However, see your search be legal, Else you are come on a fool's errand, With but a secretary's warrant. Besides, you promised me three warnings, Which I have looked for nights and mornings; But for that loss of time and ease I can recover damages. I know, cries Death, that at the best, I have been lame these four years past. This is a shocking story, faith, Yet there's some comfort still, says Death; I warrant you have all the news. There's none, cries he, and if there were, Nay then, the spectre stern rejoin'd, If you are lame, and deaf, and blind, Yields to his fate so ends my tale. THE STREATHAM PORTRAITS. MADAME D'ARBLAY'S description of the Streatham Portraits will be the best preface to the following verses on them: "Mrs. Thrale and her eldest daughter were in one piece, over the fire-place (of the library), at full length. The rest of the pictures were all threequarters. Mr. Thrale was over the door leading to his study. The general collection then began by Lord Sandys and Lord Westcote (Lyttelton), two early noble friends of Mr. Thrale. Then followed Dr. Johnson, Mr. Burke, Dr. Goldsmith, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Garrick, Mr. Baretti, Sir Robert Chambers, and Sir Joshua Reynolds himself all painted in the highest style of this great master, who much delighted in this his Streatham gallery. There was place left but for one more frame when the acquaintance with Dr. Burney began at Streatham." The whole of them were sold by auction in the spring of 1816. According to Mrs. Piozzi's marked catalogue, they fetched respectively the following prices, which appear to vary according to the celebrity of the subjects, and to make small account of the pictures considered as works of art: "Lord Sandys, 36l. 15s. (Lady Downshire); Lord Lyttelton, 43. 18. (Mr. Lyttelton, his son); Mrs. Piozzi and her daughter, 817. 188. (S. Boddington, Esq., a rich merchant); Gold smith (duplicate of the original), 133l. 78. (Duke of Bedford); Sir J. Reynolds, 128l. 28. (R. Sharp, Esq., M.P.); Sir R. Chambers, 841. (Lady Chambers, his widow); David Garrick, 183l. 15s. (Dr. Charles Burney); Baretti, 317. 10s. (Stewart, Esq., I know not who); Dr. Burney, 841. (Dr. C. Burney, his son); Edmund Burke, 2521. (R. Sharp, Esq., M.P.); Dr. Johnson, 3787. (Watson Taylor, Esq.), by whom for Mr. Murphy was offered 102l. 188., but I bought it in." In 1780 Reynolds raised the price of his portraits (three-quarter size) from thirty-five to fifty guineas, which, Mrs. Piozzi complains, made the Streatham portraits in many instances cost more than they fetched, as she had to pay for them after Mr. Thrale's death at the increased price. Her own prefatory remarks are : "With the dismal years 1772 and 1773 ended much of my misery, no doubt. The recollection of the sweet and saint-like manner in which my incomparable mother meekly laid down her temporal existence, sweetened the loss of her who I shall see no more in this world, and whose situation in the next will probably be too high for my most fervent aspirations. The loss of our dear boy fell so heavy on my husband, that it became my duty to endure it courageously, and shake away as much of the weight as it was possible. Among other efforts to amuse myself and my eldest daughter, now my daily companion, and a charming one, but never partial to a mother who sought in vain to obtain her friendship, was a fancy I took of writing little paltry verse characters of the gentlemen who sate for their portraits in the library, and of whose sittings I was cruelly impatient. No wonder when such calamity was hanging over our heads as is mentioned in the last volume. Let that reflection make you hesitate in censuring the satirical vein which perhaps does run through them all: I. LORD SANDYS appears first, at the head of the tribe, But flat insipidity who can describe? When such parents and wife as might check even Form family compacts his progress to hinder: II. Next him on the right hand, see Lyttelton hang; grains. |