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places now inhabited," is very descriptive of the land of Israel, provided it is hereafter to be filled with inhabitants, and to be restored to its former glory.

language than this, the return of God's ancient covenant people to their own land could be predicted. Their return is possible, and it is possible that it should be revealed in the holy Scriptures, proAlso what is here said about the peovided they are to return. But if all this ple who are to be restored to this land, amount to no revelation of it, let me ask, favors the idea that it is the literal Israel. How could it be revealed?, God calls them, " My people of Israel.” There is something in the 38th chap-They are said to be gathered out of the ter which makes it very clear that the nations. The literal Israel are now dispeople of Israel shall yet be restored to persed among the nations. If they their own land. In this chapter, the should be again collected together, and Lord, addressing himself to Gog with his restored to the holy land, they must be company, says, "In the latter years thou gathered out of many nations. Again, shalt come into the land that is brought this people are described as having gotback from the sword, and is gathered out ten cattle and goods, silver and gold, so of many people, against the mountains as to make it very tempting for their enof Israel, which have been always waste:emies to come upon them to take the but it is brought forth out of the nations, spoil. “As rich as a Jew," has become and they shall dwell safely all of them." a proverb. The prospect now is, that if Further on in the chapter the address they return to their own land, they will still continues; And thou shalt say, I return with great wealth. will go up to the land of unwalled villages, to take a spoil, and to take a prey, to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land."- "And thou shalt come against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land, it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land."

2. It is evident that the restoration of the Jews, spoken of in this portion of Scripture, is posterior to the return from the Babylonish captivity: For 1st. It is in the latter years, and latter days.— These phrases when used in the old Testament refer to a period at least as late as the gospel days. 2d. These mountains of Israel are here said to have been always waste. It is more natural to suppose that this means the many centuThese passages, if properly attended|ries which will have transpired between to, afford pretty striking proof of a literal the expulsion of the Jews by the Romans return of Israel to Canaan. This will and their return in the Millennium, than appear by the two following remarks. suppose it refers to the period of the There are a number of things mentioned Babylonish captivity.

he left most of them there: but in this future restoration none of them are to be left behind.-(To be continued.)

concerning this land, and this people who j In the next chapter where the same are to be restored to it, which are calcusubject is continued, the Lord says, “ Į lated to make us understand them in the have gathered them unto their own land, literal sense. The land is said to be and have left none of them any more brought back from the sword, intimating there," i. e. among the uations whither that they were dispossessed of it by the he had driven them. When he gatherconquering sword of their enemies.ed them from the Babylonish captivity, Again, it is said to be gathered out of many people, referring probably to the many hands through which the holy land shall have passed. Again, this land is distinguished by being called the moun tains of Israel. After their restoration, it is called the land of unwalled villages. This appears like a literal description of the land immediately after their return to it, while as yet they have had no time

to build walls of defence. "Desolate

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For the Utica Christian Magazine,
Taken from a Common-place Book.
(Continued from No. 12, Vol. II. Page 380.)
No. 9. In a national war we cannot

have peace until the majority desire it
Individuals inay sigh for peace, and be


willing to accept of the terms on which world, however various, all have one it can be obtained; but if the nation are common nature; and all come from for war, the war must be continued. We God: “ With thee is the fountain of life." have cause to be thankful, that it is oth-Every river has its fountain : And all the erwise in our war with the king of heav-rivers of celestial enjoyment can be traen. He offers to make peace with ourced up to God, as their fountain. All whole world, if they will submit to the the rills, rivulets, brooks and rivers head terms which he proposes. "Look unto in the same place, even in God, the founme, and be ye saved, all the ends of the tain of living waters. Here bead all earth." If all the ends of the earth those over-flowing rivers of pleasures, would remember and turn unto God, he which so abundantly satisfy the exalted would be at peace with them all. But spirits of heaven. These rivers will rise any one nation, town, family, or individ-higher and higher to all eternity. O ual, may, separately from other nations, what an infinite, inexhaustible fountain towns, families and individuals, conclude there must be in God, to supply such an infinitely advantageous and lasting numerous and overflowing streams of peace with the offended Sovereign of bliss forever and ever! O let my conthe world. "Him that cometh" (even ceptions of the High and Holy One be if he come alone) "I will in no wise cast greatly enlarged! While on earth, let out." Let every child of Adam know, me have some sweet prelibation of those that if he has not become reconciled to rivers of pleasures which water the parGod it is his own fault. It is because adise of God! that he himself is in favor of keeping up the war with his Maker. If it were not so, earth and hell combined could not prevent his possessing the peace of God which passeth all understanding.

The following REPORT of the Revival of Religion in Princeton College, was presented to the board of Trustees, at their meeting, on the 4th day of April last, by Dr. Green, President or that Institution.


10. "And thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures. For with On this subject I have thought it my thee is the fountain of life." Ps. xxxvi. 8, duty to make a correct, though it must 9. The joys of heaven are all of the same [be a very summary, statement to the holy nature; but yet they are various. board; both because the subject is imThe pleasure, which a christian receives portant and interesting in itself, and befrom hearing the word preached, is difcause imperfect and erroneous accounts ferent from that which he receives in respecting it have been circulated. prayer, and yet they both partake of the For nearly a year past-that is, since same holy nature. Sometimes the saints the commencement of the last summer hold communion immediately with God session- a very large proportion of the himself-at other times they have com- students have attended on all the relimunion one with another, and are great-gious exercises and instructions of the ly delighted with each other's society. college with more than ordinary seriThus in heaven, there may be rivers of ousness: and the minds of some of them pleasures. There will be fellowship withas now appears, were ripening, through the triune God. Saints in heaven will this whole period, for what has since have the most intimate and endearing taken place. There was nothing more fellowship among themselves. It is not apparent, however, for six weeks after improbable, that in heaven every saint the commencement of the present seswill become very intimately acquainted||sion,* than an increase of this serious atwith every other saint. The pleasures tention to the religious duties of colof friendship will in that blessed world be * The winter session of the college commen. fully realized. There will be the pleas ces six weeks after the last Wednesday of Sepure of beholding divine glory-the pleas- ember, and continues till the first Thursday ure of adoring the Holy One, and chant-after the second Tuesday of April. The suming forth the praises of Him, who was mer session commences four weeks after the dead, and is alive, and liveth forever last Wednesday of September, which is the day last mentioned period, and continues till the more. These pleasures of the upper of the annual commencement.

It has already been intimated that this revival of religion commenced without noise, and without any other means. than those which had been a considerable time in use.

since hope bas, in some measure, succeeded to fear; I have had a favorable opportunity to enquire, and have attentively enquired, after the instrumental causes of this revival, as indicated by the views and feelings of the parties concerned. Four such causes appear to have had a manifest agency

lege; an increase both of the degree of which are stated and customary, but seriousness, and of the number of those those which are occasional, and the atin whom it was visible. Every reli- tendance on which is entirely voluntary. gious service, both on secular days and Thus, of the students who are now in on the sabbath, was attended with a so-the college, a majority* inay be viewlemnity which was sensible and impres-ed as hopefully pious; and a large prosive. In this manner the revival com-portion of the residue appear to posmenced, or rather became apparent, in sess much tenderness of conscience, and the 2d week of January, without any un-show a very desirable regard to religious usual occurrence in Providence, without duties and obligations. any alarming event, without any extrarodinary preaching, without any special instruction, or other means that might be supposed peculiarly adapted to interest the mind. The divine influence seem But having thought it ed to descend like the silent dew of my duty to converse with my pupils, as heaven; and in about four weeks there often as they requested it, at the time were very few individuals in the college when their minds were filled with anxedifice who were not deeply impressedious fears and enquiries; and also to exwith a sense of the importance ofspir amine them individually and carefully, itual and eternal things. There was scarcely a room-perhaps not onewhich was not a place of earnest secret devotion. For a time it appeared as if the whole of our charge was pressing into the kingdom of God; so that at length the inquiry, in regard to them, was, not who was engaged about religion? but who was not?-After this state of things 1. And chiefly, the study of the Holy had continued, without much variation, Scriptures ;† accompanied with comfor about two months, it became maniments on the portion read, and a practifest that a change was taking place.-cal application of the leading truths conSome were becoming confirmed in the tained in it. God has remarkably honorhopes and habits of evangelical piety;ed and blessed his own word. Strange some were yet serious, thoughtful and prayerful, though perhaps not in so great a degree, or at least not so apparently, as once they had been; while some were plainly loosing the impressions which they had lately felt. And such has continued to be the state of this interesting concern to the time of making this re port. The result is, that there are somewhat more than forty students, in regard For more than two years, the Holy Scrip to whom, so far as the time elapsed will tures had been made the subject of as regular permit us to judge, favorable hopes may ematics, or philosophy. The afternoon of the study and examination as the classics, the mathbe entertained that they have been made Lord's day was appropriated uniformly to the the subjects of renewing grace. Per- recitation of a certain number of the students, haps there are twelve or fifteen more, be prepared) on five chapters of the Bible, astaken promiscuously (for all were required to who still retain such promising impressigned to them the preceding week. The resions of religion as to authorize a hope citation was always accompanied with exposithat the issue, in regard to most of them, tions, critical remarks, and a practical applicamay be favorable. And nearly the tion. The exercise was concluded with prayer whole of the remainder show a great and singing, and was considerded as the afterreadiness to attend on all the social ex-morning, public worship, in the usual form noon religious service of the college. In the ercises of religion; not only on those was celebrated.

as it may seem, this study of the Bible has always been a favorite one among the youth of the college, not excepting the most gay and dissipated. Pains have, indeed, been taken to render it interest

* The whole number of students in the classes of the college is one hundred and five; of whom twelve were professors of religion when the revival began.

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ing; but the degree in which it has been 3. The effect of moral discipline has so, has been truly surprising. And unbeen manifestly favorable to this revival. der the divine blessing, it has served to This discipline, vigorously and vigilantenlighten and instruct the youth in their ly maintained, has preserved the youth, duty; it has rendered their minds sol-generally, from those practices, habits emn and tender, beyond what they and vicious indulgences, which counterwere themselves aware of at the time; act, dissipate, and destroy all serious and it has given them a deep reverence for religious impressions. It has had an influthe truths of divine revelation; it has ence in preventing that hardness of heart qualified them to hear preaching with and insensibility of conscience, which are advantage; and at length revealed truth the natural and usual effects of unrestrainhas, we trust, been powefully and effec-ed vice. It has formed a practical testitually applied to their consciences, by mony against the moral vileness of sevethe Spirit, by whom it was indited. ral things which youth are apt to consid2. The circumstances in which theer, if not as entirely innocent, yet, as evistudents have lately attended on public dences of manliness and spirit. After worship have been peculiarly favorable many efforts to resist these effects of to their religious improvement. They have worshipped, in consequence of the burning of the church in this place, in the prayer hall of the college, for more than two years past. For about eighteen months they have worshipped separately from the people of the town; and have, with the theological students, who joined them partially at first and generally of late, formed an audience or congregation by themselves. This has given an opportunity, which has been carefully improved, to choose such subjects and adapt such a manner, in preaching to them, as appeared best calculated to arrest their attention. Appropriate addresses have frequently been made, and the service has, in all respects, been con ducted with a special view to their advantage and religious edification. In these circumstances, they have felt an unusual interest in the solemnities of the sanctuary-they have felt that they were the parties directly and particularly concerned in these solemnities; and the good effects of this sentiment have been 4. The few pious youth who were incalculably great, and were very ap-members of college before the revival parent before the revival was visible. Inwere happily instrumental in promoting a word, this mode of conducting public it. They had, for more than a year, worship must be considered as having been a powerful instrumental cause, both in producing an awakened attention to religion at first, and in cherishing it thro' the whole of its progress.

In the month of February 1813, a Bible Society was instituted in the college, composed of the literary and theological students indiscriminately. It has been very active in distributing Bibles, gratuitously, especially to the soldiers and sailors of our country.

discipline, by the least virtuous part of the college, the attempt was seen to be vain; and it was clearly perceived that the effects mentioned were sensibly felt, by the great mass of the students, before the revival. It was also very noticeable that the revival made its appearance with an act of discipline. A student (one of three dismissed at the same time) was almost immediately seized with a remorse of conscience and anguish of mind that were very affecting-He has since become hopefully pious. But before any thing of this was known in the college, the remarks which were made when the dismission of the three students was announced, seemed to produce a powerful effect on a number; and during that week feelings and exercises which had, in a certain degree, long existed in secret, could no longer be concealed.-Nearly at the same time, an admonition, given in private, was remarkably blessed to the individual concerned.

been earnestly engaged in prayer for this event. When they perceived the general and increasing seriousness which has been noticed, several of them made an agreement to speak, privately and tenderly, to their particular friends and acquaintance, on the subject of religion: And what they said was, in almost every instance, not only well received, but those with whom they conversed be

same immediately and earnestly engag- the means used to cherish it, to guard it, and to direct it, I shall conclude my report on this subject with a few short remarks, offered with a view to give a correct apprehension of its nature and character.

ed in those exercises which, it is hoped, have issued in genuine piety. A public profession of religion, made by two of the students who had been a good while thoughtful, had also, at this time, much influence, apparently, both in producing and deepening impressions in many judge, remarkable free from extravagance and enthusiasm. I know of noth


I. It has been, so far as I am able to

The special means made use of toing, in regard to this revival, that I think promote and cherish this revival, besides would be called extravagant or enthusithe circumstances already mentioned, astic, by any one who really believes in were the following-A short address on the great doctrines of the protestant rethe subject of religion was made, after formation. Particular pains were early prayers, on every Saturday evening. taken to guard against the evil here conIn preaching on the Lord's day morn-templated; and, by the divine blessing, ing, subjects were selected suited to the they have been made so successful that existing state of the college-in this par- I am not acquainted with a single inciticular we are deeply indebted to the dent or occurrence, indicative of intemTheological professors, who have gen-perate feeling or conduct, that we are erally conducted the morning service. called to regret.

A particular reference was often made 2. There has been no sectarian spirit to the religious attention which had been accompanying or mingling with this reexcited among the students, in the re-vival. There are students in the colmarks which accompanied their bible lege belonging to four or five different recitations. A weekly lecture, intend-denominations of christians. At first, ed for the students exclusively, was there appeared to be some apprehengiven by myself, on every Tuesday sion in the minds of those who were not evening. A social prayer meeting was presbyterians, lest they should be drawn held, on every Friday evening, at which into a union with this denomination, if one of the Theological professors com-they yielded to the sentiments and feelmonly made an address. A family ings which began to be prevalent. But prayer meeting (as the students called it) I told them, in the first address that I was, every evening, held among them-made to them on a Tuesday evening, selves, at which a large proportion of the that it was my fixed purpose to inculwhole college attended. Smaller and more select associations for prayer were also formed. The individuals whose minds were anxious and labouring, were as often as they requested it, carefully conversed and prayed with in private-tians, but that I had no wish to make a in this service I am to acknowledge the single proselyte. This, I believe, reassistance received from the professors moved every apprehension-and the inof the seminary, from their pupils, and timation then given has been sacredly from the pious students of the college: regarded. Not a single thing has bee Finally, writings of approved character, said by myself, nor, I am persuaded, by on doctrinal and practical religion, were the Theological professors who have pointed out and recommended to the preached to them that has had any inperusal of the students; and a short sys-tentional tendency toward proselytism. tem of questions and counsel, which I On the contrary, every thing has been herewith submit, was drawn up by my-general. The great catholic doctrines self, for the use of those who began to of the gospel have been exclusively incherish the hope that they had entered culcated. It is believed that there is not on a life of practical piety.

Having thus mentioned the chief instrunicntal causes of this revival, and

cate no doctrine or tenet that was not found in all the public orthodox creeds of protestant Christendom-that I was indeed earnestly desirous that they should all become real practical chris

an individual of the college who would, if questionred, complain that he has, in any instance, felt himself pressed with

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