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Dash, v. to strike against, rush; n. a
blow; mark thus (-)
Date, v. to note the precise time; n.
a point of time; a fruit
Daughter, n. a female offspring
Dawn, v. to grow light; n. beginning
Day, n. the time between the rising
and setting of the sun
Dazzle, v. to overpower with light
Dead, a. deprived of life, dull
Dead'en, v. to weaken

Deaf, a. wanting the sense of hearing
Deaf en, v. to make deaf, stupify
Deal, n. quantity; v. to trade, give
Dear, a. beloved; costly
Death, n. the extinction of life
De base', v. to degrade, lessen
Dè bil'i tỷ, n. weakness, languor
Debt, n. that which is another's due
De cay', n. decline; v. to consume
De cease', v. to die; n. death, demise
Dè cèit', n. fraud, artifice

Dè cèit ful, a. full of deceit, false
Dè cèit'fül ness, n. deceit, fraud
Dè cèive', v. to cheat, mislead
Dè'cên cý, n. propriety, modesty
Dè'cênt, a. becoming, suitable
Dè cêp'tion, n. a deceiving, fraud
Dè cide', v. to determine, settle

Dè fine', v. to explain, limit
De form', v. to disfigure, mar
Dè fray', v. to bear charges
De fy, v. to challenge, dare
Dè gen'êr åte, a. unworthy, base; v.
to decay in virtue

De gråde', v. to place lower, lessen
Dè grée', n. quality, class; the 360th
part of a circle; 60 miles
Deign, v. to vouchsafe, grant
De'i tý, n. God, the Divine Being
Dè jèct', v. to cast down, grieve
Dè jèction, n. melancholy, lowness
Dè lay', v. to put off; n. a deferring
Dè liber åte, a. circumspect, slow; v.
to think, muse

Dè lib êr à'tion, n. consultation
Del'i cå cý, n. daintiness, nicety
Del'i càte, a. dainty, nice, polite
Dè l'cious, a. sweet, pleasant
Dè light', n. joy; v. to please
De light/ful, a. pleasant

Dè lin'è åte, v. to design, sketch
Dè lin'quent, n. an offender
Dè lir'i ům, n. alienation of mind
Dè liv'êr, v. to resign; pronounce
Dè liver ance, n. freedom; utterance
De liver ý, n. release; utterance
Dell, n. a pit, valley, cavity

De cis ion, [dè sizh'ůn] n. determina-Dè lùde', v. to cheat, deceive
tion of a difference

De cl'sive, a. terminating, final
Deck, n. floor of a ship; v. to adorn
Dêc lå må tion, n. a speech, discourse
Dè clare', v. to make known

Dè clen'sion, n. variation of nouns;
decay, declination

Dec li na'tion, n. descent; decay
Dè cline', v. to lean; to decay; to vary
words; n. a decay

Dêc o ra'tion, n. ornament, dress
Dè crease', v. to grow less; n. decay
Dè crèe', n. a law; v. to appoint
Dèd'i cåte, v. to consecrate, inscribe
Dè dù'ci ble, a. what may be inferred
Deed, n. an action; a writing
Deem, v. to judge, conclude
Deep, a. far to the bottom
Deer, n. a forest animal
Dè fam'å tår ŷ, a. slanderous
De feat', n. overthrow; v. to frus-
Dè fect', n. a fault, blemish
Bè fèctive, a. imperfect, faulty
Dè fence', n. guard, protection
Dè fènd', v. to protect, vindicate
Dè fer', v. to put off, delay
Dêfêr ênce, n. regard, submission
De fi'ânce, n. a challenge


De fi cien cy, [dè fish'èn sè] n. defect
De ficient, a. defective, wanting
De file', v. to make foul, pollute

Del'uge, n. a flood, v. to overwhelm
De ln sion, [dè là'zhan] n. errour
De lu'sive, a. apt to deceive
Dè mând', n. a claim; v. to claim
Dè mèa'nour, n. carriage, behaviour
Dè'mon, n. an evil spirit, devil
Dè mon/strå ble, a. that which may
be proved beyond doubt
De mon'strate, v. to prove
Dêm on strå'tion, n. real proof
Dên, n. a cavern, hole, valley
Dè n'ål, n. refusal, negation
Dè nom i nå'tion, n. a title, name
Dè note', v. to mark, point out
De ny, v. to contradict, refuse
Dè párt', v. to go away; die
De part ment, n. separate office, duty
Dè par'tùre, [t like tsh] n. going away
De pênd', v. to hang from; rely on
De pên'dance, n. connexion, trust
De pên dånt, n. a depender
Dè pen'dence, n. reliance, trust
De pên'dent, a. hanging from
Dè plo'rå ble, a. miserable, sad
De plore', v. to lament, bewail
De port'ment, n. behaviour, conduct
Dè pos'i tår ý, n. one with whom a
thing is lodged

Dè práve, v. to corrupt, vitiate
De pravi tý, n. corruption
Dè prèss', v. to humble, cast down

Dè près'sion, n. dejection, lowness
De prive', v. to take from, debar
Depth, n. deepness, abstruseness
De ride', v. to ridicule, mock
Dè rive', v. to deduce, take from
Des'cant, n. a song; discourse
Dès cant', v. to discourse; sing
Dè scend, v. to come down, sink
Dè scên'dant, n. an offspring
De scent', n. a declivity; birth
De scribe', v. to represent by words
De scriber, n. one who describes
De scription, n. the act of describing
De scrip'tive, a. tending to describe
Dês'êrt, n. a wilderness; a. wild
Dè sèrt', v. to forsake; n. merit
Dè sèr'ter, n. one who deserts
Dè sèrve', v. to merit good or ill
Dè sign', n. intention; v. to plan
Dè stre', v. to wish; n. a wish
De si'rous, a. eager, full of desire
Dès'ò låte, a. solitary; v. to lay waste
Dès à là'tion, n. destruction

Di'ål, n. a plate on which a hand
shows the hour of the day
Di'å logue, n. a conversation between
two or more persons

Di'å månd, n. a valuable gem
Di'å ry, n. a daily account, journal
Dic'tate, v. to instruct; n. a rule.
Dic'tion, n. style, language
Dic'tion à ry, n. a book explaining the
words of a language
Di dåc'tick, a. perceptive
Die, v. to lose life, perish
Differ ence, n. disagreement
Differ ent, a. unlike, contrary
Diffi cult, a. not easy, hard
Diffi cul tý, n. distress, perplexity
Dif'fi dence, n. want of confidence
Diffi dent, a. distrustful, bashful
Diffuse', v. to pour out, scatter
Diffuse', a. copious, scattered, full
Dig, v. to turn up, cultivate
Dig'ni fy, v. to advance, exalt
Dig'ni tỷ, n. grandeur, rank, honour

De spåir', n. hopelessness, despon-Di låte, v. to extend, widen

dence; v. to be without hope
Dès'pè råte, a. without hope
Dès pi cå ble, a. contemptible
De spise', v to scorn, contemn
Dè spon'dênt. a. dejected
Dès ti nå'tion, n. purpose intended
Dès tine, v. to doom, appoint
Dês'ti táte, a. forsaken, in want
De stroy, v. to lay waste; kill
Dè struc'tion, n. ruin, murder
De struc'tive, a. that which destroys
Dè tåch', v. to separate, divide
Dè tàin', v. to withhold, stop
Dè têct', v. to discover, reveal
Dè tèc'tér, n. one who detects
De ter ml nå'tion, n. decision
Dẻ têr mîne, v. to decide, fix
Dè test', v. to hate, abhor
De tract', v. to derogate, slander
Dè tråc'têr, n. one who detracts
Dêt'ri ment, n. loss, damage, harm
Dè'vi åte, v. to wander, err
Dè vi å'tion, n. a swerving, offence
De vice', n. a contrivance; emblem
Dev'il ish, a. wicked, diabolical
Dè'vi oùs, a. erring, wandering
De vise', v. to contrive, invent
Dè void, a. void, empty, vacant
Dè vote', v. to dedicate, give up
Dè vo'tion, n. worship, piety
Dè vour', v. to eat ravenously
De vout, a. pious, religious
De voút lý. ad. piously, religiously
Dew, [da] n. a thin cold vapour
Dew drop, [da'drop] n. drop of dew
Dew y, [du'è] a. like dew; moist
Dex terl tỷ, n activity, art

Dil'å tory, a. tardy, slow
Dil'i gênce, n. industry, care
Dil'i gent, a. persevering, not idle
Dim, a. dark, not clear

Di men'sion, n. bulk, capacity
Dî min'ish, v. to impair, lessen
Di min'à tive, a. small, little
Din, n. a continued sound, noise; v. to
stun with noise, bawl
Dine, v. to eat, or give a dinner
Din'ner, n. the chief meal of the day
Dip, v. to immerge, sink; engage
Dire, a. dreadful, dismal

Di rect', v. to order; a. plain
Di rêc'tion, n. an order, rule, aim
Dire/fül, a. horrible, dreadful
Dis åd vån'tåge, n. loss, injury
Dis å grèe', v. to differ, quarrel
Dis å grée à ble, a. unpleasing
Dis åp pèar', v. to vanish, be lost
Dis ap point', v. to defeat, balk
Dis åp point'ment, n. a defeat
Dis ås'ter, n. misfortune, grief
Dis ås trois, a. unlucky, gloomy
Dis à vow', v. to disown, deny
Dis cern', [c like z] v. to see
Dis cern'ment, [c like z] n. judgement
Dis charge', v. to dismiss; to emit;

n. emission, explosion; a dismission
Dis ci'ple, n. a scholar; a follower
Dis'ci pline, n. rule, regulation; v. to
educate, reform, chastise
Dis close', v. to reveal, tell
Dis colour, v. to change colour
Dis com pose', v. to disorder, offend
Dis con'sò låte, a. sorrowful, sad
Dis con tent', n.trouble; displease

Dis'cord, n. disagreement
Dis cor'dant, a. inconsistent
Dis coun'tè nânce, v. to discourage
Dis courage, [å like i] v. to dissuade
Dis courage ment, [å like ?] n. deter-
ment, cause of fear

Dis rẻ gård', n. neglect; v. to slight
Dis rè spêct', n. rudeness, incivility
Dis robe', v. to uncover, undress
Dis såt is fac'tion, n. discontent
Dis såt is fỳ, v. to displease
Dis sêm'ble, v. to play the hypocrite
Dis sen'sion, n. disagreement
Dis sim à la'tion, n. a dissembling
Dis solve', v. to melt, separate
Dis suåde', v. to advise contrarily
Dis'tance, n. space, remoteness; v.
to leave behind; to cast off
Dis'tant, a. remote in time or place
Dis têm'pêr, n. disease; v. to disease
Dis til', v. to drop or flow gently
Dis tinct', a. clear; different
Dis tinc'tion, n. difference; quality
Dis tinct'ness, n. plainness
Dis tin'guish, v. to discern; honour
Dis tin'guish à ble, a. discernible
Dis tort, v. to writhe, twist
Dis trâct', v. to make mad, divide
Dis tråc'tion, n. madness, confusion
Dis trèss', n. misery; v. to afflict
Dis trèss/fül, a. full of trouble
Dis trib'ute, v. to divide, deal out
Dis tri bù'tion, n. a distributing
dis-Dis trust'v. to disbelieve ;n.suspicion
Dis trust fül, a. apt to distrust
Dis turb', v. to interrupt
Dis tår bånce, n. perplexity
Dis use', v. to disaccustom
Dis use', n. cessation of use

Dis course', n. conversation ; v. to talk
Dis cover, v. to espy; disclose
Dis cover ý, n. the act of finding
Dis crèd'it, v. not to believe; to dis-
grace; n. ignominy, reproach
Dis crèet', a. prudent, modest
Dis cretion, n. prudence, caution
Dis crim'i nate, v. to mark
Dis cuss', v. to argue; disperse
Dis cus'sion, n. examination
Dis dàin', v. to scorn; n. contempt
Dis dain ful, a. haughty, scornful
Dis èase', n. sickness; v. to afflict
Dis êm bår råss, v. to free, clear
Dis en tån'gle, v. to disengage
Dis grace', n. loss of favour, reproach;
v. to dishonour, dismiss
Dis gulse', v. to conceal; n. pretence
Dis gust', v. to offend; n. aversion
Dish, n. a vessel to serve up food in
Dis hồn es tỷ, [ê like f] n. knavery
Dis hôn'oår, n. reproach; v. to
grace, to treat with indignity
Dis honour à ble, a. base, vile
Dis in ter', v. to unbury
Dis in'tèr és ted, a. void of self-inter-
Dis joint'ed, pa. separated


Dis like', n. aversion; v. to hate
Dis'mål, a. sorrowful, gloomy
Dis may', v. to affright ; n. terrour
Dis miss', v. to discharge, discard
Dis mis'sion, n. a discharge
Dis o bè di ence, n. a breach of duty
Dis ò bè di ènt, a. undutiful
Dis & bey', v. to transgress, not to do
Dis order, n. confusion; sickness; v.
to disturb, ruffle; make sick
Dis pêl', v. to drive away
Dis pense, v. to distribute; excuse
Dis pên'ser, n. a distributer
Dis pèrse', v. to scatter, separate
Dis play', v. to show; n. exhibition
Dis please', v. to offend, vex
Dis pleasure, [s like zh] n. offence
Dis posål, n. management
Dis pose', v. to sell; to incline
Dis po'ser, n. a distributer
Dis po si'tion, n. method; temper
Dis pro portion, n. unsuitableness, in-
equality; v. to mismatch
Dis pu ta'tion, n. argumentation
Dis pate', n. debate; v. to discuss
Dis quali fy, v. to make unfit
Dis quiet, v. to disturb, fret
Dis què tude, n. uneasiness

Di vån', n. the Ottoman grand council
Di'vèrs, a. several, sundry
Di vêr'si fy, v. to vary, alter
Di vêrs! tỷ, n. variety

Di vêr'sion, n. sport, turning aside
Di vêrt', v. to turn aside; entertain
Di vêst', v, to strip, dispossess
Di vide', v. to part, separate
Di vine', a. godlike; n. a minister of
the gospel; v. to foretell
Divin'i ty, n. the Deity; the science
of divine things; theology
Di vis ion, [dè vizh'un] n. dividing
D8, v. to act, perform

Do cili tý, n. aptness to be taught
Doc'tor, n. a title in divinity, law,
physick, &c. a physician
Doctrine, n. precept, maxim
Doer, n. one that does any thing
Dog, n. a domestick animal
Dog'må tize, v. to assert positively
Dò måin', n. dominion, empire
Dôme, n. a building, cupola
Do mês/tick,a. belonging to the house,
private; n. a servant
Do min'ion, [i like y] n. power; terri
Doom, v. to sentence; n. destiny
|Dooms/dày, n. the day of judgement

Door, n. the gate of a house
Door keep er, n. a porter
Double, a. twofold; v. to make doub-
le; to fold; n. twice as much
Doubly, ad. twice the quantity
Doubt, v. to question; n. suspense
Doubt fül, a. uncertain

Doubt less, a. and ad. without doubt
Dove, n. a sort of pigeon
Dowå går, n. a widow with a dowery
or jointure

Down, n. soft feathers; pr. along a
descent; ad. on the ground
Down'wård, ad. from higher to lower
Dow'ný, a. covered with down
Drag, v. to pull along by force
Drag'on, n. a serpent, devil
Drain, v. to draw off gradually; n. a
channel to carry off water
Draught, n. quantity; delineation
Draw, v. to pull; to describe
Drawĺ, v. to speak slowly
Dread, n. fear; mighty; v. to fear
Dreadful, a. terrible, horrid
Dream, n. thoughts in sleep; v. to
think in sleep, imagine
Drèa'ry, a. mournful, dismal
Dregs, n. the sediment
Drench, v. to soak; n. a draught
Drèss, n. clothes, ornaments; v. to
clothe; to cook; to cover a wound
Drift, n. tendency; v. to urge along
Drink, v. to swallow liquors ; n. liquor
Drip, v. to drop down
Drive, v. to force, urge
Driv'el, v. to slaver; n. spittle
Droop, v. to languish, faint

Dwell, v. to inhabit, reside
Dwelling, n. habitation, abode
Dwin'dle, v. to shrink, grow feeble
Dye, v. to colour; n. colour

Each, pro. every one
Ea'ger, [g hard] a. ardent, zealous
Eager ness, [g hard] n. earnestness
Eagle, n. a bird of prey
Eagle eyed, a. sharp-sighted [corn
Ear, n. the organ of hearing; spike of
Earl, n. a title of nobility
Early, a. and ad. soon, betimes
Earn, v. to gain by labour
Ear'nest, a. ardent; n. seriousness
Earth, n. mould, land; the globe
Earth'ly, a. of this world, vile
Earth'quàke, n. tremour of the earth
Ease, n. rest, quiet; v. to relieve
East, n. quarter where the sun rises
Ea'stern, a. belonging to the east
Ea'sy, a. not difficult; quiet
Eat, v. to take food, devour
Ebb, v. to flow back; n. a flowing back
Ec cên'trick, a. deviating from the
centre, irregular, incoherent
Ech'b, resound; n. return of sound
E clipse', n. an obscuration of a lumi-
nary; v. to darken, cloud
E côn'o mý, n. frugality

Edge, n. the sharp part of a blade Ed'Ifice, n. a building, fabrick Ed u cate, [êd'jà kåte] v. to instruct Ed u ca tion, [êd jù kà'shůn] n. in

struction, formation of manners E duce', v. to bring out, extract Ef face', v. to blot out, destroy

Drop, v. to let fall, to fall in drops; n. Effect', v. to perform; n. consequence

a small quantity of liquid Drove, n. a herd of cattle Drown, v. to suffocate in water Drow'sy, a. sleepy, stupid Drudge, v. to labour in meanly Drug, n. a medicinal simple Dry, a. arid; v. to free from moisture Dac'tile, a. flexible, pliable Due, a. owed; n. a debt; right Dake, n. a title next below a prince Dall, a. stupid, slow; v. to blunt Du'ly, ad. properly, exactly Důmb, a. mute, silent Dungeon, n. a dark prison Dù ra ble, c. lasting, strong Dù ration, n. continuance, time Dù'ring, pr. the time of continuance Disk, n. tendency to darkness Dåsk'y, a. tending to darkness Důst, n. earth dried to a powder Düs'tý, a. clouded with dust Dù'te ous, or [da'tshe is] a. obedient Da'ty, nobligation; a tax

Ef fec'tú ål, [t like tsh] a. powerful
Ef fêm'l nå cy, n. delicacy

Ef fèm'i nåte, a. womanish, tender
Effi cå cy, n. ability to effect
Effort, n. attempt, struggle
Effulgence, n. lustre, brightness
Ef fu'sion, [ef fù'zhůn] n. the act of
pouring out; waste

Egg, n. the production of fowls
E grèss', n. the act of going out
Eight, a. twice four
Eighteen, a. twice nine
Ei'THêr, pro. one or the other
E låte', a. lofty; v. to exalt, swell
Elbow, n. the bend of the arm
El'dêr, n. name of a tree; a. older
El'dêst, a. the oldest, first born
E lêct', v. to choose, select
El'è gånce, n. neatness, beauty
El'è gan cỳ, without grandeur
El'è gint, a. beautiful, nice
El'è gy, n. a mournful song
El è mèn'tå rỷ, a. not compounded

El'è mènt, n. a first principle; the four
elements, are earth, air, fire, and
water; proper habitation
Elle våte, v. to exalt, dignify
El è và tion, n. exaltation, height
E lêv'en, a. ten and one
El'i gi ble, a. fit to be chosen
El ò cù'tion, n. fluency of speech
El'ò quênce, n. speaking with fluency
El'ò quent, a. oratorical
Else, ad. otherwise, besides
E là ci dåte, v. to explain
E lude', v. to avoid by artifice

E mån'ci pâte, v. to free from slavery
Em bárk', v. to go on shipboard
Em bår råss ment, n. perplexity
Em bel'lish, v. to adorn
Em bêz/zle, v. to steal privately
Em'blêm, n. a representation, device
Em brace', v. to hold fondly in the
arms; comprise; n. a clasp, hug
Em bröl'der f, n. a kind of variegated

Em'brý d, n. a thing unfinished
E merge', v. to rise out of

E mêr gen cy, n. a rising out of
Em'i něnce, n. loftiness, top
Em'l nênt, u. high, dignified
Em'is så ry, n. a spy, secret agent
E mit', v. to discharge, issue

E mo'tion, n. vehemence of passion
Em'pêr år, n. a title superiour to king
Em'pha sis, n. a forcible stress laid on
a word or sentence

Em phât câl, a. forcible
Em plåt/ick,

Empire, n. imperial power
Em'pi rick, n. a pretended physician
Em ploy, v. to keep at work
Em ploy mènt, n. business
Emp'ty, a. not full, void
Em'à late, v. to rival, imitate
Em à la tion, n. rivalry, strife
En å'ble, v. to make able

En chânt', v. to charm, bewitch
En chânt'mênt, n. magical charms
En circle, [t like è] v. to enclose
En close', . to surround, fence in
En com'påss, v. to encircle

En counter, v. to fight; n. a battle
En cour'åge, [å like ?] v. to animate
En croach', v. to invade

En croach'mënt, n. an intrusion
En cuin bêr, v. to embarrass, cloy
En cy ciò pé di å, n. the whole circle
of sciences, the round of learning
End, n. conclusion; v. to terminate
En dån går, v. to bring into peril
En dèar', v. to render dear
En deavour, v. to strive; n. effort
Endless, a. without end

Endow, v. to give a portion
En dow'mênt, n. wealth given
En due', v. to supply with grace
En dùre', v. to bear, sustain
En'è my, n. a foe, adversary
En'er gy, n. power, force
E nêr våte, v. to weaken
En force', v. to force, strengthen
En gåge', v. to embark; employ
En gen'der, v. to beget, produce
En'gine, n. a machine; agent
En'glish, [e like i] a. relating to the
country, people, or language of Eng-

En gråve', v. to cut characters
En gròss', v. to monopolize; to write
a fair copy

En hånce', v. to advance, raise
En join', v. to order, direct
Enjoy, v. to delight in
En joy'mênt, n. happiness, pleasure
En large, v. to increase, swell
En large'mênt, n. an increase
En ligh'ten, v. to illuminate
En I'ven, v. to make lively
En/ml tỷ, n. malice, ill will
En noble, v. to dignify

E når mois, a. great; wicked
Enough', a. sufficient; n. plenty
En råp'tàre, [t like tsh] v. to transport
with pleasure

En rich', v. to make rich
En rol', v. to record, register
En'sign, n. a flag; an officer
En slave', v. to deprive of liberty
En sùe', v. to follow, succeed
En sure, [ên shure'] v. to indemnify
En tàil', v. to fix or settle an estate

En tån'gle, v. to ensnare, twist
En'têr, v. to go or come into
En'tèr prise, n. an undertaking
En têr tåin', v. to talk with, treat,
keep; to amuse, divert

En tèr tàin'mênt, n. reception, fare;

amusement, diversion [imagination En thu'si asm. [si like zhè] n. heat of En thu'si åst, [si like zhè] n. one of a hot credulous imagination En tice', v. to allure, invite En tire', a. whole, undivided En title, v. to give a right to En'trance, n. passage, admission En trance', v. to put into a trance En treat', v. to beg earnestly En treaty, n. a request, petition En vel op, v. to fold, cover

En ve lope, [on vẻ lope'] n. a wrapper En vi ous, a. malicious, full of envy En'vý, n. vexation at another's good; v. to grieve at another's good

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