MISCELLANIES OR ORIGINAL COMPOSITIONS IN PROSE AND VERSE.* THE THREE WARNINGS. A TALE. THE tree of deepest root is found Least willing still to quit the ground; Twas therefore said by ancient sages, That love of life increased with years. So much, that in our latter stages, This great affection to believe, Which all confess but few perceive, Be pleased to hear a modern tale. When sports went round, and all were gay, * Under this head I have printed only those which were found detached. The majority of her fugitive pieces and occasional verses are contained in the Letters. Death call'd aside the jocund groom, And looking grave, You must, says he, His hour glass tumbled while he spoke, To give you time for preparation, In hopes you'll have no more to say What next the hero of our tale befell, How long he lived, how wise, how well, He chaffer'd then, he bought, he sold, His friends not false, his wife no shrew, But while he view'd his wealth increase, The beaten track content he trod, Brought him on his eightieth year. Th' unwelcome messenger of fate 'Tis six-and-thirty years at least, So much the worse, the clown rejoin'd, To spare the aged would be kind; |