What Is the Time?Xulon Press, 2007 - 288 pages What is the Time? - "A Prophetic Alert" is timely and divinely inspired and covers a basic history of the Jewish people. In the Old Testament God uses numbers in the timing of events to illustrate order, purpose and sovereignty in events. (2 Timothy 3:16) the lives of kings, prophets, judges; judgments and blessings are all divine. The amazing connections are revealed in this book! The unfolding of current world events and their significance to the end times in the fulfillment of Bible prophecies are explained. The current world situations of wars, natural disasters, the parting of the Jewish land, global warming, the preaching of the Gospels to all nations and Iran's threat to Israel are all signs that we are at the end of this dispensation. Are you part of the generation who is going to rejoice in the coming of Christ? Time to look up.for your redemption draweth nigh! Keithlind Bynoe was born on the Caribbean Island of St Vincent. He gave his life to Christ on 04/04/04 and was baptized on the 29th of May. On the 17th August 2004 (80 days or two forty day periods after his baptism) Keithlind received a prophetic dream. The main areas of the dream were Israel, the numbers 1967 and 40. Other prophetic dreams, visions, words of wisdom and words of knowledge from God have led him to write the contents in this book. He is a Business and Math teacher. He is an usher, intercessory prayer warrior, ministers to youths and has a passion for lost souls and also does street and house-to-house ministering. He is the host of a Sunday morning radio broadcast on a local station (Total FM 100.5). Keithlind has been called to speak prophetically to nations particularly regarding end times and Bible prophecies. |
Introduction | vii |
Chapter 1 | 15 |
Chapter 2 | 23 |
Chapter 4 | 53 |
Chapter 5 | 73 |
Chapter 8 | 113 |
Chapter 9 | 125 |
Chapter 11 | 139 |
The Bible and the number | 149 |
The number forty today | 175 |
Spiritual order | 191 |
The vision of the image | 235 |
The Kingdom when David | 269 |
Common terms and phrases
Abraham Angel antichrist Apostles beast became behold believe Bible book of Revelation captivity Chapter Children of Israel chosen Christians church covenant cricket Daniel David death demonic destroy devil disciples dream earth Egypt Esau European Union Exodus father flood forty days fulfilled Gaza Gaza Strip Genesis Gentile God's Gospel heaven Holy Spirit interpretation Iran Isaac Ishmael Jacob Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jewish Jewish lands Jews Joseph judge judgment Kings Lamb living Lord Luke Matthew Millennium Kingdom millennium reign Moses nation Nebuchadnezzar Noah Noah's Palestinians peace persons promised prophecy prophetic Psalm rapture received reign of Christ Remember repent Revelation righteous Romans ruled ruler-ship Satan scripture seven seventy sins six day war take place temple thee Thessalonians things thou thousand year reign throne thy seed tion tribulation period twelve twelve Apostles ungodly unto verse vision weapons wilderness words world's population worship