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sic-The spirit of piety essential-The approbation of

Calvin, Baxter, Wesley-The experience of all Christen-

dom for fifteen centuries, and the greater part of it to this

day in favor of liturgies-The testimony of those who have

tried both modes-Conclusion.

LECTURE VIII. Government necessary in all the relations of

the social state--Church government a subject which

ought to interest every Christian-Our system misrepre-

sented as being unscriptural, Popish, hostile to liberty, and

out of character with republican institutions-Four kinds

of Church government-The Episcopalian is the middle

between extremes-The general ground of the Episcopal

doctrine on this subject-The patriarchal system-The

Aaronic priesthood-The Saviour, the Apostles, and the

Seventy-The Apostles, the Presbyters, and the Deacons

The Apostles closed their labours by putting men in their

own office to ordain and govern particular districts-Coun-

cils assembled in cases of difficulty-The progress of Po-

pery after the time of Constanstine-The Church of Eng-

land and the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United

States possess the ecclesiastical government of the primi-

tive system, the latter being reformed to the earliest mo-

del. Objections of Dr. Miller, the champion of Presbyte-

rianism, discussed and refuted in their order-His error

with respect to the Apostolic commission-Futility of the

argument derived from the interchange of the names bishop

and presbyter--Error of his assertion that the government

of the Church was committed to Presbyters-Error of his

assertion that presbyters ordained-Error of his assertion

that the synagogue was the model of the Christian Church

-General view of the priestly office-The true analogy of

the Church is to be sought for in the Aaronic priesthood-

Buxtorf on the Jewish synagogue-Testimony of Scripture

directly opposed to Dr. Miller's hypothesis-Leading princi-

ples of the priesthood designed to be the lasting heritage of

the redeemed--Correspondence of the threefold ministry
with spiritual principle.

LECTURE IX. The testimony of the primitive Church in fa-
vour of the Episcopal system-Irenæus-Tertullian--Cyp-
rian-Extent of the bishoprick of Rome in the time of Cyp-
rian-Eusebius' testimony of the state of the Church prior
to the conversion of Constantine--Calvin's praise of prim-
itive Episcopacy-Contrast between Calvin and his suc-
cessors on this subject-Luther and Melancthon on Epis-
copacy-Le Clerc on Episcopacy-Grotius on the same--

LECTURE X. The accordance of the government of the
Protestant Episcopal Church, with republican principle-
The Federal unity of the Church--The districts allotted to
the bishops--The official character of a bishop, threefold,
including that of a father, of a governor and of a judge--
The term father explained--It is a name of love--but has
no connexion with power-The office of governor defined--
That of judge demonstrated more at large, first from the
reasonableness of such an office in every government of law
and order, secondly from Scripture--Proved from the Epis-
tles to Timothy and Titus--from the Apocalypse--from the
Apostolic succession--Cyprian quoted on this point-Cal-
vin's admission of the same principle--Bohmer's state-
ment of the canon law on the same--Hooker-Jeremy
Taylor--Archbishop Potter on the same-Power of the
Diocesan and General Conventions-Difference in this re-
spect between the Church of England and the American
system of Episcopacy-The responsibility of bishops is
the same with the responsibility of the civil judge-Con-
trast between the Episcopal and the Roman system-In-
justice of classing them together-Conclusion.
LECTURE XI. Importance of Christian unity-Difficulty at-
tending the common methods of attempting it--No unity

of people without unity of ministers-This is impossible in
the present distracted state of religious sentiment-Illus-
trations of this position-Folly of attempting to effect un-
ion with other denominations by departing from the rules of
the Church-Bigotry and intolerance condemned-But
zeal and frankness in the defence of religious truth are es-
sential--What is the course of duty in the selection of our
Church, under the difficulties of sectarian discord-We
must try the claims of each sect by the Apostolic rule, and
chuse accordingly--The idea of the restoration of primi-
itive unity pursued-How it seems alone possible to ac-
complish such a result-A reverie on this subject-Conclu-


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