long conversations were held daily in and discovers more than ordinary good large assemblies. These are describ-sense and intelligence. ed at length, in Mr. Bowley's Journal. Christmas Day.-To-day twenty The result was, that five appear truly convinced of the excellency of the gospel, and profess themselves Christians. Of these one is a man of great learning.

adults, and twelve children belonging to them, and other native children, were baptized. They have all been on probation since July last, and some of them longer. They were separateAt Seerdhuna the Begum received ly examined and addressed on the 23d, Abdool with much civility. As the respecting baptism, and discover what custom is to carry a present on being was thought sufficient marks of acintroduced to a superior, Abdool pre-quaintance with the subject, and of the sented a copy of St. Mark's Gospel, grace of God being with them. which her Highness received with First and most remarkable was Jewgreat devotion, kissed it, and carried an Sing, the Byragee Fakeer referred it to her head. She was evidently to in the memorandum of August 29th, afraid of hearing something against the and his household, consisting of eight Romish Ceremonies; but, as Abdool persons. He said, that ever since he confined himself to recommendations began to hear the Gospel he has had a of the Scriptures, she soon became un-persuasion that this is the only way of

salvation that, moreover, God has the congregation was dismissed, Ulk brought all his family to be of the same ha and his wife, both of whom were mind;" and this," said he, " is an un-baptized yesterday, were observed speakable mercy conferred on me, weeping. On being asked why they who am nothing. His is all the praise!" wept, he answered, "Hitherto I have His wife declared that she embraced known nothing aright; but now I perthe Gospel in order to obtain remis-ceive indeed, that Jesus gave his Body sion of her sins. The eldest daughter and Blood for the pardon of my sins.' has suffered a good deal of ill treat- Several other converts appeared equalment from her husband; and has been ly affected; and their conversation affinally abandoned by him, on account terward was very satisfactory and enof her attachment to the Gospel. The couraging. eldest son also discovers decided marks

of grace.

In a

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Dec. 29, 1813.-To-day a learned man visited us. He says that he comes

an Arabian Jew. He has read the

The confession of Noor Nissan, aged from Cabul, but we suspect that he is 90 years, was very affecting. tremulous voice, and with broken ac- Old and New Testaments in the Aracents, she said that she had often wish-bic, and is well acquainted with the ed for death, whilst going on ignorant-names of the different books. ly in error: but God had, in mercy, asked, 1st, What was the religion of preserved her; and now she should Abraham? 2d, Who the Twenty-four die in peace.


Elders in Revelations are? 3d, Who The Hindoostanee Doctor's servant, throne of God? 4th, Who is the man is the Lamb, that is in the midst of the mentioned, July 27th, delivered a very of Sin? (2 Thess. ii.) 5th, What pedecided testimony. After stating the riod of the Revelations is now fulfilmiracles, death, and resurrection of our ling? 6th, What the time of temptaLord as grounds of faith, he was asked, tion is, which is to try the inhabitants if he believed that Christ would save of the earth? On hearing the answers, him also. He answered, “ He has giv-he said with warmth, " en me the assurance of it in my own mankind understand these things? I Why do not mind; how can I doubt but he will have read the Scriptures often, and save me ?" they have always been in the world, but no one understands them." He was told that the teaching of the Holy Spirit is necessary to a proper nnderstanding of Scripture. On going away he said he thought he now began to understand.

It would occupy too much time to detail the history of every individual.

Sunday, Dec. 26.-To-day, after Divine Service in the Fort, the Lord's supper was administered in the city to the Native Congregation. The num- Dec. 31.-The number of scholars ber of communicants amounted to 45, continues the same as before. Severof whom 11 were converts from the Ro- al persons are lately come forward, mish Church. A report having gone professing their wish for baptism. The abroad, that, on the former occasion of number of converted Adults is 41; and administering the Lord's Supper, all of their children, 14 have been baptizpiece of beef had been given to the ed. All who have embraced the GosHindoo Converts, and a piece of pork pel have hitherto walked orderly, and to the Mahometan Converts, it was give no cause to doubt of their sincerjudged expedient to allow all who chose ity. It will be observed, that 11 perto remain during the celebration. A sons, formerly of the Roman Catholic great number, both of Mahometans persuasion, have renounced the errors and Hindoos, were spectators, and be- of Popery and joined themselves to us. haved very orderly. The new place (Signed) of Worship was nearly filled. After

Agra, Jan. 1, 1814.

D. C.


THE following is an abstract of the Eleventh Report of this Society, which was read at the Annual Meeting on the 3d of May last,

manner, and with a countenance beaming with joy, said, "I rejoice that I have an opportunity of uniting in such a glorious cause. 1 am decidedly of opinion that the Scriptures should be put into the hands of every class of men, and that even the poorest and the meanest should have it in their power to draw Divine instruction from the Fountain Head." The president of this society is his Excellency Baron Von Arnswaldt, minister of state, privy counsellor, and president of the eccle

At the last Meeting, the members of the Society were encouraged to indulge the pleasing hope, that the pacification of Europe would lead to a more extensive adoption of the principle of their institution. This expectation has been amply verified. The Societies instituted on the continent, during the year, are numerous siastical court. His royal highness the and important. The Committee will duke of Cambridge is its patron. first notice those, the formation of which was assisted by the presence and exertions of the Rev. R. Pinkerton, while on his return to Russia.

4th. The Prussian Bible Society, established at Berlin, under the presidency of his Excellency Lieutenantgeneral Von Dierecke, tutor to the 1st. The Netherlands Bible Socie- Crown Prince of Prussia. His Prusty, established at Amsterdam, under the sian Majesty has approved of the Sopresidency of his Excellency Mr. Ro-ciety, and confirmed its laws; and has el, Minister of the Interior; and of granted to it the freedom of the letterwhich many Catholics are members. post. The Bible Society, which had Anor Society has been formed at existed at Berlin since 1805, has merRotterm, of which his Excellency ged in the Prussian Bible Society.Mr. Van Hoogstraaten, Member of At Konigsberg, the printing of the Lithe States General, is President.- thuanian Scriptures was rapidly advan Thirty more Bible Societies have cing. An additional grant of 2001. to been instituted in different parts of the the Bible Committee at Konigsberg United Netherlands, which, together has enabled them to procure additionwith Rotterdam, are considered divis-al types, and to print 3,000 extra copions of the Netherlands Society. Aies of the Lithuanian New Testament. plan has been adopted for instituting A Bible Society has been recently in32 Bible Associations in Amsterdam stituted at Konigsberg, in connexion and its environs, comprising nearly with the Prussian Bible Society at 200,000 inhabitants. Berlin.

2d. The Grand Duchy of Berg Bi- 5th. The Saxon Bible Society, esble Society, established at Elberfield. tablished at Dresden, under the presiThe population is large, and includes dency of his Excellency Count Hoa great proportion of Catholics. Ma- henthal, the minister for religion.ny thousands of them had never seen A most interesting account of the fora Bible; and among some, even themation of this institution, given by the meaning of the word was unknown. Rev. Dr. Doering, chaplain of the His Excellency Baron Von Gruener court of Saxony, concludes with obgovernor-general of the duchy, was serving, "Universal was the impreschosen president. sion, and loud the gratitude expressed 3d. The Hanoverian Bible Society.||both towards the Parent Institution in In Hanover, as in Petersburgh, the Lu- London, and its worthy member, Mr. theran, Calvinistic, and Catholic cler-Pinkerton. Tears of joy glittered in gy, join hands to promote the good cause. When the chief Catholic priest entered the room, he grasped Mr. Pinkerton's hand in the most cordial Ff

many an eye, and the name of the Lord was glorified. May he command his blessing on this holy union!"

Mr. Pinkerton, in passing through

Warsaw, held a meeting in the palace || several other dialects. The number of Prince Czartorisky, for the purpose of Bibles and Testaments now printof forming a Polish Bible Society; at ing by the Russian Bible Society is stawhich meeting, certain regulations ted at 92,000 copies. were adopted, subject to the approbation of the Emperor of Russia. In Poland, it is asserted, that a copy of the Bible is scarcely to be obtained at any price. Mr. Pinkerton, before he left Warsaw, made arrangements for the distribution of 250 Polish Bibles, and 500 New Testaments, as well as of a number of German Testaments and Bibles.

The societies above enumerated, were established in less than three months after the last annual meeting. At the meetings convened for the purpose, the greatest joy and harmony prevailed; and from the rank, abilities, and respectability of the presidents, vice-presidents, and directors, there is every reason to hope their example will have an extensive influence, and their exertions a most beneficial effect. The Committee have granted 3001. to the Berg Bible Society, and 5001. to each of the four other societies and they have since granted 1001. to the Auxiliary Bible Society at Potsdam; and the like sum to the Saxon Bible Society, for promoting an edition of the New Testament in the Wendish dialect, for the use of the poor Wendes or Vandals in Lusatia.


The Moscow Bible Society, which almost rivals that at St. Petersburg in the number of contributors, has undertaken an edition of 5000 Bibles and 5000 Testaments in the Slavonian language, for the use of the native Russians; the printing of the latter is nearly finished. In 260 years, not more than 50,000 copies of the Slavonian Bible have been printed. This Society has also undertaken, at its own expense, the printing of 5000 copies of the Georgian New Testament. A set of Georgian types, which escaped the conflagration of Moscow, has been discovered; and this work is now in progress, under the superintendence of the Georgian Metropolitan Ion, and Archbishop Pafnut, both residing at Moscow.

The Society at Dorpat has established a Bible Association in every parish, under the direction of the pow br.This has been found a most efficient plan for promoting its success among the common people.

The Societies at Mittau and Riga are printing 14,000 Lettish New Testaments, and the Society at Revel an edition of the Bible in the Revelian Esthonian dialect. To the Societies of Mittau, Riga, Dorpat, and Revel, 1000copies of the German New Testament have been ordered from St. Peters

The Bible Society at St. Peters-burg, at the expense of the British and burg has now assumed the title of "The Foreign Bible Society.

The pro


Russian Bible Society." The Committee have granted the ceedings of this institution, formed un-sum of 2001. to the Russian Auxiliary der the patronage of his imperial ma- Society, formed at Arensberg, the capjesty, and superintended by a noble-ital of Oesel, for that and the neighborman not less distinguished by his pie-ing islands. The scarcity of the Scripty and abilities than by his ligh rank, tures is so great in these parts, are conducted with a zeal and energy even some who are teachers of others, which promise substantial benefits to are destitute of a Bible." the Russian empire. The great object The printing of the Persian New Tesof its exertions is, to distribute a large tament, translated by the late revered number of copies of the holy Scripture | Henry Martyn, is printing at St. Petersat the lowest rate: its committee is now burg, from a copy brought thither by printing them in seven different lan- Sir Gore Ousely, Bart. Ambassador guages, while the committees of its from his Majesty to the Court of Perauxiliary societies are printing them insia, who has undertaken to superintend

the press. The zeal, learning, piety,|| edge of the Gospel among all nations, and diligence of Mr. Martyn, afford the and of fulfilling the prophecies of our most satisfactory assurance of the ac- Lord in regard to this part of our faith. curacy of this translation. A singular But such institutions are not only most testimony in its favor has already eminently calculated to bring the heaappeared in the interesting letter of thens to the faith of the Gospel, but althe King of Persia, to Sir George so to rouse the churches of Christ, in Ousely. Under the countenance of different lands, from that spiritual igthis sovereign, the Persian New Tes-norance and slumber in which many tament will probably be extensively of them are lying, and to bring them read; and the western provinces of again to the fountain of all truth and Persia, now subject to Russia, afford a blessings."

wide field for its circulation. The As a token of his esteem for the SoCommittee have assisted this work byciety, he has presented to them a a grant of 3001. copy of a Georgian Bible, with an inIntelligence from the Crimea au- scription expressing his "hearty dethorizes the hope, that the Tartar Newsire to co-operate with them in their Testament, printed at Karass, will exertions, to spread the word of the prove a blessing to the Mohammedans Lord among all nations of the earth.” in that quarter. A Mufti, to whom a Tartar New Testament had been presented, accepted it with gratitude: he has become an annual subscriber of fifty rubles to the Society at St. Petersburg, and has also expressed a solicitude to obtain a copy of the Bible in


The first annual meeting of the Russian Bible Society was held at St. Petersburg on the 20th of last September. On this occasion, the first dignitaries of the Greek, Catholic, Armenian, and Georgian churches attended, in their sacerdotal garments, united in amity A version of the Calmuc New Tes- and peace. The proceedings of the tament, translated at St. Petersburg, is day were conducted by the president, printing there, at the charge of the Prince Galitzin. The Report of the British and Foreign Bible Society.- Committee, when reading, produced This dialect is understood by other a burst of astonishment, gratitude and tribes in Siberia, and on the confines joy, over the gloriously simple princiof China. ples and blessed effects of their benefiThe Georgian Archbishop, Dosithe- cent institution. The immediate ef os, is a member of the Russian Bible fect of this meeting was the accession Society; and by his influence, the Roy-of three metropolitans, five archbishal Family of Georgia, and many of his ops, and two distinguished laymen, to countrymen, have also become memthe list of vice-presidents of the Socibers of it. The number of professed ety. Christians in the three provinces under his charge, exceeds half a million; and in the 2000 churches which they contain, there are not 200 copies of the Bible.

Nine Auxiliary Societies are connected with that of St. Petersburg.More are in contemplation; and the plan for Bible Associations has been Not only is an edition of the considered, and unanimously approvGeorgian New Testament printing at ed; and each vice-president and diMoscow, but the Archbishop has hear-rector had his district assigned to him, tily agreed to promote the establish- in order to carry the plan into effect. ment of a Georgian Bible Society on his arrival at Tiflis, the capital.

The Armenian Bible is now printing in Russia, and the Committee have "It is my opinion," says the eccle- agreed to assist the undertaking, by a siastical head of the Græco-Georgian donation of 5001. The Armenian inChurch," that the Bible Societies will habitants of Russia have themselves be the means of spreading the knowl-subscribed for half the edition of the

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