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<a Timotheus or a Terpander ?" Having faid this, he retired with the utmost Exultation in himfelf, and Contempt of his Brother; and, it is faid, behaved that night with fuch unusual haughtiness to his family, that they all had reafon to wifh for fome ancient Tibicen to calm his Temper.


Rhetorick, Logick, and Metaphyficks.

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Ornelius having (as hath been faid) many ways been disappointed in his attempts of improving the bodily Forces of his fon, thought it now high time to apply to the Culture of his Internal faculties. He judged it proper in the first place to inftruct him in Rhetorick. But herein we fhall not need to give the Reader any account of his wonderful progrefs, fince it is already known to the learned world by his Treatife on this fubject: I mean the admirable Difcourfe Пe Bates, which he wrote at this time, but conceal'd from his Father, knowing his extreme partiality for the Ancients. It lay by him concealed, and perhaps forgot among the great multiplicity of other Writings, till, about the year 1727, he fent it us to be printed, with many additional examples drawn from the excellent live Poets of this prefent age. We proceed therefore to Logick and Metaphyficks.

The wife Cornelius was convinced, that these being Polemical Arts, could no more be learned alone, than Fencing or Cudgel-playing. He thought it therefore neceffary to look out for fome Youth of pregnant parts, to be a fort of humble Companion to his fon in thofe ftudies. His good fortune directed him to one of the moft fingular endow6


ments, whofe name was Conradus Crambe, who by the father's fide was related to the Crouches of Cambridge, and his mother was Cousin to Mr. Swan, Gamester and Punfter of the City of London. So that from both parents he drew a natural difpofition to sport himself with Words, which as they are faid to be the counters of wife Men, and ready-money of Fools, Crambe had great store of cash of the latter fort. Happy Martin in fuch a Parent, and such a Companion! What might not he atchieve in Arts and Sciences.

Here I must premife a general obfervation of great benefit to mankind. That there are many people who have the ufe only of one Operation of the Intellect, tho' like fhort-fighted men, they can hardly difcover it themselves: They can form fingle apprehenfions, but have neither of the other two faculties, the judicium or difcurfus. Now as it is wifely ordered, that people deprived of one fenfe have the others in more perfection, fuch people will form fingle Ideas with a great deal of vivacity; and happy were. it indeed if they would confine themselves to fuch, without forming judicia, much lefs argumentations.

Cornelius quickly discovered, that these two laft operations of the intellect were very weak in Martin, and almoft totally extinguifhed in Crambe; however he used to fáy, that Rules of Logick are Spectacles to a purblind understanding, and therefore he refolved to proceed with his two Pupils.

Martin's understanding was fo totally immers'd in fenfible objects, that he demanded examples from

* When a learned Friend once urged to our Author the Authority of a famous Dictionary-maker against the latinity of the expreffion amor publicus, which he had ufed in an infcription, he replied, that he would allow a Dictionary-maker to understand a fingle word, but not two words put together.



Material things of the abftracted Ideas of Logick: As for Crambe, he contented himself with the Words, and when he could but form fome conceit upon them, was fully fatisfied. Thus Crambe would tell his Inftructor, that All men were not fingular; that Individuality could hardly be prædicated of any man, for it was commonly faid that a man is not the fame, he was, that madmen are befide themselves, and drunken men come to themfelves; which fhows, that few men have that most valuable logical endowment, Individuality +. Cornelius told Martin that a fhoulder of mutton was an individual, which Crambe denied, for he had feen it cut into commons: That's true (quoth the Tutor) but you never faw it cut into fhoulders of mutton: If it could (quoth Crambe) it would be the most lovely individual of the University. When he was told, a fubftance was that which was fubject to accidents; then Soldiers (quoth Crambe) are the moft fubftantial people in the world. Neither would he allow it to be a good definition of accident, that it could be prefent or abfent without the deftruction of the fubject; fince there are a great many accidents that deftroy the fubject, as burning does a house, and death a man. But as to that, Cornelius informed him, that there was a natural death, and a logical death; that though a man after

+"But if it be poffible for the fame man to have di"ftinct incommunicable confcioufnefs at different times, "it is without doubt the fame man would at different "times make different perfons. Which we fee is the "fenfe of mankind in not punishing the mad man for "the fober man's actions, nor the fober man for what "the mad man did, thereby making them two perfons; which is fomewhat explained by our way of fpeaking "in English, when they fay fuch an one is not himself, or is befides himself." Locke's Effay on Hum. Underft. B. ii, c. 27.

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his natural death was not capable of the least parishoffice, yet he might still keep his Stall amongst the logical prædicaments.

Cornelius was forced to give Martin fenfible images; thus calling up the Coachman he afked him what he had feen at the Bear-garden? the man answered, he saw two men fight a prize; one was a fair man, a Sergeant in the Guards; the other black, a Butcher; the Sergeant had red Breeches, the Butcher blue; they fought upon a Stage about four o'clock, and the Sergeant wounded the Butcher in the leg. "Mark (quoth Cor"nelius) how the fellow runs through the prædi"caments. Men, fubftantia; two, quantitas ; fair

and black, qualitas; Sergeant and Butcher, ret "latio; wounded the other, aclio & pafio: fight"ing, fitus; Stage, ubi; two a Clock, quando; "blue and red Breeches, habitus." At the fame time he warn'd Martin, that what he now learn'd as a Logician, he must forget as a natural Philofopher; that tho' he now taught them that accidents inher'd in the fubject, they would find in time there was no fuch thing; and that colour, taste, fmell, heat, and cold, were not in the things, but only phantafms of our brains. He was forced to let them into this fecret, for Martin could not conceive how a habit of dancing inher'd in a dancingmafter, when he did not dance; nay, he would demand the Characteristicks of Relations: Crambe used to help him out by telling him, a Cuckold, a lofing gamefter, a man that had not din'd, a young heir that was kept fhort by his father, might be all known by their countenance; that, in this last cafe, the Paternity and Filiation leave very fenfible impreffions in the relatum and correlatum. greatest difficulty was when they came to the Tenth prædicament: Crambe affirmed, that his habitus was more a fubftance than he was; for his cloaths



could better fubfift without him, than he without his cloaths.

Martin fuppofed an Univerfal Man to be like a Knight of a Shire or a Burgefs of a Corporation, that represented a great many Individuals. His Father ask'd him, if he could not frame the Idea of an Univerfal Lord Mayor? Martin told him, that, never having feen but one Lord Mayor, the Idea of that Lord Mayor always returned to his mind; that he had great difficulty to abstract a Lord Mayor from his Fur Gown, and Gold Chain; nay, that the horse he saw the Lord Mayor ride upon not a little difturbed his imagination. On the other hand Crambe, to fhow himself of a more penetrating genius, fwore that he could frame a conception of a Lord Mayor not only without his Horse, Gown, and Gold Chain, but even without Stature, Feature, Colour, Hands, Head, Feet, or any Body; which he fuppofed was the abftract of a Lord Mayor . Cornelius told him that he was a lying Rafcal; that an Univerfale was not the object of imagination, and that there was no fuch thing in reality, or a parte Rei. But I can prove (quoth Crambe) that there are Clyfters a parte Rei, but Clyfters are univerfales; ergo. Thus I prove my Minor. Quod aptum eft ineffe multis, is an univerfale by definition: but every clyfter before it is adminiftred has that quality; therefore every clyfter is an univerfale.

He alfo found fault with the Advertisements, that they were not ftrict logical definitions: In an advertisement of a Dog stolen or ftrayed, he said it ought to begin thus, An irrational animal of the

This is not a fair reprefentation of what is faid in the Effay on Human Underft. concerning general and abfract ideas. But ferious writers have done that Philofopher the fame injuftice.

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